Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- We all have an innate desire and instinct to find our way home.
- How do we know where to go? It's instinct.
- Human beings have an inner guidance system that draws them to their heavenly home.
- Deep within us is the desire to reach through the veil and embrace the heavenly parents who await us on the otherside.
- Are you quenching the light of desire within yourself?
- God calls to you. He knows you. He knows the many times you've sought him.
- No matter your history, know that you are not alone. God still calls to you.
- If you call to him, He will speak to you this very day.
- Turn to the Lord. Why? 1. Your life will be better. 2. God will use you to make others lives better.
- Just as God makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good. He also allows adversity to test the just and the unjust.
- Following the Savior will not remove all of our trials. It will remove the barriers that prevent you from getting the help God wants to give.
- Those who heed the inner call to seek God, even if they stumble will receive the assurance that all things will work for their good.
- Turn your soul to the Light. Begin your journey home. Your life will be better, happier, and more purposeful.
- As you serve God, and care for/help your fellow man, You will see progress in your life. In ways you can't fully imagine.
- Don't focus on your limitations. Don't focus on being "more" of something. Blessings come not from our abilities, but from our choices.
- God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound those that are mighty.
- Until we are presented with the trial ourselves, we don't know quite how we will react. Nor can we judge others on their choices.
- God will use you, magnify your desires, if you are willing.
- In many ways we are far from home, though we don't need to feel alone or lost. We have the light of Christ to guide us.
- Good things come from making an effort to reach those things.
- Life is not a self driving car, a plane on autopilot, a boat drifting down the stream. We must act. Swim against the current to progress.
- No one else is responsible for our personal journey, the commitment and burden falls us directly.
Bonnie L. Oscarson
- When you're searching for an answer, you should pause to consider that it's right in front of us.
- Those who live only for themselves, figuratively shrivel up and die, while others who serve others grow and flourish.
- Be careful to not turn inward and forget that the essence of the gospel is service. Helping others.
- Are we distracted? Are we being too ambitious in looking ways to help? Remember you can help right in your own home.
- We may be so focused on the disasters around the world, that we don't notice the person needing friendship sitting next to us.
- What good is it to save the world if we neglect those that are close to us?
- God places those who need us, close to us. So that we may more easily help them in their times of need.
- Do you ever act because you saw a need and desired to help?
- Serving others can begin at any age at any time.
- Changing the world begins with strengthening your own family.
- There will always be someone who is lonely and needs a friend. Be that friend.
- We are not just receivers and takers of the gospel at church. We are also givers.
- The Savior most often ministered to ONE person at a time.
- Some of the greatest needs may be the ones right in front of you.
- Begin where you are. Love them as they are. And prepare.
Dallin H. Oaks
- We must be vigilant in a world that has moved far from being spiritual.
- The opposition of the world and the pride thereof are reasons for us to hold fast to the iron rod. Too many blessings are lost.
- If we lack faith in God's plan and refrain from it's actions, we forgo receiving growth and maturity.
- Every generation that has sought to follow God's plan has encountered challenges.
- Seek to show love for all.
- Our Heavenly Father has specific and significant things for you and me to accomplish. This is for everyone, not just a privileged few. We all have a meaningful role to play in furthering God's work.
- God has always used ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.
- The Lord has more in mind for you than you have for yourself. The Lord needs you to change the world.
- All gifts we have are purposeful. There is no insignificant talent given to us. All are essential.
- The Lord will often use your trials as a stepping stone to help you later help others.
- Sin is perhaps our greatest stumbling block. Blocking and dimming our views with distractions that make it difficult to focus.
D. Todd Christofferson
- As we partake of the sacrament, we would do well to consider how to incorporate Christ's character into our own lives and being.
- We cannot be content to remain as we are, but should be constantly moving to become better.
- Often you can feel God's love and mercy most strongly when you are on your knees.
- We are the product of all we read, hear, do, think.
- Our Mortal experiences offer us the opportunity to choose.
- Service is not something we endure so we can earn. Service is the very fiber of which exalted life is made.
- God will show us our flaws and failings, but he will also help us turn our weaknesses into strengths.
- Let us not be content with where we are, but also let us not be discouraged.
Jeffrey R. Holland
- The scriptures were written to bless and encourage us.
- Celestial goals may seem beyond our reach, but we're never given commandments by God that he knows we cannot keep.
- As Children of God we should not demean or vilify ourselves. That's not going to make us the person that God wants us to be.
- We can pursue personal improvement without demolishing our self esteem.
- Here in mortality. Perfection is still pending.
- Focusing on the Father's and Son's achievement rather than our own failures doesn't justify us to dumb down our standards.
- Our only hope in True Perfection is receiving it as a gift from Heaven. We won't earn it.
- Try to be a little more Godlike in little things.
- While in mortality, lets strive for steady improvement.
- We are all called to serve somewhere.
- Look at my life now, and look at my former life. Can you not see that I am trying to be better?
- If I know the way home, but am walking along it drunkenly, is it any less the right way simply because I'm staggering?
- Don't gloat. Give your help to anyone striving to walk the road back to God.
Saturday Afternoon
Henry B. Eyring -Sustaining of Church Officers
Gary E. Stevenson
- A spiritual eclipse can occur if we allow minor obstructions to get so close that they block out the light of Christ.
- Perspective is the ability to see all relative information in a meaningful way.
- Sometimes we try so hard to do something Good that we block out the Spiritual Light of Christ and end up in darkness.
- Comparing our seemingly normal existence with others apparent well crafted happiness will make it difficult to add light.
- When confronted with images that portray idealized reality, let us not compare ourselves to it, but allow it to inspire us.
- Pride is swallowed in Humility.
- Some of the greatest and most effective people are those who are the most meek and humble.
- Don't let life's distractions eclipse Heaven's Light
- While there may be undefeated seasons in sports...there aren't any in life.
- Repentance points us to freedom, confidence, and peace.
- The Joy of Repentance is more than the Joy of living a Decent Life.
- Faith keeps you moving. Faith keeps the father patiently watching.
- We are all prodigals. We all have to come to ourselves (usually more than once) and choose the path to come back home.
- It is not enough to gain a testimony. You have to maintain it and strengthen it.
- Now is the time to Begin. Do not Procrastinate.
- The Reward IS worth the Effort.
Quentin L. Cook
- We are all Equal before God.
- Anyone who proclaims superiority under the father's plan because of differences between people does not understand God's plan.
- True Humility is seldom visibly evident.
- While life is incredibly short, it is also incredibly significant.
- Sometimes humility is accepting callings when we don't feel adequate. Or serving faithfully when we think we deserve more.
- We need to yield ourselves to the enticings of the Holy Spirit.
- We can celebrate our uniqueness without putting down others in the process.
- Agency requires that we respect many choices of which we may not always agree.
- As often as we repent, the Lord will forgive.
- Holding a grudge is poisonous to our souls.
- Humility is a sign of spiritual strength. It's a quiet confidence that day by day, hour by hour, we can rely on the Lord.
- The Test of Greatness is the way one meets the Eternal Everyday.
- God does not work by coincidence, but by divine design.
- There is a guiding hand above all things. Often when things happen, it is not by accident.
- What may appear to be a random chance, is in fact overseen by a loving Heavenly Father.
- Changes in our plans aren't always missteps in our journey but first steps to heading out on the Lord's errand.
- Heavenly Father can put us in situation with specific intents and results in mind.
- Heavenly Father continues to place us in each others paths for a reason.
- The Lord loves to be with us.
- Not all of what God asks of us is a result of how strong we are, faithful we are, or what we may know.
- When we are righteous, willing, and able and are striving to be better qualified, we find ourselves in places we never imagined.
- The Lord's hand is guiding you. He's in the small details of your life as well as the major milestones.
O. Vincent Haleck
- A man can live in the dark for a period, but there will come a day when he'll long to come into the light.
- The Heart of a Widow is the one who senses, feels, and embraces the Light of Truth and yearns to bring others into that light.
Russell M. Nelson
- You could have given me diamonds and rubies, but there is nothing more precious to me than this additional knowledge of Christ.
- Each individual receives a witness and testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Immersing ourselves regularly in the truths of the Book of Mormon can be a life changing experience.
- The full power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is contained within the Book of Mormon. Period.
- Book of Mormon = Power.
- Power to heal, comfort, restore, succor, strengthen, console, cheer our souls.
- If you daily immerse yourself in the Book of Mormon you can be immunized from the plagues of the day.
Priesthood Session
Dale G. Renlund
- The opportunity to benefit from the Savior's Atoning power is his most important payload & is made available through the priesthood.
- God intends priesthood to be used for more than a class on Sunday or a service opportunity.
- The use of the priesthood is governed by priesthood keys and covenants.
- Priesthood is not an amorphous source of autonomous power.
- God's atoning power is made accessible through the Priesthood.
- Being casual and apathetic in a priesthood calling, can jeopardize the priesthood covenant could lead to mission failure.
David F. Evans
- Never put others down for having questions. Let them voice them and help them out as you can.
- Do the things you should and don't do the things you know you should not do.
- You are responsible for finding the answers to your own questions and acting upon what you learn.
- If you do not have a firm testimony, do what is necessary to obtain one. It's essential you stand on your own testimony.
- Whatever I'm asked, I'll do.
- Choose to act rather than be acted upon by the doubts of others.
- Our search for answers should focus on the Best of books, speakers, words.
- When things are hard we may have to just push through patiently with tried cheer and a smile on our face.
- At times you may need to hold onto the faith of others while you find your own faith.
- Without knowing everything we can know the truth.
Richard J. Maynes
- Earning the Lord's trust is a great blessing that requires effort on our part.
- Integrity or the lack thereof, is a fundamental part of a person's character.
- With each choice we make we either gain or loose the Lord's trust.
- To Earn the Lord's Trust, you must first place your Trust in Him.
- Having trust in someone is similar to having faith in someone. If there's no faith or trust then instead you find fear and doubt.
- Once you take a bribe or compromise your integrity, it is very difficult to get it back. Don't even do it. Not even once.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who cares about our troubles.
- Sometimes spiritual illness comes as a result of sin or emotional wounds. Sometimes spiritual breakdowns come so gradually that we can scarcely tell it's happening.
- Just because spiritual trials are real, does not mean that they're incurable. We can heal spiritually.
- The Savior's healing touch can transform lives in our day, just as he did in his day.
- Darkness reduces our ability to see clearly what was once plain and clear.
- Light allows us to see things as they really are. Between Truth and Error. Vital and Trivial.
- We will find spiritual healing as we step away from the shadows of the world and into the everlasting light of Christ.
- He who humbly follows Jesus Christ, will experience and share in his light. And that light will grow until it dispels the deepest darkness.
- Light = Spirit & Truth
- The Light of Christ, enlightens and saturates the souls of all to the voice of the Spirit.
- If you'll open your mind and heart to receive the light of Christ and humbly follow the savior you'll receive more light.
- God will not force us to embrace his light.
- If we become comfortable with darkness, then we will be less willing to change. It takes action to step from the darkness into the light.
- Even in the darkest of nights, the sun doesn't cease to radiate it's light. Only half of the earth is in shadow.
- Darkness is not an indication that there is No Light. It simply means that we're not in the right place to receive the light.
- Even in moments of greatest darkness, God hears our humble petitions for help.
- It is up to us. To be in the right place. To see and feel the light and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even when night has fallen.
- Remember. You are a bearer of Light.
- Every time you turn your hearts to God, you experience His light.
- It is our quest to seek the Lord until his light of everlasting life burns brightly within us.
Henry B. Eyring
- The Lord's leadership of the church requires great and steady faith.
- God calls imperfect people into positions of trust.
- Delay judgements until you can see as the Lord sees.
- No matter where you are in the chain of priesthood service, faith is essential.
- Go with Faith that you're on the Lord's Errand.
- Every Leader is a mixture of strengths and weaknesses. It's up to you to see their potential or their possible failures.
- Can you see another's weaknesses and look past them to the strengths beyond.
- By choosing not to judge others you could receive the confirmation that you desire.
- We should look past perceived imperfections, warts, or spots and uphold the office that they hold.
- There is a thread that binds us to the Lord in our Service.
- It takes faith, trust, and humility to serve in the place we are called.
To watch/listen/read the conference talks in their entirety please visit:
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi