I've often noticed.
That when I'm not feeling well
Either emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually.
That I tend to feel better after I admit that I have a problem.
That I have a headache.
That I'm not feeling chirpy today.
That I have a writers block.
It seems to help when I tell someone else my problem to improve my mood afterwards.
Perhaps its just a 'release' of stress that someone else knows what is bugging me that makes my problem...better or at least smaller.
Even if I've taken other measures to stop the 'pain'
It helps alot to confide in another.
It helps me to sort out my feelings and reasoning and such.
And I guess calms me down enough.
That the problem...is just a nuisance instead of a problem.
...like a blank mind for writing a blog...was a problem and is no longer a nuisance
because I was able to talk to others (totally off topic from the blog) and just get my thoughts in order from a roundabout route. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi