Monday, April 4, 2011

Water for the Leaves

I had the opportunity to do something different.
Take a chance.
and get slightly messy.

What was this opportunity?
I was able to water the house plants.
I did it as a favor to my sister.
But it ended up being a moment of laughs for both of us.
well.....I had trouble getting the water to the plants. ;)

It first started with the cup. It was just a regular coffee mug.
And apparently...when your lips aren't sipping the liquid....
and you're just pouring it out.
The water tends to large amounts.

Now...somebody less stubborn then me....
probably would have switched to a different cup.
Once they realized that it would drip every time the cup when horizontal.
Not me.
I wanted to see if I could pour the water onto the soil without spilling it elsewhere.

Needless to say.....I didn't succeed.
But my sister an I got a good laugh out of it. :)
Especially at one point where I tried to water a plant from above.
And the water just bounced off the leaves of the plant and poured....
yep everywhere except where I wanted to go. The soil.

So what was the lesson learned here?
I have to be careful how and where I give water to my plants.

It almost seems like there should be a gospel principle in there somewhere.

You have a cup....that's not perfect, but you think that it will do the task needed just fine.
However, the inadequate for doing this task it wasn't made for doing.
Perhaps if I was watering a big area of dirt instead of a bunch of small pots...the cup would have worked just fine.
But a cup specifically a meant for people. Where our lips can soak up the liquid and barely let a drop escape.
It also doesn't help to try and water plants with a wide brim mouth....when the areas where you can reach the soil....are rather small. With leaves covering alot of the soil its hard to find the right spot to drip the liquid in without some of it catching on the leaves and...spilling elsewhere besides the soil.
It definitely doesn't work to just pour from overhead. The leaves will catch it all and direct your precious liquid elsewhere.
Instead you need to go to the side with a cup that can water plants without spilling in order to saturate the dry soil with moisture so the plant will continue to grow.

So what is the gospel principle?
There is a way, a time and a place to accomplish your task. :)
The way....using the right cup
The fast you pour the liquid
A place....where you decide to pour the liquid.

I don't know....i want to relate this ideal to
preaching the gospel
to doing community service
to growing a testimony
To being open to others aid.

Things like that....
Yet I'm not sure how to explain it. :)
Oh well ^^
Perhaps this was just meant to be a simple blog post about giving plants water.
And how....
difficult it can be to do so if its not done 'right' ;) lol.
Ha. At least I went into the task with the right mindset.
so that when the water spilt everywhere instead of getting frustrated.
I started laughing because it was funny and it helped to cheer up my sister. :)
That's where it counts I think.
Being able to make other people laugh even if something goes wrong.
That means...something actually went right. :)
Just not where you were expecting it to be.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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