Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Clinging Claws

I feel alot like my zodiac sign.
The crab.
I tend to like how life is at the moment. To hold on very tightly to what I have.
And I have a hard time letting go of things if I'm not ready too.
Or even if I am ready to let go....I keep clinging on anyway.
With the hope that I can make it better, make it work.
So in many ways...I'm glad when things get pulled out of my pincher like claws.
Otherwise...I'd be stuck holding the same thing for forever.
Even if i"m not happy with it or its not good for me.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was on a survivor show...titled Lost.
There were a group of us. Stranded on an island
And we had to complete different games/tasks in order to move forward and get off the island.
It seemed like who ever lost would remained trapped forever on the island.
So we went through many different type of 'mouse maze' things.

But at one point a huge storm was supposed to hit.
So all of us gathered in our two bunkers.
Since there were two different teams.
Only one of the bunkers ended up in trouble.
And there was an old man tall with a beard in charge of the whole thing.

The storm hit us -right after everyone got done doing a water maze, moving from room thingymababber.

And suddenly it was no longer a competition.
We had performed and it was over.
I went down to the front desk and ran into Freddy
And old high school friend of mine.
And he was inquiring whether or not they sold (song name here) and they were like "who?"
And i was like "Oh you mean "Why, by Secondhand serenade?"
And he was like. "No...the band is named that but its a different song."
I felt kind of embarrassed, but said "Oh, well I found Why on Itunes and i bet you can find your song there."
I left then...

because the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


Monday, May 30, 2011

The Facebook Friend Destroyer Plot

I have found the facebook games to be a pretty good distraction for procrastinating things.
Especially if I can only get on them for a limited amount of time.
For example Frontierville (my current game distraction on facebook)
Gives you energy points. Tasks you do around on your land cost one point.
You're limited to a specific amount depending on the level you've reached.
So when that limit is gone...you basically have to go do other things
(or exhaust all other options to get you more energy)
and come back later when the tank has been filled again to do more work.

But there seems to be a major...draw back to doing any of the facebook games.
And that is...
Asking for help.
To complete different tasks or quests.
It seems like every facebook game reaches that point.
Where you get bombarded with quests or parts needed to continue on a level
and it would take forever to get everything yourself...if you could.
So you have to ask your friends to help you complete tasks.

I know this is a good way to get friends addicted to the same game as you....
but its also an awesome way to become really annoying and one of 'those people'
Who post and post and post and post and post
and send request after request after request after request
until you feel like you're buried under game requests.

And I can't help but wonder....why are the facebook game creators doing this?
Is it a way to 'connect' with your friends?
I mean...I hardly interact with any of my facebook friends through other means.
But personally I feel it gets rather tedious
To just communicate because you need something.
Plus I get annoyed.
Yet I have to become my own annoyance
because I have this stubborn desire to 'conquer' the game.
In Frontierville I've been bombarded with quests that I need to complete.
And  unfortunately all the quests that remain uncompleted.....
have me having to ask my facebook friends to send me stuff.
It wouldn't be that big of a deal.
If more people played my game constantly.
That devious facebook bonding thing....would if I had more then four people constantly playing the game, work out great. I could complete the tasks quickly efficiently and I'd hopefully get on top of everything just like that!
But it doesn't happen.
Because I have to get 10-15 of items. Instead of an easier '5' of each item.
Everything also takes longer....
because I'm mindful of becoming an annoyance to those who check out the facebook feeds.
I only ask for threeish items a day to avoid being troublesome.
And getting deleted from friends lists because of a game. Perhaps that is Facebook's goal...to make your friendships more strenous due to obsessions over their games....


Dear Facebook
Why do you insist on forcing me to bug my friends in order to progress through your games?
Can you not just let me be my own introverted self and give me ways to complete your quests
without having to also use my real life cash to get them?
I really dislike having to ask others for help because I'm stubborn enough to want to complete everything myself.
I have a ton of coins in the game earned through doing the tasks. why can't you let me buy my items that way
And keep everything virtual without venturing into the real world?
That way I can enjoy my game in peace, find some entertainment for a while, complete my task with the minimum amount of effort and annoyance, and keep my friends as friends and not a means to get a gain.

I Hope to find your quests less Friend targeted and more Coin target in the future.

Until our next conversation.
I will be trying to complete my tasks with the least amount of bothering to those who also play the games.

-The Frontierville Game Player.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Inner Conflict

I seem to fight the battle alot.
Between being selfish and being well, nonselfish.
Do I put my desires before others, or others before my desires?

It seems like when the idea is mine, the victor of the battle is 'Others'
I can do simple serviceable acts without feeling like I'm doing a service.
Its because I wanted to that the Others when.

But when my plans for the day or the next couple of days are...shifted about. Unexpectedly.
That is when my battle begins.
Do I continue on with my desires for what I wanted to do.
Or do I change my plans to acknowledge the other force that has entered into the equation?
Its hard to tell who will be the victor. Its all a matter or reasoning in my mind.

All in all, I think its all a combination of Guilt and My own selfishness.
Will selfish me win, or will my conscience use the guilt factor with enough force to change the plan?

For example.
This weekend I was supposed to spend up at a rendezvous.
There had already been a plan between my dad and I to drive home today so that he could teach a class in church on emergency preparedness. I had planned to go with him because I didn't like the idea of camping most of the day by myself, though I had rendezvous friends up there, I don't know if I could have managed to be by myself in the rain all day, plus I could get warm! like really warm and not smell like campfire in the end.
But then, I had a visitor show up...rather late for the main part of rendezvous with plans to spend the night and hang out today and check out the rendezvous.
I hadn't known that the visitor would be coming.
I had had my suspicions that they might come up, but I had expected it to be earlier in the day when everything was open and it was sunny and not raining.
It was a surprise, and I was surprised lol.
But selfish me took over the reins first...
And I basically told them my plans and that I hadn't been intending to change them.
(That's the problem with surprises...the surprise might already be doing something else.)
But by the end of the night I'd managed to get Selfish me under control
So that I was willing to spend the day with the visitor today and show them the sites of Rendezvous. :)
After all they made the effort to drive all the way up to where I was, coming a much further distance then others I'd invited who were closer.
I shouldn't just leave them and run back home. See...selfish me wanted the Internet.
And selfish me got the Internet lol.
Except it wasn't by my choice.
I went to bed last night with plans to show my visitor the sights.
It had been raining when we went to bed in our different tents.
But at some point...the rain had turned to snow...
So at 3 am...I awoke to our awning covering the food collapsing under 5 or so inches of slushy snow.
Which meant...our other tents were in trouble. So we spent a good couple of hours helping other people at the rendezvous clear off their tents. (I just held the light) and we chatted by the fire warming our slushy shoes.
But the snow...lol it made the final decision.
The snow was supposed to alternate with the rain for the rest of the weekend, keeping everything damp and cold. My shoes were already soaked and they weren't likely to dry anytime soon.
And my visitor, well...they must be a City Slicker at heart because Slick didn't like the snow and was gone before I reawoke for the day.
Poor Slick, not being able to stay and help poor little me in pack up the camp. I guess I'm not so city breed to not be able to deal with a bit of moisture. lol I actually like the cold ^^
-If you live in my area and are sick of the rain and snow...lol you can blame me :)
;) The weather likes me more since I love cold weather X)
Anyway  my dad and I ended up packing up the whole camp  (instead of just taking ourselves down) because it was supposed to snow some more tonight and we weren't going to do any rendezvous things with no people to come see us in the cold, before coming home.
Where...I got my Internet!
So in this case, my internal conflict got to make the cake, have it, and eat it too :D
I always like those situations where I can fullfill my desire to do what I want to do, and my desire to be there for others. Then I just feel productive :D yay! :)

Until you next

read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There were three of us. myself, a rather crazed girl and a  hagrid looking figure.
I was on a journey where I needed to complete a quest before I could...do something else.
It was important that I do them and do them right.
But I ran across this girl who was obsessed with a picture I had drawn.
She wanted it, needed it.
But I needed it as well to finish a quest, it was the first of three steps and I needed to complete those three steps or the consequences would be drastic. The first involved the drawing the second the knife...and the third has faded from my mind.
So I tried to repossess my picture so I could finish my 'quest'
but she drew a knife on me. (it looks alot like a knife medallion I have but the edge was wavy.)
I didn't really take her knife threat seriously and tried to brush it away to get my drawing.
She sliced at my left arm, but it didn't draw blood.
But I took her threat a little more seriously and I attempted to talk some sense into her.
I explained to her that I just needed the picture for a while longer. Until the end of the week and then she could have it, but I needed it to finish (I explained the complicated ritual) this thing first and then she could have it.
-Hagrid was just a background presence...perhaps the reason why I wanted the picture.
The girl..wasn't willing but I was beginning to talk sense into her.....

*Pause for clearing off of snow*

There were three men in hooded cloaks. They were black grey.
One was older, the other two were previous apprentices of the older one.
(the situation seemed similar to the Ranger's Apprentice books)
And we were after this black shadowman type creature.
We were looking all over this...foresty/cruiseshipcargohold/buildling place.
The three men cornered it for a bit where the horses were, they spotted...an anomaly, but the figure disappeared quickly.
The youngest of the three went chasing after it the older two following with orders to us (a bunch of girls) to keep on the lookout for the thing.
So that's what we did.
We prepared and blocked of entrances to the hollow with trees and such,
but I uncovered a doorway..that was like a portal...not sure where it went,
But when it was uncovered...the thing came out....
But so did the youngest with an arrow already knocked.
He aimed and fired at the thing

and then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away...
having me become myself again.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Extreme Couponing

I tend to like background noise when I'm doing computer things
Just so that I feel productive even though I'm not really being productive...
I feel like I'm accomplishing more.
Well...the past couple of nights....I've stayed up late enough that I tend to just pick a random show and listen/watch it.
The show of this week has been a series called "Extreme Couponing."
And I do have to say....its Extreme.
My mind has been boggled by how much these 'extreme couponers' get away with.
I've watched episodes where people have bought 1,000-2,000 dollars worth of food and ended up paying nothing for it because of their rewards card, coupons, and other coupons.
I have known for forever that couponing can save you some cash,
but wow. I hadn't realized how far it went.
However, there is a downside to this couponing strategy....and that is....time.
It takes soo much effort for the people to pull off stunts like that.
*shakes head*
They compare sales, wait for sales, hold onto coupons until they expire, buy in bulk, add up things, compare other store prices and....wow...it almost seems like a second job.
I think it would be a bit too...heady for me.....stressful, and I'd just make one big headache out of the whole shenanigan.
Still...it is interesting to watch....though I don't understand why the people feel like they need to buy in bulk having 100-500 of the same item...I seriously don't understand the need to be that prepared.
Well I do especially with all the natural disasters. My thoughts on having so many of the same thing....would be how to use it before it expires....
I can see the thrill though, for extreme couponing. The competition to see how much food you can get for as little as possible. The thrill of success probably would be a buzz to my system. :) lol
So perhaps I'll check into this couponing deal and see what happens when I get a coupon thing in the mail again.
In either case. I just have to say Wow for how dedicated those extreme couponers are, they do make the hauls for pennys. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
The wind shall blow for a bit as I journey away from civilization this weekend.
Do not fret if you see no post for the next couple of days. All is well. :)
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a creepy tall blonde guy who was trying to get way familiar with me. more then I wanted.
I tried to avoid him, but he kept following me where I was getting too close.
I finally resorted to sleeping in my parent's bedroom with them and my sister so he couldn't do anything to me.
As an apology...surprise gift of sorts...we ended up in a green fair type resort area. With a water fall in the distance. My dad had my sister and I close our eyes and turn around. When he had us turn back he gave us two horses. He called them a name where for a moment I thought he was going to say "Clydesdale" because that's my sister's favorite horse. Instead I think he used...shetland somewhere in the name of the breed...though they looked like typical horses. Brown, with dark black manes. He introduced them to us as Miss California, and Miss New Jersey.
My sister had Miss California, I had New Jersey, though I ended up just calling my horse Jersey...and my horse turned out to be a male...so I'm not sure why he was referred to as female in the beginning.
Anyway they were 'new' horses, having not ever been ridden before.
And my sister and I used different training tactics to get to be able to ride them.
My sister was...harsher. She kept just jumping on her horses back and was slightly mean to it. (She loves horses in real life...) I think she was in a hurry to prove herself the better rider/sister or something.
I took my training more slow. I would put weights (bags of flour/sand) on Jersey's back to build him up in endurance and get him used to having things on his back.
But at one point I had to cut the training short...and I ended up jumping on his back and riding like the wind down a green stretch...that was no longer green grass. There was construction along this flat between the resorts pools and a natural waterway. Little buildings...kind of like cabins were being built up where rich people could stay. I raced to the edge of the causeway...and was devastated to see that they'd completely ruined the waterfall. They'd blocked it off, used concrete and stuff to make a really stupid looking waterfall all flat and such....
There was the natural waterfall running over rocks and such, but further on down where the big spectacle was...they'd just flattened it off....it was rather saddening to see such a disregard for the natural beauty of a place. :(
I ended up in the water....(I think I was running with my horse to get away from the man in the first part of my dream and jumped off the top of the waterfall into the pool below.)

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again. :)


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I've noticed recently that in describing things I like to use the word "Slightly"
And its started bugging me.
Because I noticed that I use it alot in writing.
To describe small movements and turns that are minuscule, or things that are not quite what they are.
"He turned to me slightly annoyed."
"Its slightly out of place."
I need to find a new word to describe things. :)
Slightly has been used too much recently for me.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I had a bunch of rock balls made of different type of stone.
My sister needed them for some experiment.
Where she was going to basically throw them against each other and see what happens.
I wasn't...too keen on the idea. But I let her have them.
We ended up getting into our van, the whole family.
My crystal balls were placed on the seat next to the sliding door of the van.
And a couple of the crystals ended up rolling off the seat
Against the sliding door.
And they fell into a...hole/crack in between the door.
I tried to grab them back, but I couldn't reach them through the hole.
And they ended up rolling out of the van.
I ended up getting out of the car
And going through this rock shop on many different levels
Picking up different stones that had fallen out of the car.
We finally gathered them all up at the 'reception desk'
Except for one blue/grey shiny stone shaped like a square.
So they substituted a white quartz type stone.
And I ended up needing to buy them all.
It was around.$50 total if I remember correctly
Or maybe it was 30.....
Anyway i was concerned that I wouldn't be able to pay for it all...
And i was debating about whether or not I should pay in Cash or with Debit
I couldn't remember how much I had left in my account, but I couldn't find the Christmas money in my wallet....so my mom told me "just use your card"
So I slipped that out -weird thing was all my cards were backwards and in reverse order.

I was on the beach...it was muddy and I went up to my bedroom...it was a bunk bed.
My mom had cleaned up my room reorganizing my stuffed animals so they were along the wall in a line
My bunk bed had been moved a couple of inches away from the wall so the stuffed animals were on the ground
I reorganized some of the stuffed animals...dunno why....
But I gathered up what I needed
and left

The DayDream

Perry the Platypus...wanted to become human.
So in a cartoon like fashion. And some weird experiments.
He became human dressed in a red shirt, hat, and black pants.
and it was his new undercover disguise to avoid unwanted attention.
But he was having problems keeping his form straight.
Switching back and forth rather quickly while on a mission. 

and then the unholy tones of daylight pulled him away....
And I became myself again.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


For kicks and giggles
I decided to go through my emails,
where I had made notes of blogs of I look at every now and then.
Why? Well....
I had noticed for a while that on the 'homepage' of my blog dashboard.
That there was a 'follower' option, where I could group all the blogs into one area.
And add more blogs as I come across them.
(For those of you who already use this....yes I'm rather slow on the uptake)

Well. I decided to test out this option yesterday.
To see if I had an easier way of seeing if anybody had posted recently on their blogs.
Instead of clicking on my email, finding the message with the link, clicking on the link and waiting for the page to load to see....if anything had been posted.
It worked!
I can now see who has posted recently in a single glance!
And for some reason.
This new ability has made me rather hyper.
I get all excited and smiley, and butterflyie whenever I think about being able to view the blogs all in one spot! :D :D :D
I'm not sure why this concept has me....well I'm trying to not be obsessive about it. lol.
I spent a couple of hours yesterday avidly searching through blogs so I could add them to my list. (Still searching for blogs to follow)
And then started checking the follower thing...constantly.
Because I felt....so powerful. :) Having all those blogs in one place, at my fingertips. Oooh it was exciting!!! XD
It still is exciting for me at the moment  ^^
And it helps me remember.
That even small things can be excitement into a cloudy day. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

One of my neighborhood wardmates that got married recently with red hair.....proposed to me...because in the dream. He wasn't married....


Monday, May 23, 2011

Cookie Mayhem

Ummmm Sarnic?


You've been at this for a while now.....and I was wondering if you were almost done. 

No, not really. Its amazing! I have 14 more bags of chocolate chips to go through!  That's like, 14 double batches!!

I think you can stop now though...You have enough cookies here to feed the town twice over.

No! Never! I need more cookies! More!! MUHAHAHAA!!! XD X)

O.o Sarnic...?

^^;; Just let me finish this batch.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves!
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Me Me Time

There are days when I'm content to be away from people.
I don't mind company, or not having company.
But then there are days where I get home and..I just want to be alone.
I don't want to talk to other people or at least interact with people outside of my apartment.
I'm content just to hang out with the people already there or not there.
And it seems really bothersome to when the thought of someone else showing up comes to mind.
This doesn't happen often.
Yet there are times.
When i just want to be anti-social and not worry about others outside my circle of awareness.
I guess there are days when I just need "me me" time instead of 'me' time or 'me and others time' :)
its a time to recharge and just relax without worrying about other responsibilities.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was getting married. Preparations were basically done, everything had been arranged.
My parents were getting pretty...they weren't excited, but they were happy to have their daughter getting married off.
But I...was having...second thoughts and doubts.
After all. I wasn't wearing a ring, I didn't even remember the proposal.
It just seemed like something my boyfriend and I had agreed to do.
It was getting down to the couple of hours before the wedding.
And my parents came up to me as I was in my wedding dress.
And asked me if I was ready.
I responded in the negative. I didn't think i was ready, I told them I wanted to call off the wedding.
They gave me looks of consternation. "You want to do what? Are you sure?"
I had expected them to give me support in this decision. But this questioning...threw me for a loop.
"yes, no. i don't know!" i responded. I couldn't deal with them. So I turned on my heel and ran off.
my boyfriend found me later...it seemed like a pierred amusement park area where he found me...perhaps near a fountain. It was dark out.
He talked to me and comforted me. And basically told me all the reasons why this was right and why we should do this.
It was rather sweet and heart endearing and I was beginning to convince myself to go along with the wedding, as the next great adventure.

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

On Stranger Tides

Sometimes there are characters.
That just intrigue me.
Where I get really involved in their story line.
Where I look forward to seeing/reading scenes that have them in it.
And it really bugs me....when I don't get the 'resolution'
That I was looking for.
Where I'm not satisfied with how the last scenes of the character plays out.
I want to know more!
And yet I'm not given more >.<
Frankly its annoying.
And no amount of Captain Jack Sparrow will sooth this annoyance.
For it was the missionary plotline that intrigued me.
And idk if the plotline will continue in a fifth movie or not.
So that just leaves me and my creative mind.
To flesh out the 'after movie story' myself.
So I can be content....for the most part. :)
If you haven't seen the newest Pirates of the Caribbean movie yet.
I would recommend you go see it. Its good :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, May 20, 2011

Talk it Out

I've often noticed.
That when I'm not feeling well
Either emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually.
That I tend to feel better after I admit that I have a problem.
That I have a headache.
That I'm not feeling chirpy today.
That I have a writers block.
It seems to help when I tell someone else my problem to improve my mood afterwards.
Perhaps its just a 'release' of stress that someone else knows what is bugging me that makes my problem...better or at least smaller.
Even if I've taken other measures to stop the 'pain'
It helps alot to confide in another.
It helps me to sort out my feelings and reasoning and such.
And I guess calms me down enough.
That the problem...is just a nuisance instead of a problem.
...like a blank mind for writing a blog...was a problem and is no longer a nuisance
because I was able to talk to others (totally off topic from the blog) and just get my thoughts in order from a roundabout route. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hair Tangled Knots

Its always entertaining, those mornings when you can sleep in....never seem to be sleep in filled.
At least when you plan to sleep in that is.
This morning I was awakened to a knock on the door.
Management had come to clean and fix up the empty bedrooms in my apartment.
I don't know why they decided to come so early in the morning...
I think it might be a failing of management ;) to realize summer means sleep :P lol.
Oh they want to get things done in the morning before people show up...
needless to say getting unexpectedly woke up before I wanted to...is never fun.

But they did send me on a different tangent today then I was thinking to go on.
I noticed that my bathroom sink....hasn't been emptying that quickly.
I didn't say anything to the fixer upper crew, they were just focusing on the empty rooms.
But I had a pretty good idea that it clogged with hair....after all...its hard to keep the strands on my head and some fall into the sink.
I was right.
For kicks and giggles I got some tools and started pulling out hair.
It was rather....well disgusting comes to mind.
It almost reminded me of a creepy spider when I looked at it.
Though it looked nothing like a spider.
Perhaps it just looked disturbing. With bits of other things on the strands of hair.
Its actually kind of weird.
Why is it that when we have hair on our head we don't really pay attention to it...it doesn't bug us at all.
But once it falls. A single strand or you come across a clump of hair....like from a sink.
It becomes something undesirable? An inconvenience. Gross. Disturbing. Icky. Something that 'must be gotten rid off quickly?'
perhaps because those hairs are 'no longer part of the whole' we get rid of them.
As a whole hair on the head is awesome and fun.
Separately or in disorganized clods and tangles. Its not whole. Its Chaos.
Perhaps that is why dealing with hair from the sink isn't fun.
Perhaps. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Worm Party?

I was walking in the rain today.
And realized, that I hadn't seen any worms yet.
Out on the sidewalk. Usually they're all over, but this time, the worm fest was....lacking.
But then a few steps later I found a worm by itself on the sidewalk with no other worms near by.
lol and I thought to myself, speaking for the worm: "I'm here to party! ......where'd everybody go?"

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was out in the woods with a couple of other people.
We were tending to a furnace type thing.
Heating up balls....metal balls. with hand holds.
We were being helpful and heating up other people's balls as well.

I turned away going to a fenced area and found that the fire that we had built there had gone out.
That was bad because with the fire out the bear would be more likely to attack.
So I took a super long stick. like a two by four but six feet long with a pointed end that had been in the fire.
I stirred up the ashes and the half burnt pieces of wood.
And luckily the fire started back up.
I turned away to go back to the furnace so that the bear wouldn't get me.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Same Birthday

I met a girl with the same birthday as mine today.
This might have happened in one of my elementary classes.
But I don't recall ever knowing someone with my exact same birthday.
I've had friends and family members with birthdays around mine.
 Or exactly six months apart from mine (which is rather cool  -friend has this)
Never exactly on my birthday though.

It was a sad moment for me.
I felt like a bit of my uniqueness faded away. And I felt more....like everyone else.
Because it hadn't sunk in that someone else could have a birthday on my birthday until that point.

I mean
I do know there are people born on my birthday.
I've come across birthday things where they say:
"This Famous Person has the same birthday as you!"

I've just never Met one in Person before today

And i repeat
It was odd.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves!
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a small baby.
I was being protective of it. It was puny newborn, premature and very pink.
Everyone else didn't think it would live.
They just wanted to get rid of it now.
But I knew it would live.
It just needed a chance.
So I was moving about an old cottage like house with an open attic bedroom.
And I laid on a bed the small baby resting on my chest face down (well its belly was to my belly its head was turned slightly to the side and i could look into its eyes)

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away
And i became myself again


Monday, May 16, 2011

The Passing Hour

Its odd...how quickly time passes by during the summer.
I mean with school...even though I spent a ton of time there...I still felt like I could get alot done after classes even though I didn't have alot of time.
Now though, with summer. Its odd. It feels like daylight is racing by me and I don't get alot accomplished, but I can spend more time focusing on one thing. (unfortunately that one thing is the Internet...I need a different focus lol) I need to be more productive in my time. *Note to self* Be more productive :P lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves!
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

(I think Captain Jack Sparrow...played a part in my dream somewhere...but I can't remember.)
I was in a....downtown type area...not with skyscrapers...it was an urban area...and it seemed like me and my boyfriend were going...or coming out of seeing some concert.
When I saw Nick....an ex-boyfriend of mine. He was rather happy to see me and I was happy to see him because we hadn't seen each other in years (In Real Life. He was a boyfriend from Elementary school...he moved away...and we just lost contact.) And he joined us in our car ride...
Which was rather weird because it was like we were doing a spirit journey. Where we were spirits driving a spirit car....finding our 'real' car.
Yah. I had parked our green car rather diagonally on a snowbank. i wasn't really sure how we were going to get out of that parking job and I wondered to myself why i had chosen to park there in the first place.
Anyway. We drove the spirit car up the snow bank so it could merge with the 'real' car.
- in this part of the dream I thought to myself. "Wow, I saw two old boyfriends today....Taylor and Nick...I wonder how my current boyfriend will react to that."

Then the dream changed.
And I was with a bunch of other girls.
We were on a field trip...but our..bus had broken down?.....idk anyway we were on a field trip.
And we were in this giant...mansion, castle, house thing.
With lots of different levels and staircases and rooms.
We had basically separated our different ways to explore.
I was exploring by myself though I could hear other girls around me...I didn't really see them.
So I was exploring this weird mansion museum house place.
And I kept going down stairs....as I encountered them because I was curious to see where they went and what rooms...or waterways they'd reveal.
-The house had channels and such running through them...and I got the impression that mermaids lived in these channels though I didn't see any mermaids.
I noticed eventually that...even though I was going down...and I was underground, they still had windows, with light shining from them.
I also encountered groups of people as I explored...and when I say encountered, I meant that I saw them in rooms -one group that i later discovered were called the Beta Gamma Alphas or something....I know the middle word was Gamma, I came across were in a dark room playing video games. -I later learned that they had alot of power. (leader power)
Anyway...the longer I explored...I began to hear a girl screaming somewhere...in the distance. It sounded like she was in pain and I eventually found her.
I opened the door to a bathroom.it was pinkish in color...a creamy pink. And in this huge bathtub -it was big enough that three girls could sit in it comfortably.
And there were three girls in this bathtub just sitting in the water.
Two of the girls appeared normal enough. They weren't really doing or saying anything, though the limbs looked.a little webbed...but my attention was focused on the third girl who was further in the back of the three.
She was on her hands...trying to pull her self along. -She just finished another bout of screams when i opened the door. But her legs....They were gone. There was a magic...of some sort that shortened the legs. It seemed like a slow painful process. But her feet...were still there. They were bit things...and looked like oddly shaped hands. long and stringy, but curled in such a way where they reminded me of monkey feet. They were big too. And I was like "What are those?!" and she brought the two feet together. And they formed a tail of sorts. -like a mermaid tail, though the skin was still human pink and scales hadn't covered them yet..and it looked stringy...like the 'teeth' in those...great white whales?' I think they were...the string teeth of some sort of wells...yah her tail looked about the same as that. And in length, from her torso...the tail extended to her where her knees should have been.
I wanted to help her out. But the other two girls didn't need help. They were there to help the fish girl..and hopefully change themselves.
I left the room, slightly freaked out and started working to find an exit so I could leave...or find some help.
I started seeing more people then. I encountered this one room that had a glass wall so i could see in it. There were two parent type people and a young girl swimming in the room...cus it was filled with water. She was being turned into a mermaid as well...the 'parent' figures were observing I think....or there were two people observing the three in the room.

I was really starting to freak out then.
And decided that I shouldn't go any deeper into this weird building. And at that point...some queen like figure...I think she reminded me of the queen of hearts from the cartoon Alice in Wonderland....noticed me...and basically said "There she is! Get her!"
Why? Well...I was wearing this necklace....it was a black key an inch or two long with red stones on it.
And they wanted it. Because it was basically the 'key to the kingdom' and whoever I gave the key to...would become king.
Needless to say, I booked it out of there running up stairs and through rooms and along balconies that weren't very wide and yah...as I was running I encountered this dude...who basically told me that I'd been in this building for two days. Which I found unbelievable. how could i explore a building for two days and not sleep? I didn't even feel sleepy. (magic I suppose.) I left him and continued running....but
I couldn't really find my way out.
(I was hoping to find more of my group...but I coudlnt'...I was under the impression that they all were slowly being turned into Mermaids as they gave in. )
And I didn't want to give in...but I was sick of all these 'kings' chasing me.
Because I had to give the key to a 'king' and they would get the ultimate power of the key.
I tried to hide once...in a dark room behind some metal wheeled thing that wasn't much cover.
Yep. They found me. All these 'king/jack/queen' people (they looked somewhat like the Solitaire kings,queens, and jacks)
But I broke from them and ran up to this middle balcony above everyone.
And as I looked down. I saw this guy dressed in black/red  (he had a black beard...but red hair..green eyes) talking with this other guy that I couldn't see clearly. He had white hair..he reminded me of a nutcracker dressed in gold and white clothes.
Well I pointed to the guy in red. (he seemed to be about my age....the beard was fake (it looked fake)) and gestured to him with my pointer finger to come up to me. He was the same guy who told me I'd been in the house for 2 days which is why I recognized him...and I trusted him because he hadn't tried to get the key from me then.
Confused he let the nutcracker king continue on down the stairs, but he came up the stairs leading to my balcony. I stopped him at the top of the stairs so he was still on them. (he had on a crown that was like a...cap...round with a rounded top and some kind of kingly looking spikes coming off of them)
I jerked the necklace from around my neck (slipped it off) and held out it out to him. The key gripped in my palm with the chain dangling down. "Here its yours." I said.
He was...rather surprised and happy.
He grabbed the chain and pulled.....but my middle finger was 'holding' the chain...and it was bent...so it couldn't really be slipped off. The harder he pulled. The more my hand clenched. I wasn't willing to give it to him though I'd offered it....I wasn't sure I was making the right choice even though I wanted to have people stop chasing me.
He finally stopped pulling. "You don't want to give it to me." he said. and I shook my head.
He was disappointed, but let it go. Instead he became helpful.
"Do you want me to gather all the kings together, so you can make your choice?"
I nodded to this.
He turned to go...then hesitated and turned back to me. "Do you want me to arrange the kings by rank?" he asked. I gave him a blank look in return. "I mean. I'm a king of the fourth rank...you'll probably want to give the key to a king of the first rank so I'll..." he gave up then explaining "I'll just gather them." So he went out of sight down the stairs. But now the room had changed slightly so that I could look down from my middle balcony and see all the different layers of rooms because they opened up in a circle underneath. So I could see all the different kings and their nations gathering around.
I heard the guy's voice saying that they'd conduct business as well during this gathering.
Then he started listing off names. when the king's name...or the nation was called I would see them leave their friends and nation and move to go stand in the area where I'd first called the guy to me to give him the necklace. (I didn't know who the kings were, but magically I would turn to where they were and see them ;) lol as if I knew) At times while he was calling names it would be like "And for such and such a nation so and so is called to represent and become king" yadda yadda. There were a few surprises in the name. I remember a woman being called...which was rare. And such. The different kingdoms were of different nationalities as well. I remember there being a Pacific Island guy called to the kingship. But not much else.

Because as the names were being called
the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

Extra Info.
-I'm pretty sure i was still going to give the key to the guy I first tried to give the key to. So he would have been 'king' of all.

and that,
is why the fox never came home ;)


Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Dream

The Dream

I was on a playground. And there was a swing set, and a...its not called a jungle gym....its the toy. the thing that all the kids climb on with slides and tunnels and such...yah....I'd refer to it as "The Big Toy" or "The New Toy" because those were names I used to refer to the objects on the playground we climbed all over in elementary school.

Anyway. There were little kids running all over the place in the sand and such.
But this junglegymplaytoy thing was different from typical toy.
There was a....moving art...display going on. Where there were all these different multicolored balls about the size of a football...if it were round. And they followed a track around the playground winding in and out of the slides and tunnels.
At one point three of the balls...ended up falling off the track.
And a couple of kids...one of them had dark hair...tanish skin....I don't remember the other....started playing with them.
I went after them and borrowed the three balls for a minute. (after asking nicely)
and after struggling to get the right positioning with the three big balls in my small hands.
I managed to juggle them a couple of times before they fell to the ground.
I didn't attempt to pick them back up again, but just left them to the kids...who were awwing in amazement ;)
I turned around...to see the biggest....wow...it was awesome.
There were monkey bars and ...monkey rings? and the structure was...huge...it seemed to be a story and a half off the ground.
I was on the monkey rings. Swinging on them. (at one point it might have been like I was on a swing)
Anyway. I was swinging and twisting trying to get to a different set of monkey rings, but I didn't think I would make it so I changed my goal and just jumped onto the woodchips...but the landing didn't go that well.
I ended up tearing up my foot... Cutting it pretty deep along the toes (under toes...the part that touches the ground) I sat there in the woodchips and pulled out a few of the pieces some pretty long from my foot.
Then my....uncle Bryan (who is not a nurse) came up to me and helped me with my foot.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

Extra Info.
-The balls....it was because I saw a thing called "Newton's Daydream" where there were balls that followed different tracks and made different sounds depending on where they went.
-The play ground.....I was at the park a while back.  And I had been swinging on the swings and jumped off....lol I landed but ended up rolling into the woodchips. I wasn't hurt, but I did get covered by them.

And that,
Is why the fox never came home. :)


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Insert your own caption

I wanted to say something about this picture...but nothing seemed to do it justice.
So I figured why not make it fun?

Monkey A is the one sitting down.
Monkey B is the one holding onto the two logs

Make up your own dialogue and situation between the two and post it as a comment. :)
It can be long or short. :)
I'm just curious to see what will happen.
Hope you have fun with it! :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Thinker

 I went to the Zoo a while back.
(and blogged about it...heh)
And happened to bring my camera. :)
And I caught this monkey.
In this pose.
And I thought that the monkey looked very contemplative.
Staring at us through the glass.
(when its eyes weren't closed.)
I still wonder. What was he thinking about?
What was the monkey contemplating?
As he was staring out at the visitors to the zoo? I guess it will remain a mystery. :)


Until you next read these words
be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
I was with my dad. We were going into the kitchen. Where my baby sister sat in a highchair eating baby food with a spoon.
But I noticed something red....a red dot on her forehead. And with a steady plop sound. more blood kept coming. My dad and I searched for the source of this dripping in the cupboards and pantry....until finally we could only conclude that it was coming from the room above.
My dad went up there....but he didn't return.
(My mom had been murdered up there. I never saw it, just knew.)

Then i was on the run with my little sibling. Terrified. That we wouldn't make it. That the murderer would catch us.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

The PB&J question

*Post written on May 14 due to Blogger not being available.*

I was up late last night and decided that I was hungry.
So I went for the good old standby.

A Peanut Butter and Jam sandwich.

But my peaceful night was disturbed.
When I had this random thought brought on by me grabbing the PB and the Jam out of their respective containers with a knife.
I wondered....is it worse to have jam in the peanut butter container? or peanut butter in the jam container?

It came to me as I took most of the peanut butter off my knife and dipped it into the jam container.
In my mind...PB is less likely to fall off the knife, especially when not much is left on it then jam. Its less likely to make its presence known in the jam, while jam can leave streaks in the peanut butter.

Is it really that bothersome? Perhaps it is. Perhaps it isn't...after all they both end up smooshed together in the end anyway.
I guess its only bothersome if you use Jam and/or PB for other things besides a sandwich :D lol.
Perhaps that is why some people put jelly on their bread first. Others put peanut butter first.
They are fine mixing one topping in one container. but not the other...because they use the other more for other foods.
Or perhaps this isn't an issue because they aren't as lazy as I am and clean the knife off. :)

I"m sure there are other reasons for why people choose to put PB on before J or J on before PB.
This was just one idea. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves, eating a PB&J
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Late Night Treasure Hunt

I looked out the window, and what did I see?
A bag of candy out there for me.
I went to grab it and turned to see
Another bag of candy on the tree
Beyond the gate was another treat.
Screamed for joy and ran up the street.
Found Sarnic's car and more candy inside.
Wasn't this an interesting ride?

You've found the candy. Shout Hooray!
Hope the sweetness lasts all day.
One more minute
and then you'll see.
Me waiting inside for thee.

I had the opportunity to surprise my friends the other day. They didn't know I was going to be up in their area this week. ...well only one knew. And I coordinated with the one....to surprise the rest of the group lol.
We coordinated to have a movie night and I would show up after everybody else had arrived.
I ended up going the extra mile and planned a bit of a treasure hunt for my friends by texting them lines from the poem above. (Sung to Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree for the first paragraph. You've had a Birthday for the second paragraph)
I figured it would be fun to have a base line to follow (lines from a song) and just creatively go from there :) lol
I actually got the idea from around Christmas time, when I did a similar thing to my friends with the story of "It was the night before Christmas"
But this time...I had candy. :D lol.
I went and bought our favorite chocolate circles.
And led the friends on a marry chase around the neighborhood.
-I almost got caught once. :S Had to duck for cover haha
All intended for one purpose and one purpose only.
To get the friends out of the house and out of sight.
So i could 'ninja' my way inside without them realizing. XD
lol it was exhilarating and alot of fun from both sides. :D
Especially when the friends came pounding inside to greet me :D lol
^^ I hope to do it again soon.
It was fun :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was this spanish boy.
Who rescued me and a sibling from a falling wall.
He had some sort of ability. Where he could 'stick' to objects...like walls. upsidedown.
He saved us.
But my dad..or some male authoritative figure...had a vendetta against him...
for being different.
So i was trying to help him out.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Red Hourglass

Do you ever watch something and think to yourself
"I shouldn't be watching this...it won't turn out good for me."
Well I got that yesterday.
I was bored and scrolling for something to watch on TV.
And I came across this National Geographic Channel....
and the show of the hour was...
About spiders.
Deciding to see what would happen.
I switched to that channel...since nothing else was on.
And they were talking about the Black Widow Spider.
Curious I continued watching.
I learned that the black widows live in every state except Alaska.
They like cool dark climates with alot of moisture to attract insects.
And that they're more abundant in cities then in the surrounding country side.
And they looked huge. They were showing one black widow.
That seemed almost as big as a rat or a mouse. It was huge!
I was fascinated in a disturbed type of way.
But when they showed a black widow, climbing into a sneaker like shoe to hide out...
Well, that became too much for me. I could tell my paranoia was rising.
What if there's a spider in my shoe?! GAH!!
So I switched the channel and left to do something else.
But the thought nagged in the back of the mind.
of where the spider is.
You see, we've had a few black widows around my house before.
I've never really been super close to one.
But....it could happen.
>.< I don't like spiders or snakes...in the sense that I don't like the idea of what they can do. I'm pretty fine with them being around me and such....but if I know that there is the possibility that there is a poisonous spider or snake...out there...outside waiting for me.....well its rather amazing that I venture out into the country side haha. :)
Anywho. Later last night I was getting ready for bed.
I had settled down all nice and comfortable.
And my cat was above me on the headboard basically.
All of a sudden she started moving like she was chasing something.
Now...they're can't really be anything above me...besides bugs....and more specifically spiders.
Well that set my paranoia a running, picturing one of those big black widows that I saw on the TV on the headboard above me and my cat was messing with it and she could get bitten and die....
Yah. I had to turn on the light and laugh at myself when I didn't see anything.
Still...I'm probably going to be wary for a while....lol I hardly ventured into a shed today because I saw all the spiderwebs all over the place.....
And all this paranoia because I watched 7 mins of a show about spiders.
lol *shakes head*
I need to be more careful of what I watch.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

The Avatar gang were on a quest. (Aang, Katara, Sokka and Toph)
The scene opened up showing the middle of a swamp lilies growing everywhere
And these white teepee type houses.
one of the travelers commented as they traveled via a raft with a sail that aang was airbending to move.
That the swamp was actually more populous with people then they'd thought once they got away from the big city or something.
Anyway they arrived to a pretty unfriendly welcome. They weren't wanted the gang to be there.
yet something happened and the gang became heroes.
Apparently there was some...curse or evil person who was transfiguring people into animals.
Aang and Katara got hit with this spell. And they turned into snakes.
Katara was the smaller she was a bluegreen color with a curved knife stone or metal point as the end of her tail (kinda like a rattle on a rattle snake...but it was a weapon like people would use)
I think she was holding it at the time she got transfigured.
Anyway she had to defend herself against Aang (and maybe...Sokka got involved as well.)
She was fighting on this wood program against a red snake (aang) who was bigger and quicker then her.
But some how the battle was won.
And everything seemed to be going really well for everyone
Especially Toph in the city.
Which was now an Earth Kingdom type city.
And Boomee (Aangs friend) was king of the city.
Apparently Toph was his daughter (she didn't know) -Toph now looked and acted like she was about 5 years old or so. She had pretty long hair or a crazy hairstyle that made it seem long.
And Toph was unhappy. Here she had saved the city and her Dad wouldn't let her do anything. He was being over protective or something so she was stuck inside.
She tried to convince her dad that she'd be fine going out on another quest with the gang.
But the father didn't seem to be listening.
Anyway...Toph ends up running away with the gang.
And she leaves with a short haircut though from the back...
I was shown a scene where one segment of hair untucked and seemed to be slightly longer then the rest of her hair before she tucked it back into place.
I'm thinking she was wearing a wig or disguising her hairstyle...which might have given her away.

The Nap Dream

i was in this epic fight. (I don't remember what the fight was)
But the ending scene involved me hanging onto my floating house for dear life.
Trying to steer it with the remaining balloons tight to my house.
I was going into a rather disastrous spin. corkscrewing with the balloons trailing behind the house.
But there was Russel holding all the other balloons.
I angled the house
and basically 'threaded a needle' in the air.
The house went through the hole of string that Russel had made.
The string snapped shut.
And just before hitting the ground...all the other balloons gave it the lift it needed
So I didn't die. :)
Safely on the ground in my backyard.
I went over to climb the maple tree.
When I saw this huge rattle snake snaking its way up to our back porch climbing over the wall and heading for the door.
(It was like 7 feet long and had a long elegance to it where it was big but it looked pretty skinny)
My dad was in the backyard so I told him that there was a rattle snake as I was climbing the tree.
(my vision had gone blurry...black whenever I looked towards the house so I could no longer see the snake)
i heard my sister Kim open the backdoor and i yelled out a warning to her to watch out for the rattlesnake.
I don't think she ever responded...or she didn't see it.
Anyway I was distracted by the cats.
Drifter and Eckli had brought over a small black kitten that was Dove's.
The small thing was sooo cute! It was barely three inches long. It was puny like it was just born puny.
Anyway I ended up taking the cats up to the front yard and letting them into the house through the front door along with my dogs because I didn't want them to get eaten by the rattlesnake that was around.
As I approached the driveway to get to the front door. I noticed that my dad was trying to pull out. He was in a creamy light orange/copper colored car...It looked like the one in my apartment parking lot but that one was yellow. Anyway He was trying to pull out of the driveway. But our family car blocked him from behind. And I think the trailer blocked him from the side.
But there was enough space between the family car and the trailer where my brother's Volkswagon bug should have been parked if he was home that my dad with the help of my mom from the outside was backing out the car through that space. I by passed him backing out the car and opened the front gate to be confronted with my brother's yellow car....except it wasn't the bug, it was a camero type car with a long pointy end that would help it 'go faster' because it cut through the air...it reminded me somewhat of drag race cars as well.
I wasn't sure why he was parked in the front yard and trying to leave...but I continued into my house.
My front room had a bunch of boxes in it like we'd been moving stuff around or doing some 'repair' work of some kind. I ended up playing with the small kitten for a while as well including our house cat. Until they decided to take naps underneath the box flaps.
So I got to my feet and turned around and saw that our front window (its pretty big takes up most of the wall of that side of the house beside the door outside) was covered in cardboard. Like we'd just gotten new windows or something.
i glanced out the glass door to see a maroon...dark red colored van parked in our yard with its back towards the front room windows with a guy that was chubby he had...darker hair....in a window repair uniform nearby.
In the front room with me was my Mom and her Mom...my Grandma.
i asked them what they were doing.
And my mom responded that they were 'proofing' the windows...replacing them so that they would now be scratch resistant to wild animals because apparently a buck came at the window and one of the tips left a big scratch in the glass. This was done as a present to my grandma (apparently we were in her house now though it still looked basically the same as my house....her house didn't have a 'western cabin' theme to it.)
Well I went up to the window and peered out through the wooden blinds. (cardboard became blinds I guess) 
I saw that the windows at least the one to the left closets to the door Had more panels then it used to. And they went horizontal. But the bottom third or so of the window had been 'blocked' with these brownish red colored cinder blocks that were flat and had a flower type design in them. I think past these blocks the window was divided into six or eight little panels while the rest of the window was just normal.
Then in the corner was a big black....old stove type thing. It was black and cylindrical and reminded me of a stove from the pioneers. I did a quick glance down the windows to see that it was basically mirrored on the other side and pulled back letting the blinds fall back into place, not really satisfied with the work that had been done. I turned away

and the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

Extra Info. 
The Dream - I'm not sure how the Avatar characters got into my dream...I haven't really watched the shows recently. But I thought the snake fight was awesome! I think for a brief moment in the dream I became Katara as a snake. 

The Nap Dream
I know that the floating house was taken from the movie UP, though that too I have not seen recently.
(usually things for dreams come from the past day or two...not weeks ago)
The rattlesnake thing...well I was in the backyard today, before my nap, with the cats giving them loving attention. Well....probably from the venomous creature show I watched yesterday...I got a bit anxious that there might be a snake, more specifically a rattle snake in the yard...and if this was true...which it wasn't. it was just a hypothetical situation of what would I do if I turned around and saw a rattlesnake right there...what would I do?
The baby kitten in the dream is in response to me really wanting to find Dove's latest batch of kittens...we're pretty sure she has them...hence why I was looking in the shed earlier. So this was just a fulfillment of me actually finding the kitten! Woot! :D lol.
Not sure why i dreamed the rest of the dream.
My dad cut down the maple tree recently :( so its no longer there Y_Y
My mom's mom has been dead for over half a decade now.....so I'm not sure why I'd dream of her either....

And that,
Is why the fox never came home. :)
