Friday, June 28, 2019


It's something I've been secretly stressing about for like over a month now.
Since my last dentist appointment.

But I haven't talked about with anyone because well....people have freaked out when I brought up teeth issues in the past and I didn't want a repeat experience of that stress filled roller coaster.

So I've kept it rather quiet.
Not saying much beyond that I needed to go to the dentist to get a couple of fillings fixed.

As fillings are safe territory.
And true. 
I did have to get a couple of fillings fixed.

But I also....needed to get a crown on one of my teeth.
As a filling there has gotten large enough that the dentist worried it could crack the tooth and cause a need for a root canal or whatever and that a crown would help prevent that from happening. 

Since that's slightly more....well more than getting a filling.
I haven't told anyone about it. 
Because again, I didn't want them freaking out.

Didn't stop me from freaking out because I've never had to get a crown before. 
And when I went into the dentist this morning to get the crown.
They had me sign these forms.
You know the "in case any of these majorly wrong things went wrong you can't sue us you agreed to these risks" sort of forms.


Yah that doesn't stress me out at all.

So needless to say.
I was pretty tense throughout the entire thing.

Though the procedure itself went well. 
Once the numbing went away my mouth ached like crazy.

>_< which is normal unfortunately. As whatever the dentist does with his numbing needle...always leaves my jaw sore for a couple of days afterwards.
And the dentist had to numb me like seven times because the tooth where he needed to work wouldn't go numb. 
I think my nerves are wired differently as this too is an issue I get...especially when it's always the right side of my jaw that seems to have issues with the numbing. 

And the dentist being "Your tooth is weaker right now so don't chew on chewy things or hard things for two weeks" is also stressful. 
-Because I have to wait for the crown to actually you know...come in...they just did the prework and took molds and whatever. 
So two more weeks on being careful with chewing.

But at least. When all is said and done.
The tooth itself feels fine. 
So I'm not expecting any major issues with the know besides it not fitting properly so I'm going to be very careful about that. 

But yah.
I'm glad the major stressor of the past month is finally over with. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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