Congratulations to me. :) I'm more awake for part two of the Conference Highlights.
So this time while highlighting quotes and things. I'll probably add in my own thoughts as well. :)
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
-Don't wait for a giant miracle, take small baby steps instead.
Basically, it was a 'go and do' statement. Don't just sit there waiting for things to go right in a flash of blinding light. Instead act. Go searching for the miracle, take the steps that will set up the situation where a miracle can occur.
-It would be wise to turn down the volume on worldly noise.
We're often too connected to the world through electronic devices so that our world is hardly ever silent. Take the time to enjoy the quiet and get in touch with the spiritual volume that is much quieter then the world's noise, however its more soothing as well.
-Hearken unto the promptings of the spirit and then be eager to follow them.
I have a problem with this...getting the prompting to go and do something, and then I talk myself out of following it because I have other needs that I think are more pressing, so if i do follow the prompting its usually with reluctance, or when I feel there aren't pressing needs upon me to be somewhere else.
-Study out your problem first, then ask for guidance.
Look at your problem from all angles. Look at the pros and cons and have a decision in your mind then ask the Lord to see if this is a good decision or if there should be something that should change first.
-The voice of wisdom can come from trusted family and friends.
-Don't think only of yourself, you might miss a powerful experience that can help out others as well as yourself.
-By helping answer someone else's prayer you can also get your prayer answered.
-Don't only open your mouths but also use your hands to pass God's message to others. But also spread God's message at the appropriate moment and time so that it will be more widely accepted.
Elder Paul V. Johnson
-No pain or trial that we experience is wasted. It will build us up, strengthen us and open our hearts if we stay faithful.
-You won't be the same (after a trial) you will become stronger (if you keep the right attitude)
-In order to see the view you must also make the climb.
You can't rely on others for forever to tell you what they see. At some point you need to go and do. climb the mountain so you yourself can see the view.
-A particular challenge prepares us for something important that will happen in the future.
-Put your trust in God during your trials and he will support you.
Elder H. David Burton
-Help people help themselves learn the principles of self reliance.
-Distinguish between your needs and wants and move forward accordingly.
-Fly to the relief of a stranger.
Look out for others.
Sister Silvia H. Allred
-Reach out to others so that they might be strengthened.
Elder David A. Bednar
-The spirit of revelation is available to every person who was baptized and received the holy ghost.
-Shun the tools of the adversary because these tools make it hard for the soft spirit of revelation to be heard.
-God doesn't need to send an angel to give us revelation, instead he will send the Spirit to give us comfort and purge our doubts and fears over time.
-You are normal in receiving Revelation, just keep pressing onward steadfast in faith.
-We can receive revelation without recognizing exactly when we received that revelation.
I liked Elder Bednar's talk. He used two analogies within the talk.
One of walking into a dark room and flipping on the light and light suddenly coming into being.
And the other was the gradual almost imperceptible light of the rising sun how you don't notice at first that the dark is fading into light.
He used these two metaphors to show the two different types of revelations we can receive.
We can receive it all at once. (Turning on the light)
Or gradually over time. (The rising sun)
President Thomas S. Monson
-Temples are more then stone and mortar.
-Most of us don't have to suffer great hardships to go to the temple. So set aside the time to visit the temple regularly.
-Always have the temple in your sights. Have a picture of a temple in every room of the house.
-"I wanted their feet on the shovel"
(He was referring to the ground breaking of the Rome, Italy temple -my favorite temple that hasn't been built yet.) I think this statement could also refer to the thought of "I want you also to be involved in the work of building my kingdom."
Elder Richard G. Scott
-Express love and gratitude often and in many different ways to your spouse or loved ones.
-Righteous love is the foundation of a successful marriage.
-Cause good traits to flower for your spouse and children.
-Marriage is a good setting to overcome selfishness.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
-He that can't bear divine chastisement isn't worthy of God's kingdom.
Divine Chastisement can come for 3 reasons.
1. To call us to Repentance.
2. To refine and sanctify us.
3. To redirect our path
-Don't resent the things that help us put on the divine nature of god.
-If you're in a position to correct people for their betterment, and you refuse to do're being selfish.
-Much of our chastisement should come from within ourselves. We should learn to be self correcting. (in a non-detrimental type of way)
Elder Carl B. Pratt
-The lord remembers those who pay tithing faithfully
-You can pay tithing for being blessed with a good life during a time of struggle.
This was from a story where a father had earned 100 pesos in a time where money was scarce and bartering was common. The wife decided that since they had been able to survive during this time of trouble off of their animals and gardens that they would give the 100 pesos as tithing in gratitude for how well they were doing. A while later after the Father took a job to guide a wealthy man on a trip to the mountains he was given a bag of coins basically as a 'tip.' Those coins totalled up to exactly 100 pesos.
-Pay tithing regardless of poor finances, that is when we are being tested in our faith.
-Don't delay in paying your tithing. Pay it ASAP, its easier that way.
-Paying your tithing is a matter of having faith in the Lord.
-Just because you pay your tithing with money, that doesn't mean you'll always be blessed in return with money. But you will be blessed in other ways. The Lord's richest blessings are spiritual
Elder Lynn G. Robbins
-Be begets Do.
-Discipline should not be done in anger.
-Ask the child what they learned from their mistake.
-If you punish with the sword, it only focuses on punishing the behavior.
-Never let failure progress from an action to an identity.
I'll admit....this talk went over my head. I'm planning on reading it again when I get the chance because the topic...was a little confusing it was "Be begets Do" and that somehow tied in with 'how to discipline your child' in a good way.
Elder Benjamin De Hoyos
-Set aside the time to rescue those who have been alienated.
Elder C. Scott Grow
-Never give up on your children.
-The atonement is always available.
-He heals the innocent who suffer because of the bad choices of others.
-Seek forgiveness from those who have wronged. Forgive others for wrongs done to you, Forgive yourself."
Elder Jeffery R. Holland
His talk was on how and why the people chosen to speak at conference give the talks they do.
-With rare exception no one here is assigned a topic.
-Earnestly seek the Lord's direction.
-There will be something in this conference for everyone.
-The Church is not a fast food outlet. You can't always have it your way.
The church isn't easy, you'll have to work, not just ride on people's coattails the whole way.
-Most of the audience listening in to the talks....(some talks dealing with specific topics like pornography, adultery, addictions, etc) not have to apply the warning calls that are meant for the few. Most of us are really good.
-One way or another God will have his voice heard.
-Do not let anything get you down.
-We will lighten your load anyway we can.
(Talking to President Monson and how the members of the church love him and want to help him in anyway possible.) This can also apply to our view points of others. If you see someone struggling help lighten their load. In return they will also lighten your load in some way, sometime in the future, in unexpected ways.
President Thomas S. Monson
-Our Heavenly Father is mindful of us.
-Be an example of honesty and integrity wherever you go.
And those are the highlights of thoughts I had from conference today. :)
To hear/read the full talks and to gain your own insights please visit:
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves!
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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