Saturday, January 1, 2022

Going Out

So. Lunch. 

I have a manager who more often than not, chooses to go out and find something to eat for their lunchbreak. 

It's not something I've often done myself. Honestly it's only like...maybe once or twice a year that I actively choose to leave work in search of food. Mostly because I have food with me...and I hate the tight timeframe that half an hour places upon me. I don't want to be late to things and chances are higher than not that I will be late if I try to go places....even though there are multiple food places within like five minutes of work.

In any case.

Today, VP Manager came over the radio asking if I wanted food from a specific food place.

It's not often that they want to grab food for me. Occasionally they like to buy sodas for everyone. But when it comes to food, usually VP manager just grabs it for Head Manager.

And the place they wanted to go....was one that I haven't eaten from in a good...well ten years. Not since college. They serve these super long hotdogs. Hot dogs that I can eat...but I'm not overly fond of the taste of. 

Still. VP was offering to buy lunch for me. So like...why refuse a hot meal?

I agreed....only it turned into "Hey why don't we both go grab lunch!" 

....Normally we try to avoid having people take lunch at the same time in order to give the store as much coverage as possible. So I expressed my doubts on doing so today.

But VP was like "We have another manager here, three cashiers, and a petcare person. That's five people Plus Us. And the store is basically dead right now. We're extra bodies. Lets go." 

Lol after double checking with our third manager if that would be okay, we took off to go find food. VP went to my car....
I hadn't been expecting to drive...but I suppose if they were buying me lunch, it would be only fair to be the one driving to the food place. *shakes head* At least I was prepared enough that I had my keys with me, else...that would have been semi awkward. :S 

In any case.
We ended up at Noodles & Co instead because when we dropped by the other place it looked like it was still closed.

And Noodles was right across the parking lot. So we ventured there instead.

I gotta say. It was rather nice to get out and away from work for a bit to eat a hot meal. ^^;; lol and I got to try some food at Noodles that I've never had before and surprisingly (because I'm a picky eater) I really enjoyed it. ^^;;

I don't know if this is going to become a trend for 2022, but it was a good day to start off the first day of the year and the first shift of the year at work. ^^;;

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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