Sunday, June 18, 2017


Have you ever noticed that it's seemingly innocuous statements that end up being a trigger point for a long tirade against that statement? 

Over the past week or so, I've unintentionally posted things that have become trigger points for people. 

Things were I was like "Huh customers are weird." or "Hey inspirational quote here!" or "I noticed you had this problem, here is a potential solution."

And for whatever reason...

Each of these posts triggered a different individual....

But the end result ended up being the same.

A super long response post.
Sometimes a rant, sometimes a post with good points to it....

But in either case....

They've left me kinda reeling.

Like guys....
This was meant to be funny/inspirational/helpful.

I wasn't trying to start a war with it. 

*shakes head*

Though I can see where they're coming from.
And I like seeing other people's opinions and perspectives....

I do wonder sometimes if it was worth it....
To take away from the original intent of the message.

Like...posting something inspirational....
Only for someone to comment saying "no, that's stupid, that doesn't work because of these twelve reasons" 
Just....gets me sad.

I suppose it's because a lot of those posts....I am sharing little bits and pieces of myself.
And for me to be told that something I like is stupid, or a person was stupid, or that what I found inspirational was stupid....

It's like a slap in the face.

And admittedly sometimes my ire flares quickly and I'm rather sharp in a response.
Othertimes I manage to reign myself in and try to post a response to clarify what the person was taking issue about. does ruin my mood on occasion.
Like the happy excited feeling bursting like a popped balloon leaving me deflated when I wanted to be soaring in the sky with that exhilaration for a long time yet. 

It's not even just posting online either.
It's in real life too.

Like the other day at work where an old man commented "You're not a really good fisherman are you?" When I was trying to catch the geezer some fish. 

Considering almost everyday at work I get told at least three or four times how amazing I am at catching fish.
It's easy to see how I could take offense at that.


But you have to remember the other persons perspective too.

I mean, how was he supposed to have known that I was taking slightly longer to catch his fish because I was trying to make sure all the tetras that he wanted were the same size so the smaller ones wouldn't be picked on?

It's also something to note that some days those fish really just don't want to get caught.

There are days where it feels like I'm back on day one because it takes me a bit to catch fish that should have been a quick two second effort. lol. 

In any case....

It does give insight to a person when someone decides to post.
Especially when they're long posts.

You can tell, that the person has personal experience with a situation I may have mentioned, or a passion for a thing that I hadn't realized they were so....well passionate about lol. 

It's a learning experience all around I suppose.
On figuring out what triggers a person and what doesn't....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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