Friday, January 14, 2022

It's In The Numbers

 I probably get it from my mom/mom's side of the family.

But I have a bit of a fascination with numbers. 

Nothing major enough to convince me to go into the field like Mother Dearest did.

But I do like to...idk....make patterns. Keep track of trends. That sort of thing.

For a while on my drive to work.

There was this billboard that I would pass by every morning.

It was a sign talking about Drug Overdoses. And it had this little electronic sign on it where every week it would update, telling the passing drivers how many people had died in our state from drug overdoses this year.

Probably a bit of a morbid thing to pay attention to.

But it was the numbers that fascinated me. 

Watching every week to see how how much higher it would climb. Noting what times of years and around what holidays that the numbers would jump or stay pretty much the same. 

Mentally calculating as I drove by what the average number of people a day that would be. -It hovered around 3 people a day most of the time-

And hoping as the end of the year drew see that number stay under a 1,000 and to not cross that threshold.

The sign was around for a couple of years at least. Maybe 3 or 4? I'm not sure.

I do know that it vanished towards the end of last year. 

Which was sad in the number sense of I was waiting to see if that 1,000 death threshold would be passed or not to see if the year would be worse or better than the year before.

Of course....with a temple being built not far away from this sign. 

I can see that billboards talking about death and drug overdoses and such wouldn't bring the best....spirit to the area.

And probably after multiple years of it being had probably become wallpaper to most people. Driving by without seeing it.

In any case.

The sign changed.

It's now a billboard for some website that sells Scriptures. Ones with different colored bindings. You can buy the Quad in red or blue or yellow or green....all the colors. 

Which, I do admit. I did go check out that website. Mostly because I misread the sign a bit and thought that it was more of a "Color Me" scripture thing. Where could follow specific directions and color in certain passages with certain colors to create images....Honestly I'm not sure.

But I thought it was something more interesting than "Look it's the scriptures but the outside is RED!" And as I've been lowkey looking for something to inspire me to be more proactive in reading my scriptures....I checked it out.

Didn't buy one though.

In any case.

This Colored Scriptures sign kept the electronic billboard. 

And it now shows how many of thier books people have bought this year.

lol As you can imagine. Quite a few were bought during the first week of January as people start their new year goals of wanting to read the scriptures more. 

And compared to the overdose sign that would update once a week....this sign updates everyday. 

So the numbers are climbing faster than I can keep track of it as they don't stay the same for more than a day or two before they jump up.

But yah.

Just one of those random observations....where I'm fascinated by numbers and how things trend. ^^;; Yah....

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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