Monday, June 3, 2019

Writing Woes

Writing can be such a frustrating thing.
Like, when I'm blogging, I don't usually have to think much over the words.
So posts can go pretty quickly and I feel like I'm a fast amazing writer.

But when it comes to writing for stories?
It feels like I'm a snail, moving so slowly that I can be stuck on the same line for hours, if not days.
It takes hours to write a paragraph. Takes days to finish a chapter if the scene I'm working on is being particularly difficult. 

Today was one of those days.
Well, really the past couple of days has been 'one of those' days where I've worked in multiple fics, and yet progress has been practically non existant. Maybe a page here. A line there.

And hours upon hours....of time spent....just trying to find the right words. The right way to portray the scene.

I know I can write faster.
This blog post shows I can write faster.

I just need to stop trying to be such a perfectionist in getting the story to flow right...and you know, just let loose. Write without thinking too much about it. 

….it's just hard some days. 
Most days.

It's definitely hard. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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