Wednesday, October 21, 2015

More of an Effort

I've been working too long.
And it's not going to get any shorter.
Because I've been scheduled to work 9 days in a row.

People definitely weren't made to have to be productive for so long.
I'm really, really, really missing my five day work weeks.
Which technically I have...
It just so happens that in a two week period, 9 of those days are in a row full of work.

And I can feel the effect dragging at me.
To the point where I'm really becoming grumpy and ill tempered and really just want a day to sleep in.
Sleep deprivation. It does things.

It was really bad today. To the point where I just wanted to lock myself up in my room, avoid my roommates -who are getting on my nerves- and just go rent a cabin in the middle of the mountains and be isolated for a few days.
Yah. I'm being more anti social than normal.

But it's amazing how a nice long uninterrupted nap can calm the troubled mind and soothe irritations back down into minor nuisances that are easily forgotten.

In any case.
I had a point to this...
Oh yes.
Tonight, I had the opportunity for some alone time.
Literally I wasn't alone.
I was in places. With people there.

But I wasn't 'with' anyone.
I didn't have to socialize with anyone.

Which really, at this point. Was nice.
I had an institute class tonight, and usually one of my roommates joins me.
Tonight, she forewent going in favor of getting more sleep because she can be as sleep deprived if not more so than I am.

But in class tonight.
We were talking about Ruth.
And how selfless she was.

And my teacher said something, that she heard from a guy she'd been dating back when she was our age.

People are more important than toilet paper.

-The guy was having problems with his two roommates fighting because one was always buying the toilet paper, and the other one wasn't. And the dude she was dating was like 'I will be willing to buy the toilet paper if it keeps the peace.'
Hence the statement above.

And it got me thinking.
People can be more important than most anything really.

I haven't really been focusing on that really.
I've been in more of a self-centered Me Me Me stage.
Where I want others to make the effort first.

As I'm tired of making the effort and not getting any rewards for it.

But maybe I'm making a bigger deal of it than it actually is.
Who roommates could be trying to be doing things for me/with me. etc.
But I'm not seeing it.

Maybe they're making an effort.
And I'm completely ignoring it because they aren't making an effort in a way I want them to be.

Perhaps I need to get off my soap box.
And try to make more of a effort....
In the small things.

So we'll see how it goes.

See how this works.

....trying small things at first.
Like...hanging out in the living room while they watch shows that I could care less about.

Its easy...just sit there, do blog, and just spend time with them.....

Yah....we'll see how it goes.
See if doing small things can help ease things between us. So that we can do a bit more bonding instead of us just sharing the same space.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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