Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Come With Me

It seemed like a simple thing.
Where I was looking at Pokémon Go and noticed that there was an Ivysaur at the nearby park.
Nearby being like a two minute walk maybe?
So easy peasy to go and get.

But I figured I would check in with Kikay and see if she wanted to come with me.
I mean we all already have Ivysaurs and such, but at the same time you hardly ever see them in this evolved state and I was in the mood for a small adventure. 

Peering into Kikay's room it appeared that she was busy and so I wasn't surprised when she declined to go with me. 

However I'd barely reached the front door when she was like "Wait I'm coming!"

It was like whiplash really the sudden change in plan as it had only been like 10 seconds since she declined.

But her reason for going was that she'd gotten the strong impression that she needed to come with me.

Again like the park was maybe 2 minutes away and the sun hadn't yet set.
So there was light and such.
Plus like...who would be out by the park?
I hadn't expected any trouble.


As us roomies (as we ended up having a roommate walk over to the park lol) were heading over.

These two guys happened to be coming from the opposite direction.

Which was an interesting coincidence.
Because like. What are the odds that someone would be walking towards the same park that we were at the same time I meant to go walking?

I mean the guys totally ignored us (like guys tend to do) 

But it did get the gears in my head turning.
Like was this why Kikay felt the need to join me?
Because I would have been by myself at the park at the same time those guys walked by.
Could something have happened to me if I had been by myself?

It's hard to know for sure.

I mean people were out and about.
And the guys didn't even stop at the park, they kept walking up the street.

But still I wonder....if we just avoided something....

I'll probably never know.
But at least we're all home safe and with our pokemon lol. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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