Thursday, July 26, 2018

Discovering a Movie

So there I was.
Scrolling through Netflix.
Looking for something to watch.

When I paused on this semi interesting looking show called the Guardian Brothers.

Which from what I could gather was a show about two spirit guardians who come into the real world to help a soup shop that is being threatened by competition. 

So was a random enough concept that I wanted to check it out.

But I figured...why just 'enjoy' this potential disaster movie by myself?

So I darted up the stairs to find my roomies and ask them if they wanted to watch "a potentially stupid movie." 

Because I'd never seen the movie before...I had no idea if it would be good or bad.
But the movie art looked a like a style that my roomies had enjoyed watching in other Asian anime/cartoon films.

So I figured why not invite them. 

The Result?

The movie is very difficult to watch in English. 
Mostly because a) the mouth movements weren't matching the words (which is understandable with a dubbing) but b) There was so much Talking!!

So much chatter. The characters were constantly making noise of some sort. And they were basically 'telling' the watcher the story. Being over wordy. And making it difficult to enjoy the beauty of the movie itself. Enjoy the music.

Because they were talking through the entire thing. *shakes head*
It was too much.

Like it felt like whoever dubbed it, thought that the viewer wouldn't understand anything. In the movie and so felt the need to explain everything and add in unnecessary exposition. 

Basically. It was painful to watch.

We stopped the movie.
Went online.
And found the original Chinese version with English Subs to watch.

It was so. much. better.

Like a lot of missing elements in the story became clear, scenes that had been cut out in the English version helped to guide the story so it flowed. 
And the talking?
There was hardly any of that. 
The Dialogue had been cut by like 95% it felt like. -which is why the mouth movements didn't match up. Because a) they were trying to have the characters say a lot and b) were constantly having them talk when their faces weren't shown on the screen. *shakes head* 
And it made the movie better. We could enjoy the beautiful imagery, listen to the music and gain details of the story from what little dialogue there still was. 

Basically the overall consensus was....
That whoever decided to dub the movie was fearful that the audience wouldn't get the story. Would be bored with the parts that were just music. That they'd fail to understand the cultural significances of certain events if they weren't explained.

*shakes head*
The Dubber really should have just let the movie be. 
Because so much of the story was lost in the barrage of speak that was easily explained in some meaningful music, a couple of gestures and a word or two. 

Give the viewer credit.
Let them figure things out on their own. They can infer a lot without needing to be told. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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