There was a work party today.
A coworker appreciation party so I'm told.
Though I'm pretty sure it was just an excuse to celebrate Halloween.
In any case.
I showed up.
And found out the food was hot dogs.
I like hot dogs.
Kinda wish there were hamburgers as well, but hot dogs work.
And one of my managers was like. "I want you to eat two hotdogs."
lol why?
Because my coworkers never see me eat 'real food'
I'm always snacking on crackers and fruit snacks at work.
Because working with animals all day....not really a place I want to make/cook food.
So they, thinking that I don't eat enough, suggested that I eat two.
Which I could.
I usually eat two hotdogs when I make them at home.
So I was confident in that challenge.
...It was more difficult than I had imagined it to be.
Because the managers bought a different set of hotdogs than I'm used to.
So the taste and texture of them was...nearly gag inducing.
Because I have a sensitive gag reflex.
The managers were like "How is it?"
"Yah. I'm used to the cheap ones."
You know, the 98 cent package of hotdogs you can get at the store?
Those ones.
Those are the ones I'm used to tasting. And like the taste of. lol.
These fancier hotdogs...were alright.
But not something I would go out right now and buy.
I did eat the two hotdogs though.
I had to do it slowly so as to not make myself gag, though I did that a couple of times.
So I accomplished their dare.
And they said. "Okay, now eat three! Eat three. Eat three."
"No, you said that I only needed to eat two."
And it all boiled down to "I knew you couldn't eat three hot dogs! You missed the gold medal there."
What is it about them and one upping each other?
They told me two. So I ate two.
You can't change the stakes and make it three after the fact. *shakes head*
Perhaps I would have attempted it.
If I hadn't gone to Taco Bell to get a crunchwrap a couple of hours earlier.
So I was already full.
Stuffed really.
Two hotdogs and a crunchwrap? Totally crazy.
I wouldn't be able to eat more at all.
Because I already was one move away from emptying my stomach from the first two not so great tasting hot dogs.
so I stood firm and stayed away from that third hot dog.
I bet if I'd eaten a third they'd have goaded me into a fourth if the pattern would hold.
like I said...what is it about boys and trying to one up each other?
In any case.
Yay for food and feeling stuffed! lol.
Now. To enjoy alllll the candy for Halloween. ^^
Happy Halloween guys!
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
A way that will hopefully give you a glimpse inside the mind of the author, and help you see the world in a slightly different light.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
The Call to Serve
I'm not even sure how the topic came up.
I mean, I'd just clocked back in from lunch and passed by my manager.
We got to talking.
And somehow the conversation changed to them saying. "You should go on a mission."
I've had that comment come up multiple times. From different people.
Moreso now with the age change and everything.
And I told my manager what I've told everyone else "I'm not planning on going on one."
Why? Because I have never had the desire to go. Like ever. The thought has crossed my mind multiple times. Wondering if I should go. Especially after the age change. Especially after a bunch of my friends went.
But I've never felt that it is something that I need to do.
I mean, even back when I was Elementary age and in church the teacher would ask "Who here is planning on serving a mission?"
I distinctly remember not raising my hand. While everyone else did.
Even then I felt pressure to raise my hand after I was singled out and asked why I hadn't raised my hand.
Its simple.
I've never felt the need to go.
Sure. I could be good at it. I've been told multiple times that I have a great spirit, that I would be a great missionary, a wonderful teacher.....but its not something that I want right now in my life plan.
In any case.
The manager was like "Did you pray about it?"
"How did you pray?"
I said something like "I asked the Lord if I should serve a mission and I got confirmation that its not something I need to do."
And the manager told me "You prayed wrong."
Excuse me? How can one pray wrong?
"It's in the way you phrased the question. As the Lord can't tell you what to do. You have your agency after all and he can't infringe on your agency."
Yes...he can't infringe on your agency. But if you ask. "What should I do." He can tell you things that you could be doing.
I mean. We just had a whole conference talk this past General Conference where people can ask "What can I do to be better?" And the holy ghost can tell you things like "Stop complaining. Clean your room. Go help so and so."
We can be told what to do. That's not infringing on our agency because we still have the choice whether or not to listen to what we're told. We aren't robots where a command is put in and we have to obey it even if we don't want to.
You can choose. You can choose to listen. To do whatever it is willingly. To do whatever it is and still complain about it. to ignore it completely. We have the choice.
But alas, my way of words is not quite as good when speaking aloud as it is written down. lol.
Because I know that my phrasing up above on 'how I asked the Lord.' wasn't quite right. It's just how it popped out of my mouth. Because I was put on the spot.
And my manager went into a whole spiel about the proper way to bring problems to the Lord.
Quoting the oft quoted scripture of "Study it out in your mind, Ask with pure intent." etc etc.
Where you need to "come to a decision, and then ask the Lord if that is the right decision."
Which in reality was nuances.
Because isn't that basically what I said. I did tell the manager that I chose not to go. That I asked if I should serve is basically saying, "Hey, I don't want to serve a mission, but do you want me to?"
So we had that whole conversation. Where I was struggling to not sound like a petulant spoiled child that is stubborn headed in refusing to go on a mission.
Because being put on the spot sucks.
I really like writing because I have time to consider my words, I can say things just right (most of the time.) and not just feel like...I said the wrong thing.
"Did you know everyone is required to serve a mission?" My manager asked, after I again reiterated that I did not want to go.
"No, only priesthood holders are required to go. (as circumstances allow. As there are exceptions to every rule.) Women are not required to go."
"You should still serve a mission. It will do you good."
"No, I'm fine."
"Why do you not want to go?"
"Because its not a good fit for me. I do badly under stress. I hate meeting new people constantly."
"That's not true. You're under stress all the time at work, you talk to new people all the time at work."
At work I am in my comfort zone. I am Queen of the Hive so to speak. I am in control of the situation I know my backups I know most of the answers. I know that when its all said and done, the customer will be the one leaving the store and I will still be there.
You don't know how long it took me to relax into my job in the first place!
As this particular manager is like the 4th one of that position that I've had in the 3 years I worked there....they haven't seen me in my beginnings.
Yes. I appear confident. Yes. I am great with customers. Yes I can handle the stress really well here at work.
But it wasn't always like that. It took me at least Seven Months to actually relax into my job.
When I started. I was shy. I was timid. I was a quaking mouse. Talking to people was a struggle for me. I could barley raise my voice loud enough for people to hear me. Approaching people to ask them if they needed assistance was enough to give me anxiety.
You would never know that now.
And this manager doesn't know it. Because they didn't see the beginning.
I mean, we hired a girl that was everything I said I was above. Shy. Quiet. Timid. etc. And the manager couldn't believe that I was like that.
But I was.
And I still become like that whenever I am confronted with new situations. Send me to a new place and I will guarantee that I will revert back to that until I can get comfortable in that area.
So the fact that in a mission I will be sent to a new place. That I may have to learn a new language. That every six weeks I would a) possibly get a new companion. b) switch to a new area.
The fact that I would have to approach strangers on their turf. To tell them about the gospel. The fact that I would have to constantly face rejection after 'putting myself out there.'
Would not be beneficial to me at all.
Even with how comfortable I am at work, I still come home on days with headaches due from stress.
I could only imagine the problems I would face for the first seven months on (or the entire) mission. If I would get headaches. If I would be suffering. If I would deal with a lack of sleep because those headaches can keep me up all night....
How can I do the Lord's work well? To the best of my capabilities?
-Yes. I am aware that weaknesses can become strengths. That the Lord will support whom he calls. That relying on the Lord can mean that these problems could not be an issue...
But it is also true that the Lord did not put us here to be miserable. That our Plan of Salvation is also called the "Plan of Happiness." Not the Plan of Misery. Not the Plan of Despair. Happiness. It's Happiness.
The Lord wants us to be Happy.
So if we're not can we follow the Lord?
Doubt and Fear cannot be found in the same place as there is Faith and Hope. And if you're in Fear the entire time on the can you follow the Lord's direction?
Basically....the whole conversation with the manager left me....irritated.
Why can you not accept the simple answer of "I do not want to go, I chose not to go?"
It definitely put a damper on my day. A sour taste to my mouth. Annoyance in general that I felt basically that I couldn't be a good Member of the Church if I didn't serve a mission.
I mean, I felt like I should have waved flags in front of the manager and said: Newsflash...hundreds of thousands of women before me didn't serve missions, and they've turned out just fine. They're still going to heaven!
The Church may be "Cookie Cutter" in its programs, in its teachings etc...but if the Lord wanted all of his children to be exactly the same. To follow exactly the same checklist.
Then we would have gone for Satan's plan in the first place. Where we would have no agency. Where we would have to follow rules and not have choices.
The Church is perfect. The People are not. We have our agency. We have our choices. We have our differing life experiences. God created every human being in this world to be unique. To have their own special talents, their own gifts that can bring about his work.
Which means we don't all need to do the exact same thing. (Like serve a mission.) in order to serve the Lord and return to his presence.
There's talks about "Every Member a Missionary." But that doesn't mean Every Member needs to get a Mission Call.
It really boils down to the choices you make.
Elder Ballard spoke earlier today in an Institute devotional. (I couldn't go as I had work, but I had a customer come in who went.) Where he again reiterated the simple things. Are you praying? Are you going to church? Are you studying the scriptures? Are you taking the Sacrament? Are you doing the simple things?
The gospel is simple. So simple a child can understand it.
And through doing those simple things. One can receive revelation. Inspiration that allows them to be able to hear the spirit of the Lord, to be able to find ways to serve others. To teach others. To inspire others.
Line upon Line. Precept on Precept.
Its small things that can bring great things to pass right?
It can be something simple.
So, my Dad, randomly texted me after work today. Asking how I was doing.
And I told him.
I was irritated.
Because of the previous conversation above with the manager.
And he was an angel sent to calm my troubled mind. To bring peace back to my hurting soul. To find confidence in that my decision is actually still the right decision.
He said:
"You serve in so many ways. A mission is not the only way to serve. The example of your life is more service than most missionaries do."
Its a matter of choices.
And its a matter of choosing to try and do your best. To walk along the Lord's path.
You can serve a mission and draw further away from the Lord.
You can forgo a mission and draw closer to the Lord.
It all depends on your priorities really. On the reasons why you're choosing how you choose.
Its a matter of being able to understand other people, realize that they've all had different walks of life.
I was taught that from a young age. That people who are different than you, who believe differently, who act differently, who live differently. Aren't bad.
Sometimes it seems like members are told that "Different is bad. Don't associate with it."
Yet, being different. Is a huge part of why I have become who I am today.
Why I am understanding, why I can sympathize, why I can be friends with people who aren't members of the church.
Because I grew up around those people. My family would go on vacations. We'd learn about different cultures. We'd meet people from all walks of life.
And my parents were the best examples. Showing us that we can interact with other people. That there are good people everywhere you look. That you can find good in many different places. That doesn't mean you have to 'love what the person does." but you can definitely "love the person."
Do you look out for others?
Do you find ways to bring other people joy?
Do you mourn with those that mourn?
Celebrate with those that celebrate?
Do you look for ways to serve?
Do you look for ways to inspire others?
To bring a droplet of sunshine to their day?
It can be simple.
Like doing a blog.
Like occasionally posting/writing scripture/general conference related thoughts.
I've always felt that my way of 'being an influence to the world' was through writing.
This blog didn't start out as a "Oh, let me share scriptures and General Conference thoughts now!"
No. It started out as a place to write.
And as I develop interests in things. as I find joy in things, I post about them. I incorporate them into my life. As I am still growing, still learning, still finding new ways to inspire myself which in turn leads me to inspiring others.
I mean, recently, due to being inspired by this past general conference. I began Tweeting/Facebooking favorite quotes from conference and the scriptures. I mean I even began a new blog specifically for the purpose of sharing quotes from church! lol and I can tell you, that was the furthest thing from my mind when I first began blogging five years ago. :)
And it's because I found that people enjoy seeing positive things in their lives, and the Church posts a lot of positive messages. :) is true what my Dad said.
You can serve the Lord and be able to do his work.
Without having to serve a mission.
My Dad also stated "Your Devotion to our Heavenly Father is much more sincere than most the missionaries I served with. And it has lasted much longer than 2 years."
Its a matter of choices.
Of how you choose to live your life.
Of what is needed to help you become more perfected in Christ.
For some people, they need to serve a mission.
They need the spiritual boost that that calling gives to them.
Others don't. Others are able to keep up and boost their spiritual strength in other ways. Whether it be volunteering for a homeless shelter, giving gifts to family, or sharing favorite quotes from General Conference.
Spiritual validation can come in a variety of places.
But I think the key to it all.
Is again. Happiness.
Is it making you happy?
Then share it!
Because people can tell if you are really into something, or just going through the motions.
And if you share your joy, others can gain joy from your joy.
Reflective light can help build someone else's fire given enough time.
But first you need to decide.
Is this thing you want to share making you happy?
If its not. Why isn't it?
Is it because its a method that you don't like? Is it the people you're around? Is it that you'd rather be sharing it in a different manner?
Then share in a way that brings you joy. :) That allows people to see the light in your eyes, the fire in your soul.
For me, its through writing.
For others, its through missions.
Or dancing,
Heart Surgery.
We can find Joy. We can find the Gospel. We can feel the Lord's love in a variety of ways.
We can share the Lord's gospel, his love, his plan of Happiness in a variety of means.
A mission is just one of those.
If its not for you, then don't sweat it.
Not everyone needs to serve a mission. For many, they can find spiritual strength in other situations.
I mean, our Prophet Thomas S. Monson didn't serve a mission. (due to the war if I remember correctly.) And look. HE'S THE PROPHET OF THE LORD!
So have confidence in yourself. Believe in what you do. Serve in how you can best serve.
And it will all work out in the end. :) Don't let others make you feel worse for not serving a mission if you choose not to. There are many other ways to do the Lord's work. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I mean, I'd just clocked back in from lunch and passed by my manager.
We got to talking.
And somehow the conversation changed to them saying. "You should go on a mission."
I've had that comment come up multiple times. From different people.
Moreso now with the age change and everything.
And I told my manager what I've told everyone else "I'm not planning on going on one."
Why? Because I have never had the desire to go. Like ever. The thought has crossed my mind multiple times. Wondering if I should go. Especially after the age change. Especially after a bunch of my friends went.
But I've never felt that it is something that I need to do.
I mean, even back when I was Elementary age and in church the teacher would ask "Who here is planning on serving a mission?"
I distinctly remember not raising my hand. While everyone else did.
Even then I felt pressure to raise my hand after I was singled out and asked why I hadn't raised my hand.
Its simple.
I've never felt the need to go.
Sure. I could be good at it. I've been told multiple times that I have a great spirit, that I would be a great missionary, a wonderful teacher.....but its not something that I want right now in my life plan.
In any case.
The manager was like "Did you pray about it?"
"How did you pray?"
I said something like "I asked the Lord if I should serve a mission and I got confirmation that its not something I need to do."
And the manager told me "You prayed wrong."
Excuse me? How can one pray wrong?
"It's in the way you phrased the question. As the Lord can't tell you what to do. You have your agency after all and he can't infringe on your agency."
Yes...he can't infringe on your agency. But if you ask. "What should I do." He can tell you things that you could be doing.
I mean. We just had a whole conference talk this past General Conference where people can ask "What can I do to be better?" And the holy ghost can tell you things like "Stop complaining. Clean your room. Go help so and so."
We can be told what to do. That's not infringing on our agency because we still have the choice whether or not to listen to what we're told. We aren't robots where a command is put in and we have to obey it even if we don't want to.
You can choose. You can choose to listen. To do whatever it is willingly. To do whatever it is and still complain about it. to ignore it completely. We have the choice.
But alas, my way of words is not quite as good when speaking aloud as it is written down. lol.
Because I know that my phrasing up above on 'how I asked the Lord.' wasn't quite right. It's just how it popped out of my mouth. Because I was put on the spot.
And my manager went into a whole spiel about the proper way to bring problems to the Lord.
Quoting the oft quoted scripture of "Study it out in your mind, Ask with pure intent." etc etc.
Where you need to "come to a decision, and then ask the Lord if that is the right decision."
Which in reality was nuances.
Because isn't that basically what I said. I did tell the manager that I chose not to go. That I asked if I should serve is basically saying, "Hey, I don't want to serve a mission, but do you want me to?"
So we had that whole conversation. Where I was struggling to not sound like a petulant spoiled child that is stubborn headed in refusing to go on a mission.
Because being put on the spot sucks.
I really like writing because I have time to consider my words, I can say things just right (most of the time.) and not just feel like...I said the wrong thing.
"Did you know everyone is required to serve a mission?" My manager asked, after I again reiterated that I did not want to go.
"No, only priesthood holders are required to go. (as circumstances allow. As there are exceptions to every rule.) Women are not required to go."
"You should still serve a mission. It will do you good."
"No, I'm fine."
"Why do you not want to go?"
"Because its not a good fit for me. I do badly under stress. I hate meeting new people constantly."
"That's not true. You're under stress all the time at work, you talk to new people all the time at work."
At work I am in my comfort zone. I am Queen of the Hive so to speak. I am in control of the situation I know my backups I know most of the answers. I know that when its all said and done, the customer will be the one leaving the store and I will still be there.
You don't know how long it took me to relax into my job in the first place!
As this particular manager is like the 4th one of that position that I've had in the 3 years I worked there....they haven't seen me in my beginnings.
Yes. I appear confident. Yes. I am great with customers. Yes I can handle the stress really well here at work.
But it wasn't always like that. It took me at least Seven Months to actually relax into my job.
When I started. I was shy. I was timid. I was a quaking mouse. Talking to people was a struggle for me. I could barley raise my voice loud enough for people to hear me. Approaching people to ask them if they needed assistance was enough to give me anxiety.
You would never know that now.
And this manager doesn't know it. Because they didn't see the beginning.
I mean, we hired a girl that was everything I said I was above. Shy. Quiet. Timid. etc. And the manager couldn't believe that I was like that.
But I was.
And I still become like that whenever I am confronted with new situations. Send me to a new place and I will guarantee that I will revert back to that until I can get comfortable in that area.
So the fact that in a mission I will be sent to a new place. That I may have to learn a new language. That every six weeks I would a) possibly get a new companion. b) switch to a new area.
The fact that I would have to approach strangers on their turf. To tell them about the gospel. The fact that I would have to constantly face rejection after 'putting myself out there.'
Would not be beneficial to me at all.
Even with how comfortable I am at work, I still come home on days with headaches due from stress.
I could only imagine the problems I would face for the first seven months on (or the entire) mission. If I would get headaches. If I would be suffering. If I would deal with a lack of sleep because those headaches can keep me up all night....
How can I do the Lord's work well? To the best of my capabilities?
-Yes. I am aware that weaknesses can become strengths. That the Lord will support whom he calls. That relying on the Lord can mean that these problems could not be an issue...
But it is also true that the Lord did not put us here to be miserable. That our Plan of Salvation is also called the "Plan of Happiness." Not the Plan of Misery. Not the Plan of Despair. Happiness. It's Happiness.
The Lord wants us to be Happy.
So if we're not can we follow the Lord?
Doubt and Fear cannot be found in the same place as there is Faith and Hope. And if you're in Fear the entire time on the can you follow the Lord's direction?
Basically....the whole conversation with the manager left me....irritated.
Why can you not accept the simple answer of "I do not want to go, I chose not to go?"
It definitely put a damper on my day. A sour taste to my mouth. Annoyance in general that I felt basically that I couldn't be a good Member of the Church if I didn't serve a mission.
I mean, I felt like I should have waved flags in front of the manager and said: Newsflash...hundreds of thousands of women before me didn't serve missions, and they've turned out just fine. They're still going to heaven!
The Church may be "Cookie Cutter" in its programs, in its teachings etc...but if the Lord wanted all of his children to be exactly the same. To follow exactly the same checklist.
Then we would have gone for Satan's plan in the first place. Where we would have no agency. Where we would have to follow rules and not have choices.
The Church is perfect. The People are not. We have our agency. We have our choices. We have our differing life experiences. God created every human being in this world to be unique. To have their own special talents, their own gifts that can bring about his work.
Which means we don't all need to do the exact same thing. (Like serve a mission.) in order to serve the Lord and return to his presence.
There's talks about "Every Member a Missionary." But that doesn't mean Every Member needs to get a Mission Call.
It really boils down to the choices you make.
Elder Ballard spoke earlier today in an Institute devotional. (I couldn't go as I had work, but I had a customer come in who went.) Where he again reiterated the simple things. Are you praying? Are you going to church? Are you studying the scriptures? Are you taking the Sacrament? Are you doing the simple things?
The gospel is simple. So simple a child can understand it.
And through doing those simple things. One can receive revelation. Inspiration that allows them to be able to hear the spirit of the Lord, to be able to find ways to serve others. To teach others. To inspire others.
Line upon Line. Precept on Precept.
Its small things that can bring great things to pass right?
It can be something simple.
So, my Dad, randomly texted me after work today. Asking how I was doing.
And I told him.
I was irritated.
Because of the previous conversation above with the manager.
And he was an angel sent to calm my troubled mind. To bring peace back to my hurting soul. To find confidence in that my decision is actually still the right decision.
He said:
"You serve in so many ways. A mission is not the only way to serve. The example of your life is more service than most missionaries do."
Its a matter of choices.
And its a matter of choosing to try and do your best. To walk along the Lord's path.
You can serve a mission and draw further away from the Lord.
You can forgo a mission and draw closer to the Lord.
It all depends on your priorities really. On the reasons why you're choosing how you choose.
Its a matter of being able to understand other people, realize that they've all had different walks of life.
I was taught that from a young age. That people who are different than you, who believe differently, who act differently, who live differently. Aren't bad.
Sometimes it seems like members are told that "Different is bad. Don't associate with it."
Yet, being different. Is a huge part of why I have become who I am today.
Why I am understanding, why I can sympathize, why I can be friends with people who aren't members of the church.
Because I grew up around those people. My family would go on vacations. We'd learn about different cultures. We'd meet people from all walks of life.
And my parents were the best examples. Showing us that we can interact with other people. That there are good people everywhere you look. That you can find good in many different places. That doesn't mean you have to 'love what the person does." but you can definitely "love the person."
Do you look out for others?
Do you find ways to bring other people joy?
Do you mourn with those that mourn?
Celebrate with those that celebrate?
Do you look for ways to serve?
Do you look for ways to inspire others?
To bring a droplet of sunshine to their day?
It can be simple.
Like doing a blog.
Like occasionally posting/writing scripture/general conference related thoughts.
I've always felt that my way of 'being an influence to the world' was through writing.
This blog didn't start out as a "Oh, let me share scriptures and General Conference thoughts now!"
No. It started out as a place to write.
And as I develop interests in things. as I find joy in things, I post about them. I incorporate them into my life. As I am still growing, still learning, still finding new ways to inspire myself which in turn leads me to inspiring others.
I mean, recently, due to being inspired by this past general conference. I began Tweeting/Facebooking favorite quotes from conference and the scriptures. I mean I even began a new blog specifically for the purpose of sharing quotes from church! lol and I can tell you, that was the furthest thing from my mind when I first began blogging five years ago. :)
And it's because I found that people enjoy seeing positive things in their lives, and the Church posts a lot of positive messages. :) is true what my Dad said.
You can serve the Lord and be able to do his work.
Without having to serve a mission.
My Dad also stated "Your Devotion to our Heavenly Father is much more sincere than most the missionaries I served with. And it has lasted much longer than 2 years."
Its a matter of choices.
Of how you choose to live your life.
Of what is needed to help you become more perfected in Christ.
For some people, they need to serve a mission.
They need the spiritual boost that that calling gives to them.
Others don't. Others are able to keep up and boost their spiritual strength in other ways. Whether it be volunteering for a homeless shelter, giving gifts to family, or sharing favorite quotes from General Conference.
Spiritual validation can come in a variety of places.
But I think the key to it all.
Is again. Happiness.
Is it making you happy?
Then share it!
Because people can tell if you are really into something, or just going through the motions.
And if you share your joy, others can gain joy from your joy.
Reflective light can help build someone else's fire given enough time.
But first you need to decide.
Is this thing you want to share making you happy?
If its not. Why isn't it?
Is it because its a method that you don't like? Is it the people you're around? Is it that you'd rather be sharing it in a different manner?
Then share in a way that brings you joy. :) That allows people to see the light in your eyes, the fire in your soul.
For me, its through writing.
For others, its through missions.
Or dancing,
Heart Surgery.
We can find Joy. We can find the Gospel. We can feel the Lord's love in a variety of ways.
We can share the Lord's gospel, his love, his plan of Happiness in a variety of means.
A mission is just one of those.
If its not for you, then don't sweat it.
Not everyone needs to serve a mission. For many, they can find spiritual strength in other situations.
I mean, our Prophet Thomas S. Monson didn't serve a mission. (due to the war if I remember correctly.) And look. HE'S THE PROPHET OF THE LORD!
So have confidence in yourself. Believe in what you do. Serve in how you can best serve.
And it will all work out in the end. :) Don't let others make you feel worse for not serving a mission if you choose not to. There are many other ways to do the Lord's work. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Thursday, October 29, 2015
A Visitor Treat
Many years ago, on a Halloween night, it was my privilege to be of assistance to one who had temporarily lost his way and needed a helping hand to return.
I was driving home from the office rather late.
I had been stalling on Halloween, letting my wife handle the trick-or-treat visitors.
As I passed St. Mark's Hospital in Salt Lake City, I remembered that a dear friend, Max, lay ill in that very hospital.
As he and I had become acquainted over the years before, we discovered that we had grown up in the same ward, although at different times.
By the time I was born, Max and his parents had moved from the ward.
That Halloween night, I drove into the parking lot and entered the hospital.
As I stopped at the desk to inquire as to his room number, I was informed that when Max had registered at the hospital, he had listed as his religious preference not LDS but rather another church.
I entered Max's room and greeted him.
I told him how proud I was to be his friend and how much I cared about him.
I talked about his career in banking and as an orchestra leader on the side.
I discovered that he had been offended by a comment or two from others and so had decided to attend another church.
I said to him, "Max, you hold the Melchizedek Priesthood.
I would like to give you a blessing tonight."
He agreed, and the blessing was provided.
He then informed me that his wife, Bernice, was also very ill and was, in fact, in an adjoining room.
At my invitation, Max joined me in giving a blessing ot her.
He asked me to help him.
I coached him.
He anointed his wife.
There were tears and embraces all around as I sealed the anointing with Max, his hands on his wife's head with mine, making that Halloween evening one ever to be remembered.
As I left the hospital that night, I stopped at the desk and told the receptionist that with the permission of Max and his wife the record should be changed to reflect their membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I waited and I watched until it was changed.
My friends Max and Bernice are now both on the other side of the veil, but they spent the last period of their lives active and happy and receiving the blessings which come with testimonies of the gospel and attendance at church.
Thomas S. Monson -True to Our Priesthood Trust -October 2006 General Conference
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Wasting Money
I feel a bit like a parent....
Where I pay for things...but don't reap the benefits....
Its funny how things can suddenly bug you.
Like you've been fine with it for a while.
But now, this day, it's become too much.
On a whim.
I decided to look in my Netflix account and see how many shows my roommates have been watching on my account.
Because I'm nice like that. To provide my Netflix as a source of shows to watch since my apt complex sucks in getting local tv channels.
Now though....I feel a bit like I'm being taken advantage from.
In the past 10 days.
I have watched 10 shows on Netflix.
On my TV...I'm not sure how many of those I've watched on my TV.
I've been watching a lot of episodes on my laptop.
So maybe the last 4 or 5 shows?
In comparison.... My three roommates have watched 70 episodes.
In ten days.
One has watched 10 of those.
Another has maybe watched 10 as well.
Which means the remaining 50....were watched by ONE roommate. In TEN days.
That averages to 5 episodes a day.
My roommates are taking advantage of my giving nature.
And its getting to the point where I'm really tempted to just sign out of my Netflix and not let them access it at all.
Because if I can't watch my shows when I want to on my TV.
What is the point of paying a monthly fee for it?
But signing out seem a bit drastic. Burning bridges I don't need to burn.
But I do need to at least talk to them.
And set some boundaries.
Like limiting them on how much they watch Netflix on my TV.
Because like I stuff. my money. I should be able to use it.
We'll see how it goes...
First I need to find the opportunity when they're all talk to them....
That's going to be difficult.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Where I pay for things...but don't reap the benefits....
Its funny how things can suddenly bug you.
Like you've been fine with it for a while.
But now, this day, it's become too much.
On a whim.
I decided to look in my Netflix account and see how many shows my roommates have been watching on my account.
Because I'm nice like that. To provide my Netflix as a source of shows to watch since my apt complex sucks in getting local tv channels.
Now though....I feel a bit like I'm being taken advantage from.
In the past 10 days.
I have watched 10 shows on Netflix.
On my TV...I'm not sure how many of those I've watched on my TV.
I've been watching a lot of episodes on my laptop.
So maybe the last 4 or 5 shows?
In comparison.... My three roommates have watched 70 episodes.
In ten days.
One has watched 10 of those.
Another has maybe watched 10 as well.
Which means the remaining 50....were watched by ONE roommate. In TEN days.
That averages to 5 episodes a day.
My roommates are taking advantage of my giving nature.
And its getting to the point where I'm really tempted to just sign out of my Netflix and not let them access it at all.
Because if I can't watch my shows when I want to on my TV.
What is the point of paying a monthly fee for it?
But signing out seem a bit drastic. Burning bridges I don't need to burn.
But I do need to at least talk to them.
And set some boundaries.
Like limiting them on how much they watch Netflix on my TV.
Because like I stuff. my money. I should be able to use it.
We'll see how it goes...
First I need to find the opportunity when they're all talk to them....
That's going to be difficult.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
A Day in Review -October 27th
Friday, October 27th 2006
-Drove down to Happy Valley with the family to see my uncle play in the UPBB Octuba fest and later had dinner at Tepanyaki.
Monday, October 27th 2008
-My cousin J and his Dad -my uncle B- drove down with my parents to come see me here in CollegeTown. It was more to see him again though, I wasn't really good company since after eating I didn't feel good and I was tired on top of that. But I was glad to be able to see him before he left on his mission for 2 years to California.
Tuesday, October 27th 2009
-Had a horrible night last night. Had a major headache and back tension and ended up making friends with the toilet. Meh no fun. I almost decided not to go to school today, but when I woke up at 9:30 I felt much better so I went to school- I was like 15 mins late to Institute but amazingly the lesson was just starting. I spent the rest of the day as normal. Then went shopping for a Halloween costume and ended up spending $$ on costume stuff and food. Oops. :S
Wednesday, October 27th 2010
-Did homework til it was time to go to school. It snowed during the night for the first time here in collegetown, it was gone by noon though. :( In Anth we watched the rest of the pointless movie. BOM we got candy (for Halloween) Ended up having a kid sit next to me that just made me feel uncomfortable. I got my test back from Legal today, 98/100! Woot!! I only missed 2 points! D -my teacher seemed surprised. He mentioned how he was surprised at how well I did. lol. I'm usually good at taking tests. Especially when we can use books/notes. XD Spoke with a couple of ASL guys afterwards before doing more homework before my ConsectASL class started. I turned in Valorie's homework for her since she wasn't feeling well. Drove home and talked w/ the parents. Had spaghetti for dinner and did more homework.
Thursday, October 27th 2011
-Had a blah day today. It seemed like I was "on empty" "drained" managed to get through my classes though and got to rest when I got home. For fun I made 23 origami frogs for "Hoppy Halloween." for the LDSSA. I hope they like them.
Saturday, October 27th 2012
-Kikay and I drove home this afternoon after her fencing tournament was done. We dropped by SmartCookie to find only one Frozen Hot Chocolate was available and the price had increased by 25 cents. Not a great experience. :( At home I saw some of the kittens and managed to pick them up! :D Kikay and I went to go see a play, the Scarlet Pimpernel!! It was AWESOME!! I loved watching every moment of it!! LOVE THAT PLAY! We dropped by Arctic Circle for food afterwards and Meralto gave us a tour of the back since it was closing time. Totally cool!! We ended up racing each other home. ^^ Meralto won.
Sunday, October 27th 2013
-They finally sustained me as the RS chorister today in church and I got set apart afterwards. Church itself went well. I mortified my roomie Dani a bit by actually snagging her crush and having him talk for a bit with her. Lol. After church I had dinner with Kikay and her roomies. We did Teriyaki steaks that actually turned out pretty good. Watched once upon a time. And then spent the evening critiquing more of Mirleki's book and writing to the missionaries. :)
Monday, October 27th 2014
-I spent the day at home, watching TV, hanging with the cats, surfing the internet and writing a bit and of course doing some laundry...before coming back down to college town.
Tuesday, October 27th 2015
-Went into work at 6:30 this morning. Because my other coworker was coming in sooner than normal I had them do the bedding changes while I worked on opening. Cleaning cats, feeding reptiles, birds, hamsters. Worked on more crickets counting. (getting rather tired of that.) And changed out the water in the betta cups while my coworker worked on fish. Towards the end of my shift I had one of the managers come up to me, stating that they were now going to be the manager over me, (Since Nadlon left unexpectedly, Sirch is more than likely going to take over his position while Samoth is possibly going to take on Sirch's position. -I could have taken it but that position now involves more customer service and less animal care which I love animals more than people...soo staying where I am.) So Samoth spent time going over what he thinks we should do to become more efficient....only afterwards I was told that he may not be taking over the manager position....sooo that's just a whole lot of confusing. Guess we'll have to see how that all turns out. I went down to Walmart after work to buy garbage bags and ended up spending a lot more money on food. Note to self...don't shop when hungry. Came home and made Italian Meatballs in BBQ sauce and it was divine! ^^ Yay food! I went on Ward Mission visits to meet people and then came home and watched the Flash. Ah...can't wait for next episode!!! Wish it was next Tuesday already.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
-Drove down to Happy Valley with the family to see my uncle play in the UPBB Octuba fest and later had dinner at Tepanyaki.
Monday, October 27th 2008
-My cousin J and his Dad -my uncle B- drove down with my parents to come see me here in CollegeTown. It was more to see him again though, I wasn't really good company since after eating I didn't feel good and I was tired on top of that. But I was glad to be able to see him before he left on his mission for 2 years to California.
Tuesday, October 27th 2009
-Had a horrible night last night. Had a major headache and back tension and ended up making friends with the toilet. Meh no fun. I almost decided not to go to school today, but when I woke up at 9:30 I felt much better so I went to school- I was like 15 mins late to Institute but amazingly the lesson was just starting. I spent the rest of the day as normal. Then went shopping for a Halloween costume and ended up spending $$ on costume stuff and food. Oops. :S
Wednesday, October 27th 2010
-Did homework til it was time to go to school. It snowed during the night for the first time here in collegetown, it was gone by noon though. :( In Anth we watched the rest of the pointless movie. BOM we got candy (for Halloween) Ended up having a kid sit next to me that just made me feel uncomfortable. I got my test back from Legal today, 98/100! Woot!! I only missed 2 points! D -my teacher seemed surprised. He mentioned how he was surprised at how well I did. lol. I'm usually good at taking tests. Especially when we can use books/notes. XD Spoke with a couple of ASL guys afterwards before doing more homework before my ConsectASL class started. I turned in Valorie's homework for her since she wasn't feeling well. Drove home and talked w/ the parents. Had spaghetti for dinner and did more homework.
Thursday, October 27th 2011
-Had a blah day today. It seemed like I was "on empty" "drained" managed to get through my classes though and got to rest when I got home. For fun I made 23 origami frogs for "Hoppy Halloween." for the LDSSA. I hope they like them.
Saturday, October 27th 2012
-Kikay and I drove home this afternoon after her fencing tournament was done. We dropped by SmartCookie to find only one Frozen Hot Chocolate was available and the price had increased by 25 cents. Not a great experience. :( At home I saw some of the kittens and managed to pick them up! :D Kikay and I went to go see a play, the Scarlet Pimpernel!! It was AWESOME!! I loved watching every moment of it!! LOVE THAT PLAY! We dropped by Arctic Circle for food afterwards and Meralto gave us a tour of the back since it was closing time. Totally cool!! We ended up racing each other home. ^^ Meralto won.
Sunday, October 27th 2013
-They finally sustained me as the RS chorister today in church and I got set apart afterwards. Church itself went well. I mortified my roomie Dani a bit by actually snagging her crush and having him talk for a bit with her. Lol. After church I had dinner with Kikay and her roomies. We did Teriyaki steaks that actually turned out pretty good. Watched once upon a time. And then spent the evening critiquing more of Mirleki's book and writing to the missionaries. :)
Monday, October 27th 2014
-I spent the day at home, watching TV, hanging with the cats, surfing the internet and writing a bit and of course doing some laundry...before coming back down to college town.
Tuesday, October 27th 2015
-Went into work at 6:30 this morning. Because my other coworker was coming in sooner than normal I had them do the bedding changes while I worked on opening. Cleaning cats, feeding reptiles, birds, hamsters. Worked on more crickets counting. (getting rather tired of that.) And changed out the water in the betta cups while my coworker worked on fish. Towards the end of my shift I had one of the managers come up to me, stating that they were now going to be the manager over me, (Since Nadlon left unexpectedly, Sirch is more than likely going to take over his position while Samoth is possibly going to take on Sirch's position. -I could have taken it but that position now involves more customer service and less animal care which I love animals more than people...soo staying where I am.) So Samoth spent time going over what he thinks we should do to become more efficient....only afterwards I was told that he may not be taking over the manager position....sooo that's just a whole lot of confusing. Guess we'll have to see how that all turns out. I went down to Walmart after work to buy garbage bags and ended up spending a lot more money on food. Note to self...don't shop when hungry. Came home and made Italian Meatballs in BBQ sauce and it was divine! ^^ Yay food! I went on Ward Mission visits to meet people and then came home and watched the Flash. Ah...can't wait for next episode!!! Wish it was next Tuesday already.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Monday, October 26, 2015
April 2007 General Conference Saturday Afternoon
Boyd K. Packer -The Spirit of the Tabernacle
- When music is reverently presented, it can be akin to revelation. At times, I think, it cannot be separated from the voice of the Lord, the quiet, still voice of the Spirit.
- "Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven."
Earl C. Tingey -Prophets--Pioneer and Modern Day
- "God is at the helm. This is the mighty ship Zion. You stick to the ship and honor it, and see that you are in favor with the ship Zion and you need not worry about anything else. ...
- "... He guides the ship, and will bring us safely into port. All we have to care about is to take care of ourselves and see that we do right. Let us man the ship manfully, everyone standing faithfully and firmly to his post, and she will outride every storm and safely bear us to the harbor of celestial bliss."
H. David Burton -If These Old Walls Could Talk
- "Don't you do anything you shouldn't do, but whatever you do, do well and do right."
Bonnie D. Parkin -Gratitude: A Path to Happiness
- Gratitude requires awareness and effort, not only to feel it but to express it.
- The Lord counsels us not to murmur because it is then difficult for the Spirit to work with us.
- Gratitude is our sweet acknowledgement of the Lord's hand in our lives; it is an expression of our faith.
- When was the last time you thanked the Lord for a trial or tribulation? Adversity compels us to go to our knees; does gratitude for adversity do that as well?
- "We find in the bitter chill of adversity the real test of our gratitude ... , which ... goes beneath the surface of life, whether sad or joyous."
Marlin K. Jensen -Remember and Perish Not
- No one has greater appreciation for the value of the Church's history than President Gordon B. Hinckley. We love his delightful sense of humor, but his sense of history is equally keen. Inspiring stories and anecdotes from our past punctuate his writings and sermons. As our living prophet, he consciously emphasizes the past and the future to help us live more righteously in the present. Because of his teachings, we understand that remembering enables us to see God's hand in our past, just as prophecy and faith assure us of God's hand in our future. President Hinckley reminds us how members of the early church faced their challenges so we, through the grace of God, can more faithfully face our own. By keeping our past alive, he connects us to the people, places, and events that make up our spiritual heritage and, in so doing, motivates us to greater service, faith, and kindness.
James E. Faust -Salt Lake Tabernacle Rededication
- "In the days of the Prophet Joseph ... Mormonism flourished best out of doors." This was because "we failed to erect a building big enough to hold the Saints previous to the death of the Prophet."
Thomas S. Monson -Tabernacle Memories
- As this building is rededicated today, may we pledge to rededicate our lives to the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who so willingly died that we might live. May we follow in His footsteps each day.
Gordon B. Hinckley -A Tabernacle in the Wilderness
- Thy work has grown and spread over the earth until we have more members outside of this nation than we have in it.
- Dear Father, please continue to prosper Thy work. Cause it to increase and grow. Bless the people as they contribute of their tithes and offerings to make possible its growth and spread. May it go forth and fill the whole earth as the stone which was cut out of the mountain without hands was destined to roll forth and fill the earth. Wilt Thou raise up strong leaders through the generations to come, and may Thy people rejoice and find great happiness in their service in Thy work.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Sunday, October 25, 2015
A Day in Review Oct 23 & 25 shows how distraught I was about my laptop, that I totally forgot to do my Day in Review on the day I was supposed to do it. Which was'm doing it now. :)
Thursday, October 23rd 2008
-Last night didn't go so well, I had a major tension/lack of sleep all around bad headache which eventually made me feel nauseous to the point of throwing up. I ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor for a bit, then my own floor...with any movement to sit up resulting in me feeling sicker. After the went well enough. I had a headache faintly on the edges of my perception throughout the day but I could handle it.
Saturday, October 25th 2008
-Finished cleaning my room today. It felt so weird to be in there like I couldn't--wasn't supposed to do anything in my room. It almost felt like I had no right to be motivated. Hopefully I'll get used to the feeling since there's going to be a cleaning check sometime. Jackie's mom was over again today. I swear she must think that Jackie has nothing to eat because everytime she walks through the front door she ahs food with her. I also met Jackie's dad. If I didn't know any better I'd think he was still in college he looked so young. Today I went out to dinner with my Cousin Ali and her husband, Aunt S and Uncle S, my parents and Meralto to Tepanyaki. Kikay was at a high school dance. The chef at the restaurant was weird. He acted like a big kid and he didn't put enough spice in the food so it tasted bland to me. My parents were kind enough to buy me another book case for my books, though I'll have to put it together myself. That will be an adventure when I get around to it.
Friday, October 23rd 2009
-Today my friend Jess turned 20. So weird that she's no longer a teenager. School went as normal cept I had a more runny/stuffy nose than yesterday. I went to institute then to a soccer game we won 4-0 and I got a free pink shirt because it was the support cancer game or something like that. Also went to the volleyball game where we won 3-0 :) came home not feeling good. Really tired....
Sunday, October 25th 2009
-I'm so conflicted at the moment. I have a philosophy test tomorrow that I need to study for, but today is Sunday and I'm trying hard not to do homework on Sunday which is why I'm waiting til 12:01 to start studying. Yet I have my ASL History assignment as well, but I don't know when its due! It could be due tomorrow as well or Wed or even Fri! Plus I need to get some sleep as well. I'm halfway hoping that class is cancelled for both of them so I don't have to worry about staying awake! Ugh. I don't know what to do! *sigh* I'll...probably study...and hope and pray that W doesn't tell us to turn in our assignment tomorrow. I'm hoping he doesn't since a few of the classmates didn't have the video. Why do things seem to come due at the same time?!? Oh well, at least writing this has gotten me past the midnight mark so now I can study without worrying about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Though trying to keep my eyes open might be harder....
(Spoilers. Ended up doing well on the Philosophy test, and W didn't call for the papers! yay!)
Saturday, October 23rd 2010
-Woke up to rain :) I like rain. :) lol Went shopping at Barnes and Noble for another Journal, to Michaels to get some clay and to Walmart for food. Came home and hung out and watched Mulan with Kikay and Jimmy. Then at 7 Casey picked me up to go dancing in Murray. At first I wasn't too excited, the area looked pretty rundown but after practicing some dance moves I relaxed and just enjoyed dancing -bare foot- for a couple of hours. We even had fun making up our own moves to go along with the beat. :)
Monday, October 25th 2010
-Spent the morning doing homework before driving down to school. Went to Anth where we started to watch a movie I can't remember the name of. Oh before school I registered for next semester's classes. Couldn't sign up for Chemistry though. (I didn't have the pre-req taken) Going to figure out the issue tomorrow with a counselor hopefully. Went to BoM where we talked about the first chapter of second Nephi. Talked w/ Esteban on the way to my next class. Refound out that Legal Interpreting was cancelled. So I nipped home to grab a CD for an ASL classmate because she left hers at home and I lived closer to campus than she did. I spent the next 2 hours working on more homework while talking to Kristin about classes she's going to take. Went to ConsectInterp where we learned Note taking styles. Dropped by home briefly to pick up Kikay then we went to the church for our ward activity of pumpkins and pizza. Ended up talking to a cute guy named Dave. Came home and watched Castle, talked with mom and did my blog before doing a bit more homework and took a shower to wash the pumpkin off me.
Sunday, October 23rd 2011
-Managed to get to church basically on time today. We were 10 minutes late...but the meeting hadn't started yet. I think the Bishopric was hoping more people would show up. After Sacrament I finally paid my tithing that I'd needed to pay since like...last summer... I feel much better now that I've paid it. Cam ehome and wrote a bit before heading over to the Neffies for dinner.
Wednesday, October 25th 2011
-School went pretty well...I had institute and did the electronic board for publicity, only 3 people noticed I changed it. Had ASL on classifier stories. Philosophy I participated in class for a little bit, talked with Travis briefly. Took the midterm for my Education class got 74/75 o n it. The teacher was impressed I asked to clarify #1 because a lot of students missed that one. Got bored to death in CJ (criminal justice) and came up with an awesome plan. Kikay stayed home because she wasn't feeling well after giving blood so I had dropped by the Institute class to ask for a makeup assignment from Bro Hugh who found out we were sisters. Anyway she asked for a hot fudge sundae to help her feel better out of jest but I decided to take her seriously, so as I was driving home I sent her a text saying I would be late needing to stay at the Institute. Instead I walked home grabbed the car, dropped by Walmart and picked up Captain America before driving over to Arctic Circle and got her her sundae and a chicken rings meal. She was very happy to get it. ^^ Worked on writing so I'd have something for writing group. Kikay had the Neffies over around 7 and they expected to stay til 830 or so but we had writing group at 830 so I had to take them home...and we ended up being late to writing group.
Tuesday, October 23rd 2012
-I went to work and did the bedding changes for the hamster cages. Took me about 3 hours to do it all before feeding the animals in the back rooms because Reth had me switch the guinea pigs on the floor with the ones in the back and I noticed they hadn't been done yet. I also did cats and had Whitney do our sick room while I opened up Birds and Reptiles and like I thought, Whitney went for the "easy" task of fish duty. Discovered one of the bearded dragons had died. :( That was sad. Went to Institute afterwards. Bro M's class because I missed yesterday and then Bro K's class before coming home and hanging out.
Thursday, October 25th 2012
-It snowed today! Okay so it was like a slight dusting on the ground, but it snowed! (as compared to 2015 when it still feels like summer boo.) I managed to avoid driving in it which was all the better! work went well. I had a bit of a sore throat otherwise I was fine. After work I went to Zupas to get some Chicken Enchilada Chili to help my throat which it did. Yay! ^^ Also got gas for the car before going to Bro K's class. Moved the car for Kikay to find and walked home and took a 2 hour nap. Mom texted me to say she got the package I sent. (sent a petpackage of treats for the animals.) Pepper enjoyed her chicken jerky, but Flare went totally crazy for the catnip. Apparently she tried to take the box away from she could smell the catnip there...but then ended up ignoring the bag of catnip lol. I started reading Entwined by Heather Dixon today. Its pretty good though since I'm trying not to use "was" in my own writing I noticed that when she does...its in good places. :) I also went on a date with Matt fencing. He said that he had fun but I could sense he got bored with the teaching part, and he only fenced 3 bouts before calling quits so I don't know if he'll go again. I kinda got the sense he's not going to ask me out again either. But we'll see. I had fun fencing again and Savannah gave me a nice "rug burn" mark on my arm from the sword. :)
Wednesday, October 23rd 2013
-I spent the morning editing/critiquing Mirleki's story. I have to say it got rather tedious after a while...not quite sure about the plot as I think she started the story on too big of a scope and she isn't really used to writing traveling books, I'm guessing, I do think she has a great concept though. It just needs to be narrowed down a bit. After editing I took a shower, then ventured over to Starsmet to buy a snail for Kikay's tank, It was a crazy feeling going in there in street clothes lol. Like I was undercover or something, and ended up bagging up my own snails because my coworkers were busy. I dropped them off at Kikay's place before hitting Old Navy, Ross, and nearly all the clothes stores in the mall. Didn't buy a thing, but I did get two sets of shoes! Yay! Though there was a slight problem in that the paylesswere having trouble accepting debit cards, so I ended up calling mom and having her pay with her credit card over the phone. (I would pay her back.) and came home and relaxed.
Friday, October 25th 2013
-Work went well, nothing really major happened which was nice. Still wasn't fun to work until 5:30pm, Bleh. I'm so tired, I have little energy to do something and I have a night shift tomorrow night XP. Speaking of which I have 4 night shifts next week! Bleh! Not looking forward to that.
Thursday, October 23rd 2014
-Work, oh work. I halfway knew that it wasn't going to be a good day. The past couple of Thursdays haven't been too crazy which meant that today had to not go as well. It's like a law. One of those Thursdays where I could have gone without also didn't help that I'm still a bit emotionally fragile due to not feeling well. The morning started off well enough for 7 am. Cats took about 45 mins, I grabbed stuff from the hamster cages before doing back rooms. I took my 15 min break before the store opened, and started cleaning the actual hamster cages as the store opened. And guess what...people were actually waiting to come into the store! O.o I could feel dread build up in me every time a customer would come near as I knew every moment away from the bedding changes would be another moment of them not getting done! I did get it all done in time for the guy in charge of sending us our new animals to arrive. Thankfully the animals he brought in and I accepted all looked alright. And that was about the end of things going well for me. I had to help a couple of customers, write down tags for the back room and chose to open the other hamsters I didn't do bedding on, helped more customers and went back to finally getting the dishes cleaned. I didn't finish them though as Dot came in to tell me I needed to take lunch. I'd been planning to take it at 1130 so I could get everything else finished before that point, but Dot told me that I had been scheduled to take my lunch an hour previously! At 10 am! O.o which was suuupppeeerr early for me to take a lunch. I mean I'd only gotten off break an hour before that at that point. It was the furthest thing from my thoughts as I was trying to open everything by myself!! But Dot didn't care about that! >.< No he was 'mad' that I had 'thrown' everyone else's lunches off. It was enough to bring me to tears. He didn't seem to care that I had been BUSY! I hadn't even though to look when my lunch was supposed to be! It hadn't even crossed my mind to look or ask yet. But to soothe things over I went and took my lunch....with nothing done. So many potential tears there. Because I was sooo frustrated! Poor Tanner had to hear me vent and wasn't really helping as he was teasing that he would call me up to help him at register and I told him I would shoot him if he did so. I wasn't serious but I do get more blunt like that when I feel I'm struggling about something. I got back from lunch and had to help a woman get a hamster and another couple of customers before finally getting everything back in the cages I'd been cleaning earlier. Did Birds. Did reptiles and Fish and was working on the crickets when Sirch came in at 2:30 when I got off. I ended up staying a bit to talk with him and update him on how the department was doing. He actually went to go double check with Tam about the whole "care ambassador form" (the lunch schedule) and if it was law or not and established that it was the manager's duty to tell us when to take lunch (as I vented to Sirch about Dot.) not the associates themselves which did make me feel better. I went food shopping came home, saw kikay took a nap and had dinner with Kikay.
Saturday, October 25th 2014
-Work was alright today. Sirch and I were closing together so things actually got done. The store was busy in a good way, constant customers but not overwhelming for us, though registers did get pretty busy. I was able to come back them up easily enough.
Friday, October 23rd 2015
-Today felt like forever. It was the last day of a 9 day work week with no break away from work. So knowing that it was the last day totally meant that it lasted for a year and a half. It didn't help that I came in at 630 because it gave me plenty of time to get everything done before 9am. >.< Plus our Fish shipment today was pretty small, so it hardly took us any time at all to do that. Which 10:30 I had basically nothing to do. Which was bad because I worked until 3 and there were like no customers in the store. I ended up feeding fish, taking a lunch, doing some facing, this and that, trying to find things to keep me from going bonkers until that happy 3pm hour arrived! yay! Freedom!! I dropped by Walmart to pick up some white board markers and some flowers for Jess's birthday. Came home and crashed for an hour before all of us roommates went to the mall to do a bit of clothes shopping before we went to Chuck-a-Rama for dinner. Came home and tried to relax...but as you know my laptop ended up crashing so it wasn't too relaxing for me. >.<
Sunday, October 23rd 2015
-Slept pretty well last night which was nice because I haven't really had restful sleep for most of the past week. But Iz and I had an 1130 teacher training meeting for all instructors and ward missionaries. So we had to go to that. I don't think it really ended up applying to me as a ward missionary, because we aren't really teaching...yet. We're just knocking on doors in the ward saying hi and inviting people to activities. Church itself was alright, enjoyed Sacrament, but Sunday School got on my nerves as Nach -my missionary leader tried to get Iz and I to move closer to be part of a group but there was another guy nearby giving off energy that was getting on my nerves and moving closer would mean moving closer to him, and I disliked the fact that I was being 'forced' to be social and move closer when I really was quite happy where I was at. >.< So I stayed put. Relief Society went well, and I happily came home and made dinner before watching some episodes of the Flash to rejuvenate myself and calm back down again from the tension of the day. Had one of the Relief Society Presidency come by to 'get to know us one on one' ha. She hardly 'got to know us' she was more concerned about seeing what could make the ward better.....then I had the home teacher come by, which was nice, I had just been thinking earlier in the day that I hadn't seen them in a month.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Thursday, October 23rd 2008
-Last night didn't go so well, I had a major tension/lack of sleep all around bad headache which eventually made me feel nauseous to the point of throwing up. I ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor for a bit, then my own floor...with any movement to sit up resulting in me feeling sicker. After the went well enough. I had a headache faintly on the edges of my perception throughout the day but I could handle it.
Saturday, October 25th 2008
-Finished cleaning my room today. It felt so weird to be in there like I couldn't--wasn't supposed to do anything in my room. It almost felt like I had no right to be motivated. Hopefully I'll get used to the feeling since there's going to be a cleaning check sometime. Jackie's mom was over again today. I swear she must think that Jackie has nothing to eat because everytime she walks through the front door she ahs food with her. I also met Jackie's dad. If I didn't know any better I'd think he was still in college he looked so young. Today I went out to dinner with my Cousin Ali and her husband, Aunt S and Uncle S, my parents and Meralto to Tepanyaki. Kikay was at a high school dance. The chef at the restaurant was weird. He acted like a big kid and he didn't put enough spice in the food so it tasted bland to me. My parents were kind enough to buy me another book case for my books, though I'll have to put it together myself. That will be an adventure when I get around to it.
Friday, October 23rd 2009
-Today my friend Jess turned 20. So weird that she's no longer a teenager. School went as normal cept I had a more runny/stuffy nose than yesterday. I went to institute then to a soccer game we won 4-0 and I got a free pink shirt because it was the support cancer game or something like that. Also went to the volleyball game where we won 3-0 :) came home not feeling good. Really tired....
Sunday, October 25th 2009
-I'm so conflicted at the moment. I have a philosophy test tomorrow that I need to study for, but today is Sunday and I'm trying hard not to do homework on Sunday which is why I'm waiting til 12:01 to start studying. Yet I have my ASL History assignment as well, but I don't know when its due! It could be due tomorrow as well or Wed or even Fri! Plus I need to get some sleep as well. I'm halfway hoping that class is cancelled for both of them so I don't have to worry about staying awake! Ugh. I don't know what to do! *sigh* I'll...probably study...and hope and pray that W doesn't tell us to turn in our assignment tomorrow. I'm hoping he doesn't since a few of the classmates didn't have the video. Why do things seem to come due at the same time?!? Oh well, at least writing this has gotten me past the midnight mark so now I can study without worrying about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Though trying to keep my eyes open might be harder....
(Spoilers. Ended up doing well on the Philosophy test, and W didn't call for the papers! yay!)
Saturday, October 23rd 2010
-Woke up to rain :) I like rain. :) lol Went shopping at Barnes and Noble for another Journal, to Michaels to get some clay and to Walmart for food. Came home and hung out and watched Mulan with Kikay and Jimmy. Then at 7 Casey picked me up to go dancing in Murray. At first I wasn't too excited, the area looked pretty rundown but after practicing some dance moves I relaxed and just enjoyed dancing -bare foot- for a couple of hours. We even had fun making up our own moves to go along with the beat. :)
Monday, October 25th 2010
-Spent the morning doing homework before driving down to school. Went to Anth where we started to watch a movie I can't remember the name of. Oh before school I registered for next semester's classes. Couldn't sign up for Chemistry though. (I didn't have the pre-req taken) Going to figure out the issue tomorrow with a counselor hopefully. Went to BoM where we talked about the first chapter of second Nephi. Talked w/ Esteban on the way to my next class. Refound out that Legal Interpreting was cancelled. So I nipped home to grab a CD for an ASL classmate because she left hers at home and I lived closer to campus than she did. I spent the next 2 hours working on more homework while talking to Kristin about classes she's going to take. Went to ConsectInterp where we learned Note taking styles. Dropped by home briefly to pick up Kikay then we went to the church for our ward activity of pumpkins and pizza. Ended up talking to a cute guy named Dave. Came home and watched Castle, talked with mom and did my blog before doing a bit more homework and took a shower to wash the pumpkin off me.
Sunday, October 23rd 2011
-Managed to get to church basically on time today. We were 10 minutes late...but the meeting hadn't started yet. I think the Bishopric was hoping more people would show up. After Sacrament I finally paid my tithing that I'd needed to pay since like...last summer... I feel much better now that I've paid it. Cam ehome and wrote a bit before heading over to the Neffies for dinner.
Wednesday, October 25th 2011
-School went pretty well...I had institute and did the electronic board for publicity, only 3 people noticed I changed it. Had ASL on classifier stories. Philosophy I participated in class for a little bit, talked with Travis briefly. Took the midterm for my Education class got 74/75 o n it. The teacher was impressed I asked to clarify #1 because a lot of students missed that one. Got bored to death in CJ (criminal justice) and came up with an awesome plan. Kikay stayed home because she wasn't feeling well after giving blood so I had dropped by the Institute class to ask for a makeup assignment from Bro Hugh who found out we were sisters. Anyway she asked for a hot fudge sundae to help her feel better out of jest but I decided to take her seriously, so as I was driving home I sent her a text saying I would be late needing to stay at the Institute. Instead I walked home grabbed the car, dropped by Walmart and picked up Captain America before driving over to Arctic Circle and got her her sundae and a chicken rings meal. She was very happy to get it. ^^ Worked on writing so I'd have something for writing group. Kikay had the Neffies over around 7 and they expected to stay til 830 or so but we had writing group at 830 so I had to take them home...and we ended up being late to writing group.
Tuesday, October 23rd 2012
-I went to work and did the bedding changes for the hamster cages. Took me about 3 hours to do it all before feeding the animals in the back rooms because Reth had me switch the guinea pigs on the floor with the ones in the back and I noticed they hadn't been done yet. I also did cats and had Whitney do our sick room while I opened up Birds and Reptiles and like I thought, Whitney went for the "easy" task of fish duty. Discovered one of the bearded dragons had died. :( That was sad. Went to Institute afterwards. Bro M's class because I missed yesterday and then Bro K's class before coming home and hanging out.
Thursday, October 25th 2012
-It snowed today! Okay so it was like a slight dusting on the ground, but it snowed! (as compared to 2015 when it still feels like summer boo.) I managed to avoid driving in it which was all the better! work went well. I had a bit of a sore throat otherwise I was fine. After work I went to Zupas to get some Chicken Enchilada Chili to help my throat which it did. Yay! ^^ Also got gas for the car before going to Bro K's class. Moved the car for Kikay to find and walked home and took a 2 hour nap. Mom texted me to say she got the package I sent. (sent a petpackage of treats for the animals.) Pepper enjoyed her chicken jerky, but Flare went totally crazy for the catnip. Apparently she tried to take the box away from she could smell the catnip there...but then ended up ignoring the bag of catnip lol. I started reading Entwined by Heather Dixon today. Its pretty good though since I'm trying not to use "was" in my own writing I noticed that when she does...its in good places. :) I also went on a date with Matt fencing. He said that he had fun but I could sense he got bored with the teaching part, and he only fenced 3 bouts before calling quits so I don't know if he'll go again. I kinda got the sense he's not going to ask me out again either. But we'll see. I had fun fencing again and Savannah gave me a nice "rug burn" mark on my arm from the sword. :)
Wednesday, October 23rd 2013
-I spent the morning editing/critiquing Mirleki's story. I have to say it got rather tedious after a while...not quite sure about the plot as I think she started the story on too big of a scope and she isn't really used to writing traveling books, I'm guessing, I do think she has a great concept though. It just needs to be narrowed down a bit. After editing I took a shower, then ventured over to Starsmet to buy a snail for Kikay's tank, It was a crazy feeling going in there in street clothes lol. Like I was undercover or something, and ended up bagging up my own snails because my coworkers were busy. I dropped them off at Kikay's place before hitting Old Navy, Ross, and nearly all the clothes stores in the mall. Didn't buy a thing, but I did get two sets of shoes! Yay! Though there was a slight problem in that the paylesswere having trouble accepting debit cards, so I ended up calling mom and having her pay with her credit card over the phone. (I would pay her back.) and came home and relaxed.
Friday, October 25th 2013
-Work went well, nothing really major happened which was nice. Still wasn't fun to work until 5:30pm, Bleh. I'm so tired, I have little energy to do something and I have a night shift tomorrow night XP. Speaking of which I have 4 night shifts next week! Bleh! Not looking forward to that.
Thursday, October 23rd 2014
-Work, oh work. I halfway knew that it wasn't going to be a good day. The past couple of Thursdays haven't been too crazy which meant that today had to not go as well. It's like a law. One of those Thursdays where I could have gone without also didn't help that I'm still a bit emotionally fragile due to not feeling well. The morning started off well enough for 7 am. Cats took about 45 mins, I grabbed stuff from the hamster cages before doing back rooms. I took my 15 min break before the store opened, and started cleaning the actual hamster cages as the store opened. And guess what...people were actually waiting to come into the store! O.o I could feel dread build up in me every time a customer would come near as I knew every moment away from the bedding changes would be another moment of them not getting done! I did get it all done in time for the guy in charge of sending us our new animals to arrive. Thankfully the animals he brought in and I accepted all looked alright. And that was about the end of things going well for me. I had to help a couple of customers, write down tags for the back room and chose to open the other hamsters I didn't do bedding on, helped more customers and went back to finally getting the dishes cleaned. I didn't finish them though as Dot came in to tell me I needed to take lunch. I'd been planning to take it at 1130 so I could get everything else finished before that point, but Dot told me that I had been scheduled to take my lunch an hour previously! At 10 am! O.o which was suuupppeeerr early for me to take a lunch. I mean I'd only gotten off break an hour before that at that point. It was the furthest thing from my thoughts as I was trying to open everything by myself!! But Dot didn't care about that! >.< No he was 'mad' that I had 'thrown' everyone else's lunches off. It was enough to bring me to tears. He didn't seem to care that I had been BUSY! I hadn't even though to look when my lunch was supposed to be! It hadn't even crossed my mind to look or ask yet. But to soothe things over I went and took my lunch....with nothing done. So many potential tears there. Because I was sooo frustrated! Poor Tanner had to hear me vent and wasn't really helping as he was teasing that he would call me up to help him at register and I told him I would shoot him if he did so. I wasn't serious but I do get more blunt like that when I feel I'm struggling about something. I got back from lunch and had to help a woman get a hamster and another couple of customers before finally getting everything back in the cages I'd been cleaning earlier. Did Birds. Did reptiles and Fish and was working on the crickets when Sirch came in at 2:30 when I got off. I ended up staying a bit to talk with him and update him on how the department was doing. He actually went to go double check with Tam about the whole "care ambassador form" (the lunch schedule) and if it was law or not and established that it was the manager's duty to tell us when to take lunch (as I vented to Sirch about Dot.) not the associates themselves which did make me feel better. I went food shopping came home, saw kikay took a nap and had dinner with Kikay.
Saturday, October 25th 2014
-Work was alright today. Sirch and I were closing together so things actually got done. The store was busy in a good way, constant customers but not overwhelming for us, though registers did get pretty busy. I was able to come back them up easily enough.
Friday, October 23rd 2015
-Today felt like forever. It was the last day of a 9 day work week with no break away from work. So knowing that it was the last day totally meant that it lasted for a year and a half. It didn't help that I came in at 630 because it gave me plenty of time to get everything done before 9am. >.< Plus our Fish shipment today was pretty small, so it hardly took us any time at all to do that. Which 10:30 I had basically nothing to do. Which was bad because I worked until 3 and there were like no customers in the store. I ended up feeding fish, taking a lunch, doing some facing, this and that, trying to find things to keep me from going bonkers until that happy 3pm hour arrived! yay! Freedom!! I dropped by Walmart to pick up some white board markers and some flowers for Jess's birthday. Came home and crashed for an hour before all of us roommates went to the mall to do a bit of clothes shopping before we went to Chuck-a-Rama for dinner. Came home and tried to relax...but as you know my laptop ended up crashing so it wasn't too relaxing for me. >.<
Sunday, October 23rd 2015
-Slept pretty well last night which was nice because I haven't really had restful sleep for most of the past week. But Iz and I had an 1130 teacher training meeting for all instructors and ward missionaries. So we had to go to that. I don't think it really ended up applying to me as a ward missionary, because we aren't really teaching...yet. We're just knocking on doors in the ward saying hi and inviting people to activities. Church itself was alright, enjoyed Sacrament, but Sunday School got on my nerves as Nach -my missionary leader tried to get Iz and I to move closer to be part of a group but there was another guy nearby giving off energy that was getting on my nerves and moving closer would mean moving closer to him, and I disliked the fact that I was being 'forced' to be social and move closer when I really was quite happy where I was at. >.< So I stayed put. Relief Society went well, and I happily came home and made dinner before watching some episodes of the Flash to rejuvenate myself and calm back down again from the tension of the day. Had one of the Relief Society Presidency come by to 'get to know us one on one' ha. She hardly 'got to know us' she was more concerned about seeing what could make the ward better.....then I had the home teacher come by, which was nice, I had just been thinking earlier in the day that I hadn't seen them in a month.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Laptop Woes
So....I temporarily killed my laptop last night.
Which all in all after a very long 9 day work week, and just wanting to relax in general because I finally had a night where I could stay up late and sleep in...made it impossible to do just that.
I'm not really sure what happened.
I mean, I hadn't been on my computer all day.
Got home after a long day of this and that and work.
To find my computer acting up.
It would freeze.
The power button wouldn't respond.
and with this particular laptop/tablet thing.
Shutting the lid turns it off.
So I did that once.
Only to have it freeze again.
So I did it again.
Thinking that I would be able to get it to turn on again.
To Nada.
The power button would not work.
The tablet wouldn't turn on.
At all.
I let it sit.
It wouldn't turn on.
I hit it a few times (cus you know that works.)
And it wouldn't turn on.
For all intents and laptop was dead.
I basically figured the hard drive had crashed.
Which has happened to my last couple of laptops.
So I wasn't surprised that it happened to my mini one.
Just disappointed.
I haven't even had my mini laptop a year yet.
But what else could it be?
In any case.
There was nothing further I could do last night.
Because the store I bought my laptop from...
Best Buy...was closed.
So I couldn't run it over and have them look at it.
Which meant I was left...computerless....
And after looking forward to having much wasn't a restful night.
I mean....
If my computer couldn't be fixed. There. in the store. In the morning.
I would have to have it sent out.
Which would mean that I'd be without my mini laptop for probably at least 2 weeks.
And this time...I don't have a back up laptop.
As...I still haven't gotten a replacement for my larger laptop that the hard drive crashed on...
Been waiting for a better sale for the one I want to buy to happen.
Now...Now it seemed like I would need to buy it now. At full price.
But I still had the problem....that the site I would order my computer from....still wouldn't give me the laptop for a couple of weeks anyways!
So I'd still be without a laptop! Gah!
And considering I spend a ton of time online. Blogging and such...
Going 2 weeks without a computer.
Not good.
I would go crazy before that ended.
Which meant I would need to get a computer sooner.
But I really....really....really. Didn't want to settle for a computer that I didn't want in the first place.
Yet, what choice did I have.
I needed a laptop sooner than 2 weeks.
Again, there was nothing I could do about it last night.
But that didn't stop me from staying up til 3 am...
Trying to figure out what to do.
I came to the decision. After a bit of research.
I thought that I would buy a less expensive laptop if it ended up being that I had to send my mini one out.
One that only cost like $200 or so....
A basic laptop.
So I would have that in hand.
While I still waited for my $$$ laptop to go on sale.
I would have a laptop tomorrow (aka today) and it wouldn't break my bank.
I could still wait.
It would leave me with 3 laptops when I got it all sorted out.
My mini one, my $200 one. My more expensive one.
Probably don't need 3 laptops.
But....I could use that to my advantage.
Have my mini one in my purse. For day to day travel.
Have the $200 one that really only works with an internet connection for...well...whenever I have internet...and my other one would stay at home.
Okay...truthfully like 2 out of those three would probably end up gathering dust.
But if anything happened...
I would have backups.
But...this all depended on how my mini one would fair.
I wouldn't need to buy another laptop if my mini one proved to be fixable.
Still. Knowing that I had a game plan.
Depending on what happened.
I was able to get to sleep....somewhat....
It really was annoying that Best Buy doesn't open until 10 am. Because it was torture waiting for that hour to tick on by.
So I took my non working laptop.
To the store.
To have the geek squad look at it.
Apparently now...they don't accept 'walk ins' you have to make appointments. Which is annoying...
Thankfully they had some free time right then.
So they were able to look at my laptop.
And it turns out that my particular tablet/laptop thing.
Had a software update.
Which is rather glitchy.
and causes the computer to freeze. Freak out. Turn off and not turn back on.
And the way to fix that.
Is to do a hard reset.
-which I had tried before...but apparently not hard enough/long enough.
Because after a bit of tinkering.
Hitting the right buttons.
The guy at the store was able to turn my computer back on!!!
Mini laptop lives!!
And its working just fine!!
You don't know how relieved that made me.
I didn't have to buy a new laptop.
I didn't have to go without a laptop.
Its also good to know that other people have been experiencing a glitch like this with this particular laptop.
So. If it happens again. I know how to fix it.
Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
Or if it does...have it happen when I finally buy my new laptop....
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Friday, October 23, 2015
So for a while now,
We (as in me and roommates)
Have talked about getting a white board to put in the kitchen.
That way we can write notes/schedules/events etc on it.
And everyone knows where everyone is, or when they're supposed to be back.
That sort of thing.
One roommate stated that her brother has this giant white board, that she could get.
But....time passed by.
Without the white board showing up.
And it turns's so big, that it doesn't fit into a regular car car.
No you need like...a truck to move the thing because its four feet by four feet or something like that.
...And none of us own a truck.
So...the whiteboard never appeared....
I grew tired of it.
I took matters into my own hand.
As...a few years ago.
Probably about the same time I started blogging.
I had bought myself a nice big white board.
It wasn't as big as the one my roommate said the one she could get was.
But still nice and big enough that we could comfortably divide the board into four and have room to write in each box.
As I'd intentionally gotten it big, way back then.
In order to help me visualize story ideas and such.
And it's been not in use for like...3 years...over three years really.
So I figured.
I have it.
Might as well use it.
So I put it up.
And debated about whether or not I should pre pick where my roommates would go.
But decided that they could make their own choice in that matter.
I divided the board up into four squares.
And picked the top left one for myself.
Wrote my schedule on it.
And left it for the others to find.
Funny thing is...that when they found it....
They placed their names where I would have placed them anyways. lol.
So I needent have worried about where their names on the board would go. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
We (as in me and roommates)
Have talked about getting a white board to put in the kitchen.
That way we can write notes/schedules/events etc on it.
And everyone knows where everyone is, or when they're supposed to be back.
That sort of thing.
One roommate stated that her brother has this giant white board, that she could get.
But....time passed by.
Without the white board showing up.
And it turns's so big, that it doesn't fit into a regular car car.
No you need like...a truck to move the thing because its four feet by four feet or something like that.
...And none of us own a truck.
So...the whiteboard never appeared....
I grew tired of it.
I took matters into my own hand.
As...a few years ago.
Probably about the same time I started blogging.
I had bought myself a nice big white board.
It wasn't as big as the one my roommate said the one she could get was.
But still nice and big enough that we could comfortably divide the board into four and have room to write in each box.
As I'd intentionally gotten it big, way back then.
In order to help me visualize story ideas and such.
And it's been not in use for like...3 years...over three years really.
So I figured.
I have it.
Might as well use it.
So I put it up.
And debated about whether or not I should pre pick where my roommates would go.
But decided that they could make their own choice in that matter.
I divided the board up into four squares.
And picked the top left one for myself.
Wrote my schedule on it.
And left it for the others to find.
Funny thing is...that when they found it....
They placed their names where I would have placed them anyways. lol.
So I needent have worried about where their names on the board would go. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Thursday, October 22, 2015
In Good Standing
A few years ago I stood on the spot where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in 1431.
Young Joan of Arc, one of the great heroines in history, became the unlikely standard-bearer for the French army in the Dark Ages, long before the gospel was restored.
Joan had the Light of Christ and also the courage to follow its promptings and make a difference.
Joan was a peasant girl who could neither read nor write, but she was bright.
Long years of war with the English had impoverished and divided her country.
At17, sensing her life had a purpose, she left home, determined to help liberate her oppressed country.
Naturally, people scoffed at her ideas and thought she was a little crazy, but in the end she persuaded them to let her have a horse and an escort to go and see the king.
Young King Charles VII of France had heard about Joan and decided to test her.
He slipped into the ranks of the army and let one of his trusted associates occupy the throne.
When Joan came into the room, she barely acknowledged the man on the throne, but promptly walked up to Charles and curtsied to him as her king.
This so impressed the king that he gave her command over his 12,000 troops.
At first the French soldiers did not want to obey her, but when they saw that all who followed her succeeded and all who disregarded her failed, they came to look upon her as their leader.
Clad in a suit of white armor and flying her own standard, Joan of Arc liberated the besieged city of Orleans in 1429 and defeated the English in four other battles.
Twice she was wounded, but each time she recovered and went on fighting.
Her orders seemed to be those of a military genius.
She marched into the city of Reims and stood with sword and banner in hand while Charles was crowned king.
She fought in the Battle of Paris until she was captured at Compiegne by English allies, who sold her to the English for 16,000 francs.
She was imprisoned, tried as a heretic, and then burned at the stake in 1431.
Although this is a sad ending, it does not take away from Joan's greatness.
She was courageous enough to follow the personal inspiration to which all of us are entitled.
As the Lord said to the Prophet Joseph Smith, "I am the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world."
-James E. Faust -Your Light--a Standard to All Nations -April 2006 General Conference
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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