Monday, July 30, 2018

Odd Injured Circumstances

So earlier this month we had a guinea pig that was returned to us because the front leg was swollen and the guinea pig wasn't using it. He was just holding it up against his chest and such.

Which with how it wasn't really moving and reacting....
We kinda figured that it was broken (but hoped that it wasn't) 

The Vet confirmed that it was after some x-rays. 
And unfortunately it was bad enough that amputation was necessary. 

The odd thing was....
Was that the customer had returned the guinea pig stating that it had been that way since they'd bought him.

Which. O.o
I would have hoped that my coworkers would have noticed such a thing...
Because we actively avoid selling sick or injured creatures. 

So I kinda leaned towards something having happened at home, and the customer didn't want to admit to it. 

Until I came into work this morning.
Because as I was filling up the food and water dishes I noticed that one of the guinea pigs on the floor had crammed himself inside of one of our hayballs that we put...well hay into and was hanging out.
Which I couldn't let him stay there because a) I needed to fill up that hayball and b) customers would be concerned he was stuck. (he wasn't) 

But when I dumped him out of the hayball….

I noticed he wasn't moving quite right.
So I pulled him closer to be able to see his legs and such.
And saw that the guinea pig was holding one of his legs close to his chest...and wasn't using it.

-It was a front leg, but the right instead of the left this time.

But I'm like. O.o 

What are the odds?
What are the odds of having two guinea pigs within the space of a month end up with basically the same injury?

Like....had a coworker or a customer dropped this guinea pig and injured it?'s possible, but seems weird to have someone make the same mistake twice.

Which then leaves the question of....
Is there something in the cage causing the injury?

Or someone? 
Like is it another guinea pig injuring his buddies? Because I think there were one or two guinea pigs still in the cage that had been there when the first one had been sold.
But it's such a weird injury. 
Like at the elbow of the guinea pig.

With no visible wounds or scabbing.
Which...if it was another guinea pig breaking the legs...I would think there would be missing fur or bite marks or something.

In any case....
Hopefully the vet comes back with better news this time on the leg, so that this one too doesn't need to end up amputated. :S 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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