Happy Halloween Everybody!
I thought I'd celebrate the holiday by trying something I haven't tried before on my blog.
Dun Dun Dun
Putting up a video!
This song has been stuck in my head for about 24 hours now :) lol
I came across this video above while watching a video my brother put up on youtube.
I thought it was awesome.
And the image/music has stayed with me this...very unhalloweeny night/day.
Its odd. This might be the first Halloween where I haven't done anything to celebrate the holiday on the day.
Hey..I wore orange! That's something ;) lol
Yah...its a rather...lame Halloween for me.
No Trick or Treating or nuttin.
I've basically been doing homework since I got home from school today XP bleh. At least the theme is appropriate. Why not study the grisly details of the body for my anatomy midterm while eating candy and listening to Halloween music on Halloween?
Oh man... I hope I don't give myself nightmares by doing this....
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi