Monday, June 25, 2012

The Internet Paranoia

There are some days when I think school hasn't taught me much at all.
And then there are others....when lessons I learned in school come back into play.
And I thank the teachers/situation/subject that taught me something that actually influenced my way of being. thoughts have gone back to Junior High. I picture the usual lunchroom table I would sit at in the small gym with my friends.
But on this particular day...I think I had a health class.
And in that health class we went over the concept of AIDS. Watched a couple of videos I think about it and how you shouldn't treat people different because they do have AIDS. If I remember correctly they said it wasn't contagious.
I sat down at the lunch table. And pictured one of the kids in the video. Sitting down...and having everyone move away, because they were afraid of catching the disease.
They didn't understand. And didn't take the time to learn more about the problem before moving away.
It was then...thinking on that concept, that I decided that I wouldn't let that happen to me. If a person was sick...fine by me. There isn't any real reason to not treat them like normal if it's not contagious. More often then not, it just means a slight change in your routine if it is a problem.
Like Allergies. I remember in High School there being a girl who was a hugely allergic to peanuts. Yet she came to school anyway. and the only real change we had to make was to get rid of the peanuts in the school. She didn't act like it was a big problem. And so we didn't act like it was a big problem. We just had to remember not to open the reeses while she was in the room.
The most important thing is to remember. They're normal people.

So, the other day I was at the doctors. Doing the whole 'support thing.'
And the doctor said. "This isn't contagious. And I know in this generation you kids like to go look up everything on the internet. And just know. They put the worst case scenarios on there. The horrible pictures are in the 'rare' percentages. This is just mild. We caught it early. Avoid these certain things and walla. You'll be fine. No need to freak out about this, it will be gone soon enough."

I nodded. Okay. Don't look it up. I will believe the doctor. Plus my Daddoo -the nurse- can back up whatever the doctor said and if we didn't understand anything he will clarify it. It's just another sickness. Everything is still normal. but for a few days the routine just has to change slightly.

How badly it can freak people out.
I wanted to laugh when we heard the words "I looked it up on the internet" later that day.
And the freak out...happened.
"No! No. I looked it up on the internet. You see the other day when you were in this were IN this room. So I kept everyone out of this room just to be safe."
*shakes head*
The whole aura of the air changed. My heart gave the sympathetic pit pat.
It was being blown out of proportion. Way. Way. Out of proportion.
Because the voice of command made it seem so logical to worry and be afraid.
And then it happened.
Different treatment.
I could see the hurt, though it was easy to hide from those who weren't looking for it.
I could see the need to be normal. To just feel normal. To not make a bit deal out of it.
And that wasn't being given, when it was needed most.

It was supposed to not be a big deal. Something to laugh about. "Oh, so you do work too hard." ;)
And just the opposite happened.
I wanted to yell at them. "GUYS! You're being soo paranoid!"
Seriously. You would have to lick the infected area to become infected as well....and I really didn't see that happening. O.o
This was such a mild case. not at all like the pictures on the internet. The precautions had been taken. There was no real need to worry.
It's not the black plague.

Hopefully things get back to normal soon though....
Because I didn't really see the need for it to become unnormal.
It wasn't contagious.
so why view it differently?
People interact with others who have colds all the time....and they don't get all paranoid about it...and those are actually contagious. Oh wait...the Swine Flu and Bird Flu brought out the paranoia But the common cold? It's common. Contagious. And we interact with those people all the time.
*shakes head*

They may be sick...but they're still normal.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at some house party type place where they had a pool in the backyard.
It seemed like we were training for some sort of game.
With many people balancing on the diving boards and other places over the pool, trying to prove that they were the best. I mostly helped to train the others, as I wasn't important enough to train myself. It was like I was more of a servant person, helping the others by throwing snakes and bugs into the pool for them to get. There were two or three snakes that looked deadly but I think weren't poisonous though I didn't want to get near them. At one point I ended up balancing myself, but I fell in when my dad came and asked what I was doing. So I got my jeans and shirt all soaking wet.
I ended up at a tattoo parlor. I'm not sure what I was doing there. I wasn't there to get a tattoo or a manicure, but it seemed like I had shown up with a friend. I bought myself a couple of different candy bars...and skidaddled out of there because I needed to get back to my friends/family. We were going to go see a movie. The women in there thought I was crazy for hanging around but not getting a tattoo but I was just glad to get away from the dark place. I placed my blankets and stuffed animals, jasper, a deer, and a giant elephant of Kikay's into the back seat of the car and got into the drivers seat. I headed for the exit, but my brakes/gas pedal weren't working right. Or I was having trouble remembering which one was the brake. It was terrifying to try and stop the car but have no response. There were a couple of times where I almost ran my bike into traffic because the breaks weren't working right, plus I was having difficulties riding the bike. I couldn't make turns that well because my brakes wouldn't let me slow down in time so I had to figure out how to time my braking so I wouldn't crash into the walls as I rode along the freeway heading back to the theatre where my family was waiting. It was also difficult because the things in the back seat (carriage type conceopt that bikers do) kept falling out and I didn't want to loose any of those items. I finally did make it back to the blue roomed hallways of the theatre complex where my dad met me. I went inside the reception area heading towards the basement so I could see my friend Ali getting married or celebrating her reception. I was having problems with a runny nose though and there were tons of people there I knew so i was tryign to get rid of the mucous. I was heading for a bathroom when I ran into Kris, she took me to the bathroom to get cleaned up before joining the rest of the party. But I an intruder there. That I wasn't really wanted, so I soon left.....

then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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