Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Spat between Techno Gizmos


Today, I had my uncle -an Awesome guy- drop by to help me set up a wireless router...modem? that I could have access to the Internet on my own computer again.
You see my place doesn't have wireless, so I had been using the cable kind of Internet since it was provided.
Only I ran into a slight...snag.
I ended up dropping my laptop (on accident!)
A time too many...
and the connection between computer and longer worked :(
But I was saved from having to buy anything for a month or two..maybe three
because somebody in my area had an unsecured network that I could hook up on.
Though the connection wasn't always the best, I could get by using it on most days.
Until the end of the semester happened....
And well...the end of my unsecured network happened as well.
This network disappeared.
And my computer was left internetless.
So I've been borrowing my sister's computer. that all the pressure of school was off of me.
I decided it was about time to do something about my computer problem
And luckily this guy gave us a wireless router for i decided to try and set it up... didn't work.
So then I called in the big guns.
Yep. The Uncle.
He tried out the 'free' wireless router....and well it didnt' work. It wasn't broadcasting.
So I ended up going to the local store to buy me some wireless.
And the set up process ended up taking...about 2..3...hours.
Why? silly computer wouldn't recognize that there was wireless Internet in the apartment.
My uncle tried all sorts of things.
And nada.
So we finally ended up calling the other guns...the customer service people.
And we found a solution!
Because of the type of Windows system I have....
The wireless box I bought...has a bit of a tiff with this windows system.
So instead of having the little doodad on 'Auto.'
to get windows to recognize that I can use this wireless...we have to set it to a channel.
Because my Windows system doesn't like computer modems set to Autopilot apparently lol.
It would rather have somebody with a personality. A channel, and not just one of those 'everyday communications' all the other technogizmos have.
I guess the computer is like the owner.
It likes to be unique lol :)

Needless to say. Switching to a different channel worked!
After hours of frustration and me being half terrified my uncle was going to throw my laptop across the room...
It works! And I now can use my own laptop again! :D lol.

All in all. I am so grateful to have an uncle in the area who is computer savvy. :) He's come to my rescue more then once when I've had problems with the computer.
Especially since whenever the family has a computer tends to take ALOT longer then expected.
I'm grateful he's willing to put up with the different random spazz outs that happen with the techno stuff.
Because it makes my life much easier...even if his life gets a bit annoying for a couple of hours.

Until you next see these words;
I"ll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I woke up today surprisingly with Chemistry. Chemistry. Chemistry. Chemistry
Running through my head and my mind focused on the left side of my back along the spine.
Its rather odd....since usually Anatomy's on the brain.
But this time its Chemistry.
I really wish I could remember what I had been dreaming about to make me think of Chemistry as I awoke, because maybe it influences the Anatomy montage as well. :)


1 comment:

  1. I am also fairly decent with a computer. If you should ever need anyone closer to work with any spasmatic computer problems :)
