Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Would You Help?

We're having our District Manager (DM) visit the store again this week. 
Considering that the DM seems to come into the store nearly weekly....it's hardly something that phases me anymore.
I mean, back when we'd only see the DM like twice a year, it was understandably a cause for panic.
But in this past year or so, when the DM's been dropping by more often. Just for stupid reasons. "You didn't make enough money this past week." "You didn't get enough email signatures." "Your conversion is low." "Just checking in to see if your employees know the new program." Blah blah blah.

It's just....one of those things that isn't....stressful for me anymore?
Because we see the DM often enough that it's like "Oh, Hi, you're here again?" 

But the past month or so the DM has been stopping by in a more....idk 'threatening' isn't the right word. But an intimidating manner because of this and that. 
Which always throws me off guard, especially when the reason is like "Your store isn't up to standard, the store looks messy" blah blah blah.
As often I have customers complimenting how clean our store is compared to other pet stores they've been in.
As well as often our problems aren't in direct relation to us. Like having empty shelves? Often is a Supplier issue, not because we don't have the product.

In any case, this week the DM is coming by again. To check in on our progress of keeping the store nice and looking good and that we're up to standards and whatever else.

Which means that tomorrow (the day before the visit) the Managers are going to go more haywire then they were before. Wanting everything looking squeaky clean and perfect etc etc etc.

And part of this onset paranoia of making the store look cleaner...is getting more of my coworkers to come in early to help out. 

Where do I come in in this?
Well, apparently the Head Manager had asked one of my coworkers like yesterday or the day before if they would come in tomorrow to help prepare for the visit. 
And they'd said no. 

Which isn't surprising. I mean, I don't like coming in on my days off. So I would have probably said no as well.

But today, head manager pulled me aside and was like "I want you to ask soandso if they can come in and help tomorrow. Wear them down. Make them say yes." 

To which I was like. O.o ...why do I have to play monkey in the middle? 

Honestly, my opening coworker and I would have the store pretty dialed in by ourselves without having to bring in a third person.
-But also because if there's more people to help out things get done quicker which leaves me scrounging around for something to entertain me the last couple of hours of work before I go home. 

So I wasn't going to try to hard to convince my coworker to come in tomorrow. 
Because if they didn't...then yay! I would be able to have more to do for longer and be able to stay busy.

At the end of my coworker's shift I just was like. "Hey, would you be able to come in tomorrow morning for a couple of hours? The managers want the place to be squeaky clean and we could really use your help." 
Something like that. 

And surprisingly. My coworker said yes. 
Basically because somewhere in there I was like "You'd only need to stay for three or four hours, not too long but we'd appreciate the help."

But yah! My coworker said yes and agreed to come in tomorrow morning with me and my other opener to help out.

To which, when I went to report to the Head Manager that the coworker was indeed coming in, he was like. O.o HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! They told me no! 

And I was like...'because they like me?'

lol. I dunno. I just asked nicely, probably gave a bit of puppydog eyes, and gave them the option to say no. lol. Plus, stating that the shift would be short probably helped. As I know I'm more willing to come in and work a short shift if needed than a longer shift. 

Hopefully tomorrow goes well in cleaning....
And that I don't end up bored out of my mind once the other two leave. *exhales* 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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