Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Last Yellow Rose

I was on a quest.
A quest for something rare
And what was this rarity?
A yellow rose.
I had gone to the store, thinking that they would be there....
But it wasn't.
No yellow rose was to be found.
So I went to the next place I could think of. The farmer. He would have a yellow rose for me.
No. There were no roses to be had.
Still, I went searching because I had to have a yellow rose.
So I got out the phone book and found all the numbers I could. Contacted each and every one of them and...
No such luck.
There didn't seem to be any yellows roses to be had.
They had the red ones the purple ones, the orange ones, the multicolored ones.
But no yellow roses. :(
Somehow or another...I ended up at the Library.
Doing research you know.
I went through book after book after book.
And I finally found the answer!
Apparently this now very rare yellow rose...
Well the last one was somewhere in Africa.
And I thought to myself.
Yes. I better go now and get that rose before someone else snatches it.
Or else all my plans would be ruined!
So I hopped on a plane to south Africa.
Gathered a few locals with a huge chunk of my life savings and bought a few supplies.
And then the twenty of us.
Set out into the jungles of Africa. Searching for this illusive yellow rose.
Luckily we had a map with us so we couldn't get to lost.
But we searched and searched with no yellow rose appearing.
Eventually we stopped to get a sense of direction to figure out if we should head left or right....
And that....was a mistake.
Because out of the underbrush. A giant python came a slithering.
It wound itself about one of the group....squeezed him dead and drug him into the forest.
I'm pretty sure the snake swallowed him whole. :S
And I mean clothes, skin, bones and all. It was whole. One bite.
We tried not to think too much about our group suddenly down to 19 people.
After all we were on a quest. Tragedy is expected in the jungles of Africa.
Eventually we encountered a ravine too wide to jump across. And with a river rushing below climbing down wasn't an option.
But we were lucky.
For a tree had happened to fall across the ravine. Making the perfect bridge. :)
However...:S it apparently hadn't been too stable.
For...as the last four members of our expedition began to cross.
The tree began to wobble and tilt..and broke away from the side of the ravine tossing itself and the four members into the rushing river below.
Needless to say...their story was now ended. :(
Now I was getting slightly worried. After all we were now down to 15 people in my little expedition group.
And the responsibility for getting me, the yellow rose, and the rest of the group out alive...seemed heavy on my shoulders. It only took a little convincing for me to get the group moving again, searching, hunting for this yellow rose.
Still...it was rather hard to keep us all together.
When at one point we heard this growl then a roar! Suddenly a tiger pounced out of the bushes.
We of course all scattered in different directions running like chickens with our heads cut off.
Still. It wasn't enough and with a few carefully place claw marks....we were down to 14.
It took a whole lot more convincing and bribery to get my expedition to still follow me. 
The yellow rose was out there after all, and we weren't going to quit!
No siree we weren't!
And that was when an Ape of all creatures swooped down upon us as we were winding our way through the trees and took and killed more of our members.
As we traveled deeper and deeper into the forest....
Our group got smaller and smaller...until there were only five of us left. :S
Still we searched on.
Then as we were hacking our way through a particularly dense part of the jungle.
It appeared suddenly in front of us.
Shining in a ray of sunlight.
There it was.
The yellow rose.
I just stared at in awe and I admit I got a little emotional with tears welling up in my eyes.
For behold! I had finally found the yellow rose! I had completed my quest!
I ran over to this last rose and carefully because it was so precious scooped it into my backpack
and made sure it would stay safe so I could get it back to my home in one piece.
Still...remember all that jungle I had to go through the first time?
Well....I had to go back through it.
And as we traveled searching for the airport.
My group went from 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 to me.
For the animals were hungry that day and I was the only one to escape.
That didn't mean I found my way to the airport unscathed.
Oh no, I was sunburned and swollen, cut, bruised, bleeding, sweaty, dirty....basically it wasn't pretty.
But I didn't care. For I had found the yellow rose.
And now I could complete what I had set out to do in the first place when I went to buy a yellow rose.
I flew back home and walked in the door.
And sat at my computer and began to tell a story.
When all of a sudden you popped in!
And with a big grin I turned to you and
handed you:

This yellow rose.

As a token of appreciation and friendship.
Thank you so much for reading my blog.
It brings me joy each and everyday to know my words are being read somewhere. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi

*Note* -Story was creatively modified from a story told by Troy Michael Kotsur for one of my finals. :)
Sooo No, its not mine. But it was fun to tell ^^;;;;

The Dream

My family was heading out on a trip. And we needed to get to the airport terminal.
Well we lugged all our baggage to the terminal...only for my mom to realize she'd gone to the terminal we usually go to by accident.
This time around we had been scheduled for a different airline and different terminal.
So we had to hurry away...to get to the other terminal on time.
Only when we got there....apparently the first terminal we had been at was the right one.
Well...at this point my mom...basically gave up. She threw a tantrum, throwing the tickets on the ground and stating that she just wanted to go back home.

Then through some means or another.
My sister and I ended up sitting in the bed of our pickup truck (my dad's silver one)
We had this random...screen type contraption where it cloud be twisted to lay pretty much flat on top of the bed of the truck, or turned so it was vertical like a sail.
My sister and I were driving (not sure how I was driving with my sister and I both in the back...) but we were driving...kinda being sneaky...perhaps my dad was driving at first. But we were hiding in the back of the truck keeping a lookout for coppers because we weren't supposed to be in the back of the truck.
Anywho it ended up that we were driving back to our 'old' apartment (where my sister and I are currently living) It was a detour because we were making  our way to my friend Jessica's place, I think to drop off the green screen contraption (it was a dark forest green color) at her place.
But first we needed to stop at our 'old' apartment.
I think it wasn't ours at the moment because it was summer and we'd moved back home for the summer or something.
Anywho suddenly i was in the cab of the truck with my sister beside me.
But our cab was filled with a lot of stuff. So much stuff that I was having a hard time reaching the wheel or the brakes.
So parking in the apartment lot was...rather interesting though we didn't crash. :)
We parked and got out  and my sister left for a bit to go do something...check out the place.
And I noticed the gated entrance to the office had been turned into a hamburger/hotdog stand. And there was a party going on. A summer party with lots of people in swimming suits playing around the pool though it seemed to be near sunset.
Anyway I ended up getting in line to grab some food... they had a weird line system going on and I wasn't sure I was actually in the line or not

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

I'm not sure why I dreamt the first part of the dream about the trip.
But the scenes with the car and not being in my apartment...probably represent my brains confusion. lol Usually during this time of the year I move home for the summer and then move back down here for school in the fall. But not this time. Apparently my brain wanted to make that journey/connection anyway.
The food party thing was probably in response to me seeing a sign yesterday or the day before yesterday....recently about a closing social at the clubhouse/office where they were serving hamburgers. I missed out on it, but apparently I had wanted to go so I went in my dreams :)

And that
is why the fox never came home. :)


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