Friday, October 16, 2015

Blinds Opened

It always bugged me, when I was younger,
When I would be doing stuff....most likely reading a book, in a room.
And my Dad would come in and either a) turn on the light, or b) open up the blinds to make it brighter in the room.

It totally was annoying.
Because the room got much brighter.
-Not that I had noticed how dark the room was before that point.
I'd been doing just fine,
and suddenly I was able to see much better.

But the point is,
That those years of annoyances...

Have actually stuck with me.

I mean, I hardly ever if never basically ever open my blinds in my bedroom.
And most apartments I've lived in in the past have been bright enough that I haven't thought much about lighting, beyond like...turning on and off lights.

But my current apartment.
The one that I dislike for many reasons....
Is pretty dark.

Like a vampire could live comfortably in my apartment with the blinds closed because its dark inside.

Too dark.
Too dismal.
Too depressing.

Which is why, I have taken up my Daddoo's habit of coming into a room (not my bedroom but other rooms.) and opening the blinds.
Just to get some light in.
To brighten up the place.
To actually be able to see.
To make it happier.

lol. My roommates get annoyed with me for doing so.
That I will come into a room, and if I plan to hang out in it for a bit.
I'll go over to the blinds and open them.

Yep, definitely my Father's Daughter. lol.

Who knows though,
Perhaps in my next apartment,
It will be a lighter area, already bright.
And so the desire to open the blinds and let in natural light will fade away into obscurity once more.

We'll see though, that's a while away in any case. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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