I was at an activity where my fellow young men and young women
made 'heat packs' for an activity around Christmas time.
We filled cloth sacks with rice, corn, or macaroni and sewed up the sides.
Why? We were giving them to the elderly of our ward as a service project.
To keep them warmer during the winter.
But we also made enough to give all the youth one was well.
This sack has been a companion of mine for many a year.
And the different stains show that lol. :)
It's a great comfort for when I'm in pain when I need heat.
Or coolness as this can also work as a cold pack as well.
The good heat sack and I have been together for a long time.
And today.....it finally showed.
I picked up the bag
and my thumb nail tore a hole in it!
I hadn't realized that the cloth had gotten so thin! :S
It was heart breaking.
But I wasn't going to let a little whole stip me from using my bag.
No sirree.
But what would I use to patch up this hole?
A band aid?
No...I wasn't sure if those would start a fire or not in the microwave.
Lol, my grandmas should be proud.
^^ I sewed up the hole! :)
And now my Grandma Dirchi is backing away in horror
Yah.....not my best sewing job.
Very Frankenstein I suppose. :) That's because I was in a hurry....heh. ^^;;
But the hole is closed off and my bag is usable. ^^;;
Speaking of closing off holes and gaps and point differences.....
Congrats Olympic Medalists!
Gold: China, United States, Italy, South Korea, France, Russia, North Korea, Australia, Brazil, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Georgia, South Africa
Silver: China, United States, Italy, South Korea, Japan, France, Australia, Brazil, Hungary, Netherlands, Great Britain, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), Colombia, Cuba, Poland, Romania
Bronze: China, United States, Italy, South Korea, Japan, France, Russia, North Korea, Australia, Brazil, Hungary, Great Britain, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Canada, Moldova, Norway, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
May the competition be just as fierce tomorrow! :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
I arrived in Hawaii to hang out with Shane, though I was a bit confused on how I actually got there because i didn't have any money to spend to go so far away. Shane was happy to see me though, and asked where I was staying. I told him that I didn't know because I didn't have any money to book a hotel room, so he invited me to stay at his place where we could party it up. It was like a giant mansion and had a ton of different rooms. But my father....who had the voice of Marlin from Finding Nemo, but looked like and was the size of the Unicorn toy from Toy Story 3 showed up at the place and told me that it wasn't safe for our kind to be there for the evil queen was there and trying to get rid of us. I thought my dad was just there to ruin the fun, but I ended up running all over the house up and down the many stairs and through different rooms to get away from her. I ended up outside at the cottage I first met Shane at. It was pouring rain, but when I tried to go inside I discovered that there was a family on vacation staying there. i turned to the others unsure of where we were going to go next, when this prince like figure came up to us, inside the cabin and showed me a gift he'd been given. It was a necklace that had octagon shaped diamonds of different colors -white, yellow, pinkish- but the workman ship, the silver/lead metal encasing around the diamonds looked shoddy at best. It looked like ti had been slapped together in a hurry and didn't look that great. I asked who had given it to him and he'd said the queen. That set red flags off in my head, and I said don't wear it. It turns out the prince had been turned into a frog earlier, but had managed to turn himself human again, and he was super wary of becoming a frog again. I tossed the necklace to the side, but the queen ended up giving the necklace now bright red and white and with the necklace now joined together more like a tie to a girl with long blonde curly hair, she reminded me of an evil step sister from a movie but I don't know which one. But the girl was given this 'gift' for her work, though she complained that she deserved better and that she was glad to be on the queens side. Seeing that necklace just brought a feeling of foreboding to me, if the necklace was meant to turn the prince back into a frog then what was the blonde going to change into? Later, while in the mansion area, I found out. The girl shrunk in a matter of seconds to an ugly....toad like creature, though it was more of a pelican without the long beak. The queen laughed as I picked up the creature that was thin and squat and said that 'she'd eventually grow into her beak' there was meaning behind her becoming a pelican and able to store alot of water/food in her mouth, but I can't remember what it was.....
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
O.o has someone been thinking about once upon a time? :P