Sunday, September 10, 2017

How to Leave

Event parking is always quite the experience. 
Especially when you're trying to leave the parking lot after the event is over. lol.

Today we had a multi-stake conference, and our meeting spot was in the basketball gym of the local college campus. (cus it can hold thousands of people) 

And it's always interesting to see how well the parking lots can empty out after the events.
Like there are some where I'm out and free on the road within a couple of minutes. (especially if I get a good parking spot)
While in's half an hour to an hour before I'm able to move and leave. 

Because if people know how to take turns and merge and such, the flow of traffic goes pretty well.
But if people are just in a hurry to be the first ones out...that's when the traffic jams start and when you end up sitting in your car for a while.

So while I don't often like going to activities that hold a ton of people. 
I do always find it interesting to people watch. And see how the aftermath of trying to leave is handled.

Today....was one of those longer waits out of the parking lot.
Like I'd found a pretty good spot to park and such, but the cars were doing more of a "every man for himself" and "may the best man win" sort of behavior. 
So there were long waits in certain sections of the parking lot where cars just sat there for ten or so minutes unmoving because one line wouldn't take turns with the other lines letting cars in.
Lol it also didn't help that the pedestrians would often block the intersections so that cars couldn't go when the light was green. *shakes head*

Lucky me, I was expecting to kinda just sit there.
So I was patient in waiting for a good opportunity to join the line and escape. 

Thankfully the event before hand was well worth the delay afterwards lol. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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