Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Gotta Catch Them All

You may have heard of a little thing called Pokémon Go.

If you haven't....then *claps* I'm impressed you've stayed out of the loop lol.

In any case.
Most of my family is obsessed with playing the game.
Leveling up, catching pokemon, hitting pokestops, fighting gyms etc.

And they kept telling me that I should join.
Which, I had no intention of doing.
Seems like fun.
But I've never been a pokemon type of girl.
It's been Yugioh for me.

Plus, I didn't need one more thing to distract me. lol I'm already distracted.

But my family kept bringing it up.
You should get Pokémon Go.
You should get Pokémon Go.
You should get Pokémon Go.

Basically they wanted me to join in on the family adventures.
Though I was more than reluctant to join in on the band wagon.

In all reality, even if I wanted to, I couldn't play the game.
Because I have this little thing called a "windows phone"
And guess what?
Pokémon Go hasn't hit the Windows Phone section of the world yet.
It's hit the Ipods and Androids and who knows what other phones.
But Windows?
No go.

And since Pokémon Go basically requires you to have an internet connection to play the game. Or at least a Data connection.....
It's kinda pointless to have it on any other device.

I mean, I do have an IpodTouch. Which can work the game just fine since it's an Ipod, but it's limited in its use. If I have no internet....there is no game.
So basically I could only hit areas where there would be an internet connection I could access.

And I told my family so.
To which they said: "We'll create a hotspot on our phones so you can access the game too!"

....To which I really didn't have an excuse after that.
If they were willing to use data...to create a hotspot....

I might as well join them.

So yah, I've joined the Bandwagon and have gone Pokémon hunting with the family. :)

We'll see how long I'll actually keep it up though.
Probably if they ever come up with an app for the Windows phone....a lot longer.
For now though...it may only be a vacation fling.

Guess we'll see what my Instincts say at the end of this family vacation. ;)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Congrats to today's Olympians!! :D

Medal Tally:

84  -United States     28 Gold   28 Silver   28 Bronze
51  -China                 17 Gold   15 Silver   19 Bronze
50  -Great Britain     19 Gold   19 Silver    12 Bronze
38  -Russia                12 Gold  12 Silver    14 Bronze
29  -France                7 Gold    11 Silver    11 Bronze
29  -Japan                  7 Gold     4 Silver     18 Bronze
26  -Germany           11 Gold    8 Silver       7 Bronze
24  -Australia            7 Gold     8 Silver       9 Bronze
23  -Italy                   8 Gold      9 Silver      6 Bronze
14 -Netherlands        8 Gold      3 Silver      3 Bronze
14  -Korea                6 Gold     3 Silver        5 Bronze
14  -Canada              3 Gold     2 Silver        9 Bronze
13  -Hungary            6 Gold     3 Silver        4 Bronze
11  -Brazil                 3 Gold      4 Silver      4 Bronze
10  - New Zealand    3 Gold      6 Silver      1 Bronze
10  -Kazakhstan        2 Gold     3 Silver      5 Bronze 
 9  -Denmark            1 Gold     3 Silver       5 Bronze
 8  -Cuba                   2 Gold     2 Silver       4 Bronze
 7  -Spain                  4 Gold                         2 Bronze
 7  -North Korea       2 Gold     3 Silver       2 Bronze
 7  -Poland                2 Gold     2 Silver       3 Bronze 
 7  -South Africa      1 Gold      5 Silver       1 Bronze
 7  -Ukraine              1 Gold     4 Silver        2 Bronze
 7  -Czech Republic 1 Gold      1 Silver        5 Bronze
 6  -Kenya                3 Gold     3 Silver
 6  -Uzbekistan         2 Gold                         4 Bronze
 6  -Sweden              1 Gold     4 Silver        1 Bronze
 5  -Croatia               3 Gold     2 Silver
 5  -Jamaica              3 Gold                         2 Bronze
 5  -Belgium             2 Gold     1 Silver        2 Bronze
 5  -Switzerland       2 Gold     1 Silver        2 Bronze
 5  -Belarus              1 Gold     2 Silver        2 Bronze
 5  -Ethiopia             1 Gold     1 Silver        3 Bronze
 5  -Georgia              1 Gold    1 Silver         3 Bronze
 5  -Azerbaijan                         2 Silver        3 Bronze
 4  -Colombia           2 Gold     2 Silver
 4  -Greece               2 Gold     1 Silver        1 Bronze
 4  -Thailand            2 Gold     1 Silver        1 Bronze
 4  -Iran                    2 Gold                         2 Bronze
 4  -Armenia            1 Gold     3 Silver
 4  -Slovenia            1 Gold     2 Silver        1 Bronze
 4  -Romania            1 Gold     1 Silver        2 Bronze
 3  -Argentina          2 Gold     1 Silver   
 3  -Chinese Taipei  1 Gold                          2 Bronze
 3  -Turkey                              2 Silver         1 Bronze
 3  -Lithuania                          1 Silver         2 Bronze
 3  -Norway                                                  3 Bronze
 2  -Bahrain              1 Gold    1 Silver
 2  -Slovakia            1 Gold    1 Silver
 2  -Vietnam            1 Gold    1 Silver 
 2  -IOA                  1 Gold                           1 Bronze 
 2  -Indonesia                         2 Silver
 2  -Ireland                             2 Silver
 2  -Malaysia                          2 Silver
 2  -Mongolia                         1 Silver          1 Bronze
 2  -Egypt                                                      2 Bronze
 2  -Israel                                                       2 Bronze
 1  -Bahamas        1 Gold
 1  -Fiji                 1 Gold
 1  -Kosovo          1 Gold
 1  -Puerto Rico   1 Gold
 1  -Singapore      1 Gold
 1  -Algeria                           1 Silver
 1  -Grenada                         1 Silver 
 1  -Philippines                     1 Silver
 1  -Qatar                              1 Silver
 1  -Venezuela                      1 Silver
 1  -Austria                                                 1 Bronze
 1  -Estonia                                                 1 Bronze
 1  -Kyrgyzstan                                           1 Bronze
 1  -Morocco                                               1 Bronze
 1  -Moldova                                               1 Bronze
 1  -Portugal                                                1 Bronze
 1  -Tunisia                                                  1 Bronze
 1  -United Arab Emirates                           1 Bronze

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