Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Same Birthday

I met a girl with the same birthday as mine today.
This might have happened in one of my elementary classes.
But I don't recall ever knowing someone with my exact same birthday.
I've had friends and family members with birthdays around mine.
 Or exactly six months apart from mine (which is rather cool  -friend has this)
Never exactly on my birthday though.

It was a sad moment for me.
I felt like a bit of my uniqueness faded away. And I felt more....like everyone else.
Because it hadn't sunk in that someone else could have a birthday on my birthday until that point.

I mean
I do know there are people born on my birthday.
I've come across birthday things where they say:
"This Famous Person has the same birthday as you!"

I've just never Met one in Person before today

And i repeat
It was odd.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves!
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a small baby.
I was being protective of it. It was puny newborn, premature and very pink.
Everyone else didn't think it would live.
They just wanted to get rid of it now.
But I knew it would live.
It just needed a chance.
So I was moving about an old cottage like house with an open attic bedroom.
And I laid on a bed the small baby resting on my chest face down (well its belly was to my belly its head was turned slightly to the side and i could look into its eyes)

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away
And i became myself again


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