Gordon B. Hinckley -Christ is the Light to All Mankind
- Christ is the light to all mankind. He has "pointed, marked out and lighted the way. 'Sadly, many individuals and nations have extinguished that light. They have attempted to supplant His gospel with coercion and the sword.'"
- "There are those who profess to be Saints who are too apt to murmur, and find fault, when any advice is given, which comes in opposition to their feelings, even when they, themselves, ask for counsel; much more so when counsel is given unasked for, which does not agree with their notion of things; but brethren, we hope for better things from the most of you; we trust that you desire counsel, from time to time, and that you will cheerfully conform to it, whenever you receive it from a proper source."
- "All other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages" to the testimony of Jesus--his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.
- The miracles of healing also show how the law of love is to deal with the actual facts of life. Miracles were and are a response to faith, and its best encouragement.
- "Christ says, 'Give me All. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I don't want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. ... Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked--the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours.'"
- Two types of light are physical light and spiritual light.
- Physical light, especially natural light, affects the moods of people.
- Light does have a profound effect on human mood and behavior. Mounting evidence indicates that people who are feeling a little down and need a lift can get it by going outside in daylight. Walking in the light is a natural mood booster. Many who simply walk for half an hour or more during the daylight hours receive a distinct benefit.
- Researchers believe that these effects are traceable to light taken in through the eyes and not through the skin.
- Shifting from these brief remarks about physical light, I should like to consider a kind of light that has infinitely greater power and effect. I speak of spiritual light.
- This word light appears 535 times in the scriptures.
- In the First Vision, light released the boy Joseph from oppressive darkness.
- How does light enter into us? How do we receive it? "But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"
- Light persuades us to do good; it leads us to Christ.
- We can be like a mirror and direct light even into dark places. We are not the sources of light; nevertheless, through us light can be reflected to others.
- "Why so happy?" a grim-faced, scowling rider asked him.
- The boy replied, "I've never lived this day before."
- This is it, whether we are thrilled or disappointed, busy or bored! This is life, and it is passing."
- You can lie to yourself, and you can lie to others, but you can never lie to the Lord.
- Each day can be richer and more meaningful if we can be happy with ourselves.
- Don't worry about those things which you cannot change. If something can be done, do it. If nothing can be done, don't worry about it.
- We can be so grateful for principle that provide positive, spiritual reinforcement for parental teachings and that direct young people away from the pitfalls that Satan has strewn along the path of adolescence and young adulthood.
- We now know by scientific evidence what the Saints have known by revelation for 158 years.
- Members of the Church have obviously been blessed with health and spirituality by being obedient to this commandment.
- Welfare service "is not a program, but the essence of the gospel. It is the gospel in action.
- The Church does substantial but perhaps little-known humanitarian work in many places in the world. Our ability to reach out to others is made possible only to the extent that we are self-reliant. When we are self-reliant, we will use material blessings we receive from God to take care of ourselves and our families and be in a position to help others.
- None of us should expect others to provide for us that which we can provide for ourselves.
- Of course, members of the Church have their share of faults and weaknesses, but we see abundant evidence that living the gospel does help the Saints to become better. As more people commit themselves to living the gospel with all their heart, might, mind, and strength, they will be examples to their families and friends.
- Never be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- In the message of the gospel, the entire human race is one family descended from a single God. All men and women have not only a physical lineage leading back to Adam and Eve, their first earthly parents, but also a spiritual heritage leading back to God the Eternal Father. Thus, all persons on earth are literally brothers and sisters in the family of God.
- In the gospel view, no man is alien. No one is to be denied. There is no underlying excuse for smugness, arrogance, or pride. Openly scorning the pettiness and intolerance of rival religious groups.
- Mormonism, so-called, is a world religion, not simply because its members are now found throughout the world, but chiefly because it has a comprehensive and inclusive message based upon the acceptance of all truth, restored to meet the needs of all mankind.
- All men share an inheritance of divine light. God operates among his children in all nations, and those who seek God are entitled to further light and knowledge, regardless of thier race, nationality, or cultural traditions.
- "[God] is using not only his covenant people, but other peoples as well, to consummate a work, stupendous, magnificent, and altogether too arduous for this little handful of Saints to accomplish by and of themselves. ...
- Ours is a perennial religion based on eternal, saving truth. Its message of love and brotherhood is lodged in scripture and in the revelations of the Lord to his living prophet. It embraces all truth. It circumscribes all wisdom--all that God has revealed to man, and all that he will yet reveal.
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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