Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Signing Chat

You know how you have those irrational fears of 'not being good enough' or being a 'disappointment?'
That's what I was trying to avoid feeling on my Brother's wedding day.
Not because I wasn't the one getting married first.
Oh no, not that.

It was for another reason.
You see, my new Sister-in-law had invited a Deaf individual to come to the wedding and the celebrations.
Because she knew that I knew sign language.
She was hoping that I'd be able to meet and talk with her friend.

I was...decidedly less than enthusiastic about it.
Because. Surprise.
I get intimidated by Deaf people.
-Kinda surprising considering that my major in school was....Sign Language which would mean....I should be interacting with Deaf people consistently.

It's just one of those... "I don't feel good enough" moments.
After all, ASL is a second language to me.
lol Even though at times it feels really natural, and I feel that I have a natural talent for signing...
I still get intimidated when I'm around Deaf People.

Or...I suppose it's the 'pre conversation' part where I get intimidated. The 'before the meeting.' where I don't quite know what to expect.

In any case.
It wasn't long before I was introduced to the friend.

And not surprisingly....found that it wasn't intimidating at all.
It actually was rather nice to sign with someone again.
As I haven't signed that much with people since I graduated from College and that was over 4 years ago.
Sure, I occasionally help out Deaf customers at work.
But it's always 'work' related conversations.

Here. It was conversational. And easy. And I really enjoyed just chatting and interacting for a bit.

lol it was interesting though....because I felt a bit more...proficient at signing than the interpreter who came to the temple to help interpret the services....
*shakes head* Yah...I probably shouldn't give myself a swelled head....

In any case.
It was really great to interact with them and help them out.
There was even a point where I briefly stepped in to interpret at the wedding luncheon for the prayer and such. Which I haven't done in sooo long.

It's funny to say.
I've kinda missed that.
Missed the experience of interpreting for another.
To listening to the speaker, and then signing the words.

I've always enjoyed that.
Interpreting. Taking another's words and putting them in another language that the signer could understand.

I've spent the last four years telling myself that I liked other things, to not think too much about ASL or College or Interpreting and the like. 
But the experience at the wedding.
Reminded me as to why I went to college to become an interpreter in the first place.
I really enjoy it.
Probably because in it's own way it's like story-telling.
And at the center of everything, I'm a story teller.

Perhaps this may be a turning point into heading back into the field.
I don't quite think that I'll be actively seeking out to go try for the third time to get certified or become an interpreter career wise.....
But perhaps I won't be so hesitant to engage in Deaf activities and events and go talk to people.....

We'll see.
We'll see.

But it really was a boost to flagging soul.
That opportunity to meet my Sis-In-Law's friend.

Because they were patient and willing to show me signs that I'd forgotten or didn't know,
But not only that.
It's also because the friend complimented me.
Which is high praise in my book, to be told that I'm really good at quickly understanding their signs and signing back. To be told I should look into helping out the community more. To be told that they liked signing with me. That I had skills.

It's nice to know.
That I still have a knack for it.

I know my brother getting married was a major highlight.

But in many ways.
The experience of chatting with this friend.
Was just the boost and a positive highlight in my life that I needed right then. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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