Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Jigsawing the KnickKnacks

So, my bedroom has been in the same basic layout for over a year now.
And I was rather content with how everything was organized.
But then....
came Carpet cleaning.
Where I had to totally mess up tons of things to make room for other things so I could get everything off the carpet.
Then came the time for me to put everything back.
ugha soo much effort.
Soo I decided it was the perfect opportunity to...
Switch things around!
Which namely means...moving my knick knacks around so that they're in different locations now.
It's so complicated haha.
I feel like I'm trying to piece together a jigsaw.
I know that everything fit one certain way.
But now... I'm trying to fit everything in a different way.
(it's a multi pictured jigsaw!! ;) haha )
Everything in my room fit before.
Sooo it should fit again.
Still working on it.
But I got most of the switcharoo accomplished ^^
It's been rather fun placing different objects in more prominent positions and such. :)
Hopefully...I can get my room clean again at some point though. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

We were on a road trip, and I was sitting in the backseat of the car reading a book. My family and my grandparents stopped at a location and went to have fun, but I was so close to finishing my book that I stayed in the car to read it. I was only like 40 pages away from finishing. Finally I finished it and got out of the car to go see what events were happening at the festival center, but I had a problem. The car doors weren't locking. I would hit the lock, and shut the door....but I could open the door anyway even though it said it was clearly locked. :S All the doors did this and I had no idea how to fix it. Apparently the latch wasn't staying straight so it would remain locked, instead it continued to slide into the door like when it was unlocked allowing the door to open. I was struggling with the phenomena when most of my family came back talking about how much fun they had. My mom asked where Kikay was and so she and I went back inside to look for her. We found her near the top of the building's spiral rampcase as all around us people were packing up their goods for the day. She was excitedly talking about how she'd signed us all up for the parade, but then none of us showed up. So she just got to be in the parade by herself. I felt bad, everything I'd missed sounded like so much fun! My grandparents and I returned to the car and began driving around a crowded parking lot looking for my family. We parked and got out near this diner in the underground garage where my family had sat with another family. They had ordered the typical fast food like tatortotts and fries and hamburgers. I sat down to eat with them....

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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