A way that will hopefully give you a glimpse inside the mind of the author, and help you see the world in a slightly different light.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Heat Pack Injury
A quick lesson.
Heat packs are awesome for getting rid of aches and pains.
But be careful when putting extremely hot hot packs on bare skin.
^^;; Heh.
You see, I hurt my forearm last night.
When I went fencing and a friend wacked me pretty hard in the midst of our duel.
You can tell its a hard whack when its still just as painful a day later as when I first got hit with it.
So I went to the regular standby.
A heat pack.
Only...I guess I microwaved it too hot.
-by microwaving it once. Using it for a bit then microwaving it again when it was loosing heat.
Apparently that second time...
Got it really hot.
Because I could feel it burning on my skin.
But I couldn't tell if this was really really hot.
Or if my skin was just super sensitive.
I think it was a little bit of both.
Because after leaving the heatpack home and doing other things for forty five minutes...
I looked at the injury. And saw that it was all blotchy red.
It was as wide as my hand.
Red marks surrounded by white.
It didn't hurt (beyond the first injury) and it didn't itch.
Soo it wasn't a rash. wasn't anything else.
We kinda figured that I scalded my skin. :S
I got all the skin cells too hot and they were in panic mode.
"HELP!!" (turns red)
heh. Needless to say I didn't use the heat pack for the rest of the night.
And the...nearly sunburned looking skin.
Now is back to its normal pale color.
Still painful
But no longer feeling like its under attack.
The injury and the heat pack have made friends again lol :)
However. I've learned a lesson.
Placing hot things on bare skin.
Does not bode well.
If it hurts when you put the heat on it.....then its burning you.
haha :)
At least the 'damage' wasn't lasting :)
My skin cells have recovered ^^
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I woke up in the middle of the night and opened my eyes. In my room I saw a blue glowing human face. I didn't want to deal with it, so I closed my eyes and went back to sleep, but I was awakened later with the same blue spirit there. Somehow I ended delving into this spirit's past, and found out her name was Marissa Flynn (Fletcher Flynn, other F..... Flynn names) She was a beautiful young woman who went into a house for shelter one night, and ended up being killed. The garbage man picked up her naked body and carelessly tossed it on the otherside of a bench so the limbs splayed out every which way, barely covereed with a cloak/blanket. I was told this story by my mom as she helped me in my bedroom to...pack I think it was. We ended outside at a ward breakfast party to get food, and I was trying to put the healthy cereals -life, cheerios- among others together and to get enough food ready for all the guests, while Marissa Flynn tried to take out some sort of revenge on the party....
When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Friday, June 29, 2012
Remembering Drifter
It's always hard to lose a friend.
Especially if you weren't expecting their passing.
Yesterday evening I was told that our kittycat Drifter....
had been found in the garden, curled up like he'd just gone to sleep.
Y_Y It hit me hard.
Tears and everything.
He'd looked pretty fine when I'd last seen him.
Though he'd gotten super skinny...I'd hoped that it was from the heat wave and he'd just shed a lot of fur. We knew there was something wrong with him...as he'd eat and eat but not gain any weight.
In any case...I didn't have a very happy evening last night.
I'd raised Drifter from a kitten, taming him.
He and his brother Ecli (short for Eclipse. he was fully black)
Were the mellowest cats ever. Always hanging out in our front yard, waiting to be fed or given attention. I thought they would live forever because they stayed in our yard.
They were super cute together these brothers.
But Ecli disappeared one day and didn't come back.
Now Drifter is gone.
Leaving us with just Dove -the mother- as the outside cat.
I wonder...how she must feel to continuously out live her children.
She's had so many litters over the years, and I don't know if any of those other litters are still living.
There is the possibility that Jag (short for Jaguar) is still around. Totally gone feral.
Right now she has a kitten she's raising. (Whisker)
*sighs* But how sad must it be for her, to have her son go?
Its super sad for me. Moreso with Drifter.
Why? Because I know for a fact that he won't be coming back....Dad found the body.
All the other cats just disappear. So I don't know if they're dead or still alive...
Y_Y But I miss them all. Mourn all their disappearances. Because I have such an emotional attachment to them.
lol I tamed them. Insisted on feeding them. Hung out with them. They were like friends and I look forward to seeing my kitty cats every time I come home.
lol I guess you could say that I'm kinda a cat whisperer. A cat tamer?
I feel a bond with those feline friends.
I hope Drifter is happier now. With catnip and cat friends to play with to his hearts content.
Rest in Peace Drifter. Rest in Peace.
I shall miss thee.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
We were on a rescue mission, Kikay, Meralto and I.
We drove up from college town on two motorcycle/bikes -me on one, Kikay driving the other with Meralto behind. We were going to a factory to rescue the father of someone. It was kinda like Perry the Platypus, but an Otter. This factory was using animals as part of the machines to do things. The Otter we were rescuing was standing in the line of long boards -kinda like those currents that you draw across big windows like glass doors to the patio with the boards facing vertical instead of horizontal. He was getting hit by those brown board like things 'cleaning them' off as they hit against him. There was also a goose type creature as well we were looking for. We found the factory and managed to sneak inside to the workers (now human) and rescue them. Particularly there was a character named Ben. I think he might have driven up from college town with us, but he was a tall lanky dude who was a bit awkward and low on self confidence but desperate to help. We managed to find the people we were looking for and rescued the rest of the poor people. Many of them had disabilities. There was this girl with down syndrome that we rescued and I think her 'tender' the woman in charge tried to come with us as we tried to drive away, but my car was acting up. If I turned the key wrong it was like the car was just in neutral position and wouldn't speed up to drive our getaway. So we ended up slowly driving in the parking lot of the church going around the front and back around the side to the hill where I spotted Patrick. I spotted his wife earlier in the drive around though I didn't know if they were still married, but I pulled over and offered to give him a ride back down to his home in North College town. I don't know if he got into the car, but we ended up getting distracted with a news bit that we were the 'evil' guys taking potential workers away from the factory. These people with disabilities helped out with simple tasks like getting coffee or fetching candy from the candy machine which one person said 'they can't function without' and that they were helping the job index the FDA or something to be lower then the national average and that by 'freeing' the workers we weren't doing them any favors and making the ratings worse.
On the run we stopped by my parents home for a quick break. The down syndrome girl and woman disappeared inside and didn't come out again. We decided that she was staying inside. My cousins Kjersti and her husband and daughter drove up in my dad's truck. -they'd been helping us out. And said that 'this had been fun' but that they needed to get back home and put their little one asleep. I gave them the go ahead to do that as we waited in my car for my siblings to show up. They finally did come out of the house and got in the car. We were waiting to see if Ben would come back out as well....but he didn't. Then all these guys...like gangsters started showing up at our house and going inside. I didn't like this at all. So I took the initiative and started the car trying to speed away, but the car just glided along the road, not going very fast, so I had to stop it at Kingdom drive to turn it off and then on again so we could go speeding away, I did a U-turn back past the house with Meralto besides me and we saw this giant black shape floating in the sky. At first glance it looked like a body with the body horizontal and the legs hanging down more vertical with hands tied together and feet tied together in a large black garbage bag. For a moment I feared that the bad guys had killed Ben, but one of my siblings made a grab for the floating black object and discovered it was a huge teddy bear that we thought belonged to Kjersti's family. We left it laying on our Neighbor Leo's hedge and took off. Kikay sitting behind me on the motorcycle and Meralto on his own by himself. We couldn't wait any longer for Ben wherever he went, we were being hunted so we had to go. But the ride wasn't easy. Kikay and I struggled to get in sync enough to lean into the turns so that we could turn. Also when I rode off I had a stuffed animal tan colored dog gripped tightly in my left hand. -it was given to me by my parents last Christmas in my stocking.- and I hadn't put it away before we began riding away, so it was held in my grip as I tried to hold onto the handle bars waiting for the moment when we would stop at a light so that I could stick it in my jacket pocket instead. Kikay and I still struggled to turn, it felt like she was leaning backwards trying to drag me off the bike whenever we made the turn, and when we stopped she would get off which was bad because the lights were changing to green rather quickly. I managed to move my stuff animal into a jacket pocket at the light where we wait to turn onto the old highway to get onto the highway. Meralto was ahead of me. Kikay got off for a bit, but hurriedly got back on as the light changed to green. I shot off peddling as hard as I could but it seemed like Kikay's weight wasn't helping any. I wondered how Meralto and Kikay had managed to ride up here in the first place, because I remembered they'd come up together. We pulled off to the side where there was a black tar path that was very steep next to the road, because this definitely wasn't working. So we were parked in the dirt trying to figure out how to get back home. I didn't remember it being this tough and out of the dusty fog walked my parents coming home from work. The bus had dropped them off near the freeway entrance and they'd walked up the hill to the light in their respective work clothes. I was so relieved to see them...
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Especially if you weren't expecting their passing.
Yesterday evening I was told that our kittycat Drifter....
had been found in the garden, curled up like he'd just gone to sleep.
Y_Y It hit me hard.
Tears and everything.
He'd looked pretty fine when I'd last seen him.
Though he'd gotten super skinny...I'd hoped that it was from the heat wave and he'd just shed a lot of fur. We knew there was something wrong with him...as he'd eat and eat but not gain any weight.
In any case...I didn't have a very happy evening last night.
I'd raised Drifter from a kitten, taming him.
He and his brother Ecli (short for Eclipse. he was fully black)
Were the mellowest cats ever. Always hanging out in our front yard, waiting to be fed or given attention. I thought they would live forever because they stayed in our yard.
They were super cute together these brothers.
But Ecli disappeared one day and didn't come back.
Now Drifter is gone.
Leaving us with just Dove -the mother- as the outside cat.
I wonder...how she must feel to continuously out live her children.
She's had so many litters over the years, and I don't know if any of those other litters are still living.
There is the possibility that Jag (short for Jaguar) is still around. Totally gone feral.
Right now she has a kitten she's raising. (Whisker)
*sighs* But how sad must it be for her, to have her son go?
Its super sad for me. Moreso with Drifter.
Why? Because I know for a fact that he won't be coming back....Dad found the body.
All the other cats just disappear. So I don't know if they're dead or still alive...
Y_Y But I miss them all. Mourn all their disappearances. Because I have such an emotional attachment to them.
lol I tamed them. Insisted on feeding them. Hung out with them. They were like friends and I look forward to seeing my kitty cats every time I come home.
lol I guess you could say that I'm kinda a cat whisperer. A cat tamer?
I feel a bond with those feline friends.
I hope Drifter is happier now. With catnip and cat friends to play with to his hearts content.
Rest in Peace Drifter. Rest in Peace.
I shall miss thee.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
We were on a rescue mission, Kikay, Meralto and I.
We drove up from college town on two motorcycle/bikes -me on one, Kikay driving the other with Meralto behind. We were going to a factory to rescue the father of someone. It was kinda like Perry the Platypus, but an Otter. This factory was using animals as part of the machines to do things. The Otter we were rescuing was standing in the line of long boards -kinda like those currents that you draw across big windows like glass doors to the patio with the boards facing vertical instead of horizontal. He was getting hit by those brown board like things 'cleaning them' off as they hit against him. There was also a goose type creature as well we were looking for. We found the factory and managed to sneak inside to the workers (now human) and rescue them. Particularly there was a character named Ben. I think he might have driven up from college town with us, but he was a tall lanky dude who was a bit awkward and low on self confidence but desperate to help. We managed to find the people we were looking for and rescued the rest of the poor people. Many of them had disabilities. There was this girl with down syndrome that we rescued and I think her 'tender' the woman in charge tried to come with us as we tried to drive away, but my car was acting up. If I turned the key wrong it was like the car was just in neutral position and wouldn't speed up to drive our getaway. So we ended up slowly driving in the parking lot of the church going around the front and back around the side to the hill where I spotted Patrick. I spotted his wife earlier in the drive around though I didn't know if they were still married, but I pulled over and offered to give him a ride back down to his home in North College town. I don't know if he got into the car, but we ended up getting distracted with a news bit that we were the 'evil' guys taking potential workers away from the factory. These people with disabilities helped out with simple tasks like getting coffee or fetching candy from the candy machine which one person said 'they can't function without' and that they were helping the job index the FDA or something to be lower then the national average and that by 'freeing' the workers we weren't doing them any favors and making the ratings worse.
On the run we stopped by my parents home for a quick break. The down syndrome girl and woman disappeared inside and didn't come out again. We decided that she was staying inside. My cousins Kjersti and her husband and daughter drove up in my dad's truck. -they'd been helping us out. And said that 'this had been fun' but that they needed to get back home and put their little one asleep. I gave them the go ahead to do that as we waited in my car for my siblings to show up. They finally did come out of the house and got in the car. We were waiting to see if Ben would come back out as well....but he didn't. Then all these guys...like gangsters started showing up at our house and going inside. I didn't like this at all. So I took the initiative and started the car trying to speed away, but the car just glided along the road, not going very fast, so I had to stop it at Kingdom drive to turn it off and then on again so we could go speeding away, I did a U-turn back past the house with Meralto besides me and we saw this giant black shape floating in the sky. At first glance it looked like a body with the body horizontal and the legs hanging down more vertical with hands tied together and feet tied together in a large black garbage bag. For a moment I feared that the bad guys had killed Ben, but one of my siblings made a grab for the floating black object and discovered it was a huge teddy bear that we thought belonged to Kjersti's family. We left it laying on our Neighbor Leo's hedge and took off. Kikay sitting behind me on the motorcycle and Meralto on his own by himself. We couldn't wait any longer for Ben wherever he went, we were being hunted so we had to go. But the ride wasn't easy. Kikay and I struggled to get in sync enough to lean into the turns so that we could turn. Also when I rode off I had a stuffed animal tan colored dog gripped tightly in my left hand. -it was given to me by my parents last Christmas in my stocking.- and I hadn't put it away before we began riding away, so it was held in my grip as I tried to hold onto the handle bars waiting for the moment when we would stop at a light so that I could stick it in my jacket pocket instead. Kikay and I still struggled to turn, it felt like she was leaning backwards trying to drag me off the bike whenever we made the turn, and when we stopped she would get off which was bad because the lights were changing to green rather quickly. I managed to move my stuff animal into a jacket pocket at the light where we wait to turn onto the old highway to get onto the highway. Meralto was ahead of me. Kikay got off for a bit, but hurriedly got back on as the light changed to green. I shot off peddling as hard as I could but it seemed like Kikay's weight wasn't helping any. I wondered how Meralto and Kikay had managed to ride up here in the first place, because I remembered they'd come up together. We pulled off to the side where there was a black tar path that was very steep next to the road, because this definitely wasn't working. So we were parked in the dirt trying to figure out how to get back home. I didn't remember it being this tough and out of the dusty fog walked my parents coming home from work. The bus had dropped them off near the freeway entrance and they'd walked up the hill to the light in their respective work clothes. I was so relieved to see them...
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Pottermore Duels
I have a random question for you gamers out there.
Do you make up your own code of conduct for when you fight someone?
Like there a certain moves you make to certain opponents?
Well...I do.
Specifically when I'm dueling...on Pottermore.
If you haven't been on pottermore yet... :P You should go ^^ It's tons of fun.
Because you can duel other houses for points.
-you know with wands and spells.-
At the moment the spells all have different levels
Weak spells, Medium spells, Strong spells.
Of course, mostly everyone uses the Strongest Spell -the Full Body Bind in dueling.
But there are a select few, namely the newcomers, who don't always use the Full Body Bind when first dueling, either because they haven't found that spellbook yet, or they haven't realized it's the strongest spell...or they just haven't figured out how to get the spell to its strongest point.
For me...my 'code of conduct' is to not use the Full Body Bind when I first duel.
If I choose to challenge a friend I usually use the Tickling Hex -because it's fun to tickle people ;)
As my first spell.
For dueling random people in other houses I just pick one of the other spells that isn't full body bind to be my first spell. Just in case I did end up dueling someone who used a weaker spell.
-Because as luck would have it in those random duels...using the strongest spell...my opponent uses a weaker spell more often then not. Which is not fun. For them and I feel like its a hollow victory for me.
So I use other spells.
Recently since the house cup will be awarded in another weak...I've kept to the stronger spells, but not the body bind. After the house cup is awarded I'll go back to just picking random spells..
In any case...going with a weaker spell as my first spell...is hardly ever successful for me lol.
Everyone uses the body bind. But I give them the benefit of the doubt. :)
So the rest of my code of conduct in a nutshell.
Use weaker spells for the 'first duel'
If the other guy messes up on the spell and gets a low score, challenge them again so they can have another go at it.
If the guy is obviously new to casting spells then help them to get better by challenging them with spells that match what they're dueling.
If I get a full body bind cast upon me. IT. IS. ON. I will duel you and body bind you until I am proven the victor of the duel.
In any case. I will duel you until I am the winner. :)
....or you stop responding to my challenges. lol.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
For my birthday, my dad gave me two tanks full of snakes and different types of fish -gold fish, betas, guppies, among others- One tank was smaller then the other, and I decided to switch out the tanks so that the fish were in the bigger one and the snakes were in the smaller one. Both were full of water, but the snakes didn't seem to mind. There were so many different ones. A red one that liked to bite. A black one that could flatten itself, two small snakes with banded colors that were 'shortened' snakes, small worm like ones that were a light tan brown color, among others. I had to reach into the tanks to grab the snakes, and use nets to get the fish out. The red one bit me. But I really liked holding the twin small banded short snakes. In the middle of the switcharoo I realized that there were more snakes then fish, and the snails in the original fish tank would be a problem to the snakes. But then the snakes started being difficult. Trying to escape from their tank, which was easy to do because the lid was ill fitting to the rest of the tank, it was too big, so there was a gap that the snakes could slither through if they climbed to the top of the tank, which many of the snakes did. So I tried to do containment on them, as my brother set up a specific tank for the red snake -as it was the most dangerous and the most likely to bite in a wire cage held together with duct tape. I managed to get one of the browner snakes into thee cage with the red one, but then the twin short snakes escaped from the tank and went down the drain with a few other smaller snakes. I grabbed the twin short snakes out of the drain, carefully pulling their green striped bodies back out because I didn't want to lose my favorite snakes and I worried that I was going to pull them apart, but I managed to get them out, as well as gather up a bunch of small brown thin worm like snakes. However, I suddenly realized, that the black snake that can flatten itself...was missing. I really liked this snake as well, so me and a couple other friends went into the forest to look for this black snake because it was a favorite of mine as well. And I didn't want to lose it. I didn't want the snake to disappear into the wild where it could be hurt. We walked along the trail, and my companions were being rather noisy. I was trying to walk quietly so we wouldn't startle the black snake away and told the others to do the same, but they ignored me. Up ahead I saw a group of people walking ahead of us, we walked along the forest path, nearby a creek and we stopped in a glen area. I was sitting on top of a huge tree trunk/rock with a sharp drop off to the hollow below. With no sign of the black snake. And talked to the hippie/dungeondragonmasters about them seeing a black snake. The tall guy with long brown hair said that he had come across the snake and moved it back up the trail. We followed his directions and went up a side trail with a nice clear dirt path and in my backyard...found the black snake. :( dead. We had hoped that it wasn't but when it was picked up...the snake had no head. Perhaps it was still alive. I hoped it was still alive because I couldn't quite tell if it actually had no head, but then one of the others perhaps my brother found the head and matched it up to the rest of the snake that had its tail missing as well. :( I was heartbroken that this black snake had suffered so because I hadn't been able to watch him...
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Do you make up your own code of conduct for when you fight someone?
Like there a certain moves you make to certain opponents?
Well...I do.
Specifically when I'm dueling...on Pottermore.
If you haven't been on pottermore yet... :P You should go ^^ It's tons of fun.
Because you can duel other houses for points.
-you know with wands and spells.-
At the moment the spells all have different levels
Weak spells, Medium spells, Strong spells.
Of course, mostly everyone uses the Strongest Spell -the Full Body Bind in dueling.
But there are a select few, namely the newcomers, who don't always use the Full Body Bind when first dueling, either because they haven't found that spellbook yet, or they haven't realized it's the strongest spell...or they just haven't figured out how to get the spell to its strongest point.
For me...my 'code of conduct' is to not use the Full Body Bind when I first duel.
If I choose to challenge a friend I usually use the Tickling Hex -because it's fun to tickle people ;)
As my first spell.
For dueling random people in other houses I just pick one of the other spells that isn't full body bind to be my first spell. Just in case I did end up dueling someone who used a weaker spell.
-Because as luck would have it in those random duels...using the strongest spell...my opponent uses a weaker spell more often then not. Which is not fun. For them and I feel like its a hollow victory for me.
So I use other spells.
Recently since the house cup will be awarded in another weak...I've kept to the stronger spells, but not the body bind. After the house cup is awarded I'll go back to just picking random spells..
In any case...going with a weaker spell as my first spell...is hardly ever successful for me lol.
Everyone uses the body bind. But I give them the benefit of the doubt. :)
So the rest of my code of conduct in a nutshell.
Use weaker spells for the 'first duel'
If the other guy messes up on the spell and gets a low score, challenge them again so they can have another go at it.
If the guy is obviously new to casting spells then help them to get better by challenging them with spells that match what they're dueling.
If I get a full body bind cast upon me. IT. IS. ON. I will duel you and body bind you until I am proven the victor of the duel.
In any case. I will duel you until I am the winner. :)
....or you stop responding to my challenges. lol.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
For my birthday, my dad gave me two tanks full of snakes and different types of fish -gold fish, betas, guppies, among others- One tank was smaller then the other, and I decided to switch out the tanks so that the fish were in the bigger one and the snakes were in the smaller one. Both were full of water, but the snakes didn't seem to mind. There were so many different ones. A red one that liked to bite. A black one that could flatten itself, two small snakes with banded colors that were 'shortened' snakes, small worm like ones that were a light tan brown color, among others. I had to reach into the tanks to grab the snakes, and use nets to get the fish out. The red one bit me. But I really liked holding the twin small banded short snakes. In the middle of the switcharoo I realized that there were more snakes then fish, and the snails in the original fish tank would be a problem to the snakes. But then the snakes started being difficult. Trying to escape from their tank, which was easy to do because the lid was ill fitting to the rest of the tank, it was too big, so there was a gap that the snakes could slither through if they climbed to the top of the tank, which many of the snakes did. So I tried to do containment on them, as my brother set up a specific tank for the red snake -as it was the most dangerous and the most likely to bite in a wire cage held together with duct tape. I managed to get one of the browner snakes into thee cage with the red one, but then the twin short snakes escaped from the tank and went down the drain with a few other smaller snakes. I grabbed the twin short snakes out of the drain, carefully pulling their green striped bodies back out because I didn't want to lose my favorite snakes and I worried that I was going to pull them apart, but I managed to get them out, as well as gather up a bunch of small brown thin worm like snakes. However, I suddenly realized, that the black snake that can flatten itself...was missing. I really liked this snake as well, so me and a couple other friends went into the forest to look for this black snake because it was a favorite of mine as well. And I didn't want to lose it. I didn't want the snake to disappear into the wild where it could be hurt. We walked along the trail, and my companions were being rather noisy. I was trying to walk quietly so we wouldn't startle the black snake away and told the others to do the same, but they ignored me. Up ahead I saw a group of people walking ahead of us, we walked along the forest path, nearby a creek and we stopped in a glen area. I was sitting on top of a huge tree trunk/rock with a sharp drop off to the hollow below. With no sign of the black snake. And talked to the hippie/dungeondragonmasters about them seeing a black snake. The tall guy with long brown hair said that he had come across the snake and moved it back up the trail. We followed his directions and went up a side trail with a nice clear dirt path and in my backyard...found the black snake. :( dead. We had hoped that it wasn't but when it was picked up...the snake had no head. Perhaps it was still alive. I hoped it was still alive because I couldn't quite tell if it actually had no head, but then one of the others perhaps my brother found the head and matched it up to the rest of the snake that had its tail missing as well. :( I was heartbroken that this black snake had suffered so because I hadn't been able to watch him...
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Jigsawing the KnickKnacks
So, my bedroom has been in the same basic layout for over a year now.
And I was rather content with how everything was organized.
But then....
came Carpet cleaning.
Where I had to totally mess up tons of things to make room for other things so I could get everything off the carpet.
Then came the time for me to put everything back.
ugha soo much effort.
Soo I decided it was the perfect opportunity to...
Switch things around!
Which namely means...moving my knick knacks around so that they're in different locations now.
It's so complicated haha.
I feel like I'm trying to piece together a jigsaw.
I know that everything fit one certain way.
But now... I'm trying to fit everything in a different way.
(it's a multi pictured jigsaw!! ;) haha )
Everything in my room fit before.
Sooo it should fit again.
Still working on it.
But I got most of the switcharoo accomplished ^^
It's been rather fun placing different objects in more prominent positions and such. :)
Hopefully...I can get my room clean again at some point though. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
We were on a road trip, and I was sitting in the backseat of the car reading a book. My family and my grandparents stopped at a location and went to have fun, but I was so close to finishing my book that I stayed in the car to read it. I was only like 40 pages away from finishing. Finally I finished it and got out of the car to go see what events were happening at the festival center, but I had a problem. The car doors weren't locking. I would hit the lock, and shut the door....but I could open the door anyway even though it said it was clearly locked. :S All the doors did this and I had no idea how to fix it. Apparently the latch wasn't staying straight so it would remain locked, instead it continued to slide into the door like when it was unlocked allowing the door to open. I was struggling with the phenomena when most of my family came back talking about how much fun they had. My mom asked where Kikay was and so she and I went back inside to look for her. We found her near the top of the building's spiral rampcase as all around us people were packing up their goods for the day. She was excitedly talking about how she'd signed us all up for the parade, but then none of us showed up. So she just got to be in the parade by herself. I felt bad, everything I'd missed sounded like so much fun! My grandparents and I returned to the car and began driving around a crowded parking lot looking for my family. We parked and got out near this diner in the underground garage where my family had sat with another family. They had ordered the typical fast food like tatortotts and fries and hamburgers. I sat down to eat with them....
when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
And I was rather content with how everything was organized.
But then....
came Carpet cleaning.
Where I had to totally mess up tons of things to make room for other things so I could get everything off the carpet.
Then came the time for me to put everything back.
ugha soo much effort.
Soo I decided it was the perfect opportunity to...
Switch things around!
Which namely means...moving my knick knacks around so that they're in different locations now.
It's so complicated haha.
I feel like I'm trying to piece together a jigsaw.
I know that everything fit one certain way.
But now... I'm trying to fit everything in a different way.
(it's a multi pictured jigsaw!! ;) haha )
Everything in my room fit before.
Sooo it should fit again.
Still working on it.
But I got most of the switcharoo accomplished ^^
It's been rather fun placing different objects in more prominent positions and such. :)
Hopefully...I can get my room clean again at some point though. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
We were on a road trip, and I was sitting in the backseat of the car reading a book. My family and my grandparents stopped at a location and went to have fun, but I was so close to finishing my book that I stayed in the car to read it. I was only like 40 pages away from finishing. Finally I finished it and got out of the car to go see what events were happening at the festival center, but I had a problem. The car doors weren't locking. I would hit the lock, and shut the door....but I could open the door anyway even though it said it was clearly locked. :S All the doors did this and I had no idea how to fix it. Apparently the latch wasn't staying straight so it would remain locked, instead it continued to slide into the door like when it was unlocked allowing the door to open. I was struggling with the phenomena when most of my family came back talking about how much fun they had. My mom asked where Kikay was and so she and I went back inside to look for her. We found her near the top of the building's spiral rampcase as all around us people were packing up their goods for the day. She was excitedly talking about how she'd signed us all up for the parade, but then none of us showed up. So she just got to be in the parade by herself. I felt bad, everything I'd missed sounded like so much fun! My grandparents and I returned to the car and began driving around a crowded parking lot looking for my family. We parked and got out near this diner in the underground garage where my family had sat with another family. They had ordered the typical fast food like tatortotts and fries and hamburgers. I sat down to eat with them....
when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Twelve Again
There are days when I feel like I've been sucker punched.
...and before I get more into this...I am being over exaggerative in this post, just like yesterday ;) lol
There are days when I end up being taken by surprise....and I end up feeling like I'm twelve again.
Young, immature, not one to be noticed by the handsome older people surrounding me, and totally out of my depth.
Yes. I went to FHE.
haha ;)
What does FHE have to do with feeling so young and out of my depth?
Well....It was a slip and slide party.
I showed up...and immediately felt super young in my jeans and t-shirt. Like an intruder to a celebrity party.
All the guys on the slip and slide...
>.> <.<
Were super cut.
Total Eye Candy.
needless to say I was like
()_() humminahuminaaaahhhiiii
I could barely string like three words together staring at them at first.
Whew, where were these guys earlier?
Oh...you mean they've been in my ward the whole time?
O.o Huh....guess I only ever see them in white shirts and suits.
I need to interact with my ward more often lol.
Because the guys were super cute.
But....I totally felt like an interloper. A party crasher showing up to that FHE.
I've lived in that ward for forever, but as it's summer....I'm usually gone most of the time.
So people think I'm new.
And it seriously doesn't help that I have a quiet voice.
I got up the courage to talk to one of the guys....and he walked right past me.
Didn't hear me.
That was a super blow to my self confidence.
Seriously...I thought I was going to cry. No idea why.
I was just....struggling.
All that eye candy surrounding me, and I felt like I was a 12 year old.
Somebody to be tolerated...but not someone to really interact with....at least not with the guys. I got along fine with the girls.
In any case. It's safe to say that...seeing all these guys in shape....made me feel out of my depth. I actually felt like it was a typical summer party shown in the movies. And I did not fit that typical image. Hence... I reverted to being a shy observer standing in a corner listening to everyone's conversations and wishing I could join in.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the bo--leaves. I'll be watching the leaves. ;)
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was at school going to classes and the like though I had problems fitting all my books into my bag, and it seemed like I couldn't do anything right. I was trying to get the right books out in the classroom of the portable I was in, while avoiding the teacher's disdain because I wasn't ready on time, I was glad to get away from the school and get on a train, but it seemed like I was hounded there as well and finally Captain America escaped from the confines of the train and clipped himself to the engine and became a small captain america doll so he could rest and prepare for what he was going to find on the end of the journey to my home. But somebody called him inside. So he stirred and became human again easily climbing into the engine. I landed inside the cockpit area gazing down the tracks. Everything was so green and grass was growing inbetween the tracks. Up ahead I saw a group of small black birds. They saw the train coming and fled, but there was one bird, our guardian bird named Charlie who tried to flee but his foot was stuck on the metal railing. It was like he'd got caught in gum or glue and couldn't unstick himself. The train was barrowing onward, the conductor saw the bird and twisted the wheel to avoid it. But I knew he couldn't. Trains aren't like cars. You can't avoid something in your path, though this train appeared to do so...I knew the bird had gotten hit. And I silently mourned the loss, not sure how it could survive such an encounter. But then I saw something off to the side. A hairy creature moving along a parallel corridor with telephone poles. BIGFOOT! The area was so green with so many trees, but this creature was so brown and fur covered. I told Shane that I had seen it, but he didn't see it. I told him that bigfoots were known to travel along railroads and telephone lines and so I anxiously started looking, convincing Shane to look with me. Again I spotted a bigfoot. But it ended up being a man wearing brown pants and a fury coat climbing over the fence. We entered more human dwellings along the track and again I thought I saw the creature crouched by a chain link fence. But it was a person with extremely long bushy brown hair. I anxiously wanted to prove that bigfoot existed and so I continued anxiously looking along my left to see if I could spot a real big foot...
When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
...and before I get more into this...I am being over exaggerative in this post, just like yesterday ;) lol
There are days when I end up being taken by surprise....and I end up feeling like I'm twelve again.
Young, immature, not one to be noticed by the handsome older people surrounding me, and totally out of my depth.
Yes. I went to FHE.
haha ;)
What does FHE have to do with feeling so young and out of my depth?
Well....It was a slip and slide party.
I showed up...and immediately felt super young in my jeans and t-shirt. Like an intruder to a celebrity party.
All the guys on the slip and slide...
>.> <.<
Were super cut.
Total Eye Candy.
needless to say I was like
()_() humminahuminaaaahhhiiii
I could barely string like three words together staring at them at first.
Whew, where were these guys earlier?
Oh...you mean they've been in my ward the whole time?
O.o Huh....guess I only ever see them in white shirts and suits.
I need to interact with my ward more often lol.
Because the guys were super cute.
But....I totally felt like an interloper. A party crasher showing up to that FHE.
I've lived in that ward for forever, but as it's summer....I'm usually gone most of the time.
So people think I'm new.
And it seriously doesn't help that I have a quiet voice.
I got up the courage to talk to one of the guys....and he walked right past me.
Didn't hear me.
That was a super blow to my self confidence.
Seriously...I thought I was going to cry. No idea why.
I was just....struggling.
All that eye candy surrounding me, and I felt like I was a 12 year old.
Somebody to be tolerated...but not someone to really interact with....at least not with the guys. I got along fine with the girls.
In any case. It's safe to say that...seeing all these guys in shape....made me feel out of my depth. I actually felt like it was a typical summer party shown in the movies. And I did not fit that typical image. Hence... I reverted to being a shy observer standing in a corner listening to everyone's conversations and wishing I could join in.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the bo--leaves. I'll be watching the leaves. ;)
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was at school going to classes and the like though I had problems fitting all my books into my bag, and it seemed like I couldn't do anything right. I was trying to get the right books out in the classroom of the portable I was in, while avoiding the teacher's disdain because I wasn't ready on time, I was glad to get away from the school and get on a train, but it seemed like I was hounded there as well and finally Captain America escaped from the confines of the train and clipped himself to the engine and became a small captain america doll so he could rest and prepare for what he was going to find on the end of the journey to my home. But somebody called him inside. So he stirred and became human again easily climbing into the engine. I landed inside the cockpit area gazing down the tracks. Everything was so green and grass was growing inbetween the tracks. Up ahead I saw a group of small black birds. They saw the train coming and fled, but there was one bird, our guardian bird named Charlie who tried to flee but his foot was stuck on the metal railing. It was like he'd got caught in gum or glue and couldn't unstick himself. The train was barrowing onward, the conductor saw the bird and twisted the wheel to avoid it. But I knew he couldn't. Trains aren't like cars. You can't avoid something in your path, though this train appeared to do so...I knew the bird had gotten hit. And I silently mourned the loss, not sure how it could survive such an encounter. But then I saw something off to the side. A hairy creature moving along a parallel corridor with telephone poles. BIGFOOT! The area was so green with so many trees, but this creature was so brown and fur covered. I told Shane that I had seen it, but he didn't see it. I told him that bigfoots were known to travel along railroads and telephone lines and so I anxiously started looking, convincing Shane to look with me. Again I spotted a bigfoot. But it ended up being a man wearing brown pants and a fury coat climbing over the fence. We entered more human dwellings along the track and again I thought I saw the creature crouched by a chain link fence. But it was a person with extremely long bushy brown hair. I anxiously wanted to prove that bigfoot existed and so I continued anxiously looking along my left to see if I could spot a real big foot...
When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Monday, June 25, 2012
The Internet Paranoia
There are some days when I think school hasn't taught me much at all.
And then there are others....when lessons I learned in school come back into play.
And I thank the teachers/situation/subject that taught me something that actually influenced my way of being.
Today...my thoughts have gone back to Junior High. I picture the usual lunchroom table I would sit at in the small gym with my friends.
But on this particular day...I think I had a health class.
And in that health class we went over the concept of AIDS. Watched a couple of videos I think about it and how you shouldn't treat people different because they do have AIDS. If I remember correctly they said it wasn't contagious.
I sat down at the lunch table. And pictured one of the kids in the video. Sitting down...and having everyone move away, because they were afraid of catching the disease.
They didn't understand. And didn't take the time to learn more about the problem before moving away.
It was then...thinking on that concept, that I decided that I wouldn't let that happen to me. If a person was sick...fine by me. There isn't any real reason to not treat them like normal if it's not contagious. More often then not, it just means a slight change in your routine if it is a problem.
Like Allergies. I remember in High School there being a girl who was a hugely allergic to peanuts. Yet she came to school anyway. and the only real change we had to make was to get rid of the peanuts in the school. She didn't act like it was a big problem. And so we didn't act like it was a big problem. We just had to remember not to open the reeses while she was in the room.
The most important thing is to remember. They're normal people.
So, the other day I was at the doctors. Doing the whole 'support thing.'
And the doctor said. "This isn't contagious. And I know in this generation you kids like to go look up everything on the internet. And just know. They put the worst case scenarios on there. The horrible pictures are in the 'rare' percentages. This is just mild. We caught it early. Avoid these certain things and walla. You'll be fine. No need to freak out about this, it will be gone soon enough."
I nodded. Okay. Don't look it up. I will believe the doctor. Plus my Daddoo -the nurse- can back up whatever the doctor said and if we didn't understand anything he will clarify it. It's just another sickness. Everything is still normal. but for a few days the routine just has to change slightly.
How badly it can freak people out.
I wanted to laugh when we heard the words "I looked it up on the internet" later that day.
And the freak out...happened.
"No! No. I looked it up on the internet. You see the other day when you were in this room...you were IN this room. So I kept everyone out of this room just to be safe."
*shakes head*
The whole aura of the air changed. My heart gave the sympathetic pit pat.
It was being blown out of proportion. Way. Way. Out of proportion.
Because the voice of command made it seem so logical to worry and be afraid.
And then it happened.
Different treatment.
I could see the hurt, though it was easy to hide from those who weren't looking for it.
I could see the need to be normal. To just feel normal. To not make a bit deal out of it.
And that wasn't being given, when it was needed most.
It was supposed to not be a big deal. Something to laugh about. "Oh, so you do work too hard." ;)
And just the opposite happened.
I wanted to yell at them. "GUYS! You're being soo paranoid!"
Seriously. You would have to lick the infected area to become infected as well....and I really didn't see that happening. O.o
This was such a mild case. not at all like the pictures on the internet. The precautions had been taken. There was no real need to worry.
It's not the black plague.
Hopefully things get back to normal soon though....
Because I didn't really see the need for it to become unnormal.
It wasn't contagious.
so why view it differently?
People interact with others who have colds all the time....and they don't get all paranoid about it...and those are actually contagious. Oh wait...the Swine Flu and Bird Flu brought out the paranoia But the common cold? It's common. Contagious. And we interact with those people all the time.
*shakes head*
They may be sick...but they're still normal.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was at some house party type place where they had a pool in the backyard.
It seemed like we were training for some sort of game.
With many people balancing on the diving boards and other places over the pool, trying to prove that they were the best. I mostly helped to train the others, as I wasn't important enough to train myself. It was like I was more of a servant person, helping the others by throwing snakes and bugs into the pool for them to get. There were two or three snakes that looked deadly but I think weren't poisonous though I didn't want to get near them. At one point I ended up balancing myself, but I fell in when my dad came and asked what I was doing. So I got my jeans and shirt all soaking wet.
I ended up at a tattoo parlor. I'm not sure what I was doing there. I wasn't there to get a tattoo or a manicure, but it seemed like I had shown up with a friend. I bought myself a couple of different candy bars...and skidaddled out of there because I needed to get back to my friends/family. We were going to go see a movie. The women in there thought I was crazy for hanging around but not getting a tattoo but I was just glad to get away from the dark place. I placed my blankets and stuffed animals, jasper, a deer, and a giant elephant of Kikay's into the back seat of the car and got into the drivers seat. I headed for the exit, but my brakes/gas pedal weren't working right. Or I was having trouble remembering which one was the brake. It was terrifying to try and stop the car but have no response. There were a couple of times where I almost ran my bike into traffic because the breaks weren't working right, plus I was having difficulties riding the bike. I couldn't make turns that well because my brakes wouldn't let me slow down in time so I had to figure out how to time my braking so I wouldn't crash into the walls as I rode along the freeway heading back to the theatre where my family was waiting. It was also difficult because the things in the back seat (carriage type conceopt that bikers do) kept falling out and I didn't want to loose any of those items. I finally did make it back to the blue roomed hallways of the theatre complex where my dad met me. I went inside the reception area heading towards the basement so I could see my friend Ali getting married or celebrating her reception. I was having problems with a runny nose though and there were tons of people there I knew so i was tryign to get rid of the mucous. I was heading for a bathroom when I ran into Kris, she took me to the bathroom to get cleaned up before joining the rest of the party. But I felt...like an intruder there. That I wasn't really wanted, so I soon left.....
then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
And then there are others....when lessons I learned in school come back into play.
And I thank the teachers/situation/subject that taught me something that actually influenced my way of being.
Today...my thoughts have gone back to Junior High. I picture the usual lunchroom table I would sit at in the small gym with my friends.
But on this particular day...I think I had a health class.
And in that health class we went over the concept of AIDS. Watched a couple of videos I think about it and how you shouldn't treat people different because they do have AIDS. If I remember correctly they said it wasn't contagious.
I sat down at the lunch table. And pictured one of the kids in the video. Sitting down...and having everyone move away, because they were afraid of catching the disease.
They didn't understand. And didn't take the time to learn more about the problem before moving away.
It was then...thinking on that concept, that I decided that I wouldn't let that happen to me. If a person was sick...fine by me. There isn't any real reason to not treat them like normal if it's not contagious. More often then not, it just means a slight change in your routine if it is a problem.
Like Allergies. I remember in High School there being a girl who was a hugely allergic to peanuts. Yet she came to school anyway. and the only real change we had to make was to get rid of the peanuts in the school. She didn't act like it was a big problem. And so we didn't act like it was a big problem. We just had to remember not to open the reeses while she was in the room.
The most important thing is to remember. They're normal people.
So, the other day I was at the doctors. Doing the whole 'support thing.'
And the doctor said. "This isn't contagious. And I know in this generation you kids like to go look up everything on the internet. And just know. They put the worst case scenarios on there. The horrible pictures are in the 'rare' percentages. This is just mild. We caught it early. Avoid these certain things and walla. You'll be fine. No need to freak out about this, it will be gone soon enough."
I nodded. Okay. Don't look it up. I will believe the doctor. Plus my Daddoo -the nurse- can back up whatever the doctor said and if we didn't understand anything he will clarify it. It's just another sickness. Everything is still normal. but for a few days the routine just has to change slightly.
How badly it can freak people out.
I wanted to laugh when we heard the words "I looked it up on the internet" later that day.
And the freak out...happened.
"No! No. I looked it up on the internet. You see the other day when you were in this room...you were IN this room. So I kept everyone out of this room just to be safe."
*shakes head*
The whole aura of the air changed. My heart gave the sympathetic pit pat.
It was being blown out of proportion. Way. Way. Out of proportion.
Because the voice of command made it seem so logical to worry and be afraid.
And then it happened.
Different treatment.
I could see the hurt, though it was easy to hide from those who weren't looking for it.
I could see the need to be normal. To just feel normal. To not make a bit deal out of it.
And that wasn't being given, when it was needed most.
It was supposed to not be a big deal. Something to laugh about. "Oh, so you do work too hard." ;)
And just the opposite happened.
I wanted to yell at them. "GUYS! You're being soo paranoid!"
Seriously. You would have to lick the infected area to become infected as well....and I really didn't see that happening. O.o
This was such a mild case. not at all like the pictures on the internet. The precautions had been taken. There was no real need to worry.
It's not the black plague.
Hopefully things get back to normal soon though....
Because I didn't really see the need for it to become unnormal.
It wasn't contagious.
so why view it differently?
People interact with others who have colds all the time....and they don't get all paranoid about it...and those are actually contagious. Oh wait...the Swine Flu and Bird Flu brought out the paranoia But the common cold? It's common. Contagious. And we interact with those people all the time.
*shakes head*
They may be sick...but they're still normal.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was at some house party type place where they had a pool in the backyard.
It seemed like we were training for some sort of game.
With many people balancing on the diving boards and other places over the pool, trying to prove that they were the best. I mostly helped to train the others, as I wasn't important enough to train myself. It was like I was more of a servant person, helping the others by throwing snakes and bugs into the pool for them to get. There were two or three snakes that looked deadly but I think weren't poisonous though I didn't want to get near them. At one point I ended up balancing myself, but I fell in when my dad came and asked what I was doing. So I got my jeans and shirt all soaking wet.
I ended up at a tattoo parlor. I'm not sure what I was doing there. I wasn't there to get a tattoo or a manicure, but it seemed like I had shown up with a friend. I bought myself a couple of different candy bars...and skidaddled out of there because I needed to get back to my friends/family. We were going to go see a movie. The women in there thought I was crazy for hanging around but not getting a tattoo but I was just glad to get away from the dark place. I placed my blankets and stuffed animals, jasper, a deer, and a giant elephant of Kikay's into the back seat of the car and got into the drivers seat. I headed for the exit, but my brakes/gas pedal weren't working right. Or I was having trouble remembering which one was the brake. It was terrifying to try and stop the car but have no response. There were a couple of times where I almost ran my bike into traffic because the breaks weren't working right, plus I was having difficulties riding the bike. I couldn't make turns that well because my brakes wouldn't let me slow down in time so I had to figure out how to time my braking so I wouldn't crash into the walls as I rode along the freeway heading back to the theatre where my family was waiting. It was also difficult because the things in the back seat (carriage type conceopt that bikers do) kept falling out and I didn't want to loose any of those items. I finally did make it back to the blue roomed hallways of the theatre complex where my dad met me. I went inside the reception area heading towards the basement so I could see my friend Ali getting married or celebrating her reception. I was having problems with a runny nose though and there were tons of people there I knew so i was tryign to get rid of the mucous. I was heading for a bathroom when I ran into Kris, she took me to the bathroom to get cleaned up before joining the rest of the party. But I felt...like an intruder there. That I wasn't really wanted, so I soon left.....
then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Graduation Reward of Awesomeness
I love surprises.
Love love love love them :)
And yesterday I got a super surprise!

A homemade quilt from my Grandma Dirchi!!
It is sooo AWESOME!!
And nice and warm ^^
With so many different colors to look at. :)
What was the occasion?
^^ I got a graduation quilt! Woot!
Haha it was totally unexpected too.
Well...I already have a graduation quilt.
A High School Graduation quilt.
I thought it was just a high school tradition.
But no.
Yesterday Mother dearest sent me a picture.
Showing me this quilt all nicely wrapped up in a bow.
And later that day.
I had it in my hands.
Then wrapped around me.
^^ Awww Contentment.
Sweet. I am so tempted now to go back to school so I can graduate again and get another quilt.
;) haha. just kidding.
But seriously.
This was an awesome surprise ^^
It brightened my day considerably.
I love it lots and lots and lots ^^
^^ I have an awesome Grandma. ^^
Thanks again Grandma Dirchi!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Love love love love them :)
And yesterday I got a super surprise!
A homemade quilt from my Grandma Dirchi!!
It is sooo AWESOME!!
And nice and warm ^^
With so many different colors to look at. :)
What was the occasion?
^^ I got a graduation quilt! Woot!
Haha it was totally unexpected too.
Well...I already have a graduation quilt.
A High School Graduation quilt.
I thought it was just a high school tradition.
But no.
Yesterday Mother dearest sent me a picture.
Showing me this quilt all nicely wrapped up in a bow.
And later that day.
I had it in my hands.
Then wrapped around me.
^^ Awww Contentment.
Sweet. I am so tempted now to go back to school so I can graduate again and get another quilt.
;) haha. just kidding.
But seriously.
This was an awesome surprise ^^
It brightened my day considerably.
I love it lots and lots and lots ^^
^^ I have an awesome Grandma. ^^
Thanks again Grandma Dirchi!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Crashing Words
Sooo like yesterday...or the day before.
I was talking about Ghosts, about having a Ghost Adventures Marathon.
and Kikay said;
You know...one of these days...I'm going to stand outside your door in the middle of the night and go:
"OooooOoooOoOOoOoOOOO" (ghost sounds)
And you'll wake up and freak out and I'll hop back in my bed and pretend to be asleep.
I figured it would work though. Why?
Well....her door squeaks. And she usually sleeps with her door shut.
So it wouldn't work because I'd hear her door shut.
Yesterday we had a floor cleaning.
>.< Where we had to move all 'non apartment furniture' -meaning anything that wasn't THEIRS.
Off the carpets so that they could clean the carpets.
-I'd been hoping that they'd forget to do this....usually they do it around the end of April or sometime in May. But no...they remembered.
Sooo all the furniture got off the floors. and were stuffed in any cranny that we could find.
O.o We acquired alot of furniture this year around lol.
But after the cleanings...we had to move things back.
So I did...kinda...okay I only moved enough stuff so that I could access certain areas of my apartment without having to climb over a jungle gym to do it.
Anywho. I wasn't in the mood to rearrange all my books that I had to take out of the bookcase in order to move the book case without totally collapsing from trying to lift it.
So I stacked them on top of a small endtable I had so that there were two piles nearly as tall as I was.
They were leaning a little...but I figured after an hour of them not falling down...they wouldn't fall down.
This morning at some odd hour of the middle of the night.
I was startled awake to:
The two piles of books had....toppled over.
Well... >.> It was ghosts...wanting to wake up Kikay for some reason. ;) haha.
Actually lol I think that somebody elsewhere in the building probably slammed enough doors...that the vibrations moved the books enough to knock them over.
It is very probable. Because it feels like the whole apartment shakes whenever my neighbors above or below me slams their door.
Still...it was a rather creepy way to suddenly be woken up in the dark.
And my first thoughts were.
>.> Kikay totally would have done something like this.
I knew she was asleep in her room.
But my thoughts totally went to her first, because our "I'm going to scare you by pretending to be a ghost" conversation was sooo recent.
Needless to say :)
The books are now happily back in their bookcase. ^^;;
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I was talking about Ghosts, about having a Ghost Adventures Marathon.
and Kikay said;
You know...one of these days...I'm going to stand outside your door in the middle of the night and go:
"OooooOoooOoOOoOoOOOO" (ghost sounds)
And you'll wake up and freak out and I'll hop back in my bed and pretend to be asleep.
I figured it would work though. Why?
Well....her door squeaks. And she usually sleeps with her door shut.
So it wouldn't work because I'd hear her door shut.
Yesterday we had a floor cleaning.
>.< Where we had to move all 'non apartment furniture' -meaning anything that wasn't THEIRS.
Off the carpets so that they could clean the carpets.
-I'd been hoping that they'd forget to do this....usually they do it around the end of April or sometime in May. But no...they remembered.
Sooo all the furniture got off the floors. and were stuffed in any cranny that we could find.
O.o We acquired alot of furniture this year around lol.
But after the cleanings...we had to move things back.
So I did...kinda...okay I only moved enough stuff so that I could access certain areas of my apartment without having to climb over a jungle gym to do it.
Anywho. I wasn't in the mood to rearrange all my books that I had to take out of the bookcase in order to move the book case without totally collapsing from trying to lift it.
So I stacked them on top of a small endtable I had so that there were two piles nearly as tall as I was.
They were leaning a little...but I figured after an hour of them not falling down...they wouldn't fall down.
This morning at some odd hour of the middle of the night.
I was startled awake to:
The two piles of books had....toppled over.
Well... >.> It was ghosts...wanting to wake up Kikay for some reason. ;) haha.
Actually lol I think that somebody elsewhere in the building probably slammed enough doors...that the vibrations moved the books enough to knock them over.
It is very probable. Because it feels like the whole apartment shakes whenever my neighbors above or below me slams their door.
Still...it was a rather creepy way to suddenly be woken up in the dark.
And my first thoughts were.
>.> Kikay totally would have done something like this.
I knew she was asleep in her room.
But my thoughts totally went to her first, because our "I'm going to scare you by pretending to be a ghost" conversation was sooo recent.
Needless to say :)
The books are now happily back in their bookcase. ^^;;
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Friday, June 22, 2012
The Cold Blossom
I often think about a concept from the TV series Moonlight.
Where the main character Mick St. John refers to himself as a delicate desert flower.
-You know the sort that only bloom after enough rain falls?
Anyway. St. John is considered 'delicate' because...he's a vampire.
And he can only take soo much heat before he wilts and begins dying.
Coincidentally...in that episode, he ends up stuck in the middle of the desert. With very little shade to keep cool.
I have to say....I know how he feels.
If it gets too hot...if I get too hot. I totally wilt.
I end up getting headaches which make it hard for me to do what I want to do...
since most of what I want to do involves actually...seeing lol, or dealing with noise...
and I can't deal with that with a headache.
So once my 'core' temperature gets super hot....I get super wilted and I can't function until I figure out a way to 'cool myself' down.
I consider myself a mountain flower.
Up where its nice and cold...I bloom. I grow. I can be energetic.
Once I go down to the desert...to the heat. Where it's hard to find relief if I try to remain energetic....
I wilt.
Fall...I want you here... super badly. :) Then with your change of colors comes the change in temperature and I can blossom once more. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
It was the first day of school. And after travelling against a mountain trail made out of rock...
I was going to my class...it was...I think it was a math class, but also a sign language class of some sort. There were people both speaking and signing in that class room and it was hard to figure out which one it was...
I only had one class this semester. That was all I needed to complete my requirements.
Though...I knew I had already graduated. I also knew that I needed this class as well and that I was taking it so I could for sure be a graduate...or something. But I also got to thinking...that I needed to take two classes instead of one...and I was overall confused.
Until I ran into Shane and Brandon above the institute building sitting underneath the pine trees there. I think Brandon was in my class and I talked with them while I was waiting for Kikay to come pick me up, mentioning yah..I only had to take one class.
and they were like O.o uh...Sarnic didn't you graduate? Why are you at school?
And I was like ()_() Oh yah....I don't actually need to take any classes...
just then Kikay drove up in the tracker and I met her as she was walking up to me, and we began talking as we headed back to the car.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Where the main character Mick St. John refers to himself as a delicate desert flower.
-You know the sort that only bloom after enough rain falls?
Anyway. St. John is considered 'delicate' because...he's a vampire.
And he can only take soo much heat before he wilts and begins dying.
Coincidentally...in that episode, he ends up stuck in the middle of the desert. With very little shade to keep cool.
I have to say....I know how he feels.
If it gets too hot...if I get too hot. I totally wilt.
I end up getting headaches which make it hard for me to do what I want to do...
since most of what I want to do involves actually...seeing lol, or dealing with noise...
and I can't deal with that with a headache.
So once my 'core' temperature gets super hot....I get super wilted and I can't function until I figure out a way to 'cool myself' down.
I consider myself a mountain flower.
Up where its nice and cold...I bloom. I grow. I can be energetic.
Once I go down to the desert...to the heat. Where it's hard to find relief if I try to remain energetic....
I wilt.
Fall...I want you here... super badly. :) Then with your change of colors comes the change in temperature and I can blossom once more. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
It was the first day of school. And after travelling against a mountain trail made out of rock...
I was going to my class...it was...I think it was a math class, but also a sign language class of some sort. There were people both speaking and signing in that class room and it was hard to figure out which one it was...
I only had one class this semester. That was all I needed to complete my requirements.
Though...I knew I had already graduated. I also knew that I needed this class as well and that I was taking it so I could for sure be a graduate...or something. But I also got to thinking...that I needed to take two classes instead of one...and I was overall confused.
Until I ran into Shane and Brandon above the institute building sitting underneath the pine trees there. I think Brandon was in my class and I talked with them while I was waiting for Kikay to come pick me up, mentioning yah..I only had to take one class.
and they were like O.o uh...Sarnic didn't you graduate? Why are you at school?
And I was like ()_() Oh yah....I don't actually need to take any classes...
just then Kikay drove up in the tracker and I met her as she was walking up to me, and we began talking as we headed back to the car.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The Longest Day
So I hear rumor that the 20th was the longest day of the year and the beginning of summer.
Maybe this year.
I always equate the solstices with the 21st of a month. I'm not sure why. I guess I think the 21st sounds much cooler then the 20th...
I just know that the solstices seem to flip flop between those two. the 21st and the 20th.
So in either case...
Happy Longest Day and Beginning of Summer! :)
And Happy Birthday to my first story character; Danny! ^^
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Editor's Note: Post written on 6/22 because I wilted. -see post for 6/22
The Dream
My family and I were going to Disneyland!
Only...I needed to go to the bathroom....so I dashed all the way back home before the rest of my family got seated in the white and red restaurant looking place. So that I could go...but I wasn't counting on my uncle Ken being in the house...so I hid in the downstairs bathroom...trying to quickly go without him seeing me...because we have no door to block that room off. I managed to avoid him....but not my Brother Meralto. Luckily he came after I was done and I was trying to sneak out of the house without Ken or his family seeing me.
But..Meralto found me and said that he had these things for me...gifts. They were multiple types of scissors, boards, tacks, and other things used in fabric like stuff. Kikay came in like a white ninja saying that they would be useful for my projects and also gave me some stuff.
Before the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Maybe this year.
I always equate the solstices with the 21st of a month. I'm not sure why. I guess I think the 21st sounds much cooler then the 20th...
I just know that the solstices seem to flip flop between those two. the 21st and the 20th.
So in either case...
Happy Longest Day and Beginning of Summer! :)
And Happy Birthday to my first story character; Danny! ^^
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Editor's Note: Post written on 6/22 because I wilted. -see post for 6/22
The Dream
My family and I were going to Disneyland!
Only...I needed to go to the bathroom....so I dashed all the way back home before the rest of my family got seated in the white and red restaurant looking place. So that I could go...but I wasn't counting on my uncle Ken being in the house...so I hid in the downstairs bathroom...trying to quickly go without him seeing me...because we have no door to block that room off. I managed to avoid him....but not my Brother Meralto. Luckily he came after I was done and I was trying to sneak out of the house without Ken or his family seeing me.
But..Meralto found me and said that he had these things for me...gifts. They were multiple types of scissors, boards, tacks, and other things used in fabric like stuff. Kikay came in like a white ninja saying that they would be useful for my projects and also gave me some stuff.
Before the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Taped Head
You know how it ends up being late at night?
Your brain is tired.
You're tired.
And you do these random things?
Like start blogs?
Well, last night...I got bored.
And there was this Scotch Tape reel.
Sitting right next to me.
Calling to me.
"Saarrrnniiiccc You want to usssseeee meee you know you doooo"
And I was like @_@ Yes....tape I do want to use you...but I don't know what to use you on...
"It doooessn't mmaaatterrr juuuust ussseee mmeeee."
I resisted...
but you know...late at night...
I gave in. www.secondthoughts2secondthoughts.blogspot.com
I tore off a good finger long sized piece of tape.
And wrapped it around my first two fingers of my right hand for like thirty seconds.
Then unwrapped it..and wrapped it around my pointer finger on my right hand and then on my left hand thinking "Hey...this is kinda like a bandage." "I could use this as a splint if I hurt my finger."
Before I rolled this strip of tape up on itself so that the sticky side faced outwards.
And stuck it on my forehead.
Yep. I stuck a piece of rolled up tape on my forehead.
It was like 1:00am...nobody else was awake, nobody else would drop by and visit at that hour.
So I stuck it on my forehead...
and promptly forgot it was there.
haha...It was a bit discombobulating to scratch my forehead and hit some bump. I was like O.o Oh...its the tape.
And then when I finally went to bed...I was looking in the mirror, and saw the tape on my forehead...again having forgotten it was there I was like O.O Huh? Oh yah!! :)
At least I didn't do that during the day....haha I wonder what people would have thought if they saw me walking around with tape on my forehead...
Hmm...perhaps I'll try it sometime soon. ;)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was driving along the freeway, on a motorcycle...go cart type thing. I had controllers in my hands as I raced through narrow traffic, it was a narrow raceway. With cars whizzing by and lots of twists and turns. There were a couple of times where these huge 'oversized loads' came around a turn, and I managed just barely to avoid getting hit by these objects like a group of logs laying perpendicular to the truck bed. All the while I was conscious of my ipod in my right pants pocket. And I thought that my phone was in the left pocket, but it could have been keys, I wasn't quite sure while driving if it was there, but it was when I returned to the office, where my boss woman person was. She asked where I was...I told her. And she/he...the person switched. Noticed my motorcycle and wanted to know more about it. I could control the motorcycle by moving my Ipod around because that was the remote control. The motorcycle changed shape a bit, looking a bit wolf like in shape. I could even make it howl as I moved it through the white walled rooms of the building with its dark grey beams all over the place. It was like a cross between a warehouse and an office space. It was like I was able to move it like a ninja all over the place. Sneakily, quietly even though my manager was watching me as well. But I felt like I was doing something that shouldn't have been done. Controlling this motorcycle with just my ipod.
Your brain is tired.
You're tired.
And you do these random things?
Like start blogs?
Well, last night...I got bored.
And there was this Scotch Tape reel.
Sitting right next to me.
Calling to me.
"Saarrrnniiiccc You want to usssseeee meee you know you doooo"
And I was like @_@ Yes....tape I do want to use you...but I don't know what to use you on...
"It doooessn't mmaaatterrr juuuust ussseee mmeeee."
I resisted...
but you know...late at night...
I gave in. www.secondthoughts2secondthoughts.blogspot.com
I tore off a good finger long sized piece of tape.
And wrapped it around my first two fingers of my right hand for like thirty seconds.
Then unwrapped it..and wrapped it around my pointer finger on my right hand and then on my left hand thinking "Hey...this is kinda like a bandage." "I could use this as a splint if I hurt my finger."
Before I rolled this strip of tape up on itself so that the sticky side faced outwards.
And stuck it on my forehead.
Yep. I stuck a piece of rolled up tape on my forehead.
It was like 1:00am...nobody else was awake, nobody else would drop by and visit at that hour.
So I stuck it on my forehead...
and promptly forgot it was there.
haha...It was a bit discombobulating to scratch my forehead and hit some bump. I was like O.o Oh...its the tape.
And then when I finally went to bed...I was looking in the mirror, and saw the tape on my forehead...again having forgotten it was there I was like O.O Huh? Oh yah!! :)
At least I didn't do that during the day....haha I wonder what people would have thought if they saw me walking around with tape on my forehead...
Hmm...perhaps I'll try it sometime soon. ;)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was driving along the freeway, on a motorcycle...go cart type thing. I had controllers in my hands as I raced through narrow traffic, it was a narrow raceway. With cars whizzing by and lots of twists and turns. There were a couple of times where these huge 'oversized loads' came around a turn, and I managed just barely to avoid getting hit by these objects like a group of logs laying perpendicular to the truck bed. All the while I was conscious of my ipod in my right pants pocket. And I thought that my phone was in the left pocket, but it could have been keys, I wasn't quite sure while driving if it was there, but it was when I returned to the office, where my boss woman person was. She asked where I was...I told her. And she/he...the person switched. Noticed my motorcycle and wanted to know more about it. I could control the motorcycle by moving my Ipod around because that was the remote control. The motorcycle changed shape a bit, looking a bit wolf like in shape. I could even make it howl as I moved it through the white walled rooms of the building with its dark grey beams all over the place. It was like a cross between a warehouse and an office space. It was like I was able to move it like a ninja all over the place. Sneakily, quietly even though my manager was watching me as well. But I felt like I was doing something that shouldn't have been done. Controlling this motorcycle with just my ipod.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
M&M Tears
You know what's depressing?
When your clothes get holes in them.
Especially if they're favorite clothes of yours.
Which makes sense...if you like the item, you wear it more often then not.
But still...it's not fun, when you realize...that you can't wear a clothing item anymore.
It's a sudden decrease to your wardrobe.
A missing element to your attire.
Soo....what am I now missing?
M&M PJs.
I had seen the end coming.
The right leg somehow got a big hole in the knee.
Still...a hole in the knee isn't bad.
Still tolerable. I could make them into shorts if I wanted to.
But then I discovered.
That the pjs had gone through one wash too many.
Because they got a new tear.
Where you really don't want tears to appear.
Because it then makes the pjs unwearable.
For real. Unless I want to patch them up.
:( Poor M&M PJs
I enjoyed your comfynes immensely.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
When your clothes get holes in them.
Especially if they're favorite clothes of yours.
Which makes sense...if you like the item, you wear it more often then not.
But still...it's not fun, when you realize...that you can't wear a clothing item anymore.
It's a sudden decrease to your wardrobe.
A missing element to your attire.
Soo....what am I now missing?
M&M PJs.
I had seen the end coming.
The right leg somehow got a big hole in the knee.
Still...a hole in the knee isn't bad.
Still tolerable. I could make them into shorts if I wanted to.
But then I discovered.
That the pjs had gone through one wash too many.
Because they got a new tear.
Where you really don't want tears to appear.
Because it then makes the pjs unwearable.
For real. Unless I want to patch them up.
:( Poor M&M PJs
I enjoyed your comfynes immensely.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Monday, June 18, 2012
Second Thoughts
You know.
When I started this blog...
I had made this promise to myself
That I would never ever ever start another blog.
I would just have this one.
But today....
I'm seriously considering starting another one.
With a more 'focused' theme then what I have going on here.
I don't know if I'm actually going to do it yet....
I have some material for this 'new blog' idea.
But I want something that I can keep up with.
And update it consistently.
Maybe even make it into a cartoon blog so it's more entertaining lol.
I don't know.
Perhaps I'll just incorporate the ideas I had for this 'new blog'
Into this one. Since....well this is my main blog.
I don't know. There is that threat...that if I start a second blog...
what will stop me from starting a third or a fourth with specific themes?
lol Yes...I could go there. One is good. Two could be great. Maybe Three is better ;) haha.
But a second blog, sounds fun as well....
Hmmm should I start a second blog.....
To start or not to start that is the question.
;) I'll let you know if I do.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was at a temple with the First Presidency of the Church; The building was big, white, blocky, looked bit like a castle...I can't really explain it. They were giving us a tour of the building, and we went into an Elevator...or walked up stairs, in either case, we got to the floor we wanted to get on and I stepped out, paused, and notice.... a deck of cards in their case standing on the side. I looked passed it and saw...more cards like a trail, and this tall dark figure with a black moustache holding...a lighter I think. It was then I realized. The cards....were bombs. I told everybody that we needed to get out!
And President Faust stated that we could go out this way. He had a line of rope, black in color and we were going to swing down to the ground. He had me toss the rope to him, but he didn't grab it tightly enough and missed...so president Faust ended up falling to the ground below, and landed on his feet, but I think he had a broken leg, which he hurt worse. He laid on the ground stiff as a board. I felt awful for not being quick enough to get him to grab onto the rope. I swung down myself and the whole presidency dashed away from the temple trying to get far enough away so that we wouldn't fall into any holes. I ended up in one of the water fountains as the building behind us exploded and crashed in on itself tumbling to the ground in three different sections. And I thought to myself...that would have been cool to get on video.
Then...I was at the temple again, running through it trying to capture the three bad guys who had set up the bombs in the temple, I didn't end up catching anyone, but again, I dashed out of the temple, but this time, I had my ipod camera with me, so I taped the explosion as I ran again for the pool, and the temple once again, this time meaning to be exploded so that a bigger and better temple could be built in its place. The explosion happened, and I replayed the video on my ipod.
Other things happened.
but I was sleeping in my room. When I heard the door creak open. I didn't want to get up so I pretended to sleep, and I heard Fluffy and Floofy come in with Kikay to say Hi to me because they were visiting this morning. I was still 'asleep' though. So they left, but not until Fluffy touched my hair and said "Hi Sarnic." I stirred and responded mumbling. But went back to sleep.
We had an evacuation thing going on at my home. We were going on vacation I thought, but it didn't seem like it was going to be a 'fun' vacation, more of the 'we have to flee' vacation. And there were a whole bunch of fish in this giant tank -gold fish, silver dollars, betas, and others that live in sea water. A guy was messing around near the tank...and accidentally cracked the tank, so that water was leaking out of it. We couldn't go on vacation yet because by the time we got back all the water would be out of the tank and the fish would be dead... so we had to hurry and get makeshift tanks ready and separated out all the fish out. Two tanks went onto my footon bunk bed and I was working on hanging towels from the wooden rungs so that when the sun set that the tanks wouldn't get too hot and cook all the fish.
But then, Bella had been kidnapped by some not very nice figures. She was burning, there was fire all around and Edward was desperate to save her, going all out and riding giraffes and such to get to his wife on time before she perished in this dark world of red and blacks and oranges racing and racing
then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
When I started this blog...
I had made this promise to myself
That I would never ever ever start another blog.
I would just have this one.
But today....
I'm seriously considering starting another one.
With a more 'focused' theme then what I have going on here.
I don't know if I'm actually going to do it yet....
I have some material for this 'new blog' idea.
But I want something that I can keep up with.
And update it consistently.
Maybe even make it into a cartoon blog so it's more entertaining lol.
I don't know.
Perhaps I'll just incorporate the ideas I had for this 'new blog'
Into this one. Since....well this is my main blog.
I don't know. There is that threat...that if I start a second blog...
what will stop me from starting a third or a fourth with specific themes?
lol Yes...I could go there. One is good. Two could be great. Maybe Three is better ;) haha.
But a second blog, sounds fun as well....
Hmmm should I start a second blog.....
To start or not to start that is the question.
;) I'll let you know if I do.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was at a temple with the First Presidency of the Church; The building was big, white, blocky, looked bit like a castle...I can't really explain it. They were giving us a tour of the building, and we went into an Elevator...or walked up stairs, in either case, we got to the floor we wanted to get on and I stepped out, paused, and notice.... a deck of cards in their case standing on the side. I looked passed it and saw...more cards like a trail, and this tall dark figure with a black moustache holding...a lighter I think. It was then I realized. The cards....were bombs. I told everybody that we needed to get out!
And President Faust stated that we could go out this way. He had a line of rope, black in color and we were going to swing down to the ground. He had me toss the rope to him, but he didn't grab it tightly enough and missed...so president Faust ended up falling to the ground below, and landed on his feet, but I think he had a broken leg, which he hurt worse. He laid on the ground stiff as a board. I felt awful for not being quick enough to get him to grab onto the rope. I swung down myself and the whole presidency dashed away from the temple trying to get far enough away so that we wouldn't fall into any holes. I ended up in one of the water fountains as the building behind us exploded and crashed in on itself tumbling to the ground in three different sections. And I thought to myself...that would have been cool to get on video.
Then...I was at the temple again, running through it trying to capture the three bad guys who had set up the bombs in the temple, I didn't end up catching anyone, but again, I dashed out of the temple, but this time, I had my ipod camera with me, so I taped the explosion as I ran again for the pool, and the temple once again, this time meaning to be exploded so that a bigger and better temple could be built in its place. The explosion happened, and I replayed the video on my ipod.
Other things happened.
but I was sleeping in my room. When I heard the door creak open. I didn't want to get up so I pretended to sleep, and I heard Fluffy and Floofy come in with Kikay to say Hi to me because they were visiting this morning. I was still 'asleep' though. So they left, but not until Fluffy touched my hair and said "Hi Sarnic." I stirred and responded mumbling. But went back to sleep.
We had an evacuation thing going on at my home. We were going on vacation I thought, but it didn't seem like it was going to be a 'fun' vacation, more of the 'we have to flee' vacation. And there were a whole bunch of fish in this giant tank -gold fish, silver dollars, betas, and others that live in sea water. A guy was messing around near the tank...and accidentally cracked the tank, so that water was leaking out of it. We couldn't go on vacation yet because by the time we got back all the water would be out of the tank and the fish would be dead... so we had to hurry and get makeshift tanks ready and separated out all the fish out. Two tanks went onto my footon bunk bed and I was working on hanging towels from the wooden rungs so that when the sun set that the tanks wouldn't get too hot and cook all the fish.
But then, Bella had been kidnapped by some not very nice figures. She was burning, there was fire all around and Edward was desperate to save her, going all out and riding giraffes and such to get to his wife on time before she perished in this dark world of red and blacks and oranges racing and racing
then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Just Us Two
I coulda had some
sticky glue.
Sparkling up a card
for you.
I coulda got some
bits of cloth.
To make you a tie
with lots of knots.
I coulda got you a
pail of sand.
To build a castle by
shovel and hand.
I coulda got you lots
of things.
Like a program with
many songs to sing.
Yet in this bag of
plain design
I have a simple gift
in mind.
Two delicious cookies
that we can share.
So that you know that
I really really care.
One for me and one
for you,
And time together
just us two!
For on this special
Father’s Day I just want to say
You’re the bestest
Daddy in every single way!
Happy Father’s Day!
Can I just say that I love to write poems?
Because I do!
I love love love writing poems ^^
They can be so fun.
And I also like writing stories.
Sooo here's the story of how that poem came to be like two days ago :) lol
A couple of days ago my Mom called me on the phone.
(She teaches the Nursery Kids)
"I have an idea for Father's Day for the kids. I'm going to get some cookies and stick two of them into a bag so that the dad can have one and the kid can have a cookie as well. I would like you or Kikay to write a poem that just expresses the cookie in the bag idea with Father's day from the Nursery Kids."
I was like:
()_() *shoots hand up in the air* Oh! OH! PICK ME!!!
haha :) I did ask Kikay if she wanted to write a poem as well.
She let me do it.
^^ Woot!
Love the poem writing ^^ lol
I think I may have a gift there. >.> shhhh. <.< Don't tell anyone. ;) haha.
Anywho. After a couple of poems that got scrapped.
I came up with the one written above ^^
I was hoping to convey a child giving their Daddy a present.
:) I think it worked.
And I had fun doing it as well!! ^^ lol
And yah...that's the story of how my poem came to be. :)
I hope all you Daddy's out there have an Awesome Father's Day!!
Lots of Love to my Daddy as well ^^ He's the bestest! :)
Now...to find him some cookies to share... >.> <.< ;)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
*Editor's Note: To those of you who saw my blog post yesterday...that was videoless...the video is now uploaded!! :) Sorry for the delay. :S
Saturday, June 16, 2012
An Ocean's Moment
Ever wish that you could take a couple of minutes and sit on a beach?
Basking in the sun.
Enjoying the view.
And listening to those waves roll?
I can't teleport you there yet. :)
But I can provide two minutes of this:
Oh yes pure bliss there ;) lol
Pure...staticy sounding bliss.
Meh ;) I like the video for the waves, not really the sound.
Soo with no sound!
A picture :P lol
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
*Editor's Note: Sorry for the Delay in putting up the video! >.< Apparently my computer doesn't like going from computer files to blogger...sooo I created my own Youtube Account. Dun Dun Dun. That way I could get the video to you! ^^
The Dream
I was on a jungle gym like area, chasing after an object being thrown back and forth by some old lady person. At one point...I was told that they had my diagnosis...and it wasn't good. I had cancer in my ovaries or my cervix...one of the two areas. :S I was left reeling in shock....
and ended up with my youngest cousins on my dad's side. Mel was sick and so was Jo but Kal was doing fine. Kikay and I decided to take them out to eat...well Kikay and I were trying to discuss were we wanted to eat without bringing the younger cousins, in sign language. But the cousins being smart...figured out that we were trying to leave them, and they wanted to come along as well. I didn't want to bring them, but come along they did. I ran into my neighbor Mandie, and she was telling me about a camp that she was going to up in Weber to that green park area. And she wanted to go explore the caves there before she graduated from college, because she hadn't earned any points in the 'go exploring' area of her college program and she wanted to earn at least one point.
I had been turned into a dog. For survival of the end of the world. I hadn't been a dog before...before I had been a bird, and I'd had a mate and a daughter. I went searching for them in the cage area that I was stuck in, avoiding the bigger wolf dogs so that they wouldn't attack me. I found them my mate was still a bird, and she was chained to my daughter, who was like a kitten or a puppy. I felt for my mate because she couldn't move with our daughter being three times her size and three times as heavy. I got food for them from the store so that they could survive, all the while trying to figure out how I could change myself back when...
The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Basking in the sun.
Enjoying the view.
And listening to those waves roll?
I can't teleport you there yet. :)
But I can provide two minutes of this:
Oh yes pure bliss there ;) lol
Pure...staticy sounding bliss.
Meh ;) I like the video for the waves, not really the sound.
Soo with no sound!
A picture :P lol
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
*Editor's Note: Sorry for the Delay in putting up the video! >.< Apparently my computer doesn't like going from computer files to blogger...sooo I created my own Youtube Account. Dun Dun Dun. That way I could get the video to you! ^^
The Dream
I was on a jungle gym like area, chasing after an object being thrown back and forth by some old lady person. At one point...I was told that they had my diagnosis...and it wasn't good. I had cancer in my ovaries or my cervix...one of the two areas. :S I was left reeling in shock....
and ended up with my youngest cousins on my dad's side. Mel was sick and so was Jo but Kal was doing fine. Kikay and I decided to take them out to eat...well Kikay and I were trying to discuss were we wanted to eat without bringing the younger cousins, in sign language. But the cousins being smart...figured out that we were trying to leave them, and they wanted to come along as well. I didn't want to bring them, but come along they did. I ran into my neighbor Mandie, and she was telling me about a camp that she was going to up in Weber to that green park area. And she wanted to go explore the caves there before she graduated from college, because she hadn't earned any points in the 'go exploring' area of her college program and she wanted to earn at least one point.
I had been turned into a dog. For survival of the end of the world. I hadn't been a dog before...before I had been a bird, and I'd had a mate and a daughter. I went searching for them in the cage area that I was stuck in, avoiding the bigger wolf dogs so that they wouldn't attack me. I found them my mate was still a bird, and she was chained to my daughter, who was like a kitten or a puppy. I felt for my mate because she couldn't move with our daughter being three times her size and three times as heavy. I got food for them from the store so that they could survive, all the while trying to figure out how I could change myself back when...
The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
Friday, June 15, 2012
Highway Colors
I was driving home to college town.
And happened to look up in the sky.
At first I thought that I was just seeing a reflection in my window.
Because it seemed like it should be a reflection.
But no.
It wasn't.
It was real!
And i was like "Kikay! Do you see that?"
"See what?"
"Yah! Snap a picture!" -I woulda snapped it...but I was driving. Taking pictures and driving at the same time, isn't the best idea.
*Kikay snaps picture*
Rainbow across the sky!
It was super cool ^^
Cus, I don't really see them going across the sky horizontally.
(you can see the light pole in the bottom left corner. )
It looks different from this one I took on Vaca :)
Plus. The first rainbow was unique.
In that it wasn't cloudy.
I mean you see clouds.
But it wasn't the typical 'cloudy day' to see rainbows.
The sky was mostly blue.
Sooo it was super cool! ^^
I love that I was able to see it :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
And happened to look up in the sky.
At first I thought that I was just seeing a reflection in my window.
Because it seemed like it should be a reflection.
But no.
It wasn't.
It was real!
And i was like "Kikay! Do you see that?"
"See what?"
"Yah! Snap a picture!" -I woulda snapped it...but I was driving. Taking pictures and driving at the same time, isn't the best idea.
*Kikay snaps picture*
Rainbow across the sky!
It was super cool ^^
Cus, I don't really see them going across the sky horizontally.
(you can see the light pole in the bottom left corner. )
It looks different from this one I took on Vaca :)
Plus. The first rainbow was unique.
In that it wasn't cloudy.
I mean you see clouds.
But it wasn't the typical 'cloudy day' to see rainbows.
The sky was mostly blue.
Sooo it was super cool! ^^
I love that I was able to see it :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Thursday, June 14, 2012
A Bonding Moment
Gotta love the Roommate bonding moments ^^
My roommate Kah and I were watching Remember the Titans.
-I was watching it...cus I thought it was the show where there was a scene with a football player carrying another football player on his back all the way from endzone to endzone in this movie.
:( Wrong movie. *Quick Google Search* Oh....it was Facing the Giants....the Death Crawl scene.
Awesome Scene ^^
Kah and I were watching Remember the Titans.
And the song "Aint No Mountain." played.
Well...Kah and I burst out singing together after the movie was over. ^^
It was awesome! :)
Aint No Mountain High, Aint No Valley Low, Aint No River Wide Enough!!
I love bonding with people ^^ Hence why I liked the football movies ^^ The players bonded with each other and with their coaches ^^.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was walking home from School...and suddenly Dan was next to me.
Walking to the apartment as well...
Which I thought was extremely weird...since he's married now...and shouldn't be living in the apartments anymore.
But we were very cordial with each other. He was asking me about my life, how graduation went.
I wanted to congratulate him on getting married...ask him how it felt...
But then I was in a parking lot with my brother and sister. We'd just gotten out of our green car.
When this group of teenagers pulled up. They were hispanic, mostly girls, and very wild...and...ganglike
They didn't like me or my siblings. And they attacked our car.
Scratching up the windows and writing words all over them, so that they couldn't be erased.
I was furious. Trying to figure out a way to get rid of the words.
While making sure that this gang didn't do any more damage...
When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
My roommate Kah and I were watching Remember the Titans.
-I was watching it...cus I thought it was the show where there was a scene with a football player carrying another football player on his back all the way from endzone to endzone in this movie.
:( Wrong movie. *Quick Google Search* Oh....it was Facing the Giants....the Death Crawl scene.
Awesome Scene ^^
Kah and I were watching Remember the Titans.
And the song "Aint No Mountain." played.
Well...Kah and I burst out singing together after the movie was over. ^^
It was awesome! :)
Aint No Mountain High, Aint No Valley Low, Aint No River Wide Enough!!
I love bonding with people ^^ Hence why I liked the football movies ^^ The players bonded with each other and with their coaches ^^.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I was walking home from School...and suddenly Dan was next to me.
Walking to the apartment as well...
Which I thought was extremely weird...since he's married now...and shouldn't be living in the apartments anymore.
But we were very cordial with each other. He was asking me about my life, how graduation went.
I wanted to congratulate him on getting married...ask him how it felt...
But then I was in a parking lot with my brother and sister. We'd just gotten out of our green car.
When this group of teenagers pulled up. They were hispanic, mostly girls, and very wild...and...ganglike
They didn't like me or my siblings. And they attacked our car.
Scratching up the windows and writing words all over them, so that they couldn't be erased.
I was furious. Trying to figure out a way to get rid of the words.
While making sure that this gang didn't do any more damage...
When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
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