Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Spreading My Wings

It's kinda like that first day of school feeling.

Where you're excited for the new year, for the new classes, new teachers, new peers. But at the same time you're really nervous because you don't yet know if this year will be a good year or a bad year. 

It's a new chapter.

A new beginning.

As I accepted the position to become a manager at my workplace yesterday.

Which after 8 years of working in the same position...many of my friends/family/coworkers are saying "About Time!" lol 

As it feels like at least 2 or 3 times a year for the past 6 or so years...I've been asked if I want to step up into the manager position.

And until this point I've said no.

As I was rather happy being in my position as basically a step below manager.
I loved being in my department. Working with the animals. Cleaning cages.

But in the past little while I've been feeling a bit of discontent. Wondering if I really wanted to stay in this position...when I had more experience than many of my managers over me and I ended up training my managers on how to do their job. 

Honestly I'd begun feeling like a Crutch to the managers over me.

Where they end up relying on me more than they probably should because I knew more about things than they did because I'd been there longer and therefore could do a ton of things faster and easier than others in the store.

And when my manager asked me if there was anyone in the store who I thought would be qualified to take over as the new manager over me....I couldn't really think of anyone but me to take the spot.

And perhaps sensing that they had a chance to convince me, the head manager continued talking to me about why they thought I would be a good fit as manager and going over various points I'd brought up and showed me that my fears weren't as big as they were.

Like I already knew that I knew how to do a lot of my manager's job.

I mean after 8 years I've picked up quite a lot.

And while I was worried about having to work night shifts....having worked night shifts during the pandemic showed me it wasn't so bad and if I was only doing it once or twice a week it would probably be manageable for me. 

And while I was worried about how high stress being a manager could Head Manager reassured me that they thought I would be able to handle stress quite well, as they felt that situations I encounter on a nearly daily basis in my department were just as stressful if not moreso than the rest of the store.

Lol and of course...being told how much of a pay raise I could get, plus the potential to get bonuses from work...was also influential.

But while more money can always be helpful.

I mostly was swayed because I was feeling the need to spread my wings a bit more. Take a few steps away from the nest and flutter about so to speak. And knowing that I was pretty much already doing most of the manager's job...helped to convince me that I might as well get the title and the pay raise if I'm already doing a lot of the work.

Lol I think a lot of people are happy for me to be taking such a step.

Many have mentioned how they feel like I'm the most qualified person to take the position and that they know I'll do well. 
Lol while the newbie coworkers we've hired in the past month were like "Yay!!" lol because honestly a lot of the had thought I was a manager already.....a common thought because I am so confident at my job.

So yah.

It's gonna be an adventure, learning the ropes of being a manager. Dealing with that whole new basket of stress.

But I'm confident I'll do well. And I know I have a good team with me so I'm sure that I'll have a good support system to fall back on if I encounter situations I'm not sure on how to handle.

Though this week is kinda a....grey period? As I'm officially a manager...but I have none of the training. XD lol. I think I'm gonna be starting that next week, but it could be within the next couple of days as well.

We'll see how it all plays out.

But I'm nervous/excited about the new possibilities. :) 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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