Saturday, October 6, 2012

182nd Semi-Annual General Conference Saturday Highlights

It's that time of year again! Time to be spiritually fed by the Lord through his disciples. :D Below are listed some of the thoughts and quotes I had while listening/watching today's General Conference. They're not exact quotes....because I was trying to listen and type at the same time, but still there are helpful thoughts here. Hope you enjoy!
To listen/watch/read the conference talks in their entirety. Please visit: 

Saturday Morning

President Thomas S. Monson

-As far as I can see, every seat is filled…except a few in the back…I guess there’s room for improvement.
-3 New temples have been dedicated. 1 temple has been rededicated.
-No church built facility is more important then a temple
-139 temples in operation, 27 announced/under construction
-NEW TEMPLES! Tuscon, Arizona; Arequipa, Peru
-Effective immediately. All young men, regardless of the country they come from. All worthy and able young men who graduated from HS or the equivalent can be recommended for missionary service at age 18 instead of 19. This option is now available.
-Able worthy young women who have the desire to serve, can be recommended for missionary service at age 19 instead of 21.
-Respond to the call to serve. 

Elder Quentin L. Cook

-Age was reduced from 20 to 19 back when he was called.
-Those of you in the rising generation are better prepared then any other generation.
-Your mission is to warn the people in the kindest way possible.
-The spiritual immune system of the entire world has been wounded.
-Until the people realize they need repentance/forgiveness, Christianity isn’t for them.
-Never forsake the Master
-How we treat those closest to us is of fundamental importance.
-Violence and such in the home is not acceptable in adults and especially not in the rising generation.
-God will hold men responsible for every tear they cause their wives to shed.
-We must not physically, emotionally, or verbally abuse others regardless of what happened to us in our past.
-Family is the foundation of love
-There is no place in the world that can’t be affected by Internet content.
-Parents must have the courage to say no.
-The moral issues of today must be addressed in the family.
-It is never to late to make the Savior’s atonement a foundation in our lives.

 Sister Ann M. Dibb

-Courageously look to the savior.
-I’m a Mormon, are you?
-Stand out. Wear a bold declaration of who you are.
-What phrase would you put on your t-shirt?
-I'm a Mormon, I know it, I live it, I love it
-Pay attention to increasing our gospel knowledge and placing it in our lives.
-Live high, moral standards.
-Practice patience.
-Refocus on living gospel principles more fully and increasing spiritual knowledge.
-Apply humility and submission to the will of God.
Brother Craig C. Christensen

-The Holy Ghost works in perfect unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
-A witness from the Holy Ghost is more powerful then any other witness.
-The Holy Ghost carries the message of the gospel unto the hearts of the children of men.
-Heed a silent prompting and act upon it without delay.
-The Holy Ghost speaks with a voice that you feel more then you hear.

Brother Hayne M. Bowen

-What if/ Tormenting thoughts are destructive in nature.
-Self pity can also be very debilitating.
-You have not been robbed, but a great blessing awaits you if you prove to be faithful.
-Continue with good cheer.
-Those feelings of sorrow and despair will one day be swallowed up in the fullness of joy.  

Elder Russell M. Nelson

-Missionary service is a priesthood duty.
-For women a mission is a welcome option but not a responsibility.
-Missionaries serve in more then 150 nations
-They may be young in years but they’re blessed with gifts to help them in their missions.
-Don’t fear missionaries, learn from them. They can be a blessing to your lives.
-Whether truth comes from a scientific laboratory or from god, we seek it.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

-There is nothing mysterious about the principles and values of the gospel.
-They are straightforward and clear.
-They can help us avoid future regrets.
-Spend time with family and friends.
-Wearing busyness like a badge of honor isn’t really a good thing.
-Be like the Savior. Take time to help others.
-Cherish those we love by spending meaningful time with them. –not on the Internet.
-We must do and become what our Heavenly Father wants us to be.
-Be a living example of the restored gospel.
-Pursue holiness and happiness so you won’t have regrets.
-We do matter.
-We determine our happiness.
-Enjoy the journey, it’s not a race, live in the moment.
-We shouldn’t wait to be happy. Happiness is available at any moment.
-Life isn’t meant to be appreciated in retrospect.
-Rejoice and be glad in life.
-There is something in each day to be embraced and cherished, to be enjoyed.
-One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.
-Be thankful for the small things.
-Don’t magnify the negative.
-Resolve to be happy regardless of your circumstances
-To avoid the regrets of life, make more resolutions today.
-Strive more earnestly to become the person God wants you to be.

 Saturday Afternoon

Elder Henry B. Eyring –Sustaining of Church Officers 

Elder L. Tom Perry

-Work to be sure that the values of Christ endure.
-Teach your children by example from the cradle.
-Children are a heritage of the Lord.
-Husbands and wives should work together as equal partners where they blend together their values in order to teach their children.
-Build a strong family structure. Insulate them from worldly experiences.

Elder M. Russell Ballard

 -Depend on each other to make work less overwhelming.
-Great things are brought about by the work of many hands, anxiously engaged in a good cause.
-There is power in our love for the Lord especially when its coupled with service.
-Become like a dedicated honey bee.
-Only when our testimony travels from our mind to our heart, it is only then that we become converted in Christ and are able to better serve our fellow men.
-Don’t get fanatical in religion, just take another step closer to Christ to live consistently and with integrity in what we believe.
-Stay focused.
-Serve each other. 
-Learn to recognize the promptings of the Spirit so you can be motivated to help ‘pollentate’ the world with your service.
-Bring love and compassion to our own family.

Brother Larry Echo Hawk

-The book of Mormon has a message for all peoples of the world.

Brother Robert C. Gay

-Would you sell your soul to the devil for a paltry thing?
-Act. Don’t just sit in a thoughtless stupor.
-Go to the rescue, to the lost, the last, and the least.

Brother Scott D. Whiting

-The temples of this church are the House of the Lord.
-Even if the mortal man may never see or feel the defects, it is for the Lord we build. Therefore, it needs to be built to a higher standard.
-We are made of the finest materials and divine craftsmanship, our own temple can become in need of renovation and repair work. Perhaps there is grit that needs buffing or a slight crooked piece that needs straightening.
-Eliminate the flaws and imperfections so that the spirit of god may always dwell within us.

Elder Neil L. Andersen.

-Treasure our faith.
-Work to strengthen our faith.
-Do all within our power to protect and defend our faith.
-Trials are sometimes camouflaged making it difficult to tell what needs to be fixed within ourselves so that we can become closer to Christ.
-When going through a trial of faith, stay in the security of Christ.
-Don’t let deception lead you away from the path of Christ, trust in our Prophet. True principles are taught frequently.
-Our leaders are honest but imperfect men. Condemn them not.
-Don’t be surprised when you’re backed up against the wall of faith and you need to figure out how to get through your trial.
-Stand on the rock of the Savior, the Foundation of Christ so you cannot fall.
-A witness will follow the trial of your faith.
-Hold on, fear not, for God shall be with you.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

-Protect and act for the well being of children.
-All children are children of God.
-Don’t bully. Support those who are different.
-Fathers support their children by supporting their wife.
-Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to care for each other and for their children.
-Much more weight should be given to the interests of the children.
-From the standpoint of children, divorce is too easy.
-The best outcomes for children are two biological parents who remain married.
-To children the relatively stability of marriage, matters.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was outside, and saw a boy...named Bryan Tagge walking in the snow. But suddenly there was gunfire, I knocked him down to the ground as a sniper was trying to kill him for some unknown reason. He'd already killed another, a girl. And we were trying to figure out what he wanted, but Bryan was tired of hiding, so we used him as bait and he got shot at....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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