Monday, May 30, 2011

The Facebook Friend Destroyer Plot

I have found the facebook games to be a pretty good distraction for procrastinating things.
Especially if I can only get on them for a limited amount of time.
For example Frontierville (my current game distraction on facebook)
Gives you energy points. Tasks you do around on your land cost one point.
You're limited to a specific amount depending on the level you've reached.
So when that limit is basically have to go do other things
(or exhaust all other options to get you more energy)
and come back later when the tank has been filled again to do more work.

But there seems to be a major...draw back to doing any of the facebook games.
And that is...
Asking for help.
To complete different tasks or quests.
It seems like every facebook game reaches that point.
Where you get bombarded with quests or parts needed to continue on a level
and it would take forever to get everything yourself...if you could.
So you have to ask your friends to help you complete tasks.

I know this is a good way to get friends addicted to the same game as you....
but its also an awesome way to become really annoying and one of 'those people'
Who post and post and post and post and post
and send request after request after request after request
until you feel like you're buried under game requests.

And I can't help but wonder....why are the facebook game creators doing this?
Is it a way to 'connect' with your friends?
I mean...I hardly interact with any of my facebook friends through other means.
But personally I feel it gets rather tedious
To just communicate because you need something.
Plus I get annoyed.
Yet I have to become my own annoyance
because I have this stubborn desire to 'conquer' the game.
In Frontierville I've been bombarded with quests that I need to complete.
And  unfortunately all the quests that remain uncompleted.....
have me having to ask my facebook friends to send me stuff.
It wouldn't be that big of a deal.
If more people played my game constantly.
That devious facebook bonding thing....would if I had more then four people constantly playing the game, work out great. I could complete the tasks quickly efficiently and I'd hopefully get on top of everything just like that!
But it doesn't happen.
Because I have to get 10-15 of items. Instead of an easier '5' of each item.
Everything also takes longer....
because I'm mindful of becoming an annoyance to those who check out the facebook feeds.
I only ask for threeish items a day to avoid being troublesome.
And getting deleted from friends lists because of a game. Perhaps that is Facebook's make your friendships more strenous due to obsessions over their games....


Dear Facebook
Why do you insist on forcing me to bug my friends in order to progress through your games?
Can you not just let me be my own introverted self and give me ways to complete your quests
without having to also use my real life cash to get them?
I really dislike having to ask others for help because I'm stubborn enough to want to complete everything myself.
I have a ton of coins in the game earned through doing the tasks. why can't you let me buy my items that way
And keep everything virtual without venturing into the real world?
That way I can enjoy my game in peace, find some entertainment for a while, complete my task with the minimum amount of effort and annoyance, and keep my friends as friends and not a means to get a gain.

I Hope to find your quests less Friend targeted and more Coin target in the future.

Until our next conversation.
I will be trying to complete my tasks with the least amount of bothering to those who also play the games.

-The Frontierville Game Player.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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