Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Week of Dreams

Guys its been a loooonnnggg ten days away from the blog!
Heh...I must admit I wasn't totally away though.
I just didn't post.
But I was on my blog...writing :)
Why didn't I post?

Being stubborn I guess.
"I'm on vacation!"
heh... but I did write a little on the blog....I wrote down my dreams.
So you can all read them! ;)
Sooo here comes a really long post because I had such long dreams. ;)

Hope you don't mind!
And thanks so much for all the views that I got even when I wasn't posting ^^ It made me extra happy on this trip! :D lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream(s)

After being so careful....I broke my ipod screen. :S Seriously cracked it broke it. I was really unhappy. But...I pulled it out...apparently it was only the protective screen, and the main screen was still whole. I wasn't sure if that was actually true, I halfway still thought my ipod was broken, but it was time to go. I was late to my neighbor Mandie's wedding that she was holding...kinda in her backyard...kinda in the neighbor cousin's was a backyard. Mandie was sitting right behind me...her hair pulled back, and she was in a black tux. Like the ones men wear at weddings. The music sounded and she and her father got up and started walking down the isle. She saw my confused look and she smiled explaining. "We're doing the wedding backwards." Just then...the groom came out. In a strapless white wedding gown with lace flower designs. He looked a bit like Mandie's father...but varied with her cousin...and then looked like somebody else. It was so odd to see a guy in a wedding dress dancing around on the grass....I was riding my bike down a highway. Trying to get to my hometown from my college town, I was going through mountains, avoiding construction and ran into these two boys also on their bikes. One was named Henry the other one was named...Ailley...I misheard it first as Ariel...but it wasn't. apparently Ail makes an r his name was Arre or something. We ended up in a dinner...where I asked how much pancakes were and the dude in the restaurant said they were I took my leave pretty quickly....

I was getting ready for a trip, and I remembered I hadn't asked my mom how her conversation with her brother went, and I wanted to know if that changed any of our plans....but she said that it didn't matter, that conversation was so yesterday, so I didn't need to know what happened....

There was a drought going on. Where the natives had no way to grow their food. They were starving...but then I came up with a solution. Somehow...if you mixed red clay mud with white became bread dough, and you could eat it. It was because of how the moon was in the sky or some astrological event..but for a while it would become bread dough. I was basically a celebrated hero as the natives ran the dough through their hands making it into long rows by squeezing it as it oozed out of the channel it was running down. As I was directing the group, I was given a sample of the bread...which looked and tasted like sushi...the rolls with rice and such. I also tried some of the mud dough...but I couldn't figure out if it tasted like bread dough...or if I could just taste flour...but I felt like I was in danger of being exposed as a fraud, or being cast down once the source of food disappeared. There was a boy nearby, dark haired, who worked in a book store, working in the children's department. He was a guy who was basically on probation. Working to be good when he'd been evil before. He kinda reminded me of Loki. And when he wasn't helping with books it seemed like he was helping with the dough....
I was with a group of girls sitting in a room at a counter. I swiped a girls strawberry drink, and she turned to me angrily. I had thought our relationship was more teasing, but it didn't seem like it. I returned the glass back to her, but ended up spilling it. So I broke two lines from the plastic glass to attempt to clean it up, but the situation seemed tense. Soo I left and headed back from my neighbors home to my house and there in the gate was my cat Koko. She walked weird, kinda like a spider, and she only had two legs at first glance as well as she was wearing a yellow jumper catsuit type thing. I picked her up and she had four legs again, the lighting had just made it looked like she had two. I was so happy to see her, because apparently someone took her in and was caring for her instead of she being dead.....

A servant boy came across two poisonous dragons in the apple tree of my backyard. He thought that he could raise them/tame them without his master...who was in control of most of the dragons, found out that he had them. These specific types of dragons were extremely poisonous. If you got bit by one, you were dead. There were two different baby dragons. One had dark red highlights, the other had neon green highlights. The red was meaner, and eviler, and was on the masters side, while the green one was a bit more willing to help the boy and be with the boy. He found them in a tree and with some tricky gymnastics, managed to avoid  getting bit. But the red dragon went to the master and the master came back and found the boy...the red dragon attacked the green one and in a flash of colors, it seemed like the green one had died, but it hadn't. the boy met up with him later. But as the boy was fleeing with the two dragons the master threw/shot a copper colored bullet at the boy and cast a demon spell on it that the spinning bullet would stay near the boy's head permanently, and if the boy did something wrong, it's speed would continue unfazed and it would hit the boy killing him. I tried to gauge where the bullet was in relation to the boy's head, and I thought it was possible that he could have avoided getting hit, but he'd have to have quick reflexes. The bullet didn't just hang in one spot though. The boy could grab it and hold it in his hand away from his face, but if he lost concentration/focus, the bullet would magically reappear/fly back up to its first position near the boys face.  At one point he looked closely at the bullet, and inside I saw alien life. This bullet was actually a small ship on a journey, they were trying desperately to reach my face, but the magic held them back. I told them to look closely inside of me, like I'd done to the bullet, and they saw all these different monsters inside me. Insomuch that they feared for their survival if they tried to go through me to their destination. So, the bullet flipped around and tried to speed off the other direction, but the magic held it in place. Somehow, with some help the bullet managed to escape....and I didn't have to worry about it shooting me was suddenly gone, I don't remember what happened to it...or if it just disappeared.
I ended up at an airport/smiths/mall place heading to a specific place in order to give a gift to someone, but at the gates I was stopped by security. Because they were closing, they couldn't allow me to go pass so I couldn't give my gifts to the intended recipient. So instead i gave my pretzel in a box to a female co worker...and I think I gave the yellow flowers I had to a guy...maybe Shane...I don't know. Having given those gifts away, I went to the line and stood in it, waiting for my turn to go on a giant slide that little kids were going on. I had a friend or two with me in line, but they were vague...I think one was Shane Gibbs but idk the others... The line meandered its way behind the slide to a gate/metal plate system reminiscent of an airport line kinda. I watched as a person walked by themselves for two or three yards up to a plate. They stopped on it and their name appeared on a big marquee. When a bell sounded, they would step off and go climb up to the bouncy slide. My turn finally came up. I was watching my surroundings -there was a woman in a kiosk off to the side with black hair, watching us...and I guess making sure we didn't break the rules...I think she was somehow in charge of the 'ride.' I got up to the plate and accidentally stepped to far. I thought I saw the name Shane Gibbs flash on the marquee as I stepped onto looked like Shane Di--- or something. But when I stepped back, It was my name that appeared. As I waited for the bell that said I could go ahead and go on the slide, a small black haired girl...maybe Asian, wearing a swimsuit, came up to where I was standing in line, dripping wet. She wanted to go on the ride again. I politely told her that there were people who hadn't gone on the ride yet, so if she wanted to go again she would have to wait for the rest of us to go. She didn't. She went to the woman in the kiosk -who I think I gave the pretzel to..and it turned out to be her mom. The mom didn't think there was anything wrong with the girl going ahead of me. But I was beside myself...I had been waiting forever to get on this ride, and now this girl could just waltz up and cut in front of me?! But the woman gave the go ahead, and suddenly it was a free for all. Everybody kids and adults made a made dash for the food line that I'd been patiently waiting to get my food I had to go after them, trying my best to get a plate and food in this family style restaurant place that was kinda Mexican. I managed to get a spoonful here and there of different sorts or rices, but none of it looked appetizing. It seemed like all the good stuff had already gone to the people who had cut ahead of me. I made my way through the crowded rooms trying to avoid bothering people. After passing underneath a staircase, I walked past some rolls a couple of times in my search for more food. Finally I stopped at the rolls..which looked like those crunchy rolls with hard outsides and soft insides and all very chewy. The first time I'd passed I thought they were just plain rolls, but it turns out along the divot in the bread was a spreading of...frosting like stuff. It made me think of an eclair, but I think the brown stuff was that....fake chocolate stuff from Australia...I can't remember the name, I just knew I didn't like that stuff. So I rearranged the rolls and found a plain one underneath. I grabbed it and I was digging my fingers into the hard shell so I could butter the insides when....

We were having a celebratory party, and I was the VIP for this girls event. and I was the judge for a statue contest we had. There were a variety of different statues of women and I went down them one at a time trying to figure out which one I liked best so that I could choose that as the winner. However, like third from the last, was a statue of miss piggy riding a horse. All the girls liked that one so much that they decided that this statue would be the winning statue. I disagreed. I didn't think it was the best, and since I was in charge I could pick the winner right? Wrong. They nominated and had the miss piggy statue win when I wanted a different one to win. And before I could tell them to change it, all the statues were gone. The winner had been 'decided' but not by me like it should have been, but by the others. The party continued afterwards outside, like a pool party. But I wasn't having any fun. They had picked me to be the judge....and then didn't listen to my pick. I had friends trying to cheer me up. Stuart and a girl showed me a bunch of bright colored purple/pinks/reds stars/sun/moons wind chimes that they had spent their very own money on for a game and they wanted me to participate in it. I refused. I wasn't interested in another contest. Chad joined in cajoling me to play the game....reemphasising that the other two had spent their own money on the prizes to make this party better. Soo I relented and gave in. Basically it was like a sudden haunted maze situation. There were zombies and other creepy people all dressed up in the house that was full of mazes within rooms, trick doors, hidden rooms, everything haunted, and I was running around like crazy trying to avoid being caught and 'turned' by any of the creatures. I ended up outside on looked like a ride, but there were boulders rolling down a flat road, and a rail road track nearby. Behind me appeared the grim reaper his scythe  gleaming in the light. Death was after me. I ran and ran up this rolling conveyor belt. desperate to make it up to the top. I couldn't really run so I was getting up there by pulling myself up hand over hand, by the tips of my fingers hanging on, but finally I made it! To the top! To heaven! I had won! But the view....of heaven was two square shacks with faded pink on it and faded murals that said...some rather sarcastic things of 'welcome to heaven!' all was desolate, old highway overpasses, run down buildings. It didn't look like heaven at all. Then I heard a voice from behind me and turned. It was death. -the grim reaper. He pulled his hood/cloak off and revealed himself to be a very muscular/buff adult Phineas from the kid show. I had seen Ferb around as well...I think he was evil...he looked creepy from what I can remember.
Phineas spoke with me, about why heaven ended up like this, how the voice of the people...had made it this way. Not heaven....I ended up briefly back at the party and I put my foot down and was getting ready to declare MY favorite statue and the winner when....

I was baby sitting twin black haired girls and I was trying to give them a bath, so that they would be all clean when the parents came back. My solution for giving them a bath at the same time was to stick them in the kitchen sinks -since there were two side- and wash them there. It seemed like the girls were around the age of twoish...but at times they seemed to almost be up to the age of five. Anyway, I was in the process of putting shampoo and conditioner in their hair, but the girl on the left wasn't being cooperative she kept trying to get out of her sink, and eventually I figured out why....It still had dirty dishes in it....and a bunch of Chinese noodles in there as well....she basically wasn't getting any cleaner, though I tried to continue to put the conditioner in her hair...she was out of the tub and running around my parents kitchen. I don't think I ever finished getting their hair washed...but I tried to distract the two twins by playing games with them...only the girls had become Bage (guy) and Rami (girl) and there was now another guy with us as well...I think it might have been Meralto but...he just seemed like a guy figure to me. Anyway, I was trying to distract Bage and Rami until the parents got back by playing games. Rami and I voted to play apples to apples....and we set up the game and everything, only instead of putting down descriptive cards...Bage started putting down Monopoly money. I looked up to see that the guy and Bage had started up a game of monopoly and it seemed like Bage was trying to do a puzzle as well....multi tasking. I gave up playing on the games because I was exasperated that the guys weren't cooperating. So we loaded up the car with Rami in the drivers seat and Bage in the back. Rima took us down my parents street, and turned down the hill in the direction Kikay and I usually go to get back down to college town. She was driving down the hill approaching the main road of Orchard Drive and I was expecting her to stop...because there was a stop sign....but she kept going. Right through the intersection and on down the hill (down a road that doesn't exist in real life) into a coledesac. Luckily there weren't any cars on the road at that time, but I stared at Rima and was like "You just ran a stop sign." She turned to me "Oh? I hadn't noticed...I'll stop at this one here." Because we were coming to a stop at the bottom of the hill with a stop sign there in this green tree lined area that seemed kinda like a 'bad part of town'
We turned the corner after stopping and paused. As we saw a bunch of kids gathered together under the Walnut tree of my neighbor's yard. We were in class, having a lesson...for wizards, at Hogwarts, on their grounds. The teacher was Professor Snape, and we were all going to be turned into werewolves for the day so that we could understand the actual werewolves better. I -Harry Potter....wasn't too keen on that idea. Why? Well...I was a vampire. And the last time I had checked....werewolves and vampires didn't mix that well. I was pretty sure that combination was lethal to me. But I couldn't just excuse myself from this lesson...I was pretending to be a normal human after all. And I couldn't let myself be called a coward for out right refusing. The other students began to transform. The first one being Phineas going into the circle and growing orange fur and shifting. While that was going on, Professor Snape had myself and a few others do some errands, and while we were busy, he pulled me aside and whispered to me that if I pricked my self and drew blood and drank that...then I would be able to change into a werewolf without any bad consequences. He knew what I Snape was a vampire too. He was actually looking out for me! I tried to draw blood by digging my nail into my thumb...but it wasn't working. I couldn't seem to get any I ended up somehow avoiding the lesson. I think I was trying to help out Snape and do errands for him without being seen as a coward, but more like a guy who was missing out on the lesson. But before the lesson ended.....

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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