because for the first time...
I really wanted clothes for my birthday.
()_() Who does that?!
So dull so boring, so everyday.
Yet...I wanted some.
....ugh I'm becoming grown up XP ick.
(On the bright side I did get Itunes cards! -I got some!! ^^- Woot! And a sword! :D and a Gryffin!)
It seems like the universe is just as confused as I am about me wanting clothes.
O.o What? Sarnic....You want clothes...I don't know how I feel about this...why would you want that?
..Okay you go.
So. Clothes Travails.
Story Number 1.
Remember a few posts back when I talked about my poor M&M pjs?
There they are :)
My dearest mother saw my PJ post.
And she decided..."Hey I can get Sarnic another one!!"
And so she ordered me some more M&Ms!! ^^
()_() The colors are so bright I was nearly blinded.
lol Only....there was a small problem.....
For some odd reason....
The online store doesn't seem to believe that Adults like to wear PJs as well....
They only sold kid sizes.
But...usually the kid sizes can equate to adult sizes.
A small in Adults is alot of the time a Large in Kids.
So Mother Dearest got me a large set of Kid Pjs
.....I guess some sizing thing changed over the last little while.
Because those were a 'large' kids.
But...Not a small adults.
But all was not lost!
:D I can still wear the new pjs lol ^^
The waist is the same size.
Its just the length makes the pants more like shorts then pants. :)
Silly, universe. Its still trying to fit me in the 'kid frame' and so got me 'kid sized' pjs.
Silly silly. ^^;;
Plus its nice to have some shorts to wear....because it is Super HOT!!!
Woot for blessings of cooler pjs. :D
Yay M&Ms!! :D
And Yayerness for mother dearest for thinking of me and my M&M pjs and getting me a new set ^^ It was very sweet of her ^^
Okay. Second Clothes Travails
A week or so before my birthday. I told my sister Kikay.
Hey! I want this shirt from this site! You should get it for me!
And so the next Day. Kikay ordered it for me!
And the thingymababer said that it should get there in 2-9 days.
but the website said that it would only take 2 days at the most.
Well.... She didn't get the confirmation that the order had been sent til nearly a week later.
But it was still before my birthday.
So no worries right? It would get to me before my birthday. :)
Two days before my hadn't come.
And sadly...I was leaving on Vaca the next day.
So no new shirt for my birthday before my birthday Y_Y
But Kikay figured...theres a holiday in there...that messed up the system.
And it would probably arrive a day or two after my birthday.
Well...we got back on Sunday...
To find no present in the mail for me. :(
Days and days had passed. :( No present.
We were getting worried.
But Kikay and I were going to still be in the hometown for another day.
So Monday. Monday we figured it would come.
That meant we would have one last hope.
Tuesday. Yesterday.
We could stick around for a little bit yesterday but Kikay had to get back to Collegetown that evening for work.
So Yesterday was our final day to have my present arrive.
If it didn't arrive...I wouldn't see that present for two more weeks when our next planned visit to come up was.
And so....we waited.
and waited
and waited.
O.o I went out at one point to check the mail box.
Surely the mail had come...
So I checked the neighbors mail box to see if they had mail.
Panic set in.
Had we gotten NO MAIL WHATSOEVER?!?!
oh no oh no oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I walked back inside...
I thought to myself...have I even seen my neighbors for the past couple of days?
Were they even home?
Soo I convinced myself...that perhaps there was still a slim hope that the neighbors hadn't picked up their mail and the mail man still hadn't come.
I would give myself until 2pm.
That was the latest I think the mail would come.
Because usually it comes in the mornings.
so anxiously I waited.
Hoping that the mail hadn't already come.
And then...about 12:30
I heard it.
The mail man!! :D
But...he was on the other side of the street!
Had he already done our side? :S I had only checked like 15 mins earlier...
I wasn't sure.
So I watched him drive on by.
Heart beating.
Heart pumping.
Hoping that he would return.
So I peeked out through the blinds watching for a present looking present to be put into our mail box.
You know...I was expecting a cardboard looking box to hold my shirt.
And I did not see my cardboard looking box.
The mail man drove right on by the driveway...not stopping to place a package on our door.
Heart sinking...
I went out to the mail box.
It hadn't come.
But then.
I opened the mailbox.
Pulled out the mail...
and there was a soft squishy flat plastic envelope.
With Kikay's name on it.
It totally didn't look like what I was expecting the package to look like.
But I tore open the plastic.
And there it was!
My shirt! ^^
Finally! ^^
So story behind the shirt.
It was offered on my favorite blog. :)
I may have mentioned it a time or six....
And I wanted one of their cool shirts.
I picked this one because I graduated this year. ^^
So I thought it would be fun to graduate from TMtP as well!! :) lol
And thus.
I have my Totally Missing the Point University shirt ^^
So excited! ^^
lol and it fit me ^^
Kikay was worried after the pjs that she'd ordered me the wrong size as well :)
Nope.... the Universe just had trouble with the concept of shipping time lol :)
Must have been all those fireworks and late nights or something.
And so...began my birthday of clothes. ^^
At some point I'll go buy some more.... lol I wonder if I'll have troubles if I'm buying clothes myself....hmmm guess we'll see ^^
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic DirchiThe Dream
I was in prison. I guess it was a woman's prison because for a while there were a couple other girls in there as well....except. I wasn't supposed to be in that prison. I was innocent. I hadn't done any crime...not that anybody believed me. But me and two other girls were looking to escape. We clambered all over a huge multistory jungle gym to get over the chain link fence and escape to our freedom and we came across three cut guys on the slide, just hanging out. So we hung out for a bit...but I could feel that time was ticking, and it seemed like...everyone wasn't quite human either...I got a sense of a 'gargoyleness' from a few of us...and that was why we were being locked up.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
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