Saturday, September 30, 2017

187th Semiannual General Conference -Saturday Session

Saturday Morning

Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • We all have an innate desire and instinct to find our way home.
  • How do we know where to go? It's instinct. 
  • Human beings have an inner guidance system that draws them to their heavenly home.
  • Deep within us is the desire to reach through the veil and embrace the heavenly parents who await us on the otherside. 
  • Are you quenching the light of desire within yourself?
  • God calls to you. He knows you. He knows the many times you've sought him. 
  • No matter your history, know that you are not alone. God still calls to you. 
  • If you call to him, He will speak to you this very day.
  • Turn to the Lord. Why? 1. Your life will be better. 2. God will use you to make others lives better.
  • Just as God makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good. He also allows adversity to test the just and the unjust. 
  • Following the Savior will not remove all of our trials. It will remove the barriers that prevent you from getting the help God wants to give.
  • Those who heed the inner call to seek God, even if they stumble will receive the assurance that all things will work for their good.
  • Turn your soul to the Light. Begin your journey home. Your life will be better, happier, and more purposeful. 
  • As you serve God, and care for/help your fellow man,  You will see progress in your life. In ways you can't fully imagine.
  • Don't focus on your limitations. Don't focus on being "more" of something. Blessings come not from our abilities, but from our choices.
  • God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound those that are mighty. 
  • Until we are presented with the trial ourselves, we don't know quite how we will react. Nor can we judge others on their choices. 
  • God will use you, magnify your desires, if you are willing.
  • In many ways we are far from home, though we don't need to feel alone or lost. We have the light of Christ to guide us. 
  • Good things come from making an effort to reach those things. 
  • Life is not a self driving car, a plane on autopilot, a boat drifting down the stream. We must act. Swim against the current to progress.
  • No one else is responsible for our personal journey, the commitment and burden falls us directly.
Bonnie L. Oscarson
  • When you're searching for an answer, you should pause to consider that it's right in front of us. 
  • Those who live only for themselves, figuratively shrivel up and die, while others who serve others grow and flourish.
  • Be careful to not turn inward and forget that the essence of the gospel is service. Helping others. 
  • Are we distracted? Are we being too ambitious in looking ways to help? Remember you can help right in your own home. 
  • We may be so focused on the disasters around the world, that we don't notice the person needing friendship sitting next to us. 
  • What good is it to save the world if we neglect those that are close to us? 
  • God places those who need us, close to us. So that we may more easily help them in their times of need. 
  • Do you ever act because you saw a need and desired to help? 
  • Serving others can begin at any age at any time. 
  • Changing the world begins with strengthening your own family. 
  • There will always be someone who is lonely and needs a friend. Be that friend. 
  • We are not just receivers and takers of the gospel at church. We are also givers. 
  • The Savior most often ministered to ONE person at a time. 
  • Some of the greatest needs may be the ones right in front of you. 
  • Begin where you are. Love them as they are. And prepare. 
Dallin H. Oaks
  • We must be vigilant in a world that has moved far from being spiritual.
  • The opposition of the world and the pride thereof are reasons for us to hold fast to the iron rod. Too many blessings are lost.
  • If we lack faith in God's plan and refrain from it's actions, we forgo receiving growth and maturity. 
  • Every generation that has sought to follow God's plan has encountered challenges. 
  • Seek to show love for all. 
John C. Pingree Jr.
  • Our Heavenly Father has specific and significant things for you and me to accomplish. This is for everyone, not just a privileged few. We all have a meaningful role to play in furthering God's work.
  • God has always used ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.
  • The Lord has more in mind for you than you have for yourself. The Lord needs you to change the world.
  • All gifts we have are purposeful. There is no insignificant talent given to us. All are essential.
  • The Lord will often use your trials as a stepping stone to help you later help others.
  • Sin is perhaps our greatest stumbling block. Blocking and dimming our views with distractions that make it difficult to focus.
D. Todd Christofferson 
  • As we partake of the sacrament, we would do well to consider how to incorporate Christ's character into our own lives and being.
  • We cannot be content to remain as we are, but should be constantly moving to become better. 
  • Often you can feel God's love and mercy most strongly when you are on your knees. 
  • We are the product of all we read, hear, do, think. 
  • Our Mortal experiences offer us the opportunity to choose. 
  • Service is not something we endure so we can earn. Service is the very fiber of which exalted life is made. 
  • God will show us our flaws and failings, but he will also help us turn our weaknesses into strengths. 
  • Let us not be content with where we are, but also let us not be discouraged. 
Jeffrey R. Holland
  • The scriptures were written to bless and encourage us. 
  • Celestial goals may seem beyond our reach, but we're never given commandments by God that he knows we cannot keep. 
  • As Children of God we should not demean or vilify ourselves. That's not going to make us the person that God wants us to be. 
  • We can pursue personal improvement without demolishing our self esteem. 
  • Here in mortality. Perfection is still pending. 
  • Focusing on the Father's and Son's achievement rather than our own failures doesn't justify us to dumb down our standards. 
  • Our only hope in True Perfection is receiving it as a gift from Heaven. We won't earn it.
  • Try to be a little more Godlike in little things. 
  • While in mortality, lets strive for steady improvement. 
  • We are all called to serve somewhere. 
  • Look at my life now, and look at my former life. Can you not see that I am trying to be better? 
  • If I know the way home, but am walking along it drunkenly, is it any less the right way simply because I'm staggering?
  • Don't gloat. Give your help to anyone striving to walk the road back to God.

Saturday Afternoon

Henry B. Eyring -Sustaining of Church Officers

Gary E. Stevenson 
  • A spiritual eclipse can occur if we allow minor obstructions to get so close that they block out the light of Christ. 
  • Perspective is the ability to see all relative information in a meaningful way. 
  • Sometimes we try so hard to do something Good that we block out the Spiritual Light of Christ and end up in darkness. 
  • Comparing our seemingly normal existence with others apparent well crafted happiness will make it difficult to add light. 
  • When confronted with images that portray idealized reality, let us not compare ourselves to it, but allow it to inspire us. 
  • Pride is swallowed in Humility. 
  • Some of the greatest and most effective people are those who are the most meek and humble. 
  • Don't let life's distractions eclipse Heaven's Light
Stephen W. Owen
  • While there may be undefeated seasons in sports...there aren't any in life. 
  • Repentance points us to freedom, confidence, and peace. 
  • The Joy of Repentance is more than the Joy of living a Decent Life. 
  • Faith keeps you moving. Faith keeps the father patiently watching. 
  • We are all prodigals. We all have to come to ourselves (usually more than once) and choose the path to come back home. 
  • It is not enough to gain a testimony. You have to maintain it and strengthen it. 
  • Now is the time to Begin. Do not Procrastinate. 
  • The Reward IS worth the Effort. 
Quentin L. Cook
  • We are all Equal before God. 
  • Anyone who proclaims superiority under the father's plan because of differences between people does not understand God's plan. 
  • True Humility is seldom visibly evident. 
  • While life is incredibly short, it is also incredibly significant. 
  • Sometimes humility is accepting callings when we don't feel adequate. Or serving faithfully when we think we deserve more. 
  • We need to yield ourselves to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. 
  • We can celebrate our uniqueness without putting down others in the process. 
  • Agency requires that we respect many choices of which we may not always agree. 
  • As often as we repent, the Lord will forgive.
  • Holding a grudge is poisonous to our souls. 
  • Humility is a sign of spiritual strength. It's a quiet confidence that day by day, hour by hour, we can rely on the Lord.
  • The Test of Greatness is the way one meets the Eternal Everyday.
Ronald A. Rasband
  • God does not work by coincidence, but by divine design. 
  • There is a guiding hand above all things. Often when things happen, it is not by accident.
  • What may appear to be a random chance, is in fact overseen by a loving Heavenly Father.
  • Changes in our plans aren't always missteps in our journey but first steps to heading out on the Lord's errand. 
  • Heavenly Father can put us in situation with specific intents and results in mind. 
  • Heavenly Father continues to place us in each others paths for a reason. 
  • The Lord loves to be with us. 
  • Not all of what God asks of us is a result of how strong we are, faithful we are, or what we may know. 
  • When we are righteous, willing, and able and are striving to be better qualified, we find ourselves in places we never imagined. 
  • The Lord's hand is guiding you. He's in the small details of your life as well as the major milestones. 
O. Vincent Haleck
  • A man can live in the dark for a period, but there will come a day when he'll long to come into the light. 
  • The Heart of a Widow is the one who senses, feels, and embraces the Light of Truth and yearns to bring others into that light. 
Russell M. Nelson
  • You could have given me diamonds and rubies, but there is nothing more precious to me than this additional knowledge of Christ.
  • Each individual receives a witness and testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Immersing ourselves regularly in the truths of the Book of Mormon can be a life changing experience. 
  • The full power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is contained within the Book of Mormon. Period.
  • Book of Mormon = Power.
  • Power to heal, comfort, restore, succor, strengthen, console, cheer our souls.
  • If you daily immerse yourself in the Book of Mormon you can be immunized from the plagues of the day. 

Priesthood Session

Dale G. Renlund 
  • The opportunity to benefit from the Savior's Atoning power is his most important payload & is made available through the priesthood.
  • God intends priesthood to be used for more than a class on Sunday or a service opportunity.
  • The use of the priesthood is governed by priesthood keys and covenants. 
  • Priesthood is not an amorphous source of autonomous power.
  • God's atoning power is made accessible through the Priesthood.
  • Being casual and apathetic in a priesthood calling, can jeopardize the priesthood covenant could lead to mission failure.
David F. Evans
  • Never put others down for having questions. Let them voice them and help them out as you can. 
  • Do the things you should and don't do the things you know you should not do. 
  • You are responsible for finding the answers to your own questions and acting upon what you learn. 
  • If you do not have a firm testimony, do what is necessary to obtain one. It's essential you stand on your own testimony.
  • Whatever I'm asked, I'll do.
  • Choose to act rather than be acted upon by the doubts of others. 
  • Our search for answers should focus on the Best of books, speakers, words. 
  • When things are hard we may have to just push through patiently with tried cheer and a smile on our face. 
  • At times you may need to hold onto the faith of others while you find your own faith.
  • Without knowing everything we can know the truth. 
Richard J. Maynes
  • Earning the Lord's trust is a great blessing that requires effort on our part. 
  • Integrity or the lack thereof, is a fundamental part of a person's character. 
  • With each choice we make we either gain or loose the Lord's trust. 
  • To Earn the Lord's Trust, you must first place your Trust in Him. 
  • Having trust in someone is similar to having faith in someone. If there's no faith or trust then instead you find fear and doubt. 
  • Once you take a bribe or compromise your integrity, it is very difficult to get it back. Don't even do it. Not even once. 
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who cares about our troubles. 
  • Sometimes spiritual illness comes as a result of sin or emotional wounds. Sometimes spiritual breakdowns come so gradually that we can scarcely tell it's happening. 
  • Just because spiritual trials are real, does not mean that they're incurable. We can heal spiritually.
  • The Savior's healing touch can transform lives in our day, just as he did in his day.
  • Darkness reduces our ability to see clearly what was once plain and clear.
  • Light allows us to see things as they really are. Between Truth and Error. Vital and Trivial.
  • We will find spiritual healing as we step away from the shadows of the world and into the everlasting light of Christ.
  • He who humbly follows Jesus Christ, will experience and share in his light. And that light will grow until it dispels the deepest darkness.
  • Light = Spirit & Truth 
  • The Light of Christ, enlightens and saturates the souls of all to the voice of the Spirit. 
  • If you'll open your mind and heart to receive the light of Christ and humbly follow the savior you'll receive more light.
  • God will not force us to embrace his light. 
  • If we become comfortable with darkness, then we will be less willing to change. It takes action to step from the darkness into the light. 
  • Even in the darkest of nights, the sun doesn't cease to radiate it's light. Only half of the earth is in shadow. 
  • Darkness is not an indication that there is No Light. It simply means that we're not in the right place to receive the light. 
  • Even in moments of greatest darkness, God hears our humble petitions for help. 
  • It is up to us. To be in the right place. To see and feel the light and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even when night has fallen.
  • Remember. You are a bearer of Light. 
  • Every time you turn your hearts to God, you experience His light. 
  • It is our quest to seek the Lord until his light of everlasting life burns brightly within us. 
Henry B. Eyring
  • The Lord's leadership of the church requires great and steady faith. 
  • God calls imperfect people into positions of trust.
  • Delay judgements until you can see as the Lord sees. 
  • No matter where you are in the chain of priesthood service, faith is essential. 
  • Go with Faith that you're on the Lord's Errand. 
  • Every Leader is a mixture of strengths and weaknesses. It's up to you to see their potential or their possible failures. 
  • Can you see another's weaknesses and look past them to the strengths beyond. 
  • By choosing not to judge others you could receive the confirmation that you desire.
  • We should look past perceived imperfections, warts, or spots and uphold the office that they hold. 
  • There is a thread that binds us to the Lord in our Service. 
  • It takes faith, trust, and humility to serve in the place we are called. 
To watch/listen/read the conference talks in their entirety please visit: 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, September 29, 2017

Still Being Stubborn

I've often stated that I'm too responsible for my own good. 

It's often the case when it involves work.
I'm stubborn about being where I've promised to be.
And if I'm scheduled to show up for a work shift, then by golly I'm going to show up for a work shift. 


So Wednesday night/Thursday Morning.
I ended up with a nuclear headache.

One of those painful ones where it wakes you up in the middle of the night, feeling like your skull is being pounded by a hot iron, your shoulders tense, unable to get a full breath, your stomach churning. It's a horrible feeling.

And something I definitely didn't need to be dealing with right before work.

Because yesterday (Thursday) was the day scheduled for us to have our District Manager come into the store to do a basic 'check in' to make sure we were looking good and the like. 

And I've known about this visit for like a week now.
And the managers were expecting me to get certain tasks done that morning before she came in to make sure that my department looked spic and span and would pass the visit. 

But Thursday morning....
I felt awful.
More awful than I usually feel when dealing with a nuclear headache.
And I think it's because I was feeling drained in general already from having to be social in situations I'd rather not be social in. And that was a stress for me. A strain....
And I think it just got to me Wednesday night. 

In any case.
I was feeling shaky, weak, unable to eat anything due to my churning stomach, lacking sleep, and of course...dealing with a still aching head. *exhales*

In all Honesty....I should have just called into work and been like "I'm sick, I can't come in." 

And that's when Responsible me kicked in.
Because I couldn't call in.
Not on the day of the DM visit! Not when there were things I needed to be doing because I hadn't told anyone else to do them.
...Okay admittedly I did think about calling a coworker to ask if they could cover for me...but it was in the early AM in the morning. Before the sun was even up. And I didn't want to wake her up. 
Nor did I want to leave work scrambling for someone to cover my shift.

And since I had no idea who was coming in with me this morning, nor WHEN they'd be coming in....
It could mean that we'd have even less time to get open if I didn't show up like I usually do. 

Feeling shaky, weaky, ill....I got up and got ready for work.
Halfway hoping that I would be able to feel better once I got in.
Because after dealing with a nuclear headache...going to work and cleaning -exercising my muscles- can often help with the tension I'm feeling and make the headache go away.

And the headache did go away.
But my ability to function...didn't really improve.

lol to say how 'out of it' I was....

I forgot to clock into my shift.
Which...I can't remember the last time I forgot to clock in....if I ever have.
But yesterday. I forgot.
Because I was so focused on checking to see who would be coming in when and making a game plan.

Because standing up right...I already had decided that if I was able to...I would leave early.

I mean...I've often wanted to leave my work shifts early after dealing with a nuclear headache. But usually the schedule works against me where I couldn't feel comfortable leaving because there would be no coverage in my department.

-Like I said....too responsible for my own good. 

Today though. There was coverage.
A coworker coming in at the same time as me, and staying nearly as long. While another person in my department would be coming in before my coworker would be off. 

So even though the DM was coming department would at least have coverage. Yay!

Which meant that I could now have a game plan in store.
In mostly that I would stay long enough to ensure my department was up and running and all the morning tasks were done. And then ask to leave.

Things worked in my favor where the head manager quickly found out that I wasn't doing good at all. 
Truthfully they were like "Just go home."

But stubborn responsible me was like "No. I'm going to get the department opened first."

Can I tell you it was difficult?
It was difficult.

I felt like half of my focus was on staying standing and not collapsing. 

Yes...I should have just called it quits. lol.

But I persisted. 

I did all the things that I promised would be done. 
Got the department open and such. :) yay!

I really should have just gone home then. I was mostly dead on my feet. 

The manager certainly thought so. When I finally approached him he was like "So you staying or do you need to leave?"
And I was like "Leave."
And he was like "Okay then, go."
And I was like. "Did you want me to cover my coworker's lunch before I do though?"

Surprise crossed his face. 
Probably because the thought hadn't yet crossed his mind that my coworker would be by their selves in the department for the rest of their shift. And who knew when the DM would show up.
So he was like "Alright, if you're up to it." To which I was thinking, no I wasn't lol but I wanted to be as helpful as possible since I would be leaving my shift halfway through. 

So I covered my coworker's lunch. 

And then I could finally go clock out.
-Which is when I discovered that I hadn't ever clocked in lol.

And when I was leaving the manager was like "Thanks for being you, Sarnic." 

I try.

I mean, anyone else would have called out and left the department scrambling.
but me?
I don't like to work that way.
Honestly it stresses me out when I even consider the idea of just...leaving the dept shorthanded.
because I've been on the receiving end of that shorthandedness way to often to feel comfortable about doing it myself unless I'm confident that the department will already have coverage.

And yah.
I came home.
And basically died lol. 
I slept for three hours, and spent the rest of the day just recovering because I was still shaky and tired and achy....

In any case...I hope the visit went well....I won't find out until tomorrow how it went. :S 
*fingers crossed* 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Safety Barrier

Some time ago while visiting Australia, I traveled to a beautiful horseshoe bay renowned for its surfing. 
As I walked along the beach, I was enthralled by the magnificence of the large crashing waves breaking just outside the bay and the smaller waves rolling in closer to shore.

As I continued my stroll, I encountered a group of American surfers.
They were obviously upset about something, talking loudly and gesturing toward the sea.
When I asked them what was wrong, they pointed to just outside the bay where the big waves were breaking.

"Look out there," one of them angrily told me. "Can you see the barrier?"
Looking more closely now, I could indeed see a barrier stretching across the entire mouth of the bay, right where the large, enticing waves were breaking.
The barrier appeared to be made of a heavy mesh and was supported by floats on top of the water.
According to the surfers, it dropped all the way down to the ocean floor.

The American surfer continued, "We are here on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to surf these big waves.
We can surf the smaller ones breaking within the bay itself, but the barrier makes it impossible for us to surf the big ones.
We have no idea why the barrier is there.
All we know is that it has totally spoiled our trip."

As the American surfers became more animated, my attention was drawn to another nearby surfer--an older man and obviously a local.
He seemed to be growing impatient as he listened to the ever-increasing complaints about the barrier. 

Finally he rose and walked over to the group.
Without saying anything, he pulled a pair of binoculars from his backpack and handed them to one of the surfers, pointing out toward the barrier.
Each of the surfers looked through the binoculars.
When my turn came, with the help of magnification, I could see something that I had not been able to see before: dorsal fins--large sharks feeding near the reef on the other side of the barrier. 

The group quickly became subdued.
The older surfer retrieved his binoculars and turned to walk away.
As he did, he said words I will never forget: "Don't be too critical of the barrier," he said. "It's the only thing that's keeping you from being devoured." 

As we stood on that beautiful beach, our perspective had suddenly changed.
A barrier that had seemed rigid and restrictive--that seemed to curtail the fun and excitement of riding the really big waves--had become something very different.
With our new understanding of the danger that lurked just below the surface, the barrier now offered protection, safety, and peace.

-Von G. Keetch -Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God -October 2015 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Their Discovery

Today while I was on break at work, one of my managers also happened to be on break at the same time.
Which can be a bit of a trial in that I use my breaks to try and regain a little bit of energy back, usually through napping. 
And some of my managers enjoy chattering throughout the they can't stand to not see me being awake? lol. *shakes head*

This wasn't quite the case today as it was a different manager.
But they too decided to randomly start chatting. 

Which somehow came to the topic that I like to write, that I write blogs a lot. 

And the manager, curious, was like "What type of blogs do you write."

So I told them.
My Everyday blog (this one), My work blog, my story blog, and my conference blog. 

Unsurprisingly, the manager focused on the work blog.

"What do you write in that? Today, I hated my job. Tomorrow I expect to hate my job still?" 

And I was like. O_o No? 
Considering I love my job...not gonna happen that I'd write that I didn't like it. lol. 
But I mostly use the blog to mostly post some of the interactions I have to go through with customers on a daily basis. From customers being unable to tell me which fish they actually want, to convincing customers to putting two hamsters in a cage is a bad idea, to helping customers out to their cars, to talking about mishaps that happen in the's just a blog of work experiences really.

So we touched briefly on the subject. 
And then dropped it.
And I pretty much assumed it would be forgotten lol. 

However, a little bit later, when my manager and I were working on totes -putting product on the shelves- I came upon a section of the fish aisle that had been...well...made messy.
As occasionally customers (and/or their kids) get bored and end up moving product around the shelves, creating scenes, patterns, just moving things from one shelf to the other....
...and then don't put it back.

Which is always irritating lol. 
I definitely understand my parents better when they were like "Clean up after yourself!" Because I think that at least four times a day a work. If you make a mess dear customers, CLEAN IT UP. *shakes head*

In any case.
I took a picture of the section before I fixed it and put everything back before I went up to that manager and was like. "Look what I just found." 

And the manager looked at it.
Then looked at me and was like "Does Head Manager know about your blog?" 

O.o ....I didn't quite see how he connected a picture on my phone to my blog....but...
I was like "No?"

And my manager was like "That's probably a good thing." 

To which I was like. O.o 

I mean....
This manager hasn't even seen my blog.
So they have no idea what it's even like or how I post.

So I don't quite see why it would be concerning if the head manager knew about it.
I mean, even if they did stumble across it...I change names all the time. Use nicknames and such. So it wouldn't be clear if I was talking about one particular person or a different one.
*shakes heads* 

Though if I think about their comment earlier about 'hate my job'
Perhaps they think it's a blog about me constantly complaining about my job? That its a more negative take on work? *shrugs* Who knows.

Honestly, I don't think there is a reason to be concerned.
It's just a blog to write down my thoughts, to share crazy stories, just like my other three blogs do to one extent or another lol. 

That doesn't mean I don't now have a wiggle of doubt in the back of my mind. it bad I'm posting about work? 
*shakes heads*

Ugh, I didn't really need that minor stressor in my life. So I'm doing my best to push the thought away (by writing it down here and hopefully forgetting about it afterwards) 
And still do what I love to do. 
And of course, work at my job. :D lol 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Would You Help?

We're having our District Manager (DM) visit the store again this week. 
Considering that the DM seems to come into the store nearly's hardly something that phases me anymore.
I mean, back when we'd only see the DM like twice a year, it was understandably a cause for panic.
But in this past year or so, when the DM's been dropping by more often. Just for stupid reasons. "You didn't make enough money this past week." "You didn't get enough email signatures." "Your conversion is low." "Just checking in to see if your employees know the new program." Blah blah blah.

It's of those things that isn't....stressful for me anymore?
Because we see the DM often enough that it's like "Oh, Hi, you're here again?" 

But the past month or so the DM has been stopping by in a more....idk 'threatening' isn't the right word. But an intimidating manner because of this and that. 
Which always throws me off guard, especially when the reason is like "Your store isn't up to standard, the store looks messy" blah blah blah.
As often I have customers complimenting how clean our store is compared to other pet stores they've been in.
As well as often our problems aren't in direct relation to us. Like having empty shelves? Often is a Supplier issue, not because we don't have the product.

In any case, this week the DM is coming by again. To check in on our progress of keeping the store nice and looking good and that we're up to standards and whatever else.

Which means that tomorrow (the day before the visit) the Managers are going to go more haywire then they were before. Wanting everything looking squeaky clean and perfect etc etc etc.

And part of this onset paranoia of making the store look getting more of my coworkers to come in early to help out. 

Where do I come in in this?
Well, apparently the Head Manager had asked one of my coworkers like yesterday or the day before if they would come in tomorrow to help prepare for the visit. 
And they'd said no. 

Which isn't surprising. I mean, I don't like coming in on my days off. So I would have probably said no as well.

But today, head manager pulled me aside and was like "I want you to ask soandso if they can come in and help tomorrow. Wear them down. Make them say yes." 

To which I was like. O.o ...why do I have to play monkey in the middle? 

Honestly, my opening coworker and I would have the store pretty dialed in by ourselves without having to bring in a third person.
-But also because if there's more people to help out things get done quicker which leaves me scrounging around for something to entertain me the last couple of hours of work before I go home. 

So I wasn't going to try to hard to convince my coworker to come in tomorrow. 
Because if they didn't...then yay! I would be able to have more to do for longer and be able to stay busy.

At the end of my coworker's shift I just was like. "Hey, would you be able to come in tomorrow morning for a couple of hours? The managers want the place to be squeaky clean and we could really use your help." 
Something like that. 

And surprisingly. My coworker said yes. 
Basically because somewhere in there I was like "You'd only need to stay for three or four hours, not too long but we'd appreciate the help."

But yah! My coworker said yes and agreed to come in tomorrow morning with me and my other opener to help out.

To which, when I went to report to the Head Manager that the coworker was indeed coming in, he was like. O.o HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! They told me no! 

And I was like...'because they like me?'

lol. I dunno. I just asked nicely, probably gave a bit of puppydog eyes, and gave them the option to say no. lol. Plus, stating that the shift would be short probably helped. As I know I'm more willing to come in and work a short shift if needed than a longer shift. 

Hopefully tomorrow goes well in cleaning....
And that I don't end up bored out of my mind once the other two leave. *exhales* 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 25, 2017

October 2016 General Conference -General Women's Session

Jean B. Bingham -I Will Bring the Light of the Gospel into My Home
  • The building of hope and faith and even greater love between receiver and giver are inevitable results of true charity.
  • The greatest form of charity may be to withhold judgment.
  • When we see our own imperfections more clearly, we are less inclined to view others "through a glass, darkly." 
  • We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude. 
  • Words have surprising power, both to build up and to tear down.
  • Choosing to say only that which is positive about--and to--others lifts and strengthens those around us. 
  • Charity, in positive terms, is patient, kind, and content. Charity puts others first, is humble, exercises self-control, looks for good in others, and rejoices when someone does well. 
Carole M. Stephens -The Master Healer
  • Regardless of perceived differences, all of us are in need of the same infinite Atonement.
  • The Savior meets us where we are. And because of who He is and what He has done for us, He understands.
  • Hope and healing are not found in the dark abyss of secrecy but in the light and love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Bonnie L. Oscarson -Rise Up in Strength, Sisters in Zion
  • We have an innate strength and faith that will allow us to meet the challenges of living in the last days. 
  • The moment we learn to unleash the full influence of converted, covenant-keeping women, the kingdom of God will change overnight. 
  • I worry that we live in such an atmosphere of avoiding offense that we sometimes altogether avoid teaching correct principles.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf -Fourth Floor, Last Door
  • Faith is a strong conviction about something we believe--a conviction so strong that it moves us to do things that we otherwise might not do. 
  • Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
  • There are more ways to see than with our eyes, more ways to feel than with our hands, more ways to hear than with our ears.
  • Just because we can't hear something doesn't mean there is nothing to hear.
  • Perhaps better advice--or anyone who wants to increase faith--is to listen differently. 
  • One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.
  • Faith is powerful, and often it does result in miracles. But no matter how much faith we have, there are two things faith cannot do. For one, it cannot violate another person's agency. 
  • As painful as it might be for our Father in Heaven, He will not force anyone to choose the path of righteousness.
  • God will invite, persuade. God will reach out tirelessly with love and inspiration and encouragement. But God will never compel--that would undermine His great plan for our eternal growth.
  • The purpose of faith is not to change God's will but to empower us to act on God's will. Faith is trust--trust that God sees what we cannot and that He knows what we do not.
  • Walk by whatever faith you have.
  • Faith comes to the humble, the diligent, the enduring.
  • God "rewards those who earnestly seek him," but that reward is not usually behind the first door. So we need to keep knocking. Don't give up.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Things I Do

Do you ever have things pointed out to you where it kinda takes you aback?'ve never thought of that before? Or if you's just been a passing thought that you didn't really think about long?

I had that today.
A couple of times.

Where it was brought up that people don't usually get mad at me. That I don't have a face/personality that makes it easy for people to get angry at me. But also because I can be understanding of other people's sides, I can see their side and sometimes agree with it or help them see a different side. 
*shakes head* 

Which, I hadn't really thought about. took me aback. 
Have I had people get angry at me? Do people get angry at me? 

I'm not sure....I mean...probably? 
But I'm not sure. 

Are there people who when they see me, get angry? Are there people who think of me and think of me in an angry fashion? 
I really don't know.

As I try really hard to keep good relations with everyone I meet. 
I have enough stress in my life that I don't need to add more to it by having bad relations with people.

So hopefully...I don't have anyone who's angry at me... but honestly...I don't know for sure. :S

On the opposite note.
I had it also pointed out to me that I'm really good at sensing when people need things.
Which isn't that new to me. I tend to be instinctual, empathetic, observant etc. I tend to know how people are feeling and such. And I'm the sort of personality that wants to help out where I can. Ease others burdens, try and make their day brighter.
And my newest roommate and her boyfriend have noticed that. And appreciate it. That I can instinctually jump in and help out without them having to say anything. They're actually really impressed that I'm able to just...kinda become what people need in that moment. 

lol which I guess it's just surprising to have it pointed out? Because it's just something I do.
I see a problem, I try to help out. I try to think of a solution. And other's not conscious. Sometimes I just strike up conversations and things go from there. Where I just let people vent and talk out their issues. It's I guess lol. 
Where I try to help out where I can.

But yah.
It's just interesting to have things pointed out to me, because...I don't always know how to react to it. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 23, 2017

187th Semiannual General Conference -Women's Session

General Women's Session

Sharon L. Eubank 
  • The friendships that we build with those of other faiths will be a significant force. 
  • 1. Be Righteous. 2. Be Articulate 3. Be Different 4. Be Distinct 5. Do 1-4 In Happy Ways
  • Being Righteous doesn't mean being perfect and never making mistakes. 
  • Jesus was radical in his time because he equalized the world. 
  • True Christians should strive to be the most loving in the world. 
  • Use your voice and your power to articulate what you know and what you feel.
  • Innovation and creation are spiritual gifts. 
  • Being different in positive ways can be an influence to many others around us.
  • We need to practice living the gospel before the emergency so we can help others when they're being swept away.
  • When we build and lift others, it blesses our lives in ways our trials can't take away.
  • You don't build out of pessimism and cynicism you look with optimism and work with faith and things happen.
  • There is an energy that comes from happiness and optimism that can light up others and brighten their day.
  • Put yourself in a place where you can feel the generous love that God has for you. Don't put yourself beyond the reach of that love.
  • Will your happiness, despite your trials, draw others to you that need to rely on your happiness and your friendship?
  • This is your day. This is your time.
Neill F. Marriott
  • Our challenges can pull us off the path of happiness if trials pulls us to distraction instead of to our knees.
  • Some things matter, some things don't, a few things last, but most things won't.
  • What is mattering to you? What is lasting to you? 
  • It is now, with our mortal limitations, that Heavenly Father asks us to Love when Loving is most difficult.
  • Our sins and pride create a gap that make it difficult to feel love for others. 
  • Sacrifice of our personal agendas is required to make room for the eternal plan of God.
  • We are divinely designed to give love and be loved. And the deepest love comes when we are one with God.
  • The Savior's love is a conduit for a constant flow of charity to others.
  • Can we act to become Prepares of the Breach in our interactions with others?
  • Make the connection now. To learn what really matters. To love and be loved.
Joy D. Jones
  • Don't ever think you are nothing. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. Have confidence in yourself.
  • Why you? Why not me?
  • You are unique, one of a kind, made of the eternal intelligence which gives you claim upon eternal life. Let there no be question in your mind on your value as an individual. 
  • If we are sin we are less worthy but we are NEVER worthless.
  • No matter what, we always have worth in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.
  • Thinking small of ourselves does not serve us well, it just holds us back.
  • No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
  • Comparison is the thief of joy.
  • If we choose to focus on the negative instead of clinging to the Savior, it becomes more difficult to feel the impressions of the Holy Ghost.
  • Lets not be confused about who we are.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf 
  • Don't allow the comments and opinions of others to bother you too much if they aren't positive.
  • Don't let others opinions stop you from doing what you love.
  • Do you see yourself as a victim, someone to be acted upon? Or are you one to take control and responsibility of your own life?
  • Why should you surrender your happiness to someone who cares very little about you or your happiness?
  • If you find yourself worrying about what other people say about you, please Remember who you are. You are of Child Of God.
  • You have the spiritual DNA of God.
  • We're each going to think that we're the one in the right. But until you can see each side's point of view, no one is going to find a solution.
  • Once you degrade a group of people, you're more likely to justify actions against them.
  • Just because someone disagrees with us doesn't mean that there is something wrong with them. 
  • When we raise our voices for a cause, do so with love and understanding in our hearts.
  • Fight to maintain your faith and hope despite the cynicism around you.
  • Never forget! You are a Child of God.
  • In the end. You have the power to choose both your destination and many of your experiences along the way. It's not so much your abilities but the choices that make the difference in your life. You cannot allow circumstances to make you sad or mad. You can instead choose to be glad. 
  • Fill your hearts with gratitude. 
  • Choose to lift up your voice and make your life a symphony of praise. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, September 22, 2017

Vent Off

There are times when people just need to vent. 
To talk out their fears, their frustrations, their excitement, their joy. 

The problem?
There isn't always someone there to listen to them.
Or if they are there...they aren't listening. 

And it's probably become second nature for those who get carried away with feel...bad about 'wasting' people's time. 

Because is crazy. It's busy. People have schedules. Have things to do. Have their own concerns to focus on.

So when someone actually takes the time to sit, to listen, to let the person talk it out.

It probably feels really weird.


I had two of these experiences. 
Where two friends of mine, at different times in the day, in different places....
Needed to vent.

One was about excitement, joy, relief. Because a major stressor in their lives turned out to be less of a of a worry than previously thought. And the relief that the stressor had ended up well, had been quick, relatively painless...when they were worried that the thing was going to be super painful.
It was palatable the relief they felt. The excitement that this major problem was in reality a minor problem and it was all looking up for the better. 
And it was just one of those emotions...where you just kinda gotta go tell someone. 

lol. And I happened to be nearby -at work- when my friend needed to find an outlet to let out the emotions they were feeling.

Though usually, it's not always the easiest to talk to me at work...because I usually am in the middle of helping customers. And unfortunately while I enjoy talking to friends, when I'm at work, work has to take priority, which means I need to choose helping customers over talking with friends. 

But strangely enough.
When my friend came in yesterday....the store was dead.
Like there were no customers whatsoever who needed my help in my department.
Which does happen, though usually it's only a lull of maybe 10-15 minutes....
However, yesterday, during this time when my friend needed to vent...
No one came into my department for almost an hour.

It was nearly an hour at work, where I was able to just talk and listen to my friend and let them work through their varying emotions so that they could be more focused and such.

And it's kinda crazy how that worked out lol.

And my friend was constantly like "I'm sorry for venting." 
To which I was like. "Don't be? Sometimes you have to vent." 

I mean, I wasn't busy, there were no customers, so I felt no pressure to end the conversation early or anything. So why not let my friend vent and sympathize with them? *shrugs*

Then later yesterday evening, when one of my roomies came home,
They too ended up venting a bit.
About an ongoing struggle with a previous roomie that they had before moving in here. 
And it was just really a need to let off steam. To say the things that they couldn't say to the person, to get their frustrations and irritations and issues out into the air so that they could finally move past the emotion and get on with life.

And again, after half an hour or so of this venting, they too were apologetic. "Sorry for venting." 
Again, to which I was like *shrugs* You're good.

I can recognize when someone needs to vent. When they need a listening ear.
I'm easy going enough that I can usually put plans on hold, or adjust them as necessary to allow for these moments. 
It's just one of those That I have. To be a good listener, a sympathetic ear, someone who can let a person vent and help them to feel better about themselves. 

Plus, I can totally understand how venting can help make a problem clearer to the person, help them see solutions that they couldn't see before when they stayed silent. Sometimes voicing aloud the issue helps to relieve the stress because at least now someone else knows the stress you're under, even if they can't do more than listen to you about this least they know it's happening. 

So hopefully...yesterday I was able to do so. Be the ventingboard that my two friends needed at that moment. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 21, 2017


Over the years I have heard and read testimonies too numerous to count, shared with me by individuals who testify of the reality of the Resurrection and who have received, in their hours of greatest need, the peace and comfort promised by the Savior.

I will mention just part of one such account.
Two weeks ago I received the touching letter from a father of seven who wrote about his family and, in particular, his son Jason, who had become ill when 11 years of age.
Over the next few years, Jason's illness recurred several times.
This father told of Jason's positive attitude and sunny disposition, despite his health challenges.
Jason received the Aaronic Priesthood at age 12 and "always willing magnified his responsibilities with excellence, whether he felt well or not."
He received his Eagle Scout Award when he was 14 years old.

Last summer, not long after Jason's 15th birthday, he was once again admitted to the hospital.
On one of his visits to see Jason, his father found him with his eyes closed.
Not knowing whether Jason was asleep or awake, he began talking softly to him.
"Jason," he said, "I know you have been through a lot in your short life and that your current condition is difficult.
Even though you have a giant battle ahead, I don't ever want you to lose your faith in Jesus Christ."
He said he was startled as Jason immediately opened his eyes and said, "Never!" in a clear, resolute voice.
Jason then closed his eyes and said no more.

His father wrote: "In this simple declaration, Jason expressed one of the most powerful, pure testimonies of Jesus Christ that I have ever heard.
... As his declaration of 'Never!' became imprinted on my soul that day, my heart filled with joy that my Heavenly Father had blessed me to be the father of such a tremendous and noble boy.
... [It] was the last time I heard him declare his testimony of Christ."

Although his family was expecting this to be just another routine hospitalization, Jason passed away less than two weeks later.
An older brother and sister were serving missions at the time.
Another brother, Kyle, had just received his mission call.
In fact, the call had come earlier than expected, and on August 5, just a week before Jason's passing, the family gathered in his hospital room so that Kyle's mission call could be opened there and shared with the entire family.

In his letter to me, this father included a photograph of Jason in his hospital bed, with his big brother Kyle standing beside the bed, holding his mission call.
This caption was written beneath the photograph: "Called to serve their missions together--on both sides of the veil."

Jason's brother and sister already serving missions sent beautiful, comforting letters home to be shared at Jason's funeral.
His sister, serving in the Argentina Buenos Aires West Mission, as part of her letter, wrote: "I know that Jesus Christ lives, and because He lives, all of us, including our beloved Jason, will live again too.
... We can take comfort in the sure knowledge we have that we have been sealed together as an eternal family.
... If we do our very best to obey and do better in this life, we will see [him again]."
She continued: "[A] scripture that I have long loved now takes on a new significance and importance at this time.
... [From] Revelation chapter 21, verse 4: 'And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.'"

My beloved brothers and sisters, in our hour of deepest sorrow, we can receive profound peace from the words of the angel that first Easter morning: "He is not here: for he is risen."

-Thomas S. Monson -He Is Risen! -April 2010 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Thought About You

It's kinda crazy how often I happen to think about a particular individual, and then that same day....I run into that person.
It's almost like I have this "alert" sense when someone I know is approaching or something lol. Where I feel the energies around me and randomly think about so and so, only for them to appear!

Or perhaps it's the opposite. Where because I'm thinking of them, the person senses that I'm thinking of them and thinks of me and therefore decides to drop by?

Whatever the case.

Yesterday, while I was working on the morning tasks at work.
I happened to think of an old coworker of mine.
That used to work in the store when I first started there.
Kinda like "Oh, I haven't talked to so and so in forever, I really need to go see them soon." 
And I made a mental note -since that coworker now lives a couple of hours away- to try and make contact and maybe go see them next month...because for whatever reason I've been in a rather anti-social mood this month lol. 

But then, while I was on my lunch break, just chilling out in the break room.
I heard a knock on the door.
Which is that door doesn't have a lock why would anyone be knocking on it?
And it opens up...and who is it?
My old coworker!! 
()_() GASP!!

lol. They'd randomly decided to drop by the store today -mostly with a work related question as they needed a certain piece of information from their time working here. 
And had decided to see if I was working.
Which I was!

It was totally crazy though.
How I'd just been thinking of them not even an hour earlier.
And here they were!

^^ It was a fun surprise, and it was great to catch up a little bit before I had to go clock back in. :) 

Hopefully we can hang out for longer soon. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Where I'm From

So a while back, my parents went through the group/company called 23andMe to get their DNA tested to see where they're from genetically. Like which countries and such. 
But also to test and see if there were any genetic diseases and such that they could be carriers for and such. 

In any case.
I found it pretty cool to see where exactly my mom and dad were from. What percentages of which countries they had and such.

Which made me curious to see how much...of each side of my parents did I now carry in my DNA?
I mean, me and my siblings have some differences to us. Height, Eye Color, Hair Color etc. 
So I was much of each country did we end up getting from our parents?

My parents were curious too and ended up getting all us kids a DNA test!
So we could see for sure how it all broke down. :D 

And finally after forever and a day of waiting.
The results came in. 

And my DNA states that I'm 100% European lol. 
Which is slightly disappointing as there was like .1% Native American and .1% African listed in my parents DNA. 
But I guess the amount is negligible enough that if us kids have any of that DNA within's so small that it doesn't show up in the testing. lol.

So 100% European for all of us. ^^;;

Which breaks down for me into: 

British & Irish -59.2%
Scandinavian -7.1%
French & German -5.8%
Broadly Northwestern European -27.7% 
Broadly European -.2% 

-The Broadly meaning: It's from Europe but we don't have enough data to say exactly which countries -- if I understand it correctly.

But yah!
It's crazy because I have waaaaay more Bitish & Irish in me than my siblings.
But on the flip slide. They have waaaaay more French & German in their genes. In the 30-45% range.
While I'm only in 6% Range. lol. *shakes head* (now I know why they're both taller than me. lol)
I also have more Scandinavian oddly enough. The sibs are under 3% in their results. 
Crazily enough, my sister was the only one to show results from the Southern European portion of Europe. 

But! Overall.
It's just cool.
So cool.
That us kids could have such a variety of results...even though we come from the same set of parents.
It's kinda why I love the concept of genetics.
Because the results can vary so drastically between siblings. 

It's fun because 23&Me provides pictures of your Chromosomes. 
(just cartoons not actual chromosomal pictures) 
That are colored to show which chromosomes have which ancestry in them. 
So I can look at them and be like "Oh hey, Chromosome 7 is mostly French & German, while Chromosomes 10 & 11 have Scandinavian in them."

Really it's cool. ^^ 
I've loved going through my results, comparing them to my siblings and just seeing which chromosomes are the most similar to each other and which ones are the most different. 

Genetics are fun.
Family history is fun.

It's just all so very cool!!! ^^ 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 18, 2017

April 2016 General Conference -Sunday Afternoon

Robert D. Hales -The Holy Ghost
  • All of us benefit from this holy light. It is "in all and through all things," and it allows us to distinguish right from wrong. 
  • The Holy Ghost provides personal revelation to help us make major life decisions.
  • The Holy Ghost is not given to control us.
  • Each of us may feel the influence of the Holy Ghost differently. His promptings will be felt in different degrees of intensity according to our individual needs and circumstances.
  • As we receive the inspiration of the Holy Ghost for ourselves, it is wise to remember that we cannot receive revelation for others.
Gerrit W. Gong -Always Remember Him
  • Time, agency, and memory help us learn, grow, and increase in faith.
  • The Lord remembers His promises.
  • It is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the work of men.
  • Life must be understood backward. But ... it must be lived forward.
  • Have you ever thought of yourself as your own living book of remembrance--reflecting what and how you choose to remember?
  • He knows all the things we don't want anyone else to know about us--and loves us still.
  • Sometimes life tests our trust in Christ's mercy, justice, and judgment in His liberating invitation to allow His Atonement to heal us as we forgive others and ourselves.
  • Life is not as cruel as it can sometimes seem.
  • With God, there is no point of no return.
Patrick Kearon -Refuge from the Storm
  • The Savior knows how it feels to be a refugee--He was one.
  • We must be careful that news of the refugees' plight does not somehow become commonplace when the initial shock wears off and yet the wars continue and the families keep coming.
  • We have found refuge. Let us come out from our safe places and share with them, from our abundance.
  • For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love. 
  • Being a refugee may be a defining moment in the lives of those who are refugees, but being a refugee does not define them. 
  • This moment does not define them, but our response will help define us.
Dallin H. Oaks -Opposition in All Things
  • We progress by making choices.
  • All of us experience various kinds of opposition that test us.
  • Some are very great. some are minor. Some are continuous, and some are mere episodes. None of us is exempt. 
  • Opposition permits us to grow toward what our Heavenly Father would have us become.
Kent F. Richards -The Power of Godliness
  • Temple work is ... of as much benefit to the young and the active, as it is to the aged.
  • Come to the temple. Come often.
Paul V. Johnson -And There Shall Be No more Death
  • Jesus has already cured my [problem], and  yours. ... I will be better.
Jeffrey R. Holland -Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You
  • It is inevitable that after heavenly moments in our lives, we, of necessity, return to earth, so to speak, where sometimes less-than-ideal circumstances again face us.
  • We all have to come down from peak experiences to deal with the regular vicissitudes of life.
  • The great thing about the gospel is we get credit for trying, even if we don't always succeed.
  • We take some solace in the fact that if God were to reward only the perfectly faithful, He wouldn't have much of a distribution list. 
  • The Lord blesses those who want to improve, who accept the need for commandments and try to keep them, who cherish Christlike virtues and strive to the best of their ability to acquire them. If you stumble in that pursuit, so does everyone; the Savior is there to help you keep going. 
  • He will help you get back up. He will help you repent, repair, fix whatever you have to fix, nd keep going. Soon enough you will have the success you seek.
  • We are going to be blessed for our desire to do good, even as we actually strive to be so. 
  • Love is the foundation stone of eternity, and it should be the foundation stone of our daily life.
  • No matter how serious the trial, how deep the distress, how great the affliction, [God] will never desert us. He never has, and He never will. He cannot do it. It is not His character [to do so.] 
  • We may pass through the fiery furnace; we may pass through deep waters; but we shall not be consumed nor overwhelmed. We shall emerge from all these trials and difficulties the better and purer for them.
  • So keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi