Thursday, May 12, 2011

The PB&J question

*Post written on May 14 due to Blogger not being available.*

I was up late last night and decided that I was hungry.
So I went for the good old standby.

A Peanut Butter and Jam sandwich.

But my peaceful night was disturbed.
When I had this random thought brought on by me grabbing the PB and the Jam out of their respective containers with a knife.
I it worse to have jam in the peanut butter container? or peanut butter in the jam container?

It came to me as I took most of the peanut butter off my knife and dipped it into the jam container.
In my mind...PB is less likely to fall off the knife, especially when not much is left on it then jam. Its less likely to make its presence known in the jam, while jam can leave streaks in the peanut butter.

Is it really that bothersome? Perhaps it is. Perhaps it isn't...after all they both end up smooshed together in the end anyway.
I guess its only bothersome if you use Jam and/or PB for other things besides a sandwich :D lol.
Perhaps that is why some people put jelly on their bread first. Others put peanut butter first.
They are fine mixing one topping in one container. but not the other...because they use the other more for other foods.
Or perhaps this isn't an issue because they aren't as lazy as I am and clean the knife off. :)

I"m sure there are other reasons for why people choose to put PB on before J or J on before PB.
This was just one idea. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves, eating a PB&J
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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