Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sink Me!

Adventure Adventure Adventure!!

Kikay and I went on an adventure.
What did we do?
We drove alllllll the way home.
To see a play!
But oh, not just any play!

I had heard a few weeks ago via facebook that my grandparents had gone to see it.
And avidly I scourged through the nearby theatres to see which one was performing one.
It turns out to be a theatre a little north of my home.
Which makes sense since the grandparents live a little north of home as well. lol.

So I asked Kikay. you want to go see this play?
She gave me a look...
and told me to ask her a little later in the week,
because she was stressed out with a project and didn't want to think about anything potentially 'fun' until after it was done/turned in. ;)
So patiently I waited.
Asked again.
And she said Yes!!
So I booked the tickets -getting like the last ones possible.
And off we went to go see it!

I thought it would be an interesting experience,
as the last time I saw this play we saw it in a theatre in the round.
-where the stage is in the center and the audience sits all around it.
This theatre had a normal stage where the audience is in front of the stage.

Oh man!
It's been years since I've seen the play.
So I've just seen the movie most recently.
But this was awesome!!
I got the chills, laughed, cried.

And I noticed...slight differences.
Not from the movie. That's totally different.
But from the play I remember and the play I saw.
For they did a couple of scenes in a different order.
Which I found intriguing.
As I could mix up the order of the play...
and still have it make sense.
Such a revelation.
As now I didn't quite know what to expect when. :) lol
And that made it all the more fun. ^^

In any case.
I totally want to go see it again!! :)
lol unfortunately this won't probably happen until next time a theater picks it up.
But I look forward to that moment. :)

You're probably thinking "Well, what play is it?!!?"
Only a common red flower.

The Scarlet Pimpernel!!!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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