Sunday, March 23, 2014

No Oar To The Head Please

Elder Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles came to the Institute and spoke in our Devotional.
Totally exciting! I mean. I WAS ABLE TO GO!!
Seriously. I was able to go. Do you know how rare it is for me to make it to the Devotionals? It's extremely rare. Because most of the time I'm scheduled for work at that time.
But not this day! Oh no. I was scheduled a night shift that didn't start until afterwards. YES!! The most important Devotional of the year and I was able to make it! Totally exciting. lol

He was soo cool. I mean, like so super cool. He's just as cool in person as he is watching him when he's speaking at General Conference. It's just amazing. The talks he chooses to give, even to an Institute full of people have so much power. He doesn't hold back. It's like I got a nice teaser taste of what's to come in a couple of weeks. I almost wish for him to give the same talk so that I can have a hard copy of it in the Ensign afterwards.

As he was talking to...those who are feeling downtrodden. Alone. Worthless.
He was talking to those who....want to change, but feel like nobody is going to give them the chance.
Or if they do change, the people who they would count on to be their friends....won't let their past actions go. They keep dragging it back up again and again, treating you like your 'old' self when you aren't that self anymore.

I loved his analogy.
You don't go up to a swimmer in a row boat, who's been struggling against the current, fighting the waves, is nearly in sight of shore and oh so tired, and hit them over the head repeatedly with the oar.

No, instead you would help them into the boat and take them to shore!

It's a great analogy.
And one that we really should avoid doing to each other.
"I want to change, but I need my friends to help me." Was the title of Elder Holland's talk. -not the exact title but something along that line.
There is only so much that a person who wants to change can do for themselves.
They need friends or family to help support them, to build them up to keep progressing in the positive change they're making to their lives.
If they're constantly recast in a role because their friends won't let them be the 'new person' they're seeking to's not good.

It's definitely given me a lot to think about. My own relationships. How I treat those around me.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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