Saturday, March 15, 2014

Game Night

Game Night.
I tend to cringe when this concept comes up.
Because it's the standard 'this is what we're doing for FHE again' activity when nobody knows what to do. And the games: Apples to Apples, Catch Phrase.....have grown tiresome for me.
Seriously, what happened to good old board games? I love board games. Why not go for Life or Monopoly or CandyLand? *shakes head*

So when I was invited over to a 'game night'....
...You were expecting me to groan right?
No, I was actually kinda excited.
It was a new group of people I would be hanging out with and playing games.
Which meant, maybe we wouldn't play the same old same old.
After all, I do love games.

Though, I'm not always in a hurry to play them.
Again, it depends on the group.
Are they easy-going? dominating? Controlling?
What sort of dynamic would it be?
Because that also influences how much I feel like competing.
Because if it isn't 'fun' then it isn't that good of a game. ;)
Of course, I tend to take the 'quiet takedown' sort of approach. Staying under the radar until I Strike and Win the game! Dun. Dun. Dun!

Ha. But with this first meeting with a new group,
I didn't mind that we never got around to games.
Games can happen whenever....
Sometimes it's fun to chat.
Relax. Just get some down time.
Because really, I needed it. Down time.
Work has been crazy.
And to be able to just sit, chat, laugh.
Felt so good. It's not something that always happens.
As many group interactions I end up in....I end up being a bit shy and tense.
There's a sense of expectation. A sense that there is a game going on and I don't know all the rules.
And so, to come into this group, and feel like I already knew the rules.
Set me totally at ease. :)
So while we didn't get to actual games,
I did enjoy the stories told, and experiences shared. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at a new friend's home, hanging out doing this and that, but eventually it became time for me to go, only...I couldn't find my bike. My brother had hidden it. And he wasn't telling me where he'd put it. It got me super frustrated, enough that I actually started a fight with him, trying to strangle him to get him to tell me where my bike was because I really had to go. I never did find it, and I ended up talking to someone on a cellphone as I was walking along, and I encountered center street in a small town, where they were having a parade. I got there just as it was starting, saw the first few people coming up on the road, turned away for a second to finish my conversation and hang up, and when I turned back...the parade was over. Everyone else was just as surprised as I was. There must have only been like 5 entries. Everyone kept waiting for more of the parade to show up, kids were screaming that they wanted candy...but when regular cars started going down the road, everyone knew no more was coming and drifted away. I made my way into a small town dinner, asking if they had a lost and found to see if I could find my keys there. he didn't have any, just a collection of bouncy balls. And then, I overheard one of the women, who looked like my Arizona Aunt, talking about her son Cameron and how he'd be up to order his food in a bit, he was just at the back fence trying to talk to friends. The other people with her began to get impatient because he was taking too long to order. For fun I decided to go out into the back to see what it looked like, and I could hear the Arizona Aunt talking about their life, how they were poor enough that she'd just hang their dirty clothes in a bag off the back porch because they didn't have a laundry in their home, and so the kids were constantly getting new clothes because they couldn't afford to wash the others. I walked past the bag, and into the backyard which was full of thick trees, like a creepy forest. I could still overhear the Aunt, saying that they now had a laundry and she was going to have her boys go through their clothes and toss out all the shirts that were the 'same.' I left the dark black forest area, and walked out into bright yellow fields. There were tons of undeveloped lands around due to the size of the town, and I was enjoying the empty space when...

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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