Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The CA sequel

Sooo if you don't want to read spoilers for the new Captain America film...
You should probably skip this post. :)
I'll see you back here tomorrow ^^;;

To those who don't mind it.
They've titled the film!!

Captain America: The Winter Solider

Dun dun dun.

I had no idea actually what this meant.
What was a Winter Solider.
But then I saw it. (read it. Wikipedied it did a bunch of stuff)
The Winter Solider.....


It looks like Bucky will be returning for the sequel!! :D
SWEET!! ^^

I was hoping and hoping that he didn't die in that fall from the train.
I mean...I knew he didn't die....because in the comics he comes back.
(Wikipedia is a good comic source)
But I didn't know if he would stay dead in this version of Captain America or not.
^^ looks like he isn't.

My favorite guy is coming back! ^^
lol it just makes me happy.
I hope this is true.
I will be really disappointed if it isn't.
Word is that there is some guy called "The Falcon" coming into the film.
And he was like a besty of the Captain as well.

hmmmm so much to speculate on...and two years to get answers. lol

I just hope he didn't die....after all they didn't recover a body.
Why would they title it the winter solider if he makes no appearance?
Usually if there is no body that means the guy is still alive.

I guess we'll see ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a body being tossed about a dirt/canyon...and it landed on a ledge.
The body was full of sand...so it was like a dummy....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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