Friday, June 30, 2017

Gone Out

My sister and I went to the drive-in last night. 

-Those outdoor theatres where you watch the movie from inside your car. 

It was a halfway spur of the moment thing.
Mostly in that I saw on my Facebook "On this day" thing that Kikay and I had gone to the drive-in a handful of years ago. And it made me a bit nostalgic. 
So I texted Kikay telling her that I wanted to go to the Drive-In.
You know, thinking that we'd plan to go in a week or two maybe four.... 
Just sometime before summer ended really.

But we decided that there was a pairing this week we liked.
And we'd only have the opportunity to see it either that day or tomorrow (last night) 
Since I had work in the morning we couldn't see it that day.

Because the drive-in does a double movie feature.
And since the movies don't start until the sun sets (since it's outdoors) the second movie wouldn't end until long after midnight. 
And early morning work and late night movies don't really mix if I want to get some sleep at some point. 

But last night would work perfectly since I had the day off this morning. 

So kinda spur of the moment we decided to go see the movies! 
Cars 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean 5 to be exact. :) 

Ah, I forget how fun it is to be at the drive in.
Where you can sit in your car, eat your snacks, chat with whoever you brought with you.
And be surrounded by people, but not surrounded by people. 
I mean, with the cars all around, there's a bit more space between you and the next car.
So it's easy to feel like you're part of a big group, but still in your isolation as well. 

I had a ton of fun. ^^ Both movies were fun to see and were totally worth not getting home until 3 am for. XD haha. 

I definitely need to do this more often. :) 
Just... not on nights when I have work in the morning. ;) 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Seeking to Help Others

One evening Susan and I stood near a window in our home and watched two of our little boys playing outside.
During the course of their adventures, the younger of the two boys was injured slightly in a small accident.
We quickly recognized that he was not seriously hurt, and we decided not to provide immediate assistance.
We wanted to observe and see if any of our family discussions about brotherly kindness had sunk in.
What happened next was both interesting and instructive.

The older brother consoled and carefully helped the younger brother back into the house.
Susan and I had positioned ourselves near the kitchen so we could see what next took place, and we were prepared to intervene immediately if additional bodily harm seemed likely or a serious accident was imminent.

The older brother dragged a chair to the kitchen sink.
He climbed upon the chair, assisted his brother onto the chair, turned on the water, and proceeded to pour a large quantity of dishwashing soap onto the scratched arm of his little brother.
He did his best to gently wash away the dirt.
The reaction of the little brother to this procedure can only be described accurately using language from the holy scriptures: "And they shall have cause to howl, and week, and wail, and gnash their teeth."
And did that little boy howl!

After the scrubbing was finished the arm was carefully dried with a towel.
Eventually the screaming stopped.
The older brother next climbed up onto the kitchen counter, opened a cabinet, and found a new tube of medicated ointment.
Though the scratches on his little brother were not large or extensive, the older brother applied almost all of the ointment in the tube to the entire injured arm.
The screaming did not resume, as the little brother clearly liked the soothing effect of the ointment much more than he appreciated the cleansing effect of the dishwashing soap.

The older brother returned again to the cabinet in which he had found the ointment and located a new box of sterile bandages.
He then unwrapped and put bandages all up and down his brother's arm--from the wrist to the elbow.
With the emergency resolved, and with soap bubbles, ointment, and wrappers all over the kitchen, the two little boys hopped down from the chair with bright smiles and happy faces.

What happened next is most important.
The injured brother gathered up the remaining bandages and the almost empty tube of ointment, and he went back outside.
He quickly sought out his friends and began to put ointment and bandages on their arms.
Susan and I both were struck by the sincerity, enthusiasm, and rapidity of his response.

Why did that little boy do what he did?
Please note that he immediately and intuitively wanted to give to his friends the very thing that had helped him when he was hurt.
That little boy did not have to be urged, challenged, prompted, or goaded to act.
His desire to share was the natural consequence of a most helpful and beneficial personal experience.

-David A. Bednar -Come and See -October 2014 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Constant Beginning

I like consistency. 
I'm not going to lie. 
I like it when things just stay constant.
Where I can expect one thing and get that thing each time. 

I like it when things are unchanging.
Mostly because it can take me a while to get used to a new situation. 
So to have a situation stay constant allows me to be able to adjust and ease myself in.

But when something is constantly changing.
It's...difficult to even find the effort to involve myself.
Because what's the point?
It's not going to be the same after a while.

It's kinda how I feel about my coworkers really.

Like I kinda expect my coworkers to just stick around, work the job for years on end.
But with retail, that's hardly the norm. 
It's amazing if a person sticks around longer than a year.
Most of them disappear after about six months or so.

And the constantly changing dynamic of people at work....
Has its pros and cons.
Because a) if I don't like a coworker, I can just wait it out because I know they will leave eventually.
but b) what's the point of even trying to make friends with coworkers if they're just going to leave? 

*shakes head*
It's a thing I struggle with off and on at work with.
Like how social and friendly to I try to be with my coworkers?
Because I don't want to make an effort to try and be friends and talk and basically establish a friendship...if you're just going to quit work next month and disappear forever.

I kinda wish I was in a work environment where it's the same people for forever. Those career people who stick with a job for 10, 20, 30 years. 

But that's how life goes I suppose.
People are always on the lookout for the next 'good job' 
And just a jumping off point. would be nice to have work buddys that stuck around. 

Because knowing everyone is going to leave eventually...can be rather depressing. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Food Sentence

I'm so confused. 
Like seriously. 
So very confused.

What happened?

So for the past little while I've been venturing to Wendy's once or twice a week.
Usually I go after I get off work, so I can have a chance to relax a little and get some writing done on story concepts I'm working on before I head home. 
-As for whatever reason, writing at home is difficult- 

And since I'm in a food place, I end up ordering food.
Specifically their Crispy Chicken Sandwich.
Because it's super tasty! lol. 
(It must be if I have it multiple times a week.) 
And with that sandwich I get fries and a drink.

For a while when my favorite cashier worked there. (I no longer see her when I come in so she's either changed shifts or quit. :( ) It was easy to get my order.
She would know it without having to ask.
But if she wasn't there I would just say "I want a Crispy Chicken Sandwich combo Size Small."
And I would get my sandwich, fries and a drink with no issue.

Well mostly no issue, there's the occasional cashier that's thrown off by the combo as the CCS doesn't usually come in a combo. But they quickly figure it out and I'd still get my food. 

But a month ago? Recently I feel. Like after I got back from my vacation.
Something had changed.

It's so crazy how you can not go to a place for a couple of weeks and then go back and suddenly everything is different.
Because suddenly my "Crispy Chicken Sandwich Combo Size Small" was now totally complicated. 

Like now if I wanted that, then a manager had to become involved, hit buttons do a discount, that sort of thing. 
I'm like. O.o Huh?? 

But then there were cashiers who didn't know that the manager needed to be involved.
And so when I said "Crispy Chicken Sandwich Combo Size Small" 
They took it to mean the Crispy Chicken Sandwich in their 4 for $4 meal. 
Which was a sandwich, fries, a drink, and chicken nuggets. 

I guess they'd just recently added in the CCS to that deal? Who knows.
In any case, it suddenly was much more difficult to just get the sandwich combo without the chicken nuggets.

and me being myself...I don't like causing a stir. So I resigned myself to getting those chicken nuggets and spending like a dollar more on my food. (The chicken nuggets are pretty good too I just struggle to eat it all lol) 

Which made me want to venture to my Wendy's a little less....because I didn't want to get the 4 for $4 meal nor did I want to cause time delays in getting a manager involved to ring up the 4for$4 then take away the price of the chicken nuggets. etc.

Honestly, it's not always the easiest to get them to understand what I want. 

Which case in point.

Last week, I wasn't feeling the best. And figured that I might need a bit more red meat protein in my diet.
So I ventured over to Wendy's to get my usual, but also to get a hamburger. 

And when I got up to the register I was like "Hey, question that 4 for $4 meal. Can the nuggets be substituted at all?" And the cashier was like "No." 
So I was like "Oh" and resigned myself to having to get the CCS, Nuggets, Fries, Drink AND then just a plain old hamburger. 
I told the cashier "Then I'll have the crispy chicken sandwich." I waited a beat and realized that I needed to say more. "As a combo." Figuring she'd figure it was the 4for$4 deal I meant as that's what everyone else seemed to think when I said Crispy Chicken Sandwich Combo size small. "and can I get a hamburger too." 

The cashier told me the price. Which a vaguely realized wasn't quite right, but then figured it had to be some sort of magic thing. 

But when I got my food....
I realized....I didn't have chicken nuggets on my tray. ()_() 
Just the CCS, the hamburger, fries and a drink.

A glance at my receipt told me. 
I hadn't ordered the 4for$4!!!!

For the past couple weeks before that the cashiers had made me believe I could no longer get my sandwich as I'd originally gotten it without a huge hassle. That I would have to eat chicken nuggets with my meals now. 

But here I was. With my sandwich combo! 
Mind blown.
Like. HEY! *shakes head* 

Which made me wonder....
Was it the way I'd worded it the reason why I got what I actually wanted? 
As I'd said "I want the Crispy Chicken a combo." and then waited for the cashier to ask me the size etc. 

So today.
I decided to try the different wording again. 
To the cashier I said. "Can I get the Crispy Chicken Sandwich? In a combo?"
"what size?" they asked.

"Small." I replied.
"What do drink?" they asked.
"Dr. Pepper." I replied.

And there. THERE. Thankfully.
They rang it up and the total came to my expected combo price.
For the first time in FOREVER!! 

I got what I wanted!
I didn't have to get the nuggets.
And I'm left so confused. 

How can.
"Can I get a Crispy Chicken Sandwich Combo size Small" create a different connotation from "Can I get a Crispy Chicken Sandwich. In a combo. Size small." 

Like literally it's verbal punctuation! That's all it is. I give pauses where I hadn't had pauses before.

And I don't get it.
How does one get me the 4for$4 and the other get me my usual combo?


Honestly I wonder if it's just in their heads that the CCS is part of that 4for$4 deal now and that if a person says CCS combo they mean that deal. 
But the pause of I want the sandwich. In a combo, tells them that it's not the deal that I'm talking about?

Words are weird. Language is weird. It's all weird.

Hopefully I can continue getting what I actually want now, now that I've figured out that I need to say my words slightly differently to get what I want. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 26, 2017

April 2015 General Conference -Sunday Afternoon

Robert D. Hales -Preserving Agency, Protecting Religious Freedom
  • As those around us make choices about how to respond to our beliefs, we must not forget that moral agency is an essential part of God's plan for all His children.
  • Remember this: it is not too late.
  • No one should be criticized, persecuted, or attacked by individuals, or governments either, for what he or she believes about God.
  • "The civil magistrate should restrain crime, but never control conscience [or] suppress the freedom of the soul.
  • How we live our religion is far more important than what we may say about our religion.
Kevin W. Pearson -Stay by the Tree
  • "O God, bless me that I shall not lose my testimony and keep faithful to the end!"
  • We struggle when we are caught between competing priorities. 
  • Casual obedience and lukewarm commitment weaken faith. 
  • God's commandments are strict but not restrictive.
  • Faith is a principle of action and power.
  • When adversity comes, don't let something you don't fully understand unravel everything you do know. 
  • Be patient, cling to truth; understanding will come. 
  • Elders and sisters, you simply cannot return from your mission, do a swan dive back into Babylon, and spend endless hours scoring meaningless points on pointless video games without falling into a deep spiritual sleep. 
  • If you lose the Spirit, you are lost. Don't be distracted and deceived. 
Rafael E. Pino -The Eternal Perspective of the Gospel
  • The eternal perspective of the gospel leads us to understand the place that we occupy in God's plan, to accept difficulties and progress through them, to make decisions, and to center our lives on our divine potential.
  • It is extremely important that we do not make decisions of eternal value from the perspective of mortality. 
Neil L. Andersen -Thy Kingdom Come
  • God is mindful of every people.
  • Doubt not. Be not afraid.
Jorge F. Zeballos -If You Will Be Responsible
  • Men cannot really long rest content with mediocrity once they see excellence is within their reach. 
  • A person's word ought to be sufficient to establish his or her truthfulness and commitment toward someone else. 
Joseph W. Sitati -Be Fruitful, Multiply, and Subdue the Earth
  • Laboring in the spirit of charity is not a duty but a joy.
  • As we look to the Lord for help, we have found answers that bring peace and comfort, and we do not feel overwhelmed by these things.
Russell M. Nelson -The Sabbath Is a Delight
  • The Sabbath provides a wonderful opportunity to strengthen family ties.
  • Lifting others spirits will lift yours as well.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Slightly Anxious

It shouldn't have been a big deal really. 

But probably like most people, when I opened my phone yesterday to see a text asking if I would be able to give the opening prayer in church this morning...

I was more than reluctant.

It's not like I don't talk constantly in front of people at work.
But for some reason, the thought of getting up in front of my ward to say a prayer. *exhales* 

I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to get up in front of a bunch of people I don't know to pray.

So I held off on replying.
Hoping that in the meantime the asker would find someone else.

Hours later.
After I'd finished my shift at work and returned home.
I responded.

Only to find out that the texter hadn't found another person to say the prayer. 
*exhales* So that meant....this morning I was doing just that. 


I mean, it's a good way for the ward to realize I exist.
But it puts so much pressure on me!
I mean, I have to make sure that I look presentable. Pick out just the right outfit and such because the entire ward would see me walk up to the front to say that prayer. 
But also make sure I don't trip on the way up.
Or that I say a good prayer and don't stumble over my words and such.

Honestly it wasn't a big deal.
I mean at least I wasn't getting up to say a talk lol. 

Just a quick 30second to a minute prayer.
That was it.

As the moment approached.
As the song wound down to an end and my turn approached.

My heart began to pound.
Ba Dum
Ba Dum

Like those horror movies where you hear the heartrate? Yah. Totally my heart that moment.
I felt like it was going to pound it's way out of my chest with how frantically it was beating.

And I think....I think what threw me off from what should have been an easy thing to do....

Was that my support wasn't there.

I'd come to church ahead of my roommates just because I wanted to make sure I would make it to church on time because sometimes we're a little late if we go all together.

And I'd thought that they were right behind me. 
And that they'd show up before church started.

But...the time ticked closer.
And my roommates weren't there.
The services started.
And my roommates weren't there.
Announcements were given.
They weren't there.
The song began.
They weren't there.

I think my nerves got the best of me because I had expected my roommates to be there to hear me say the prayer.
I mean....they knew I was going to be getting up.
Surely that would mean they'd make an effort to be there on time so they could be there for me. 

But the song ended.
And there I was supportless as I got up to go to the microphone. 
My roommates having not shown up. 

Alone I walked up to the front,
Knowing that they weren't there behind me.

Hence my pounding heart.
Because I was basically doing this by myself lol. 
I mean, I know others in the ward.
But I just wanted a bit of comfort of the known and roommates are a known factor. 

Even with my heart pounding like a cannonball in my chest.
I walked up to the front.
Said the prayer.
Managed to say my words clearly without rushing.
Said Amen.

And walked back to my seat.
And as I reached the they opened....revealing my roommates there. 
Having either just arrived, or arrived just before I prayed so they couldn't enter the room.

And I sat.
Shaking like a leaf.
Trembling from the stress and release of tension.
Trying to get my breath back.

Because it was over.
Because I could now disappear back into the shadows.

The prayer was said and done.

And the stress. Fading. 

Honestly...I shouldn't have gotten so worked up over it just before I got up.
But I did.
*shakes head*
Hopefully...if there is a next time....I handle it a bit better lol. 

At least the others who I know in the ward didn't see how nervous I'd gotten. They thought I was composed the entire time. Ha.Ha....yah....


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Missing You

Have you ever been hanging out with people and really wish you were elsewhere hanging out with a different group or person? 

I was in one of those situations. 
Where being with some of my friends, only made me miss a different friend even more. 

I think it was mostly because I was feeling a bit....out of touch with the people I was hanging with.

Like...I found it difficult to find subjects to talk about with them.
Because usually my topics of choice with my other talking about the crazy people at work, or a new story idea, or a show I'm obsessed with....I didn't feel like I could do the same thing with the people I was hanging out with.

It was like....
I wanted to belong. Wanted to create a fun environment where we could laugh and chat and just have fun...
But I felt a bit like the outsider. 
My interests having changed from these friends.
To the point where I'm not quite sure what to actually talk about when we hang out together.
I'm basically left with small talk....and even that fails because my friends hate the small talk lol.

So I was sitting there.
In silence.
Wishing I was elsewhere.
Because elsewhere, with different people....
I could be so much more involved, more talkative....
Like I have been with other friends recently.

And being there, without these other friends....
It made me miss them more.

And made me realize how grateful I am to have those other friends in my life.
Because without them....who would I talk obsessions with? lol. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 23, 2017


There was a slight concern, when I moved into my current place nearly a year ago.
About how many spiders we'd be encountering in the house. 

Mostly because of the guys who lived there before us....
As it seemed like that didn't keep the place as nice as they could have.
And probably encouraged the spiders to come. 

Thankfully, soon after moving in.
And a barricade spray placed all around the house.
The presence of spiders in the house vanished. 

I mean no new spiders entered the house.
And eventually the ones that were in the house before we sprayed disappeared. 

But it seems like the spray has failed us. 
Which after nearly a year, makes sense that we'd need to reapply.

It could be the spike in heat we've been experiencing here. 
And with our house being nice and cool and away from the sun...

The spiders seem to be finding their way into our house in mass.

Not like it's a horde or anything.

But from going from like never seeing spiders to finding like 8 in the house in a day....
Yikes :S 

I found two in the bathroom, two on the stairs, one on the couch, one in my room, and I'm just like *shudders* where are you all coming from!?!?

I mean it's not like tiny baby spiders.
No more than half of them have been on the larger side.
Like nickel sized I suppose. 

And that's just creepy.
Like where are you all coming from?!

It just kinda gives me the creepy crawlies all over the place.
Like...where am I going to find a spider next?


We definitely will be reapplying that antispider boundary soon. I hope.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Extra Mile

Throughout the years, I have known countless individuals who have been particularly faithful and obedient.
I have been blessed and inspired by them.
May I share with you an account of two such individuals.

Walter Krause was a steadfast member of the Church who, with his family, lived in what became known as East Germany following the Second World War.
Despite the hardships he faced because of the lack of freedom in that area of the world at the time, Brother Krause was a man who loved and served the Lord.
He faithfully and conscientiously fulfilled each assignment given to him.

The other man, Johann Denndorfer, a native of Hungary, was converted to the Church in Germany and was baptized there in 1911 at the age of 17.
Not too long afterward he returned to Hungary.
Following the Second World War, he found himself virtually a prisoner in his native land, in the city of Debrecen.
Freedom had also been taken from the people of Hungary.

Brother Walter Krause, who did not know Brother Denndorfer, received the assignment to be his home teacher and t visit him on a regular basis.
Brother Krause called his home teaching companion and said to him, "We have received an assignment to visit Brother Johann Denndorfer.
Would you be available to go with me this week to see him and give him a gospel message?"
And then he added, "Brother Denndorfer lives in Hungary."

His startled companion asked, "When will we leave?"

"Tomorrow," came the reply from Brother Krause.

"When will we return home?" asked the companion.

Brother Krause responded, "Oh, in about a week--if we get back."

Away the two home teaching companions went to visit Brother Denndorfer, traveling by train and bus from the northeastern area of Germany to Debrecen, Hungary--a substantial journey.
Brother Denndorfer had not had home teachers since before the war.
Now, when he saw these servants of the Lord, he was overwhelmed with gratitude that they had come.
At first he declined to shake hands with them.
Rather, he went to his bedroom and took from a small cabinet a box containing his tithing that he had saved for years.
He presented the tithing to his home teachers and said, "Now I am current with the Lord.
Now I feel worthy to shake the hands of the servants of the Lord!"
Brother Krause told me later that he had been touched beyond words to think that this faithful brother, who had no contact with the Church for many years, had obediently and consistently taken from his meager earnings 10 percent with which to pay his tithing.
He had saved it not knowing when or if he might have the privilege of paying it.

Brother Walter Krause passed away nine years ago at the age of 94.
He served faithfully and obediently throughout his life and was an inspiration to me and to all who knew him. When asked to fulfill assignments, he never questioned, he never murmured, and he never made excuses.

-Thomas S. Monson -Obedience Brings Blessings -April 2013 General Conference

Until you next see these words
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


I'm too responsible for my own good.

I've said that before.
I'll say it again many more times.

But I'm too stubbornly responsible for my own good.

Especially when it comes to work.

When it comes to me working when I'm not feeling good.

You see, this past week at work, there's been a bug that's been going around.
Some 24 hour thing where my coworkers have called off work.
Just for the day, and then they're fine the next day.

But it's got me, once more thinking about working while ill.

Because there have been days where I've felt horrible. 
-Namely days where I have headaches that last through work.
But other days where I've suffered with head colds and such. far I've never called in sick to work.
Like ever. 
Which nearly 5 years into being at the same rather impressive I'd say.
And it's not like I don't get sick.
I catch colds and bugs and of course get those major disabling headaches that leave me curled up in bed whimpering.

And yet. 
I still get up.
I still go to work.
And I suffer through it.

There's only been a handful of times when I've left work early due to being sick.
And that was because I literally couldn't stand up straight without feeling like I was going to faint. 

Left early.
I really should have stayed home those days I think.
But I didn't.
I came to work, figured I couldn't stay the whole time, and got what I needed to done before I left.

And that's where responsibility comes in.

I've probably been sick enough at one point or another, where I should have just stayed home in bed.
But I didn't.

Because I'm too responsible lol.
I don't like leaving my coworkers in a lurch. I don't like having them need to scramble to find someone to do my job. But also, because I tend to be the 'main' person in the dept, I'm the one who knows how to do everything. 
So if I don't show up to work....nothing is going to get done I feel like. Or if it does get done it doesn't get done well. 

Honestly. I know that the dept can function well enough without me.
I do take vacations after all. lol. So I know that the place won't burn down if I miss a shift.

And yet I don't call out.
*shakes head*

It's just....I'm weird. 
That's what I've decided lol.
I love my job too much to call out a day I've been scheduled.
But I'm just weird in that I'm willing to work through the pain.

I mean, I did the same thing while I was in school too.
I would suffer through the pain instead of missing a day. 
*shakes head*

And I really wonder if it's detrimental to me to do that....
Like why make myself suffer....if I can go home and lie down sooner? 

I honestly don't know.
It's responsibility, it's caring, it's...just plain stubbornness that I won't let illness get in the way of responsibility. Whether it's attending class or making it to my work shift....

I go. No matter how I feel....

And I'm sure that's going to hurt me in the future at some point.
There's a reason why the body doesn't feel good and that's when you've pushed yourself beyond where you should have pushed yourself.
So why do I keep pushing?
Because....I'm too responsible for my own good. *shakes head*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A Morning Boost

There are times when my brain tends to fixate on things. 
Whether it's a story idea that I can't get out of my head when I'm trying to sleep,
A funny quote from a video or favorite song lyric.
Or words that others have said both negatively and positively....

Sometimes I just can't get it out of my head, whatever it is that's stuck there.

But there are times when I really don't want something stuck in my head.
Yet no matter how hard I try to not think about it.
My brain is like "No. We need to think about it. We need to figure it out. We need to work out what could have been done differently." 

And often I just have to wait it out until something else distracts me from this super focus. 

But there are times when I actively try to hinder this super focus. Because, again. I don't want to focus on it. 


The story starts a couple of nights ago.
When there were comments made on a post of mine that I didn't agree with.
And so I deleted them. Because I wanted to keep that particular post uplifting, and I felt that the comments brought down the positiveness I was trying to spread.

All seemed well after that point....
Until the commenter discovered that I had deleted their posts.
And they were offended at that action. 
-Because they felt that they hadn't been mean or done anything in the wrong. 

So, not wanting to get into a public internet spat about it.
I private messaged the commenter and stated that while I don't mind that the commenter expressed their opinion, and that they were willing to do so, I felt that the comments were at odds with the message I was trying to give so I deleted it.

To which the commenter was more than unhappy. 

Going the typical "woe is me, am I not allowed to express my own opinion?!" 

To which I was like...yes you are....
But I was thinking the entire time. "Am I not allowed to express my opinion too? After all. It's MY post. I can exercise my own opinions as well."
And in my opinion, I wanted to delete the comments because I didn't like the negative tone I felt they were taking. 

It was a simple thing. 
And after I explained it, I decided to try the better route and asked the commenter if it was alright that I deleted their newest comments -asking why I had deleted their comments before that point,- just so I could continue to keep the post more positive.

Since I'd just silently deleted the posts before. 
I figured it was better to ask this time so the commenter was aware. 

Needless to say that didn't go well.

It resulted with the commenter basically going "Fine, I don't care, true friends wouldn't treat their friends like crap, so I'm unfriending you." 

To which again, I found irritating because true friends shouldn't comment dissing what I had posted nor dissing the individuals involved in the post. 

I mean, it's fine with me that people don't like the same things I do. And again, I don't mind the opinion being expressed along those lines of  "Oh, I don't like that." 

Cool. Whatever. It's a free country. The easy thing is if you don't like something....ignore it? Because other people DO like that thing and you don't always need to post your opinion and create waves.

*shakes head* 

In any case.
I was unfriended.

Over what I perceived as a silly reason. 
I mean...yes I deleted comments, but I did answer back and explain why I deleted them, then asked if I could delete further comments....

Honestly. I boggles my mind...
Like. Why?
Why burn a bridge because one screw fell out? Just tighten the screw, maybe replace said screw, and look the bridge is as good as new! If slightly different. 


So that was my head the morning after the unfriending. 
My brain was focused on it.
Even though I was trying to tell myself it wasn't a big deal, that it was fine, that I didn't need that sort of presence in my life anyways. 

But my brain refused to let it lie.

I was trying to figure it out.
What I could have done differently.

Which is super annoying because's already happened, there's nothing I can why think about the what ifs and make what if plans. 

I's probably good practice if the problem arises again with another commenter. I can learn from the experience and go about it a different way next time...

But I didn't need to focus on it.

And I could feel myself getting rather....down about it.
And since I had like 8 hours of work in front of me.
I really didn't want to be in that mental headspace for my entire shift. 

So I reached out to my sister. 
Because the night before when the unfriending had happened, as we were heading to bed she was sending me all these inspirational quotes to help me feel better.
So that morning I reached out to her again, simply requesting that when she could (since I had no idea if she was awake or not at that morning hour) that I would love it if she could send me more inspirational thoughts to distract me from the mental downward spiral I could feel myself heading in.

-After all, I don't like losing friends if I can help it. Especially over little reasons. I want to work it out. After all, I'm a peacemaker, I want to find a solution, I want to make everyone happy. And the unfriending was basically having me question how 'good of a person' I actually was.
Which wasn't where I wanted to be. Because I didn't want one unfriending from a commenter that I haven't interacted with personally in years who doesn't know me and doesn't know my life to hold such an influence on me.

I don't know if Kikay was already awake, or when I texted her I woke her up, but my sister responded pretty quickly with more inspirational quotes and such that helped to bring me away from that downward spiral. 

And that was all I needed. Just a little bit of a confidence boost that yes, I'm still a good person, yes I'm amazing, and yes I don't need to let the little things weigh me down and that bad things happen to good people and that this was nothing I couldn't work through. 

And then.
To my surprise.

Other people began to text me.

Family and Friends.

Who were also sending me inspirational things.
From the simple brotherly "Who do I need to go beat up?" To pictures of a temple, to inspirational quotes to inspirational messages telling me that I'm amazing and to not let people get me down.

They poured in.
lol Which totally had me crying at work. 
In a good way. (It's a good thing this happened before we opened and I was in a back room where my coworkers couldn't see me lol.) 

Because I was so grateful to suddenly feel the support of so many people.
That I wasn't as alone as I was feeling at that moment.
That at any moment, at the call of a simple text, there are people out there willing to come to my aid in an instant.
Even if it's just through sending words over text.

And why did all these people suddenly start texting me?

Because Kikay had gone the extra mile.
She hadn't just sent me inspirational texts.
She had sent out texts to friends and family requesting aid.
-I have no idea what exactly she said. 
But I can guess it was something along the lines of  "Sarnic is in need of words of encouragement, please send something to her." 

And boy did it work.

Feeling all that love, that comfort.

It totally put my head in a much better mind space than it had been just minutes earlier. 

And for that I'm totally grateful. 
Because that's exactly what I needed.
and I love that I have such wonderful family and friends who go above and beyond to help out in a time of need. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 19, 2017

April 2015 General Conference -Sunday Morning

Thomas S. Monson -Blessings of the Temple
  • As we enter through the doors of the temple, we leave behind us the distractions and confusion of the world. 
  • In our lives we will have temptations; we will have trials and challenges. As we got to the temple, as we remember the covenants we make there, we will be better able to overcome those temptations and to bear out our trials. 
  • In the temple we can find peace.
Rosemary M. Wixom -Returning to Faith
  • Focus on what you know.
  • God guides you, you are not so much in the darkness as you think. The path to be followed may not always be clear at once.
  • Humility, faith, and the influence of the Holy Spirit [will] always be elements of every quest for truth. 
  • Come; we want you, whatever sage you are at, and we will meet you there. Give us whatever you have to offer.
  • Hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes. 
  • We do not condemn others for the amount of light they may or may not have; rather, we nourish and encourage all light until it grows clear, bright, and true. 
Jose A. Teixeira -Seeking the Lord
  • Seeking the Lord and feeling His presence is a daily quest, a worthwhile effort. 
  • I believe that as we deepen our understanding of the Savior, we will have an increased desire to live joyfully and a conviction that joy is possible. Consequently, we will have a greater ability to go about each day with more enthusiasm for life. 
  • Let us not leave for tomorrow what we can do today.
  • Just as "there is no good soil without a good farmer," likewise will there be no good online harvest unless we prioritize from the very beginning that which is accessible to our fingers and our minds. 
Gerald Causse -Is It Still Wonderful to You?
  • There are so many wonders in this world. However, sometimes when we have them constantly before our eyes, we take them for granted. We look, but we don't really see; we hear, but we don't really listen.
  • To marvel at the wonders of the gospel is a sign of faith. 
  • Our amazement also produces spiritual strength. It gives us the energy to remain anchored in our faith and to engage ourselves in the work of salvation. 
  • Never tire of discovering or rediscovering the truths of the gospel.
  • The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
  • The gospel is a fountain of knowledge that never runs dry. 
  • When we have the Spirit with us, our spiritual senses are sharpened and our memory is kindled so we cannot forget the miracles and signs we have witnessed. 
Brent H. Nielson -Waiting for the Prodigal
  • All of us are lost and need to be found.
Jeffrey R. Holland -Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet
  • How great, how glorious, how complete Redemption's grand design, Where justice, love, and mercy meet In harmony divine!
Dieter F. Uchtdorf -The Gift of Grace
  • God loves us deeply, perfectly, and everlastingly. 
  • We cannot earn our way into heaven; the demands of justice stand as a barrier, which we are powerless to overcome eon our own. But all is not lost. The grace of God is our great and everlasting hope.
  • With the gift of God's grace the path of discipleship does not lead backward; it leads upward.
  • Though we all have weaknesses, we can over come them.
  • Salvation cannot be bought with the currency of obedience; it is purchased by the blood of the Son of God.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, June 18, 2017


Have you ever noticed that it's seemingly innocuous statements that end up being a trigger point for a long tirade against that statement? 

Over the past week or so, I've unintentionally posted things that have become trigger points for people. 

Things were I was like "Huh customers are weird." or "Hey inspirational quote here!" or "I noticed you had this problem, here is a potential solution."

And for whatever reason...

Each of these posts triggered a different individual....

But the end result ended up being the same.

A super long response post.
Sometimes a rant, sometimes a post with good points to it....

But in either case....

They've left me kinda reeling.

Like guys....
This was meant to be funny/inspirational/helpful.

I wasn't trying to start a war with it. 

*shakes head*

Though I can see where they're coming from.
And I like seeing other people's opinions and perspectives....

I do wonder sometimes if it was worth it....
To take away from the original intent of the message.

Like...posting something inspirational....
Only for someone to comment saying "no, that's stupid, that doesn't work because of these twelve reasons" 
Just....gets me sad.

I suppose it's because a lot of those posts....I am sharing little bits and pieces of myself.
And for me to be told that something I like is stupid, or a person was stupid, or that what I found inspirational was stupid....

It's like a slap in the face.

And admittedly sometimes my ire flares quickly and I'm rather sharp in a response.
Othertimes I manage to reign myself in and try to post a response to clarify what the person was taking issue about. does ruin my mood on occasion.
Like the happy excited feeling bursting like a popped balloon leaving me deflated when I wanted to be soaring in the sky with that exhilaration for a long time yet. 

It's not even just posting online either.
It's in real life too.

Like the other day at work where an old man commented "You're not a really good fisherman are you?" When I was trying to catch the geezer some fish. 

Considering almost everyday at work I get told at least three or four times how amazing I am at catching fish.
It's easy to see how I could take offense at that.


But you have to remember the other persons perspective too.

I mean, how was he supposed to have known that I was taking slightly longer to catch his fish because I was trying to make sure all the tetras that he wanted were the same size so the smaller ones wouldn't be picked on?

It's also something to note that some days those fish really just don't want to get caught.

There are days where it feels like I'm back on day one because it takes me a bit to catch fish that should have been a quick two second effort. lol. 

In any case....

It does give insight to a person when someone decides to post.
Especially when they're long posts.

You can tell, that the person has personal experience with a situation I may have mentioned, or a passion for a thing that I hadn't realized they were so....well passionate about lol. 

It's a learning experience all around I suppose.
On figuring out what triggers a person and what doesn't....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Night Out

It's become something of a tradition.
Where whenever David Archuleta comes to town for a concert, my Mother Dearest and I will go to it. 

As we're both fans of the singer, have been since his days on American Idol. 

Our start of this tradition began a little rocky.

As with our first excursion out to see David....
He ended up being sick. And with interference from his managers -who were concerned for his health- ended up ending the concert early.

But he came back for a special Christmas Concert a few months later, so that those of us who had been to the first show, could have the chance to see him again.

And ah.
He sounded so much more amazing that second time!! lol. 

*shakes head* 

In any case.
Tonight was another Concert.
This one held in the outdoor theatre area instead of inside of an auditorium.
Lol it was the same venue where poor David had tried to perform sick. 
-And he remembered it and mentioned it in the concert. Was impressed when so many of us raised our hands saying that we'd been to that one...and had come back again to hear him lol. 

It was such a wonderful evening with Mother Dearest.
Singing, Dancing, and Clapping along to our favorite songs.

We both came out of it with a new favorite song of his.

Titled Invincible. 

You guys should definitely check it out!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 16, 2017

A Bleeding Heart

I did a semi-crazy thing yesterday.
Semi-crazy because I could have actually gone more crazy, but managed to reign myself in enough to not go completely crazy.

Over fish.

I mean....
I shouldn't be going crazy over fish.
Because I have this nice 125 gallon fish tank that's full of fish!

I shouldn't need more fish beyond what I can fit in my tank.


There are these fish.
These betta fish....

Where I can't really put them in my 125 since the two bettas I already have in there won't let me put another betta or two in with them. *exhales* Such fickle fish.

In any case.
I was content with that. 

Until I got my sister a small 2 gallon tank with a divider and she bought two betta fish for that tank.
And I was like. ()_() oooo!
The tank was cool! It was fun.
And I kinda wanted one myself.

But I already have three betta tanks upstairs with bettas still in them. 
-So if you're keeping track, I have five betta fish. Three upstairs, two downstairs in the 125. 

And I didn't think my roommates would appreciated if I added to that number.
And I didn't need to add to the number of tanks upstairs.

Until I noticed one of the bettas that we'd taken off the floor at work. 
-As occasionally some of the bettas get sick and so we take them off the floor and keep them in the back until they get better.

And one of those bettas was a halfmoon, that was super pretty and overall healthy....except he has a growth growing from his head. Like a tumor.
And those....I have no idea how to treat them in a fish. :S 
So it was unlikely that he would find a home unless one of my coworkers noticed him and wanted to take him home....which they hadn't noticed yet. And the fish had been back there for a couple of weeks at least. 

So...I broached the subject of adding in a fourth tank with my roommates. 
To which they said it was fine so long as I could take care of the tanks. 

Which meant, I could get a split tank like my sister had! 
And I could put TWO Bettas in there!

As I'd been looking at the bettas, and saw a crowntail with unique coloring that I liked.
And since I've been wanting a crowntail in forever....
I thought maybe I could get him too....

But I procrastinated.
Because I didn't want to just rush into this.
I mean I already have four other tanks.
I didn't need one more.

But I wanted to give that one betta a good home.
And if I could have two in one place then why not get two bettas?? I got looking at the betta fish. (which you should NEVER do. NEVER look closely at the betta fish because then you end up wanting them.)
I found two more bettas with colorations that I thought were unique and pretty.

And then I noticed that another betta....with a multicolored coloration to him...only had one eye.

So suddenly I went from considering getting two more five more bettas.

Don't worry.
I am NOT that crazy.
And I definitely don't want my roommates to kill me by taking over the living room with a wall of betta fish.

So I spent the week dithering on which fish to get.
I definitely wanted to give the Tumorheaded betta a home.
But who should my second betta be?
Should I rescue the one eyed one? 
Should I go with the crown tail?
Should I go with one of the other two pretty ones that I liked?

It IS really too bad that these fish aren't communal.
Because seriously if the Betta fish weren't aggressive, I would have just filled my entire 125 gallon tank with them and their multicolored awesomeness. 
But they're aggressive.
And I can't just stick more bettas in my 125 when I know that the two I have in there already don't like making more friends. *exhales*

So I dithered.
And dithered.
and decided how much money I actually was willing to spend.
And which fish I should get.
And dithered on the fish some more.

Until I finally came to a decision.

And came home with three new bettas and two more betta tanks. 
-One is a split tank.
The other a nice little tiny corner tank that was on sale. 

And I placed the Tumorheaded Betta and my Crowntail in the split tank -since I'd already imagined them with their decorations in that set up.

And then placed the one-eyed betta fish in the small corner tank. 

Because yes, I'm a bleeding heart and I want the problem bettas to have nice homes too. 

But hey at least I didn't end up with five new fish.
Just three. 

And it's been so much fun to watch my new fishy friends swimming about and enjoying their new fish set up!!

^^ I'm so glad I got the three of them.

lol. Though I have promised my roommates that I won't get any more tiny tanks or betta fish. 
And that...when they end up dying...I'll try to not replace them but instead decrease my tank numbers once more.

Of course, that doesn't stop me from adding more fish to my 125. ^^ lol. 
But yah. Definitely NOT going to go find more bettas anytime soon. :) 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Hatchet Problem

As a young 12-year-old Scout, I received a gift of a much-desired addition to my Scouting equipment.
It was a hatchet with a heavy leather cover!
On the next overnight hike, we arrived in camp after dark, wet and cold from the heavy snow on the trial.
All I could think about was building a big roaring fire.
I immediately went to work chopping a fallen tree with my new hatchet.
As I chopped, I was frustrated because it didn't seem to be cutting very well.
In my frustration, I worked harder.
Disappointed, I returned to camp with only a few pieces of wood.
By the light of someone else's fire, I discovered the problem.
I hadn't taken the cover off the hatchet.
I can report, however, the cover was chopped to shreds.
The lesson: I became distracted with other things.

-Allan F. Packer -The Book -October 2014 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Food Cycles

It's funny the phases I go through with food.

Like. I could literally eat the same thing everyday for months and then....suddenly stop and not touch it in forever. 

I go through cycles really. 
Where I like to eat something, 
Then I let it rest for a bit and find something else I really like to eat.
And then go back to the original something. 

Well. Over the past week.
I've really gotten into having spaghetti again. 

I feel like I haven't made spaghetti since...well...before I moved into my new place. 

And ah. 
It's been totally glorious to eat it again. ^^ 
To the point where I've made it multiple times because it just sounds good and tastes good and is good. 

Yay for becoming randomly hooked on certain foods. lol. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi