Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Crazy 'Invention'

I've heard many odd things while at work, but this...may be the oddest.

This involves an invention. One that I just have to shake my head at and go "Why would you do that?!"

So you know how children love stuffed animals?
You know how children love to watch the fish in fish tanks.

Well, why not combine the two together.

Yah, that's right. A fish bowl, in a stuffed animal.


I just can't picture it...working.
How would you feed the fish?
How would the bowl not leak water all over the place?

And then there's the fact that it's a stuffed animal.
Like a toy.
Like something to be played with, tossed around, hitting things, being dropped.

And you want to stick a FISH in that?

Crazy. Totally crazy.

Seriously, I doubt the fish would live that long. Not if the toy is actually played with.
Can you picture the trauma the fish would go through?

Yah....I really hope that no parents try it out. Because they're going to be sorely disappointed. Because I really can't see how that will work.

What will work though is to have this 'clear orb' used for other things, like storing smaller toys or candy. Lots of candy.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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