Friday, October 27th 2006
-Drove down to Happy Valley with the family to see my uncle play in the UPBB Octuba fest and later had dinner at Tepanyaki.
Monday, October 27th 2008
-My cousin J and his Dad -my uncle B- drove down with my parents to come see me here in CollegeTown. It was more to see him again though, I wasn't really good company since after eating I didn't feel good and I was tired on top of that. But I was glad to be able to see him before he left on his mission for 2 years to California.
Tuesday, October 27th 2009
-Had a horrible night last night. Had a major headache and back tension and ended up making friends with the toilet. Meh no fun. I almost decided not to go to school today, but when I woke up at 9:30 I felt much better so I went to school- I was like 15 mins late to Institute but amazingly the lesson was just starting. I spent the rest of the day as normal. Then went shopping for a Halloween costume and ended up spending $$ on costume stuff and food. Oops. :S
Wednesday, October 27th 2010
-Did homework til it was time to go to school. It snowed during the night for the first time here in collegetown, it was gone by noon though. :( In Anth we watched the rest of the pointless movie. BOM we got candy (for Halloween) Ended up having a kid sit next to me that just made me feel uncomfortable. I got my test back from Legal today, 98/100! Woot!! I only missed 2 points! D -my teacher seemed surprised. He mentioned how he was surprised at how well I did. lol. I'm usually good at taking tests. Especially when we can use books/notes. XD Spoke with a couple of ASL guys afterwards before doing more homework before my ConsectASL class started. I turned in Valorie's homework for her since she wasn't feeling well. Drove home and talked w/ the parents. Had spaghetti for dinner and did more homework.
Thursday, October 27th 2011
-Had a blah day today. It seemed like I was "on empty" "drained" managed to get through my classes though and got to rest when I got home. For fun I made 23 origami frogs for "Hoppy Halloween." for the LDSSA. I hope they like them.
Saturday, October 27th 2012
-Kikay and I drove home this afternoon after her fencing tournament was done. We dropped by SmartCookie to find only one Frozen Hot Chocolate was available and the price had increased by 25 cents. Not a great experience. :( At home I saw some of the kittens and managed to pick them up! :D Kikay and I went to go see a play, the Scarlet Pimpernel!! It was AWESOME!! I loved watching every moment of it!! LOVE THAT PLAY! We dropped by Arctic Circle for food afterwards and Meralto gave us a tour of the back since it was closing time. Totally cool!! We ended up racing each other home. ^^ Meralto won.
Sunday, October 27th 2013
-They finally sustained me as the RS chorister today in church and I got set apart afterwards. Church itself went well. I mortified my roomie Dani a bit by actually snagging her crush and having him talk for a bit with her. Lol. After church I had dinner with Kikay and her roomies. We did Teriyaki steaks that actually turned out pretty good. Watched once upon a time. And then spent the evening critiquing more of Mirleki's book and writing to the missionaries. :)
Monday, October 27th 2014
-I spent the day at home, watching TV, hanging with the cats, surfing the internet and writing a bit and of course doing some laundry...before coming back down to college town.
Tuesday, October 27th 2015
-Went into work at 6:30 this morning. Because my other coworker was coming in sooner than normal I had them do the bedding changes while I worked on opening. Cleaning cats, feeding reptiles, birds, hamsters. Worked on more crickets counting. (getting rather tired of that.) And changed out the water in the betta cups while my coworker worked on fish. Towards the end of my shift I had one of the managers come up to me, stating that they were now going to be the manager over me, (Since Nadlon left unexpectedly, Sirch is more than likely going to take over his position while Samoth is possibly going to take on Sirch's position. -I could have taken it but that position now involves more customer service and less animal care which I love animals more than people...soo staying where I am.) So Samoth spent time going over what he thinks we should do to become more efficient....only afterwards I was told that he may not be taking over the manager position....sooo that's just a whole lot of confusing. Guess we'll have to see how that all turns out. I went down to Walmart after work to buy garbage bags and ended up spending a lot more money on food. Note to self...don't shop when hungry. Came home and made Italian Meatballs in BBQ sauce and it was divine! ^^ Yay food! I went on Ward Mission visits to meet people and then came home and watched the Flash. Ah...can't wait for next episode!!! Wish it was next Tuesday already.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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