- Those who would destroy at the present tie no longer use tar and feathers; they taunt and fault.
- It would seem that no one escapes some uncertainty, insecurity, doubt, and even fear. This mortal existence is invariably challenging and unpredictable. An honest person who is acquainted with the characteristics of life cannot ever be completely confident that his circumstances will not change unexpectedly.
- How do we deal with the inevitable moments of fear or "feeble knees"? It is vital that we not face them alone. Always it is helpful and comforting to be able to confide in a loving and trusted friend or relative who empathetically listens to our uncertainties. We often find that our confidant has experienced similar fears, and we may even share in his wise counsel.
- Life is never easy, and we cannot escape our own case of feeble knees fro time to time. It is thus essential that we love and support one another.
- Nowhere are we advised to dilute the doctrines of the gospel with personal amendments. Our view is limited and our personal strength is dependent on understanding and following His word.
- Oftentimes we can cause confusion and misdirection in our lives and in the lives of others if we promote the startling and unorthodox. Feeble knees are strengthened by those who lead with purpose rather than with personal interpretations.
- Sabbath days can be lost an outing at a time.
- Anger is a poor substitute for self-mastery and compassionate service.
- No lasting great personal heights are ever reached by those who step on others to try to push themselves upward.
- "Life isn't always fair, but we can still expect excellence from ourselves."
- Many of us today have a tendency to seek instant strength, instant pleasure, instant acceptance, instant relief, instant answers, instant change, instant success, instant knowledge, instant wealth, omitting day-by-day effort and work. We become discouraged and get more feeble kneed if goals are not reached immediately. Work is a necessary pattern in the solid life.
- "Be a light, not a judge."
- The scholar took all his gifts back and said, "You had a beautiful rose and saw only the thorn; you had a lovely green branch and saw only the dead leaf; and on the glorious lily you saw only the clump of dirt."
- In each of us there may be a thorn in our character, a dead leaf clinging to our reputation, or a bit of dirt in our past. If we dwell on past mistakes, we will certainly become weak-kneed and fearful.
- When we point out faults or mistakes others may have made, in no way will we strengthen their feeble knees or hold up hands that hang down.
- "The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."
- We strengthen and build by pointing out the good traits of a person and cause fear and weakness by being unduly critical.
- I am in agreement that tact is rubbing out another's mistakes instead of rubbing them in.
- "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.
- Joy is more than happiness, Joy is the ultimate sensation of well-being.
- The opposite of joy is misery. Misery is more than unhappiness, sorrow, or suffering. Misery is the ultimate state of disharmony with God and his laws.
- If the more mature have not dulled their physical or spiritual sensitivities by excess or disuse, they can also experience joy in what is simple and basic.
- God's mercy is the only source of the ultimate and eternal joy, which restores every loss, dries every tear, and erases every pain. Eternal joy transcends all suffering. In this life and in the life to come.
- "When the wicked ... rule, the people mourn."
- Do not seek happiness in the glittering but shallow things of the world. We cannot achieve lasting happiness by pursuing the wrong things. Someone once said, "You can never get enough of what you don't need, because what you don't need won't satisfy you."
- Happiness and joy come from what a person is, not from what he or she possesses or appears to be.
- Examples are powerful. We should use them to build up, not to tear down.
- Good questions can be important if we are truly searching to understand, and that sometimes good answers that are good enough may take a lifetime of looking.
- The Samaritan saw what others with eyes had walked by without seeing, He did what he could do that no one else would do.
- His spirit and power will comfort us as we extend ourselves in help and love to those who need us.
- If charity is not always quick to our understanding, it may occasionally be quick to our misunderstanding.
- "Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually."
- I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart.
- God has provided a channel of communication between him and his children on earth that Satan, our common enemy, cannot invade. This is the channel of secret prayer.
- By this means we are able to communicate with our Heavenly Father in secrecy, confident that the adversary cannot intrude.
- Satan can convey thoughts, he does not know whether these thoughts have taken root unless they are reflected either in words or in actions.
- We should be wise in what we say and do.
- Wisdom suggests, therefore, that we suppress words and actions which might enable Satan to harm us or whose tendency might be to create discord or enmity.
- How much better it is to emphasize and to focus on positive rather than negative things so as to build up and to protect each other.
- Our test of faith seems to be in believing our children of today are as able to understand spiritual truths.
- "Little children ... cannot sin, for power is not given unto Satan to tempt little children, until they begin to become accountable before me.
- The Lord points out that children in their infant state are innocent before God but that Satan takes away light and taught from them because of disobedience and the tradition of their fathers. To prevent this, he commands parents to bring up their children in light and truth.
- Remember that I am always available to guide up in rearing this child of ours if you will but seek my help. I hope you will do so often.
- My mission had prioritized my life toward family, service, and gospel principles. As an added bonus, I was far ahead of most of my former classmates in worldly achievements.
- The call to full-time service in the Church is an unchanging, eternal miracle.
- The call to missionary service rarely comes when it is convenient or easy to serve.
- Yes, the call is an eternal miracle, never changing.
- At present, less than half our faithful young men from the United States and Canada serve missions; in the rest of the world one or two of ten are called.
- Our Heavenly Father might not call us by name, but his called and ordained servants will call us to serve for a period--by name, and in his name and by his inspiration and revelation.
- Life in today's world can bee at times so complicated and the challenges so overwhelming as to be beyond our individual capacity to resolve them.
- "And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you."
- It is through the combination of our doing what is within our power to accomplish and the power of the Lord that the blessing is realized.
- Trust requires faith, worthiness, and a sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit to communicate the will of the Lord.
- Help from the Lord generally comes in increments.
- That plan gives us an opportunity to discover what the Lord expects us to learn. It requires our patience to recognize His timetable. It provides growth from our efforts and trust in Him and the opportunity to express gratitude for the help given.
- Not all our prayers will be answered as we wish. It is not always easy to know the will of the Lord, yet there are some things we can be certain of. He will never ask us to do anything that is not completely in harmony with His teachings.
- Trust Him, even when in eternal perspective it temporarily hurts very much. Have patience when you are asked to wait when you want immediate action. He may ask you to do things which are powerfully against your will.
- "Remember, the family is one of God's greatest fortresses against the evils of our day."
- Provide a home where a happy, positive influence for good exists.
Chieko N. Okazaki -"Rejoice in Every Good Thing"
- 1. Let us rejoice in our sisterhood. 2. Let us rejoice in our diversity. and 3. let us rejoice in our charity!
- Remember you are not alone. You are one of a sisterhood.
- "Sisterhood [is] the bonding among women on both personal and public levels, from simple friendships to massive organizations.
- Rejoice in the diversity of our sisterhood! It is the diversity of colors in a spectrum that makes a rainbow. It is the diversity in our circumstances that gives us compassionate hearts. It is the diversity of our spiritual gifts that benefits the Church.
- Being different--but still knowing, helping, and loving--is the way it's supposed to be!
- Rejoice in the power you have within you from Christ to be a nucleus of love, forgiveness, and compassion.
- Sisters, we are mighty together. There is consolation in our caring. there is strength in our sharing. There is power in our commitment to righteousness.
- Once a job was begun, it was done well, and it was finished.
- Children are especially sensitive to the power of pure example.
- Always has time for me. She listens.
- We choose the examples we follow.
- Examples are not forced upon us. We choose which ones we want to emulate and which ones we want to ignore or disregard. The choice is ours, and so is the burden of the consequence.
- Let us be what we profess to be.
- People around you can tell who you are; they can see it in your eyes and feel the spirit you radiate as they associate with you.
- Young women, these are your days to prepare to do your part-- to take your place in the great forward movement that is rolling across the earth like a mighty wave. Prayer, scripture study, and obedience to the commandments will prepare you to lead out in righteousness for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- To you who feel harried and overwhelmed and who wonder whether you ever will be able to run fast enough to catch the departing train you think you should be on, I suggest that you learn to deal with each day as it comes, doing the best you can, without feelings of guilt or inadequacy.
- When you have done the best you can, be satisfied and don't look back and second-guess, wondering how you could have done more. Be at peace within yourselves. Rather than berate yourself for what you didn't do, congratulate yourself for what you did.
- You young women have a responsibility to live exemplary lives so the young men will respect your values and treat you as daughters of God deserve to be treated.
- You are very precious, each of you, regardless of your circumstances.
- Live to be worthhy of that glory which is available to you.
- My own interpretation of that sentence is that the husband shall have a governing responsibility to provide for, to protect, to strengthen and shield the wife. Any man who belittles or abuses or terrorizes, or who rules in unrighteousness, will deserve and, I believe, receive the reprimand of a just God who is the Eternal Father of both His sons and daughters.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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