Monday, May 9, 2011

Erasing the Past

Today I went out on another adventure.
To visit.
My old Jr. High School.
Why would I do such a thing?
Well.... contrary to most people's own experiences...I never hated Jr. High. :) I liked it well enough lol.
But I wasn't just going to visit teachers and such. (I talked to only one.)
My goal. Was to check out the school.
You see...It has been remodeled since I went there almost about a decade ago.
And I wanted to see what had been changed, moved around and added.
And there was alot that was different.
like most of the school lol.
Only the second floor seemed almost normal.
The rest....the main office was now where classrooms were, the cafeteria where the gym used to be and things like that.
It was an adventure, and I spent much longer there exploring then I had planned to lol.
('m writing a book....and the school in the book is based on the jr.high so I wanted to see what had changed and how I could work with it. :D)

Still...I find it rather the Jr.High was remodeled.
Because my Elementary school went under a similar change where more area was added to it.
So my Elementary school and jr. High school have been remodeled.
lol I'm waiting for the High school to be remodeled as well.
And I half wonder...
If my schools being changed about, so that very little remains the same....
Is a way to make me, let go of the past.
To not hold onto the old and familiar.
But keep moving forward and growing and such.
*shrugs* its just a thought.
I guess nothing stays the same for forever.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My best friend and I were working to save the world.
Because my best friend...well he was the chosen one.
The one with the power to save the world.
Except he wasn't fully trained yet.
So he and I were at school in a classroom with a bunch of other students sitting in chairs in a circle.
And basically we worked to better his skill.
At telekinesis, disappearing/traveling to other places, and the like.
Only at one point...I almost got hurt because I almost didn't move in time.
We ended up getting into a big fight.
Where he was basically yelling that he was doing his best to save the world.
And I was trying to convince him that this wasn't the way to save the world.
That we needed to do something different.
He didn't believe me.
And we ended up separating....going our own paths...
My goal was to save him and the world.
So I was setting out. A fierce wind blowing, a bag on my shoulders, and storm clouds a gathering

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.

Extra info.
The classroom seemed to be placed in the basement of my elementary school. on the left side across form the library.

And that,
is Why the fox never came home. :)


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