Saturday, November 18, 2017


I'm rather good at procrastinating.

I've basically managed to figure out how long something will take.
And then will avoid doing that thing until the last possible moment.

So packing for a trip? Simple. It takes so much time, therefore I only need to pack the morning of.
Cleaning my room for a cleaning check? Yah, done it enough that I know how long it takes, therefore. Start at 11pm the night before. 

The thing about procrastination though...
Is that it often brings about a lot of stress for me.
Because if I know about it far enough in advance.
Then the knowledge that I need to be doing the thing is constantly weighing on the back of my mind. 

Which brings about a tug of war. 
Of wanting to get the thing done now.
And the knowledge that I can wait and get it done later. 

Which honestly.
In this case.
I could have prepared much earlier than this.

Because tomorrow.
I'm giving a talk in church.

I've known about it since like...Tuesday?

But have I started writing it yet?

I have a million ideas swirling in my head.
Trying to think of the best way to write it all out. 
How to get everything contained in a way will be interesting, helpful...and most of all...short enough that I won't go over the time limit set to me.

And considering I'm a Brevity isn't always my forte.
Especially when I manage to get a serious thought going.

Honestly I should have started working on my talk last night.
I should have started working on it this morning.

When am I going to work on it?
Well, hopefully when I get home from work tonight.
Because tomorrow morning....that's when I need to give it.

Go stand up in front of a bunch of strangers and try to well....inspire them for ten minutes. 

Guess we'll see how this all goes when I get back from my shift. lol. 

Until you next read these words; 
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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