Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Sickness Prevention

Do you ever wonder if we have certain issues to prevent us from getting other issues?

Like...I'm not one known for getting sick. 
I have coworkers and friends and roomies who will often not go to class, or call out of work because they aren't feeling well. 
And it often boggles my mind that they will skip out on school/work in order to stay in bed and recover.

lol like I've mentioned before, I'm rather stubborn, so even if I'm not feeling well....responsibility usually ends up chasing me out of bed to go to school (when I was in school) or to work, even if I probably should have stayed home in bed. 
Mostly because when I get's usually just an annoying head cold. Nothing I can't work around. 

But others actually do get rather sick. Beyond the colds and such. Things that have them laid out in bed for days at a time.

While me...I haven't really had that?
And I've been wondering why that is the case. Why do I not get as sick as other people around me?

And I'm it because I get more headaches then everyone else around me?

I mean, I'm probably known for being the person who 'has a headache' more often than not. 
*shakes head* It's not something I like dealing with. Because headaches are tedious and annoying and can knock me out for quite a while especially when said aching head tends to go nuclear leaving me unrested, sore, and just weak feeling in general.

But I've been wondering the past couple of days...
Is getting a headache my version of getting sick?
Like is getting a headache my body's way of preventing myself from getting seriously sick?
Because having a headache usually requires me to lay down, relax, and not do anything. 
And most of the time people get sick because they've run themselves ragged and the body cries out for rest and time to get their energy levels back to full.

So is getting constant headaches my body's way of keeping me healthier? So even though I might get knocked out for the count for the evening, it's not for days on end like other illnesses would? 

It's hard to say for sure.
But it's an interesting different take on why I get them so often. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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