Tuesday, January 18, 2022

So. Dumb.

People....people can be so dumb sometimes....and yet they think they're smart.

I had a customer call the store today. A bit after 7pm. For a curbside pickup.

Now. We don't do curbside after 7pm. That's the cut off time. If customers come after that time for their online orders, they then need to come into the store and grab it from there. 

But before I could inform this customer about that.

They proceeded to tell me. "I'm Covid Positive" 


You mean to tell me.....that you're Positive for Covid. And instead of QUARANTINING in your FREAKING HOUSE like you're SUPPOSED to. You Chose to Drive out in Public to grab some food you ordered online?! 


Like....How stupid can you get.

Yes. If you stay in your car that does limit your ability to expose yourself to other people.


That's what doordash is for. That's what neighbors and family are for. HAVE THEM COME GET YOUR FREAKING ORDER. And STOP RISKING poor workers lives because you're a freaking idiot who can't bear to stay home.

Like. Seriously. So many people are getting sick from the virus. SO MANY. and I'm certain that a lot of them could have been prevented if people would have just STAYED HOME like this customer should have done.

But nooooooo.

Like we had 40,000 people test positive this weekend. FORTY THOUSAND. 

And here this customer is, expecting us to come up to their car and give them their order??


I mean. I wasn't in the mood to be yelled at if I told them "I'm sorry we can't bring the order to you after 7 you need to send someone to get it tomorrow" because people be like that. So I quickly grabbed their order, went to the back of their car that they'd left open, dropped in their freaking bag of dog food, and left as quickly as I could. Because I didn't want to be anywhere near this person.

Especially because they weren't even wearing a freaking mask.

Like if you're making someone else approach your sick freaking self then you should have at least have had the decency to COVER YOUR FACE so that it minimizes the chances of exposure even further.

Like I was still a good six feet away from them. I barely was there for five seconds. I was outside. I had my mask on.

But there's a tiny part of me worried that THIS is how I'll end up catching the virus.

From an idiot who couldn't stay home. XP 

I mean, I've had closer encounters with people who ended up testing positive and I've still ended up negative. But that doesn't mean I want to press my freaking luck.


People can be soo stupid some times.

Thinking only of themselves and not about the other people they could be affecting. XP 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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