- First, fortify your foundation through prayer.
- If any one of us has been slow to hearken to the counsel to pray always, there an now.
- "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees."
- Second, Let us study the scriptures and "meditate therein day and night," as counseled by the Lord.
- Who learns and learns but never knows Is like the one who plows and plows but never sows.
- Third, for building a strong foundations of faith and testimony involves service.
- Along your pathway of life you will observe that you are not the only traveler. There are others who need your help. There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire, and souls to save.
L. Tom Perry -The Plan of Salvation
- Opportunities are there every day in our normal pursuits of life to open our mouths to let people know of the gospel truths that will bless them here and now and into the eternities to come.
- Death must be viewed as a portal to a new and better life. Through the glorious resurrection, body and spirit will be reunited. We will have a perfect, immortal body of flesh and bones that will never be subjected to pain or death. But the glory we attain to in the next life will depend on our performance in this life.
- We are not left alone to wander through mortality without knowing of the master plan which the Lord has designed for His children.
Richard C. Edgley -Three Towels and a 25-Cent Newspaper
- "Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight."
- There will never be honesty in the business world, in the schools, in the home, or anyplace else until there is honesty in the heart.
- Honesty is the basis of a true Christian life. For Latter-day Saints, honesty is an important requirement for entering the Lord's holy temple. Honesty is embedded in the covenants that we make in the temple. Each Sunday as we partake of the holy emblems of the Savior's flesh and blood, we again renew our basic and sacred covenants--which encompass honesty. As Latter-day Saints we have a sacred obligation to not only teach the principles of honesty, but also to live them.
- Honesty should be among the most fundamental values that govern our everyday living.
Margaret S. Lifferth -Behold Your Little Ones
- And while conditions of depravity are more serious, we also protect children from other detrimental conditions, such as expectations that are too high or too low, overindulgence, over scheduling, and self-centeredness. Either extreme dulls a child's ability to identify, trust, and be guided by the Holy Ghost.
- Children are open to gospel truths more than at any other time, and protected childhood is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to teach and strengthen children to choose the right.
- We cannot teach principles that we do not know and that we do not live.
Anthony D. Perkins -"The Great and Wonderful Love"
- The snare of false inadequacy.
- The snare of exaggerated imperfection.
- The snare of needless guilt.
- First, see yourself as a precious child of a loving Father in Heaven.
- Refrain from repeatedly thinking or saying negative words about yourself--there is a clear difference between humility and humiliation. Identify and use your unique talents rather than dwelling on your weaknesses.
- Second, place your burdens on Jesus Christ.
- Third, forgive yourself of sins and imperfections.
- Heavenly Father is not expecting you to become completely perfect in this life. He knew His children would make mistakes as they learned from experience in mortality.
- Fourth, sustain hope of eternal life.
- Fifth, find joy each day.
Russell M. Nelson -The Gathering of Scattered Israel
- Mercifully, the invitation to "come unto Christ" can also be extended to those who died without a knowledge of the gospel. Part of their preparation requires earthly efforts of others. We gather pedigree charts, create family group sheets, and do temple work vicariously to gather individuals unto the Lord and into their families.
- The choice to come unto Christ is not a matter of physical location; it is a matter of individual commitment.
- Spiritual security will always depend upon how one lives, not where one lives. Saints in every land have equal claim upon the blessings of the Lord.
Gordon B. Hinckley -The Faith to Move Mountains
- In the on-working of this great cause, increased faith is what we most need. Without it, the work would stagnate. With it, no one can stop its progress.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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