Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pottermore Duels

I have a random question for you gamers out there.
Do you make up your own code of conduct for when you fight someone?
Like there a certain moves you make to certain opponents?
Well...I do.
Specifically when I'm dueling...on Pottermore.
If you haven't been on pottermore yet... :P You should go ^^ It's tons of fun.
Because you can duel other houses for points.
-you know with wands and spells.-
At the moment the spells all have different levels
Weak spells, Medium spells, Strong spells.
 Of course, mostly everyone uses the Strongest Spell -the Full Body Bind in dueling.
But there are a select few, namely the newcomers, who don't always use the Full Body Bind when first dueling, either because they haven't found that spellbook yet, or they haven't realized it's the strongest spell...or they just haven't figured out how to get the spell to its strongest point.

For 'code of conduct' is to not use the Full Body Bind when I first duel.
If I choose to challenge a friend I usually use the Tickling Hex -because it's fun to tickle people ;)
As my first spell.
For dueling random people in other houses I just pick one of the other spells that isn't full body bind to be my first spell. Just in case I did end up dueling someone who used a weaker spell.
-Because as luck would have it in those random duels...using the strongest opponent uses a weaker spell more often then not. Which is not fun. For them and I feel like its a hollow victory for me.
So I use other spells.
Recently since the house cup will be awarded in another weak...I've kept to the stronger spells, but not the body bind. After the house cup is awarded I'll go back to just picking random spells..
In any case...going with a weaker spell as my first hardly ever successful for me lol.
Everyone uses the body bind. But I give them the benefit of the doubt. :)

So the rest of my code of conduct in a nutshell.
Use weaker spells for the 'first duel'
If the other guy messes up on the spell and gets a low score, challenge them again so they can have another go at it.
If the guy is obviously new to casting spells then help them to get better by challenging them with spells that match what they're dueling.
If I get a full body bind cast upon me. IT. IS. ON. I will duel you and body bind you until I am proven the victor of the duel.
In any case. I will duel you until I am the winner. :)
....or you stop responding to my challenges. lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

For my birthday, my dad gave me two tanks full of snakes and different types of fish -gold fish, betas, guppies, among others- One tank was smaller then the other, and I decided to switch out the tanks so that the fish were in the bigger one and the snakes were in the smaller one. Both were full of water, but the snakes didn't seem to mind. There were so many different ones. A red one that liked to bite. A black one that could flatten itself, two small snakes with banded colors that were 'shortened' snakes, small worm like ones that were a light tan brown color, among others. I had to reach into the tanks to grab the snakes, and use nets to get the fish out. The red one bit me. But I really liked holding the twin small banded short snakes. In the middle of the switcharoo I realized that there were more snakes then fish, and the snails in the original fish tank would be a problem to the snakes. But then the snakes started being difficult. Trying to escape from their tank, which was easy to do because the lid was ill fitting to the rest of the tank, it was too big, so there was a gap that the snakes could slither through if they climbed to the top of the tank, which many of the snakes did. So I tried to do containment on them, as my brother set up a specific tank for the red snake -as it was the most dangerous and the most likely to bite in a wire cage held together with duct tape. I managed to get one of the browner snakes into thee cage with the red one, but then the twin short snakes escaped from the tank and went down the drain with a few other smaller snakes. I grabbed the twin short snakes out of the drain, carefully pulling their green striped bodies back out because I didn't want to lose my favorite snakes and I worried that I was going to pull them apart, but I managed to get them out, as well as gather up a bunch of small brown thin worm like snakes. However, I suddenly realized, that the black snake that can flatten itself...was missing. I really liked this snake as well, so me and a couple other friends went into the forest to look for this black snake because it was a favorite of mine as well. And I didn't want to lose it. I didn't want the snake to disappear into the wild where it could be hurt. We walked along the trail, and my companions were being rather noisy. I was trying to walk quietly so we wouldn't startle the black snake away and told the others to do the same, but they ignored me. Up ahead I saw a group of people walking ahead of us, we walked along the forest path, nearby a creek and we stopped in a glen area. I was sitting on top of a huge tree trunk/rock with a sharp drop off to the hollow below. With no sign of the black snake. And talked to the hippie/dungeondragonmasters about them seeing a black snake. The tall guy with long brown hair said that he had come across the snake and moved it back up the trail. We followed his directions and went up a side trail with a nice clear dirt path and in my backyard...found the black snake. :( dead. We had hoped that it wasn't but when it was picked up...the snake had no head. Perhaps it was still alive. I hoped it was still alive because I couldn't quite tell if it actually had no head, but then one of the others perhaps my brother found the head and matched it up to the rest of the snake that had its tail missing as well. :( I was heartbroken that this black snake had suffered so because I hadn't been able to watch him...

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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