An enterprising turkey gathered the flock together and, following instructions and demonstrations, taught them how to fly.
All afternoon they enjoyed soaring and flying and the thrill of seeing new vistas.
After the meeting, all of the turkeys walked home."
-Merlin R. Lybbert -A Latter-day Samaritan - April 1990 General Conference
Soo...I was thinking...that there are a lot of little story snippets and such in General Conference talks that don't get written down in recaps and such. The stories are too long (though this one was short) and I think its a pity that a good 'learning story' with a reason to its telling...isn't told because its long.
Therefore, every now and then. :) I will post a story from conference that...just spoke to me. That I liked or found meaning in for one reason or another. :)
After all...what's the point of learning to fly...if you just walk home afterwards? :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
My siblings and I were going around our house, decorating for Christmas because the parents were out of town, but they were coming back on Christmas day. We had a bit of a problem though because there were these gangster type people trying to ruin our fun, and take away the Christmas stuff. I found it a bit annoying, but we managed to get past them. I was putting a beard on the metal cast deer head we had hanging next to the door, as well as placing a small stuffed animal bear on the statue, but it kept falling down, and I looked out the door and saw that our dog Pepper had gotten loose because the bad guys had left the gate open and she'd somehow slipped from her collar so she was running around without a collar around her white fur...which was bad because I didn't want her to get caught by the pound. So I called her back inside to our yard and I got her collar on around her, when Christmas came. I looked in the room to see all the presents, but one of my siblings said that we couldn't open them until the parents came home. The only gift we would be able to open was the presents of the shoes that our parents had left our home to go get. But we weren't quite sure which gifts contained the shoes, though we thought it was a big blue patterned box present that was next to the kitchen doorway that held the three pairs of shoes. But before we went to the present, my parents came home and they took us on a car journey where the freeway went past an amusement park and they had a roller coaster that went over and around the freeway since the freeway was up on stilts (a long bridge) as well twisting and turning and somehow I ended up on the railway tracks of the roller coaster ride because the two different paths got so close together and twisted so much that I turned too far onto the railway. I hurried and pulled the car off the track so it wouldn't hit the ride and we ended up in a toy land like McDonald's where we were sitting down to order food....
when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
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